1110 ~ .¿ '--·'~'ì.:'~"'7 ,.... ....0;r.;I"... 1:flil'.I1Ò"jIjo; ~" ., ,.. ",. ø.'I> "",*", -0 W~ , COON'!:'! 0:11' l1!LG!:N 1Jy...t.¡\1;,,! )T(}.. 1110 A :!3V"law 't€) It'epøÆ>.:t :Bif..¡aw !iò. 10$1~ 9:: th (ij OOUl'l,t;v 0;1" X!.'].œ!D. ~:Œi1:¡HEA~1 131''''1.&',11 lìO* 10!'3 (¡If th.~, C~lWlty of ¡;¡l$~;ti vmw ;p$$:11í1$4 on the 8th 4.\1.Y ot tïu:l~. 1921. p:I.'Ø'VilUng :f'ö:t' tlh~ ,¡J,'lfi.\.t'1:\,utelÌl b;¡r -tÙle Oonnt;;y of 1!,~æ !:I:t' Qfjlrf¡¡)j,n 4(1b~tl.1.'t.'M t'o b·t ~tI:thQ:rj.u!l, ana i pfzuad 'by 'tk¡¢ Gorp(I:rø,I;;!,o1'! !:If tho nl~.I'I.Ø(\) of ;j¡)¡:tirton £0:1': ¡¡\1I?tì,m.n$nt 1¡J1}):!:'O'V'llál(¡ìD;!11i'J t~ 'tho 1il¿~!~ 111;;11'>0\)1. 11;') 1;M r,;1~.:!.d Vi11~11ì; fj~m \1W~;¡¡¡M U 1$ ¡;¡~-'!$dhDt to :r,oJ?~t}w1. ffl..,U :ay...law :tWth '10?h !mw tJ1~n'i!t!J)j¡'oo.E th~ Oo:t'pøl!.'!iì,t;10~1 of tÌ11\i Î3t.lunty of !!.':tf:;:tn EÞtAO~e~ $,I;¡ :f'Ql101l1l.H 1", lj,Ih¡¡¡,t ørd.a Dy"''¡I,¡¡¡,w :No. 10']; 'l)ø 1I111u1tlle¡¡ sarliI' is ~t~~7~by~t~ìIIW,:t.(I¡ß.. ';¡''!''¡¡I~M 'l T' J\I"']):D ·t~ .. ; 8th t}t;,y of J'ilYI/i;, 19Øß, .'. ...,'/..è,1i J4.M, ¥"'_ ,n.;.¡ ,'¡,¡ , ,1.~. We can quite appreciate that you are reluctant to go back to the County COlillCil in cOJ:1Iloe';i.on wi th this matter but feel that the decisions covering matters of this kind seem to require that the body gu.ara.nteeing an issue of debentures should have before them a concrete statement of the proposal. In the present case such statement will be shovVJa by the Village By-law which sets out all the particulars in connection with the debenture issue. Vfuen the matter was previously before the COlillty Council, there apparently was nothing on record to 'show such concrete proposal, although, as you have indicated in your correspondence, the matter was no doubt discussed in op~n Council. We are quite willing to have you advise the County Council that on belng requested to We greatly regret the delay which has taken place In connection with this matter but hasten to assure you that our clients are Quite a:rlxious to carryon with their purohase and wish to have the matter completed as soon as possible. We aclmowl edge wi th thanks your favor of 22nd inst. and as requested have prepared and enolose herewith a draft by-law providing for the repeal of By- law No. 1093 and a further by-law providing for the guarantee by the County of the debentures to be issued pursuant to by-law No. 398 of the Village. Both of these by-laws are enclosed in triplioate, and we have also enolosed a form of deolaration to be oompleted and executed by the County Clerk as soon as the new guaranteeing by-law has been passed, registered, and the first notioe of registration published. You will note that the declaration in paragraph 3 provides for the showing of the date of first publication and indicates that instruotions have been given for the subsequent publications whioh should each be one week later than the previous one. The form of notioe of reglstration is also enclosed herewith. Dear Sir s. C. Kirklanò.. Barrister &0, DUTTON, ONT. Esq., , E. G. LONG, K.C. R. O. D'ALY C. E. L. BABCOCK H.E MANN.ING R.G.MEECH E. E, TH I STLE: May 38 KING STREET WEST TORONTO,CANADA 23 1928. LONG- & DALY- BAFH'ISTERS 8< S6LICITORS CABLE: ADORESS"LONGDAY'¡ {"'OS TE:LEPHONE':S EL(3JN a!04 2105 LONG & DALY S. C.Kirkland....2... May 23,1928 furnish the usual legal opinion in cormection with these debentures, we were obliged to take the above objection to the County guaranteeing by-law and. reQuested the passage of a now by-law. YOurB very truly EET IE ~tc~ Encl. ,) " . . ~ '. ;;¿., >- ~ ~- July 6, ... ,28. ~. , S. C. Kirkland. Esq. Dutton,· Onto 0 De a1' $1r: . , , '. . . I have to-day forwarded the S'(;atutorynealaration - ;re .By-Law No:; 1111,·1;0 r\Í6'ssrs. Daly as requfâs tecl. "- . .. . yours t:ru:).y, . , Kvm;/'1IC - ~ . '-(J . . . JUly 6, 28 Long & Da:~y, 38 King St. West, Toronto. -. Del1i' Sirs: :r !'1Jn enclosing .hE¡,re;\ti th a t the reques t of Reeve Kirkland certified èOpy of By-Law .No. 1111 pf Jtlhe County of ElgIn þ'1.1Ð,ran·tee.1ng ilebentu.resw~ Dutton, together with· Statutory De?laratlon as to reglstr~,tion and publication of notice. " Yours truly, KW~[/Trc Ene. 1 0.' "c K.W,'tW~ ~ ~~~ ~l ~ $yJ' 'J).e-AA C:;'^- '. ~ F1', I\iW "'~ m IIit .:De ; ~ ~. "'~ ~ ~ ~ Q SMWt :u: ð11/ \'0 t~ i cp~ ' P¡,~I 3( , ~t. 'rr., õ~ ~.tuu- . ~ \~ ~~ S~ tW .w.MA wv 'ò~ ~ ~~ct l~ .tu ~ qw Ø1W ~~, ~~ ~. (9uA:' 5'f, I q')--'6 I" ~ . June $2, S.O. Kirk1,and, Bsq., ReéVG. of Dutton. Dear Six: The>pa,pérs re clebentuI'es from Messrs. Long & Da,ly received :fi'om you included three copies of appealing by-law, .th~ee COpieEJo:f'lleW by-law gUD;ranteeing deb.., 01lturosand al1otioo pi' registration to be published, but noferrn of affid.e:vitas to pUÌJ1ieationreférred te in Ml" . Long' ß J,etter. This may beinyeur handsel' probably omltteã altogether. . If you cannot find it you had I better wrlte fóranother copy. , , 'Yo1Ìmight; requestMt.Blue to send me p¡. pers aOr1tainlng advertisement. Yours truly, , , ¡rWMjHC ~ . 28. " ,. "