1125 d. Munici A1db oro ugh .. Dt1nwi oh. . . . . . So.uthVlOld ... Yarmouth. .... Malahi de ..... Bayham ... .,. . . ~ - S. Dorohester... Aylmer ......... County Counoil Chambers . . St. T ota 1 $34990 39060 46418 47872 33761 22298 21656 11333 Th omas , June Munioij Du tt on .. ... :Pt. Stanley... Springfield .... Vienna ......... ROdney......'... West Lo.rne ..... 7th 1929 . IÎ 1\ L--j1 j~-- Total $4460 7437 2219 1090 3266 3143 SCHEDULE 2. That the sum of Two Hundred and Seventy..nine Thousand and Three Dollars be raised and 1 evied in the several munioipal- ities of the County, according to the following Sohedule, and that the amounts as entered therein be paid to the County Treas- urer, as by law required. 1. That a rate of 9 mills on the Do.ilar be levied on all rateable property in the several Mun&cip&lities in the County Elgin, as above set forth, for the year 1929 to. raise the following amounts oj THEREFORE the Co.unoil of the Munioipal Co.rporation of Elgin enacts $31,000,374 of the Co.unt;y Aldboro.ugh .... .. Dttnw!" h ..... eo. . . . Southwold ......... Yarm'Oll th .......... Malahide .......... Bayham ............ South Dorchester .. Aylme r ............ Dutto n ............ :Port Stanley .;.... Springfiel d ....... Vienna 1Ii......-..... Rodney............ West Lorna ........ · . · . .. · . .. · . . . · . · . · . · . $3,887,759 4,340,052 5,157,514 5,319,162 3,751,283 2,477,531 2, 4D6, 201 1,259,216 495,509 826,353 246,578 121,088 362,931 349,197 Munici AND M{EREAS the assessment of property of asoertained and equalized in 1928 as as follows Total Equalized Value .AN.D basis of year. WHEREAS the rates the assessment are required to of pro.perty as the County be apportioned on the equalized in the preceding as AND m{EREAS by the to. direct what portion ipality in the County. Assessment Act, o.f the sum to. be this Council is required levièd in eaohMunio- WHEREAS an estima te has be en made showing that the sum o.f Two. Hundred and Seventy-nine Thou.sand, and Three Dollars is required to be rais ed in ·b he several Municipalities fo.r the law- ful purposes of the· Co.unty during the year 1929. During the Year 1929. To Raise Amounts for County Rates BY-LAW NO. 1125