1075 J ,....;>=I-~'''''''ä''''"''~"'"''',^'·i:ö'''''~,':>!r',;.;''.tæs''''-''~'''''~'''''j- C;V ¿(. ;?L ~t-ì I~ I Ìr' '1 [ ~:. M,~þ·r ç"V',~~:r A ~' ·'../~/{-w-··~ . ..... .-. . ·(jl"e·r·J!.:····· BY-LAW NO. 1075. TO AMEND BY.LAW NO 1052 BY CHANGING THE DE$IGNATION OF CCUNTYROADSNO$. 48 and 49 IN THE TCWN$HrP OF $OUTH DORCHESTER. THE ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ENACT: Wha t By..Law No. 1052 be amended by changing the de.. signaMon of County Roads ]loa. 48 and 49 in the town- ship of South Dorchester to read as follows; 48. The road in the township of SOllth Dorchester. be.. tween concession 11 and 12, lots ô to A. thence north on the County town line between Oxford and Elgin connecting up with Oxford County road No,19. andthè road b.etween lot¡¡¡ 3 and 4 in Mnoession 49. U, tOWD.sh,tpof Søuth Dorchester. be- The rQàd in the township of South Doroheater tween lots 6 and 7inconceSßion 12. st. Thomas, November 25th 1926. , 9f9Ð, . '" ...J.i.ct JiV~r· . . ,.·..'.j~.L___ ,,' I" ~ -. ~'~'-"'io'- <!>., ~ " '" . . vlå.rden. . . , ONTARIO " ~ "~,Æ ;'~'i' EXECUTIVE COUNC¡'!- OFFICq Oopy Of anØrder-in_Coµnoil. approved Þy His Honoul' the Li~utenant-Go'Vernor. dated the~ ,.' . .'.".. . day 0 f May. .Á~:¡¡¡. t ;1.927. lTpon oOnl3idera1ïiolJ of t!1e report of the Honoµra'ble the Mir¡ister, of :EUbJ,io Works andB:ighways. <; dated 8th, Ápr,-il. 1927, the Qonuri;l.ttee o:fGounq;:j;l ad- vise that in a.ooordanoe With ¡¡¡ections 17 and 28 of' the Highway Imp);'qvement A¢)tj 16 Q'eo. V¡,O~Pte:t' 15. Yoµr Ronan:!:, may be pleased to approve of' By.,.law~Q~H 10'10 and 1075 of theOqt+nty o:fF)J,g1n. whereht the oounoil of the said oounty proposes to amend the existing system of oountyroa.d.s .ar¡¡ appr.oved by Òr4er...1n..Ooµnc:q., 'by the addi t10r¡ of' roads and t!1e> delet;lon of' ro ads from tlIe COU.Q1;y Road System. The roads to þ$j removed from the system by the sa4d by-laws ~e not- of suffioient impO~tanoe to b.e retained as county roada. Certified. I UlJuwI «nérk, ~:x:eøutiveCoî1no·:i.l.