1130 BY-LAW No. 1130 To Appoint a Board of Audit in the County of El¡r,in for the Year 1930. Be it enacted by the Council of the Munic ipa 1 Corp ora ti on of JÜgin: That the Juåge of the County Court, and Oscar ¡'¡¡cKemey are hereby a];Jpoint ed members of the Board 0 f Audit, to pe,r- form ·the duties 're("uired of them by R. S. 0., Chap ter 126, Secti on 22. ~ha t the membe rs of the sai êl Board be pai d the sum of Seven Dollars per day for their serviCes, arJ[l five cents per mile, g.oing to and from such audi t. Rei.id a ·third time and passed at County Counoil Chambe rs st. Thomas 31st January 1930. ~ ~~7(a~ ..... .. ...................... .. Clerk Warden