~:~.;t\,w !IIO. ).09\11
For pI'ohiÞiting thè ob$t~ußtion of ditches or
øulvßwts llþon County Èighwa~s,
~~hG county Counoil of the Oounty of ~lgin ønacta
:í!bÆ\t 'bhe óbstruwGiø:a of ditoM.¡ órc'Lll1ì'o:rta 111)On
FrigllW~"Y¡¡¡ under tho juri Sdic'!;lo:a ot thia QOuno;l.;1 be anG. 143
horoby prohibited.
:í!hat eVery person who contravenes thø ii:t'OVJ.sions
of th is b~·.la.w I?hall be :Ue.blet¡o Ii\, pe¥H\lty :aøt €I'$:oeeding
IN.tty Doll"'-:¡.'fiI e'$:cJiŒåive o;í:' cosh, Every sacih ;!?I'.>nalty ahaJ.].
be recoverablo under tho provisions of theSU~arY OOnvic-
tions Act.
Read a third time and p$,ased at County Ocu~oil
Chl!l¡¡íbr;¡l'g¡ St. ThoJOO.s, 27th JaJ:1uarz,. :1.92'1.
A ~~. lA~-u:-/¿cLd~
Oou.rrt;>>' C;!,érk. WaWdén