1103 BY-LAW NO. 1103 -'~'~---'-- TQ Appoint a Board of Audit in the County of Elgin for the Year 1928. ., Be it enacted by the Council of the Municipal CorpQr- L¡ ation of Elgin: That the Judge of the County Court and Oscar McKenney are hereby appointed members of the Board of Audit, to per- form the duties required of them by R. S. 0., chapter 126 section 22. That the members of the said Board be paid the sum of fi ve dollars .per day for thelr servlces, and five cents per mile golng to and from such audit. Read a third time and passed at County Council Chambers st. Thomas, 27th January, 1928. ~¿/ ~Z/U- /¿d¿~ " " County Clerk. Warden