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1079 BY-MW NO. I079 To Appoint A County Advisory Agricultural Council The Elgin County Council enacts: I. That the following be appointed memo.ers of County Advisory Agricultural Counc il: ]'or Two Years J. A. King, Aldborough Ernest E. Luton, Southwold R. B, McConnell, ¡vIal ahide Dunoan Campbell, South Dorohester W. F. Smith, Yarmouth J. A. McCallum, Dunwi ch 2. That members' Òf:said Advlsory Council be paid the same as members of this Cdmncil for attend¡¡,nce at the two meetings requlred to be held annually, in February a.nd November, and that they receive their travelling and other expenses for attendance at special or emergency meetings called by the oh¡¡,irman. County CouncU Chambers, st. Thomas 28th January I927 ~~~/ j[) ~ County Clerk Vlarden