1084 --~-- ~ I:IY...LAW ;NO. 1084. ~O A:PJ?O¡:~11 OJi'}¡~IOß:a WO Ij}¡q1¡'O.RCJß. J?l'H.ìV¡$IQ~S OJ!' :!)11E ..~ UF't/Ô:£UJOJ.¡!1ìlÙ5Î" 1,ëØl Ì1'! '1ŸfE ÔÒU.N?èÝ'V¡ï' EÞQI:N. _~10'1 ''''"''''",,",~'¡I ....,~. '~'" ~'__.w~ Who Elgin Qount;y: Cou,ndl ø¡;¡aøtS! \11]'1$1;1; ttllgh Ostrander, !ì'j.gh Qonsta:ble, be ~ð. is herøÞ;1 a,ppo;tnted !i.t). offioe:r to E1l).fOl'Oe the provi¡¡¡ionß öf :¡)þ.(iI Liquor Qon'Grol AOt w:!.thin the Oount;¡/, of Elgin. ~assed in Counoil a.t ~t. ~hQroas. thiß loth da.¥ of June. l~?'. '" J[J~ ~~_'vc.--;7'¿ """7 . '" ,10-0$ ) ß .19 . '" é~ :e ~ '(1.. ". ó (I .." ...~~..~.9.'.è_~..'~." Q(í1:\.l1t;v Qlø rk. Ward;¡¡n.