1142 BY-LAW :NO. 1142 To Appoint ~ Secretary fOr OLd AgePenslons Commission. The Elgin County Oouncil enacts; That Kenneth W. McKay be and is hereby appointed Secretary of the Old Age Pensions Commission. That he be paid Eleven Dollars for each meet1ng of the Commission and an allowance of Four Hv.ndred Dollars per annum for office assistance. p~ble quarterly oommenoing the 1st of July 1930, and that By-:r..a.w No. 1129 be repealed. Read a thirdt1me and passed at County Counoi1 Ohambers. 13th of June 1930. ~~lX... ...-.?;~.. ~~ Xì /(~ .~~................... County Clerk Warden I I I tt