0.1' th~Þ:r.>;1;!lQ,:I;.:pa¡¡;o;t'>;I;ht$:rêî:rt lØþl 1JI.:t~øß,;t:'s.
OF THE COtr!Pl''Y b]\J;1:r¡(1¡N])J:~AOW$G,S :føl10Vffll
:I.. Whà.tth:i.ti d.?:rpø~a;t;tQt,!. a.g;røø2 tø ~.,!itrantee thè J;!l3.yment
0:£ the P:r:111\l:1.pa,l, and.:l.ntè:r:Slilt oft);¡,e d.eb$1wrøø :\.liâMd or
1¡o õàhstt$d¡ pu:ri:Jl1~nt tt;>âa.1d ;Ely...;'a,w No.;~8 (.If the V1:LJ,.agØ
o:f 1M. tton.
2. '.I,1b,s Wa,:rdenatlQ). 'J;'1:'sta,¡¡¡urØ;r Q:f tÞ,øCJo'J:'poJ'.!s.t¡ono f the
GOtU1ty QfElgiu ¡¡!.;ra hø.;¡¡'fi¡'þy ¡¡:¡¡;tllo;oti;:ail\l !¡i¡J.d.d.be¢ted to e¡r¡.d.o;t$è
) ?u thø bMkofèMh o:fâa.:1da.øbontu,~e$ tllø f'o:Llowing wo:rl1l,¡;¡ or WO
,¡þ..Är...;,..-.......:,;;.;,,;~...., ,-
debt of tlu¡ Oounty of Elg1U f.a $
;Ely..1aw to guarantee oarta,in døbenturS2 of
the Village of Dntton.
1'IHEHEAS tM OotU101l of the Corpora/cion of the
Village of Dutton has ps.ased By~law No. ;ii98 on the 8th day
of Au,gust. 1927 providing :for the borrowil..1:4'$ of the sum 01'
$$'1.000 for for pø:manant 1ropro"Vemants to the trigb. 13011.001
irt the said ViJ.1ae;e and has a,utho:rized the iss1lð of å.¡¡¡'þentures
the1'$:för. beartng :l.n't;arast at the rate of ; per oentum per
annum and pa¡y,¡¡,ble in thirty (0) aqunl annual instalments
0;1: :p:rina :l.p9.1 and interest;
.AND tiREJ:1EI\.S the Oouno:!.l of the Oorporation of the
add Village of Dt¡t'bon has petitioned this oorporation praying
that this oQrporaticm shall gue.rantee the p;a.¡¡rI1ant of the
debentures issued Q'X' to be issued pUrs~ant to said By.law ~ro.
'?$ of the Village of :Do.t·ÚOrl.;
A:!:'fD WHEREAS the EIlflOunt of the whole rateable
property of the Count;v of Elgin G.ooord:l.ng to the last :r:aV'ised
a.nd equalized aSl!leSSmìil1'lt roll of the looal municipalities
of whioh the County is oompoaßd1s $ (31,900 ;jqH.
ÄND WHERT.<JAS the amount of the exi¡¡¡t:\'ng debenture
and :no pa;rt
. Noiic.e ~í Regï~tratio;~;">. . nL
.. .' By-r.aw No. 1111 . ... I
",~'oti,O~:,,~,~{J:I~reb:Y',.~, ,·~,~:ÌLÞh~t~þy·]aw ;Wf\B 1
:p:å8,sed,þy::tb~IQÒunt:"o!;,'g} Jl{i,t1pn't~ß,,~~h,~
i'da.y':?~:,,J t;tUEõlì.:192's;,:,pr,9. "I¡jÜtg"tOJ; ;,the"g~~F:~_" ,I
'anJ'~e':()f::;<1eþèn~9:r,es,:,tc)',W~,;,)tJ,n10uJ:\\~'Q~ "
'$5i7¡_Þ{lO';o.O_'a.U6þpl'.ize~,.:,py> _ Y::Ia.w:Numþ~~
:::?~,$",?f,.t:~~:,:VIIla,*~,:", t ,_,::~s;_id-de~E!rt~/ ,
urea pem" for. th, purp ßI permau'ht I
·;jmPFoyerft.én:ta, to: the,:High:~qþ(lol,-,~,Ii:,tþe: 1
~Y~:na:g.e);;;~Ad, 'th~t~po4 \:~~~1}i~>~~'&::~~ß~~,:':, ì 'I
,te~E!'d, 11'î,'We,J:tegl~tJ:YPffi(l~:,~o~~the)'~f:ògl~~' - .
',t'l'y:.:qiv,ì~idl1,:of': the',Ð(ù.~,tJ:tY\::9t:'Élgin", onittie, ~ .
,1~th:,ß,~y)()t;rJ11Ye:l(28~,,:': ,,-,', "',·i_';.·- 'i' ;,~
,;;;,:,A~~':;i:n9~ion;to:,qH~,B~,):ir':søt:aáide,!:,t:Qe\ . r
,B,a;lj}·'~';.'qr'l1ný,:þ:~r:t,:':~4erf3Bf(.\nust,be' :mfl.4~· .~
)~~i~ÞÞ"ftli r_e~;1}19n_~h~,fI.,f.t~~:tb~-firs't " p~ ~I,~Þ!1i' ~.¡
!,,;,tlp l1·.~·'~:o f,.;.t.:h.,,;.l,.'..not~,c;e' ap.,d :,':,:,~', .n"llo t, þE¡..,',.!li ;fI. d. e:Ü
_~bére.a_ftero'::\::,' -';:_-';',:\' '':-';', '.:",. ::~: i''': '.' -: ....
;·\J:'-.Dàtect- tbia14th :da.Y'-o(Junej'192S" ,<::J .:
h',' .-" .""{;:':""', .'..<....;,.,...';..,."" ;....~..' '''Ú,,',',. ,,".' .,:.., ...,., :..""'!". ,
·17;.19"·· ~R w; MoRAY, CI~rk; "
aOVN9?Y OF EL G:nr
:BY..!.AW ~H). nn
tø the lilt!'! e;e:f'eøt.ìlæn@1,Y~ 1t¡?E¡.'8ß\ettt ():£ the wi thin 4.$1>$nt1.1.:I:'e
a.nð. thQ Qo1.1.p()ns tl1eretoattaèl1ed fa Ì1$r/¡)Þ~gu.a:t'@teed þ¡¡t
th,Corp()ra.t~on of ~l1$ Ooun.ty ofE),giìllt and. to sign the ¡laid
Mdo'X,'sement mthQ1r 't'e¡:¡peot.:I;vø(a:paeit~(,~ tU'ld to affix to
$a.t!þ,·'øn4ó3t$örnGìlt.tM ·flJeaJ. '01. ',i¡hlÉf ,·.o!)rpørätiQtJ..
JjI. 'll,b.at øttøl1 øMorSê¡nent sO elm-1st\, 1:',;r11\ I!!ealø!i shal1
bin!i thisoörporation ~~ guarantors öf the sald4.~þåµtures
and <the ø eu,¡;-,öns thereto e.ttMM\i. a$ fct.lly ø-a th:!.$ oo:rJþO:rliltiOll
is authqrh$d and $1powårE¡d to g¡¡arB,'I:).'teé tl1Gpayment of the
d$bexl'!n;tresissµGèI. 'bw (to(¡e,J..l'!ltù'J,:l.oipª,Ut.ht!l Within the County.
4. Th!i\.t ìlotbing !!¡ewdn oonta.:!.ne4$h,$;;lil d,o e:way w1th
or 1111SiH\n the l:1..abå,1it;v o:ftM Mrpor~tion ø::l! t.he YiU$.ß$ of'
):Juttoìl to pay thE! $a:l.d 4.ebent¡µ:tßs @¡n~;þl.tß:reE.rb .in '!¡he :f:!'rf¡~
in$tanø.ø 01" irt ~w WàY inii$ì":f'aX'a -wi tbtnê tign't ø:f t!l$ Oou;ntW
Q¡!t Elgin to :t'(;I<;:ovar :f'i'O!l1 i;l'.¡¡¡ l'Iai~ ootporatl;1on ö:f' t¡he ll:tllå~~a
ofJ2U,tton anw ¡¡¡;¡;¡'d all !:1'U111$-of mOìl$;\I' wJ:d,qJ:¡i t may :pª,yo:t' a~Pand
:l.n øonS$qu.anQ$ of gltl¡1.l'antø¡¡¡:tJ:¡g salt¡. d,ê'Pønta;¡.tß(!.
p'. \!fuat th1Š By....la.-W $llal.J. 90ma int¡o :f¢ xøø and t¡¡J¡;¢ effø
øn the t'j.ay of 'l;hø f;l.na.1 pMa:l.ng 1¡l1axoof~
1!':J;1i!1\X.!:;¡;J?J¡J':H¡¡:¡¡;:Þ '.J:1iI; 8th Cl.a.y of ;runa. 1928.
~ ( ~