1069 - ---"'\ K. W. Me KAY, Thomas, County Clerk R. B Me KENNEY, Warden COUNTY COUNCIL CHAMBER, St. June lth., 1926. Aldborough Dunwich 0.. South wold Yarmouth . Ma'¡ahide 'n Bayham ..... South Dorchester Aylmer .$31102 34720 41260 42553 30010 19415 19250 10074 Dutto Port o.J Springfield Vienna .h.. Ro dney hno West Lorne "ta111ey $248003 3964 6611 1973 1374 2903 2794 Municipality Total Municipality Total SCHEDULE 2. That the sum of Two Hundred and Forty~ejght Thousand and 'Dhree Dollars ,be ,raised and levied in the several Municipalities of the County, according to the foJ1owing Schedule, and that the amOull'ts, as entered there~in be paid to the County Treasurer, as by law required: the t:he Council M uliicipaI Corpora ticn of 1. That a rate of Eight mills on the Dollar be levied County of .Elgin, as above set forth, for the year 1926 to County on all ra'teabIe property in raise the following amounts enacts the severa'l Municipalities in THEREH.FORE of the the of Elgin Bayham South Dor-chester Aylmer 1,259,216 $31,000,374 2,406,201 Southwold Yarmouth Malahide 2,426,864 3,751,283 Vienna Rodney West Lorne 362,931 349,197 171,755 5,319,162 246,578 5,157,514 Springfield Dutton Port Stanley .$ 495,509 826,353 Aldborough Dunwich 4,340,052 ..$3,887,759 MunicipaHty Total Equalized Value MunicipaHty Total Equalized Value AND WHEREAS ,t.he ized in the preceding year AND WHEREAS the assessment of property of the County, as ascertained and equalized n 1925 is as follows AND WHEREAS by the Assessment Act, this Council County purposes shall be levied in each Municipality apportioned on rates are required to be the ba~¡s of the assessment of property as equal~ for Amounts for Rates vVHEREAS an estimate has been made showing that -the sum Three Dollars is required to be raised in the several Municipalities year 1926. BY-LA W No. To Raise County is in required to the County. the sum During the Year of Two Hundred and Forty-eight Thousand and for the lawful purposes of t,he County during the 1069 direct what 1926 portion of to be levied