1092 j I I I~~_- I , DY..LAiV ~W. 1092 ~....."'?>~ jiO ;¡y¡"0'\"ij'UX;F" Pl:¡cør~ e:i" COILtlU13lUJ)G"i'S ;¡¿j, ..",!.:O*-: ".' . ..;¡ .,u;!"f. tr .{¡.,~ . ! '" ' ,,", ' ,;è',' ~r"!,<ì' 0 -._---.",~-_....-...__. ---"'*~~ ~h~ ~¡ß1n coui~yGùun~!l øn$~ts; !JIhat the ;j'tU' !$d!()'tJ.!o¡¡ oJ: '!¡'111¡¡¡ OOU-MU $hall nó'~ extend to lJrldS¡;¡!iI of. two,I;r~;y føat 1¡:¡. $]'Ian o:t' le8$ a~oø$lng ~,tlva~. stre$~* þond o~ lake £o~rni~ oZ' (!Z'oal3;\'ng ~~ 1!¡Qunde.:r,oy Ul~e 'between J,00a.1 ¡mu'ti"" ~ipal!tles other th~n.a oity O~ $~p~n,ted town ~,n thø iß()Mt:. !?Ð.s$GII, j.1~ (jOi.t!lOU '~hU Ellghth dø,y d J'~11. l\ìí::~l. Û/-;Ÿ;V~'I' I- .Ó(l'46G,'Ø'",~.;,aQ<!>1ii1:ø . 9 « 1;\ ö (~O. ClerI,. ~ I' ,'; , :J , ..\ CQ]i1MFNC'HTGa,t,a point .. in the Northerly limit of Lot 115 inConceesion 10., Eighty-five feetwesterlyfr0l!1the North easte rlyangleofsa idLot l!5~thence soilth parallel with th" Easterly limit of said ltJt 115 a distance o.f Five Hundred and Forty-two feet ~ thence SoutherlyEi ght hundred and eighty..,fivefeet to a point in the Northerly limit of the TaliJot Ròaddistant]'i'our Hundred and Forty feet westerly from ~he.intersecp~n pi' the Easterly limit of lot 115 with the Northe:rdY llmlt of said. Talbot Road. Twenty-five feet in perpend icular width f'oll ow ing descri bed Cent re Linea: Dunwich in Concession 10. on each of ElgiIT and being composed of part of Lot 15 more part icu1arly desc;ribedas a strip of land side of the , crounty of' land and premises situate , lying and being in the 1'0wnship of 1. That all and singular that certain parcel or tract therefore enacts The as followst Municipal Council of the Township òf Dunwich road or highway as hereinafter' defined . a By-law for the purpose of stoppiJ:1gup and se Uing exped ient the. said pass AND WHEREAS the Council deem it to 0.0. prejudical1y affected by the or alleges By-law. or agent has appHed AND WHEREAS no to be heard person that by his c ounsei, his land will or solicitor places and post ad in up the imnlediat 0. at least once a week for four for at least one month in six neighbourhood of the of the said highWay. succéssive moat public duly published weeks proposed By-law has been AND WHEREAS Ne>t ice of the to' and from his lands,e>r place of residence. will not deprive any person of the means of st opping up ingress and egress Highway AND WHEREAS the effec.t of said sold as hereinafter'prÔvided. de emed pr ope I' and e xpe die tit that the saine be stopped up and northwest6r1y half of Lot Number Fifteen aforesaid ahd it is open and .maintain a certain road or highway through part of the public interest WHEREAS representàtions have been made , it is no longer ne,ce seary ordes1rable1:o keep ". ". BY- .W N\llIiber 10.92 for st opping up a,nd Sel.l.lng a certain road or' highway now located on part of the north west half of tot NUmber 15 in the Tenth Concession of the Township of IUnwich, in the County of Elgin. that in the ." . be stopped up closed and after the final . ...... ,..., \:':,:,':',':" passing of this By-law or highway of the Township of Dunwich. , ,-' 2. That the said Road as particularly described in t'he next pre ced ing paragraph be sold and conveyed for the " '. ',' ,,' ,......... """'-. .,',' " ,,-'. .....>,....- "-,'. ' price or sum of Fifty Dollars and that the Reeve and Clerk be and hereby authorized and empowered to execute a ," . . . c' ..'-,' ....,' ," :",'. ,"'-:',"::';". .. - ':<', ,,',. ,':',--: proper and sufficient conveyance of the said Road as herei.n- ,', .,," ',',. .... ,.....,. -,'," ,.. ..... .' . ',' .'.- . .'..'" '-,-,,' -,',',-", '. ........... . ....... . ".. .....>:'., .:.. ,':",...,".' before described to the Purchaser for the consideration. here- inbefore mentioned and to aftix the corporate seâl c'onveyance. -':"-,"':,: , . ,/ .:.,.' ',,-,:,"':.""',',,-,'-:'-<:,'::: ,.....,.",'.....,., -.,....,.,'.-'.....'.,...,. , '.,.":.... ...-:...."...'., :',-. .'.....;.,'.. ,', .: .'.........,...,.' 0:,..... -:,' ,',-',,":' . ..' '::':;:':/,: FINALLY passed the Sixth day of Oct ober .' Reeve ':\