BY-LAW No. 1118
To Appoint a Boarå of Au,dit in the County
of Elgin for the Year 1929.
Be it enacted by the Council of the Munioipal Corporation of
That the Judge of the Counvy Court, and Osoar McKenney are
hereby appointed mem·bers of the Board o;f Au,di t, to perform the
duties required of them by R. S. 0., Chapter 120, Seoti on 22.
Too t the ¡œmbers of the said Boar d be paid the SJ.m of
Seven Dollars per day :tor theirservioes, and five cents per
mile, go ing to an d fro m such a udi t .
Re ad a tb.ir d ti ¡œ and passed at County Counoil Chambars,
St. Thomas, 26th January, 1929.
~ JL ,^W
~(7 . . .
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Clerk. Warden.