1119 i I I B.y-LAW No. 1119 To Appoint High School Trus tees The Elgin County Qouncil enacts: That Erwin Smith be appointed Trustee for the Vienna. High School for three years. That Dr. ]'. H. IvIiller be appointed Trustee of the Aylmer High School for tb,ree years. That Sidney Howell be appointed 'rrustee of the Dutton High School for three years. Read a third time and passed at County Council Chambers, St. 'LhO!lJ9.S 26th January, 1929. / '7 ~L ÞdL -1 - ~ . . . . .. .... . ,. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Clerk. Warden.