1074 I j ,~~-~------_. i . st. Thomas ~ November 26th 1926. :~ 'lr~A~. Warden 6. 5. That thiB By-Law That. By-Law lITo. 827 take effect on 31st December ish.ereby 1926. amended accordingly. That the provisions of By-Laws rela~ing to the appointment of the 6.ssistant Matron be and are he~eby repealed. 4. 3. That David Gooding be and is hereby appointed assistant Keeper of the Hous,e of Industry and Refuge for the year 1927 at a salary of $800. per annum, payable monthly, with board and IDdging in the said House at -the Expense of the corporation. That the said Keeper and Matron,' be and are hereby required to provide at their o~~n expense hired help requlred in the Instit-¡:¡,tidn subject to the approva.] 'of the InspectoJ;'. 2. 1. ThatJ!'rederick Ingram be and is hereby appointed Keeper, and. his wife, Ethel Ingram, be ancl is hereby appointed Matron of the House of Industry and Refuge. To hold office during the pleasure o.:f the Qounpil at a combinecl $nnual salary of Fifteen Hundred Dollars, payable quarterly, 'with board anò. lodging in the said House at the ex- pense of the corporation. Ii'=-.,-~-i i The Elgin County Counoil enact , To appoint Refuge and. Keeper and Matron of amend By-LaW No. 827 . HOlls.e .of.. Indus try and B1-LAW· ~ NO. 1074