1140 d___. --~-~ ~--.:z¿fl Qounty Oounoil Ohambers, SCHEDULE MunioiPal1t !Cota1 Aldboröugh ......$ 388'18 Dunwioh ...... 43400 Southwold ...... 616'15 Yaæmouth ...... 63191 Malahide ...... 3'1513 ~a~am ...... 24a15 Sou th Dorohester.. 24062 ~lmer ...... 12592 St. !Chomas, June 13th, MUnioipalit J>11tton ....... Pt. Stanley.... Springfield ... Vie me . . e, . . . . Itodney ....... West Lorne .... 1930. . 310003 !Cota: $4955 8264 2466 1211 3629 3492 2. That the S1.1ll of !Chree Hunârl3.d and !Can Thousand and !ChI Dollars be raised and levied in the several MUnioipalities of·1it øountY', aooording to the following Sohedule, and that the amoun1 as entered therein be paid to .the OountY' ~reasurer, as bY' law required; 1. That a rate of 10 mills on the;PoUar be levied on al] rateable property in the several Munioipalities in the øounty oÍ :m1gin, as above set forth, for the year 1930 to raise the following amounts: THEREFORE the Oounoil the County of :mlgin eâ'ots: of the MUnioipal Oo:tporat1on of $ Aldborough Dunwioh Southwold Yarmouth ...... Målahide ...... Bayham .. . . . . . . .. .. . . . . . South Dorohester .... . .. .... Aylmer ................ Dutton . . . .. ..e . . . . . . . . . Port Stanley........ ......... $pr Ingfj.eld . . . '. . . . . . . .. '. . . . Vienna . . . . . . .'. . . . . . . . . !odney ................ W$st Lorne ................ · . . . . ... . . . · . . . . . . . . . · . . . . . . . . . .......... 31,000.374 3,887,'169 4,340,052 f;i ,15'1, 614 6,319,162 3,'151,283 2,47'1,531 2,406, 201 1,.259,216 496,509 826,353 246,5'18 121,088 362,931 349,197 .. . . '" ....... ...... Munioi . . . . .. . . . . ..$ Tot al ;Equalized Value UD WHEREAS the assessment of property of the Oounty as asoertained and equalized in .1928 is as follows' AND aREAS the rates are reg¡1.1r!!d to be apportioned on the basis of the assessment of property as equalized in the pre- oeding year, J\.lID M!ERE,A.S by the Assessment A~t, this Oounoil is required to direot what portion of the sum to be levied for Ooµ.ntY' purposes shall be levied in eaoh Munioipality in the Oounty, WHEREAS an estimate has been made showing that the sum of Three Hunlh'ed and ~en Thousand aDd Three Dollars is requ:ired to be raised in the several Munio1pal1ties for the lawful purposes of the OountY' during the yeer ].930 Itai!! J>11rin the Year 1930 . ~--~. Wo Amounts BY.LAW No. for Oount 1140 Ra.tes " , ,'I,