B¥-J,A'(, l~(¡. 1104,
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To AV.thqrhe tho Wardon t%nd. Treal3\lteX' to BO;!;':!?OW '~he
Sumo:!: Two Hundred and ¡¡¡ifty Thou.sand Dollars
:J!hêJ lUgln Couni¡y Council €HJncts:
1'hl!1 t 'the Wax'd.en and TrelJ.su;rer be and areher'eby a]2tl1"
QX'lzed to hoY-'row the Sl1m of two htu"idX'ecl and fifty thousand
dolll;tJ:e from. the Bank of Montreal, .as 1 t ¡¡¡~1Y be l",HIUirod
to meat 0XpetHUtUl'ØS o:f:thc; OorpQratiol1of Elgin dltr1ng
:l{H~8 and give a.s Seour! ty therefOr, nøtes of one thousand
or '¡¡en thousand dollal'.$ each.
11eM a thi:r.·il time and .!J$ seed a.·t Ooun(¡y oonnen
()ha!nl,e:t'S, St. Thomas, 2'7th Jant~l;1.ry· 19t38.
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Oounty Cle:.dr. Warden