1120 1 I , I BY-LAW No. 1120 To Appoint a COQrtty Advisory Agricultural Council. The Elgin County .council eroctli): l. That the following be appointed members of County Advisor y Agricultural Council: For Two Year s J. A. King, Aldb oro ugh Ernest E. Luton, Southwo ld R. B:~ McConnell, Malahide David Nob1Le, South Dorchester W. F. Smith, Yarmouth J. A. McCallum, Dunwich 2. That member s at said Advisory COQnc.il be paid th~ ¡.'Jam as member s of th is .Council for at t en den ce at Üle two meetings reqµ..ired to be held annually, in February and November, and that they receive their travelling and other exp:¡nses for a tten fumc e at special or emergency meetings called by the chairman . County Council .chambers, st. Thona s, 26 th January 1929. A ----t. ~ ( j+:/lJt .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Clerk. We:rden.