1139 ,~--------' I ,. " BY-LAW No. 1139 ~o Designate county Roads in Villages. ~he Elgin County Counoil enaots; ~hat the following roads be and are hereby designated and assumed as County Roads, under the provisions of the Highways Improvement Aot; Rodney Furnival Street, oounty road number 3, from Albert Street, south to Queen Street. Queen Street, oounty road number 4, from Sanford Street east to Furnival Street. Furnival Street oounty road number 3, from Main Street nort to the Pere Marquette Right~of-way. West Lorne From MordonStreet ,0 oµnty read nUIllber 2, west to ~raham St Main street, oounty road number 2, and from Lot 99 as on registered plan 199 west to ~raham Street. Gr$am street fromChastnut Street, 0 ounty I' oad number 3, north to Main street. From Frederiok Street on Graham street south to the Miohigan Central Right-of-way. Dutton Main Street on oounty read number 8, from 4n.n1e street north to ~re Marquette ¡/'ight-of-way. Currie street, oounty road number 8, from John street to Shaokleton Street Spr 1ngf ield On East street on oounty road number 40, northerly from the Miohigan Central ¡/,ight-of-way, to Main Street. Main Street from East Street westerly through the Village oonneoting wi thOounty Road number 52. Wellington street from Main Street north on Wellington Street oonneoting with County Road number 49. I I I ~'; ,....,' -!I' 2 .- port Ste.nle From the oounty bridge approaoh on Bridge Street westerly to George Street, thenoe westerly and soatherly to the top of the Rill known as Invererie Heights, Lot Number 1. County Counoil Cha.mbers, ZI¡~th ~.ùn&)1930. ; A ¿.., ....T""\- 7-<-"''-7 5Ó~ 7f a~ . . . . . . ¡ .. ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . County Clerk Warden