1113 BY-LÞ.W lIO. 1113 - fo Designate County Roads in Villages The Elgin County CounoH enacts: J.'hat the following r oaò.s be and are hereby <1eslgnated. and assumed as County roaêi~J, under the provisions of the Highways Inr¡:>rovement Act: IWD.NEY l. From the most southerly limits of Furnlval Street conneoting witt County Boaò. 113, thEnce north to Main Street. 2. From the most northerly limits of Furnival st:teet connectlng wUt County road. 11'3, south to Albert street. (7, Queen ;:;treet, from the most westerly limits, c onnectingwith ...... COunt~T Ro.ad 114, East to Flora street. WEST mHIm 1. Main Street from the most westerly limHs connecting wl th County Hoad '9'2, East to Morden street. 2. Maln street from t he most easter ly Ilmi t s conne ctlng with County Hoad '#'2, West to lot 199, as on registere<1 plan 199. 3. Graham street, from the mQst northerly limits connecting with C01.mty Road /11, thence south to Frederick street. 4. Graham street, from the southerly Ilmits cnnnectlng with County .R oad 'Ÿ'l north to Chestnut street. I , DUT'TON 1. ]'rom the most southerly limits ofL:Iain Street conne ct .ing with County Road if8, nor th to Annie Street. 2. Iv!¡;Ün Street from the nori{herly limits connec·ting with County Roa, 1/10, south to .wesiIJerl'yt.:;¡A.ð7ë7 of J·ohn Street. 3. Cu:rrie Street, from the northerly linÜts connecting with County ..., d "8 south to John Street. hoa jf, 4" Shackleto n Street fr om its mos t easterly linÜ ts, c onne oting with Coun ~ Road 1/13 thEn ce Vest to Easterly boundary Lot 3 plan 141.