1133 BY-LAW No 1133 To Appoint rri~h School Trustøøs ThB Elgi. n County Counoi 1 ooaots: That Claude Butterwick be appointød 'J:rustee for the Vienna High School for three years. That Homør McLay M.D. be appointød Trustee of the Aylmør HigJ:1 School far two years, and Harold Hambid.ge for thrøe years. 'J!bat William Hollingshøsd. be appointøò. Trustee of th ø Dutton High 30hool for thrøø years. Head. a third time and passed at County Council Chambe rs, dt. CChonJa s, 3lst Jamary 1930. ~ ~~ % /( I2N~ ... . ..... ...... ........ Cle rk War den