1101 ~. ߥ...¡"ß,WJ~ç. ).10J, ~~ø Aþpcl!'1t 11èmber¡¡¡ of Cç'1,mty Aèlv!,ólo:ry A¡k:¡'~cultur/;il OOU1:ì(J U. Ptî.~¡¡:wd 27th J/.\nu!1.;r;v. 1\128. 1:11(;\ ¡Ðlghl Ooutr\i¡;1' ÙI>11.llC,n $xw,cttll! :1:, :J:hát th(¡¡ fclloWi.l'lt! Ì)(; apþQj,:t1tGtl mømbox'",o:í;'tbç, O()Unt, Advisory J.\ljl·ioultu.'l."f.\l Ootmcil fç,:r $, tørJî¡ of twø YOf.~r u £h fl, :!\:(;¡:¡;,x', Aldbt):t'Qugh W. I", O¡;,J.b:r;;d.th, :D¡U'1W,.<.':!:1 H. A. h'el¡.h!).lø. ycu;'¡m;1.'!th Geo. .\~!1.$,(Î.ltîW, M¡;Ùahidø .\,çd.ll~1 Johr¡(IIQjl. Strt,ffc:t'iJ'V.U.lé !X. J.'h€clt the ¡¡¡()mba:¡.'¡¡¡ of th(1 aM.èl Advif.HP;r¡y Coun¢ll D@ p~ia the ~~ne &a til$ members of thi~ oouncil at the two ¡n(;.'i\)tingø X'ú.cuir(,d t,;¡ Ì)!Jì h!1l1d (UiJJ.1l~~UN·. IiItl.6 1;11$.1; th(~y roe... (,i'\t(~ th.f:ir t:J:'6J.V¡;¡11.h1g: 6\,r1éi, cither OJqH.m;¡:H,a t'Ol' !ilt,i;<:¡ndf:>uøø (d, speQi!ll ,¡~' øm,;q¡üiHW;Y møl¡Jt~!:.ì.ßí$ ¢cJ>lled bytha Qhilb'inall. l~ead '" 1;;1'112:'(;\ tiwQ aJ:H~. :g¡a.1:1¡¡¡'¡¡\'i i1tt O<:ul1( 11 Oht1niÍ)e);'¡~ I 8'1.. ;J;ho¡¡¡IJ,!J I 2"1th J~)'I)¡;¡.M·;9 J.!)gO.. ~ 'c'j ~~d¿dc~ ()Çi\.!llty ~n(rc.!r l'ìt\~·dc.i').