1123 r--", of land "all and singnlar that certålin parcel or tra and premises, situate lying and being in the :t'ownship the Township of YaI'mouth described as follows,~ 1 That that part of Park Avenue a Highway in Yarmouth by whioh it j.s provided 1 . That By-law No. 1117 of the Council of the Township of OF TI{J~ COUNTY OF ELGIN.~ TIJEREFOR BI~ IT ENACTED BY ~K~ COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION By-law should be confirmed. the Township of Yarmouth anò. it appears proper that the said aft er the passing of said By~law 1\ o . 1117 of the said Council of being held not sooner than three months nor later than one year this Counoil commencing on the -,,-- #- day of June 1929 the same By~law mo. 1117 at the ourrent ordinary and regular sitt ing of applied to this Counòil to pass a By~law oonfirming the said Oounty of Elgin and the saiò. Counoil of said Township have WHERIUS "(6) 11 by-law of the oouncil of a township, passed "tinder the authority conferreò. by olsllse(c) of ·subsection 1, ix "the case of a township in Ullorgani9,:ed tel'I'itory, shall not hSVE "any foroe unless and unt il approved by a judge of the ò.istrict "Court of the district in which the township is situated, and "in other cases unløss and until oonfirmed by a by"law ·of the "oouncil of the òonnty in}Íihich the Township is situate passed "at an ordinary meeting of the council held not sooner than "three months or later than one year after the passing of the "by-law of t he Council of the to'.^~lship~·" And the said Township of $armouth is situate in the .Act it is enacted as follows 1!Ε’ERE.AS by Subseotion 6 of Section 483 of the Ivluninipal as is hereinafter descr ibed . And to stop up and olose that part of Park Avenue in t he said Towns 23rd day WHEREAS of February A.D..1929 finally the C01U1Cil of the Tovmship of Yarmouth did pa.ss the ir By~+aw No . on 1117 tel( Registerèd Plan No. 80. Yarmouth To confirm By-law No. to stop up a part 111 7 of the Council of of Park Avenue as shown thø 'l'ownship of on BY-LAW No 1123 '. ~ . --4- Clerk 'é. tv -r.. ·r:;G passed this Read a First -f'~ 7 day of June A.D . Thir d 1929 time and fina\lY Second and passing t her eô':f. 2. This By-law shall take effect forthwi th upon the be and the same is hereby approved and confirmed be and "Beginning at the interseotion of the easterly limi t e "Park Avenue with the northerly limit of Warehouse Street;. Thene "westerly aoross Park Avenue measured along the northerly limit "of Warehouse street produced westerly sixty-six (66) feet more "or less to the intersection with the westerly limit of Park .\ve "Thence northerly along the westerly limit of Park Avenue two "hundred and ninety..five (295) feet more or less to a point one "hundred and ninety-six (196) feet measuredsoutherly along the "said westerly limit of Park Avenue from its interseotion with t "southerly limit of Talbot Road.; Thence easterly across Park Ave "sixty-six (66) feet more or less to a point in the easterly lirr "of Park Avenue whioh is one. hundred and ninety-eight and five- ""=·~{tenths (198.5) feet measured southerly along the said easterly "limit of Par k Avenue fr om its intersect ion wi th the said southe "limi t of Talbot Road; Thence southerly measured along the said "easterly limit of Park Avenue two hundred and ninety-five (295) "feet more or less to the point of beginning, oontaining by "admeasurement forty-five one hundredths (.45) aores more or lee "as shown enolosed by yellow lines on plan here to attaohed", the same is hereby stopped up anò. olosed. " '. "Yarmouth in the County of Elgin, and being composed of all tha1 "part of the road allowal1ce oommonly ]mown as Park Avenue as she "on Registered. Plan :Number I~ighty (80) being a part of Farm lot "l~umber Seven (7) in the gighth (8th) Concession olf said Townsh: "of Yarmouth, as lies between the northerly and sout~erly limit, "of the Qanada Southern Railway Company's right..of-way and whicl "part may be more partioularly described as fOllows,- Q t -2..