BY-LAW No. 1150
To Appoint a C.ounty Advisory Agricultural Council.
The Elgin Coun·ty Council enacts:
1. That the following be appointed members of County
Advisory Agricultural Council:
For Two Years.
J. A. King Ald bo r01J.gh
Ernest E. Luton Southwold
R. B. McOonnell Malahide
David Noble South Dorchester
W. F. Smith Yarmotl.th
J. A. McCalll'Ull Dunwich
2. That members Of said A~visory Council be paid the
same as members of this Council for at·tendance at ·the two
meetings re~tl.ired to be held annually, in February and Nov-
ember, and that they receive their travelling and o·ther
expenses for attendance at special or emergency mee·tings
called by the chairman,
O:otl.n ty Counc il Chambers,St. Thomas, January
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Clerk Warden