1073 ~j a--.....-- ~.. .~~ /,-- /\..----z.v-~.:_.-. . . 0/ . . . . . .,. . . ålerk. / st Thoma s Ont November 25th 1926 9(~.~.~ -,' ~ .....<~ . ~ .. . . . . ~ , Warden . . ingly . By-Law No 967 be and is hereby amended aCcord- \; !~ I. 1-/ I):' r ¡'. i IF I;ro t from the first day of Decemþer 1926 and tha t ( Two thousand DOllars) per annum , payable m~nthly be and That the salary is hereby fixed at the sum of the County Road of Superintendent $2000.00 The Elgin County Council enact !:['O ]' IX SALARY 0]1 COUNTY ROAD SUPElUN'rElmENT. BY-JJAW No . 1073 .