1093 Á--¿V--.~7¿¿?~.-? .~ U QOØ 0 . Ii & 0: ~.~ " .. . "-11: . .. ,j);. / ÇJounty Olerk. . ¡,ý . .¡, ø jj , ..#f/~,.. . . . . . . ~ ~ , . . . Wardøn. Passed in Counoil this eighth day hereby repealed, of Jl¡1;V. A, D.1927. 3. 2. . That '!;h¡¡¡ Wa.rd.$n $,.ì'i\d Treas1lrø:i!' be and they arøhereby au.1;b.o:rh¡ed and e!1lpOWeredto Sj.g11, e:lteC11.te a11l!.en¡ftOrse all do()uments l~ecesaary 0'1: reQl.<irßd to give full foroe, e:ffeot arId vir'tue to this .:aj1~X,aw. fhat By-Law No. 1090 be and is :I.. What 'th0 Oouncil of ·the Oorpol'ai).tO.l'fot the OOimty q;f EJ.gil~ guarantee due payment pf·the Debe11tu.ru of the CQJ:'- !>o:ra·t.1on of the VUlage of J,Jutton i$s¡wò. f<)1' thep¡¡:rpoae 0:1; :r.ahing or bo:rrowi¥.!g the said Ø1;tm of Fifty-Seven Thousand -- - - ---------- Do:Llars for pe;¡:me.l1ß1'xt j,.mproil'ements of the said I-U..gh-Sohool 8.nd interest theZ'eo.1ì- :rep¡¡:yablè within thirty years lle:ltt after the .tsene of said debentures. :!;\:!!ì IT Tl:lEJ.1.1!JJî'OlÅ“; ¡¡;UAC!t'ED dO. gua¡:>antee said deben:tu:res o'ndit is deemed expedient SO to the Council ot the ViFf1<rREAS the Council of Corporation of the Oounty Q.f the said V!ll(:J,ge haS requested. ])JIg in 'to AND cation. of Dutton AND WI1ElìJiJ,AS 1;h e C ouna.:Ll of after con¡¡¡ide1"at ion, t.i. e Corporation of. the V.1llage has approVed of $11.011. appli~ in thi:r.ty ,yo are III1th '.ntereet. o;f ¡gall!. 'ftigh-Sohool by the i$sue of Debentul'<aa :l:'epa.¡rlìJ:¡le Thousand-----------_ DOllars for permanent improvemonts ·the Ullage Of' Dutton 1;0 rM.$e th e sum of. Fifty-Seven hlilemac1.e apþl! ca tiOl1 to the council of the Corporation of ~tton Ffigh~SChool WHEREAS the TCQUARANTEE CERTAIN DE~ENXURES OF TFfE CORPOI'ATIO~l C]' 1'¡·m V!L:t.AGJì; OJ)' :DUWTO.N.. ;) .IÞ.... ill ø tp"."J1i Hlgh~SQhOül Board of the It1nt 1 ~.åJL. Nr~~ 1093 Ullq PIC'.} J 1'<1',t"'-'" - ,)1'0 suM. Bsauls:nQ U't:IAag ,¡nit '[IØ!'poda.1' tu.nD.tr ~u1-U.Iom 1-xo .J>l.~dn V.onnd .1 .V01-'ß.H\.... 'muo1:'\: -aq va\l',)ua.Itua ·aut\.d- aq1 ¡O lA'os -pu-e \301Yo t'e.l :JUG Ut l' ¡1\.lO.M.' 9,"{tl1\Ülf ,10 OVU"6.1 :ãu10~ "aU1H-:i,!ulSoP . "Pano~.\':ãUOi'qU01UUlO';)Ul:l 1 .".........1.'Ç!,'cl1.!..., ';nesÁ' ~ ,[ ¡~ ~:) 't· 1, * ~ '('- 'ç \..,,' ~¡~ 8" "·1 y y ~~" ~,,:: it~ ~/ ÿ; ,j' ~, "i- ~!.; .DII i: .~{{{~JjfE!f:~ .."""'m'~ ":::::::.~::ø. '''m'''"ij! ':~H¡;~ ~ J ". ~ IUBø:cf '0 old . . bad :ETTS.. r endòr, ""'nt.. ~ dlUoos' ~_&1ngl1IQr 'Ù,~µdM';d ti!,¡;f,,in tlu' ~.oD,..,tVOf .,a ' north... orth.:hR.Jf p'øssi,91J of r · . _~,o 00 ' ,0: ,,&Or68, 8slarm', j&ð,res,of J.,voweHa, ¡dwelJioR 'o.ndUiÖI3. ryóoient JVaJJåoe_ 1,..,\ ()'opaV rúft~l]~ '.t~ndthe· ,bin ODe ¡POSSeS )sma.y._ ~~t:pur-' .'8 with ?"..~~t~)j Ncitioe iå her,eby Riven hbat- ø. By..lay DUI~LJel;ed One Thousand aDd" Nmetv- thre,e wa.s passed by the CounoiL oLtbe o rpor,ationof the (Jounty of Elgin 00 'he ei~hn~ d~y;ofJuly., )9~7, to guarantee pltYlneut-ofdebènturesof the C()rporation of, the VillaR8of'Dutton\i8sn,eèl fortha p;Jrpose of, raising or borrowicR'the 8um, of tlfty;ãéven thousQnd_doUala fQr, p'erma.n. ent "iinpNvem~ñtB 'of .t,beP9tton ,HJRh ~Schøol,.'aµ~-.'bµp.t, S,Q_9h~y_~~~\Y' '~~~ regi8/ teredo in the Regiatrf,,-.OjJiaè.p_f tlìé,qQµ~~~ 9.r.-,'ß Ig~~,p:.!l"Jþ.e" té~.~h'-ß~y,:··_8"'Ir~þi:,ae.ry.' W2~." Ähi-:,.;m.o~ion",t,o-'qua~~·'o,r:':8e¡,' a~i~~ :t~',~ '8R-m'é"'or, ii.:nr' "'_pift:' 'thøre~f'lÍî'u~ètï ,-'be-:: mß'de 'within,: three,:m()nths :a.fter¡-tbe~ðrf t· publioa.tion;''¿¡f;,-'t'hÎfr-~notioeL';ø.nd,'o&ni1o' ,'be.., tn~~.~,,,~llere~tt_~~,. _ ", ','" ,,', ':: Da,ted the 15th ds.y of Februa.rYi)9J8· K.W. MoKAY¡,' Couuty'Ctèrk, Ill" former' aa1s'Ö,rlvin¡r WR~ deuRer O,óø:wbenthe'horøefelt hili o~t.. "',' Now-; 'fid~vø;"är1'IDg tl"daDseroaø 'wheotb'6 dt'lve:r-,'feelø his rJ8. '.' Clot Con AJJ <> A NOTfêf Of RfGISTRATlON Of BV·lAW - .J , , R. --WE -AIM-ro-m vc-. uu KEMI