1109 NO 1109 To Amend By-I,aw No. 1052 The Elgin County Counoil enacts: That the townline between the '.L'ownships of funwloh and AId bor ough from the .ciiver rrhame s , southerly to Hoad Number 10 be and is hereby designated as a County Ltoad. County Council Chambers 3t. ~~homas June 8, 1928. . ~ ~~~';:7 ~~.~ . . County Clerk Warden. -~-------.--! ~ ...~. ONTAR~,O EXECUTIVE COUNCIL 0F,f\CE , Copy of an OrdeZ'-in-Council approve~ by The Honourable the Lieut enan¡ ;~Gòvernor dated the j :5~ day of October, A.D., 192~. Upon consideration of the report of the Honour- able the Minister of l'ublic Works and Highways, dated the 17th day of October. 192~ , the Cømmi ttee of Counoil advise that in . accordance with section 16, Chapter 54, R.S.O. 1927, Your Honot may be pleased to approve of By-Law No. 110~ of the County of Elgin, wherein the council of the said county proposes to amenê the existing system of county roads, as approved by Order-in- Council, by the addition of a short section of road to the County Road System. Certified, / il. i