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BY-LAW NO. 1122
To Authorize the Warden to Sign Agreement.
WHEREAS the Corporation of the County of Elgin and the
County of Middlesex have agreed to enter into an agreement
under the provisions of Section 453 of the Municipal Act
to provide for:
(1) The payment of construction and maintenance work on
the townline between Dorchester and Westminster by the
County of Middlesex, being a portion of County Road
No. 25. For the construction and maintenance work on
the Westminster ~ Yarmouth townline by the County of
Elgin being County Road No. 34.
(2) The widening of the bridge over Kettle Creek in the
Village of Belmont, each County to pay hall.
(3) That the cost of construction wOrk on bridges and 100
foot approaèhes on the Westminster _ Yarmouth townline
be paid one half by each County. The necessity for
c onstructi on wor k to be det ermine d by the Road Supts.
and Highway Department Engineer.
(4) That the County of Middlesex construct and maintain a
concrete pavement 20 feet wide on the Westminster _
South Dorchester townline.
:¡.; That the Warden be and is hereby authorized
to sign said agreement.
County Council Chambers,
St. Thomas, 7th June, 1929.
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- Clerk Warden
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LONDON, ONT Deaember 19 9 29
K. W. McKay Esq.,
County Clerk,
st. Thomas, Ont.
Dear Sir:
Replying to your letter of the 12th instant,
the By-Law and Agreement regarQing the maintenanae of
the road at Belmont, were registered in the Registry
Offiae for the East and North Riding of the County of
12y.t. '71J //01
Midù.lesex on the 10th Qay of December 1929. ~ ðvW
Yours truly,
County Clerk