1087 , , BY-LAW NO. 1087. --- fO RAISE AMOUNé['S J;'OR COUI1TY RATES DURING THE YEAR 1927. WHERBJ.AS an estimate has been made showing that the sum of Tw.o Hundred and Seventeen Thousand and Three Dollars is required to be raised in the several Municipalities for the lawful pur- poses of the County during the year 1927, AND ¡~{EREAS by the Assessment Act, this Council is required to direct what portion of the sum to be levied for County purposes shall be levied in each IvIunicipali ty in the County. AND WHERBJAS the rates are required to be apportioned on the basis of the assessment of property as equalized in tile pre_ ceding year: AND WHEREAS the assessment of property of the County, as as.... oertained and equalized in 1926 is as follows: IvIUNICIP ALITY TOTAL EQUALIZED lvItJNICIPALITY TOTAL EQUAL I] VALUE, VALUE. Aldborough &~3, 887,759 Dutton $ 4\')5,509 Dumv:i ch. 4,340,052 Port Stanle y 826,353 Southwold. 5,157,514 Springfleld 246,578 Yarmouth 5,319,162 Vie nna 121,088 Malahide 3,751,283 Rodney 362,931 Bayham 2,477,531 West Lorna 349,197 South Dorchester 2,406,201 Aylmer. 1.259,216 $31000,374 J.IHEREl!'OlÅ’ the Council of the Municipal Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts: 1. That a rate of seven mills on the Dollar be levied on all ra1 able property in the several Municipalities In the County of Elg as above set forth, for the year 1927, to raise the following amounts: 2. That the sum of Two Hundred and Seventeen Thousand and Three Doll ars be raised a nd lev led in the sev¡¡r al IvIunic ipali ti es of th County, according to the follcr.'Ving Schedule, and that the amount as entered there-in be paid to the County 'rreasurer, as by-law r quired: SCHEDULE. JlJIuniclpality. Total. Ivlunicipali ty Total. Aldbonough $27214 Dutton. 3469 Dunwi ch . 30380 Port Stanl ey. 5785 Sou thwold 36102 Spr ingÍÏeld. 1726 yarmouth 37234 Vienna. 848 Malahide 26259 Rodney 2540 Bayham 17343 West Lorne. 2445 S. Dorchester. 16843 $ 217003 Aylmer. 8815 County Council Chamber St. Thomas June lOth, 1927. _____/ ~ÞY'~/' JÝ~~ ~ .......-' . . .. .. . . . . . 0 . . .0. . . ·0..... ......0. ...... . . . . County Warden. K. W. McKAY, County Clerk D. CROSSO:N, Warden COUNTY'COUNCIL CHAMBER, St. Thomas, June 10th., 1927. Aylmbr Dunwich Southwold Yarmouth Malahide . Bayham ... South Dorchester........................... .$27214 30380 36102 37234 26259 17343 16843 8815 Springfield Vienna ....'. Rodney;.... West Lorn $217003 3469 5785 1726 848 2540 2445 Aldborough Dutton Port Stanle Municipality Total MUllicipality Tota1 SCHEDULE 2. That the sum of" Two Hundred and Seventeen Thousand and Three Dollars be raised and levied in the several Municipalities of the County, according to the following Schedule, and that the amounts, as entered there-in be paid to the County Treasurer, as by law required: THEREFORE the Council of 1. That. a rate of Seven mills on the Demar be levied the County of Elgin, as above set fOl'th, for the ·year 1927 of the County Elgin enacts on all. rateable property in the several to raise the following amounts Municipalities in the Municipal Corporation of Bayham South Dorchester Aylmer Dunwich Southwold Yarmouth Malahide Equalized Value .$3,887,759 4,340,052 5,157,514 5,319,162 3,751,283 2,477,531 2,406,201 1,259,216 ;Municipality Dutton ........ Port Stanley Springfield Vienna......, Rodney...... West Lorne $31,000,374 121,088 .$ 495,509 826,353 246,578 362,931 349,197 Aldhorough To Raise Am01 WHEREAS an estimate has been: Three Dollars. is required to be raised.¡n t" year 1927. AND WHEREAS by the Assessment Act, this Council is required to direct for County purposes shall be levied in each Municipality in the County. And WHEREAS the rates arereq1iired to be apportioned on the basis ized· in the preceding year: AND WHEREAS· the assessment of Municipality Total property of the County, as Total ascertained and Equalized equalized in Value 1926 s as follows of the assessment of property as equal- made oe what portion of the sum for County Rates During the Year 1927 showing that the sum of Two Hundred and Seventeen Thousand and several Municipalities for the lawful purposes of the County during the to be levied BY "LAW No. 1087 - YOUl1 Committee would recommend that the sum of Two Hundred and Seventeen Thousand and Three Dollars be raised on all the rateable property in the several Municipalities of the County of Elgin during the year 1927 for County purposes, and that a rate of 7.mi1ls on the dollar be leVied on rateable property in the seVeral Municipalities in the· County: to raise said amounts. submitted. All of which· 1s respectfully Adopted June 10th, 1927. D. J. McKILLOP, Chairman. Administration of Justice County Lines and Bridges House of Industry.............. High Schools .......,.....;......... Public Schools ............................................. Officers' Salaries ....................................~~... Members' Wages ..........................................: Court House Commission .......................... Interest·· ................................:........................... Registry Office .......................................;.... lViiscellaneous ................... ............................. County· Roads ................................................. Grant Urban ,Municipalities Provincial Highway $ 7000 ,2000 8000 40000 17000 5600 5000 2000 5000 1000 21401 75000 7000 21602 ~ 217003 To the Warden and Council of the Elgin GENTLEMEN:-The Committee on Finance beg leave to report that, having examined into the finances of the County and the estimates prepared by the County Treasurer, they herewith submit a statement of the expenditure required for the lawful purposes of the County during 1927, showing the amount required to be raised for the undermentioned . purposes. COUlÜy o~ 1927 County FINANCE Rates, County REPORT of Elg'i n 1927