1108 I~ JIt...Ll!.W NO. 1106 Wo APpoint Arbitrators WHElŒAS an a.ppeal was race! ved from tha Trustees of School Seotion 110. :3 !In the Township of Dunmon against thø aotion of tho Oounoil in passing Byw1aw No. 1057. And Whereas it is deemed advisable to appoint Arblt- ratork1 to Ilete:rmine the matter, The Elgin oount¡ Conncil enacts! Tha't Judge Ho¡¡¡s, J. A. Taylor; Publiö Sohool Inspeotor and À. C. Campbell, Of the Township o:f!$ou'thwold be a.nii are her(ìb¡ appointed Arbitrators to determine the appeal as reccived Îròm the Trustees of School Seotion No. :3 in tho TOWT!ship of Dunwioh agalœt the action of the Counoil in pa.saing By..TJaw 110. 1057. Cou.nty Counoil Chambers, st. ~'homas. June 8, 1928. A.;;~.¡..;.~"'-...-:~ Q.Æ ~~ A .. ". ~-o . ~ It "'1> iii.'" :* -~~~ ..-~~.-----.......... Qoun"by Olel'!\: Watden.