1115 1 BY...LAW HO. 1115 To Fix Gaol Salaries. The Elgin County COi.lúcil enacts: 'l'HAT the salaries Qf the officials Qf the Elgin Cou;nty Gaol be adjusted and fixed as follows: Gao ler One ThoUS:8.!ld, Four Hundred and Twenty Dollar s pe r annum. Chief Tur nkey Hine Hun.dred Dollars per annum and use of Gaol residence, lighted and heated, it not being required by the Gaoler. Ass:is tant Turnke y Twelve Hundred Dollars per annum. Ma tro n Tbr ee Hundred Dollars per annum. Gaol Surgeon One Hundred and Fiï ty Dollar s per annum. THA. T sa iò. Salar ie sbe paid month ly and that By-Laws numbered 318, 900, 933 and 955 and all other By-Laws res- pecting said salaries be and the :S9.me are hEll:'eby repealed. County Oouncil Chambers. NovembEll:' 30th, 1928. .,.~ , ~ ~ . . . . . . . . . .". . . . ,.. . . . . e·e . . . . . ..... County Cle Ii\:. Wæ den.