1152 A J¡,~. j/~~ Warden . be C:oun·ty Council Ohambers THAT By-Law No. 1139 heretofore and is hereby æ~pealed. January 30 passed in this behalf 1931 . Wellington Stl"eet, from Ma..;i..n Streetl.'!ol"th on Wellington Street, connecting with County Road Number 49. Main Street, from East Street westerly through Village, connecting with Gounty Road Numbe:tJ 52 . the On East Street, on Oounty Road Number 40, northerly from the Michigan Central Right-of-way, to Main Street VILLage of S From the Oounty bridge approach 'on Bridge Street, westerly to George Street, thence westerly and southerly to the ·top of the hill known as Invererie Heights, Lot Number 1. County Road Number 24 or East Street southerly to Joseph Street, then westerly on Joseph Street ·to Southerly limit of Lot 1 betweenC.olborne Street Joseph Street. and Village of Port Stanle John Street from County Main Street. Shaclüeton Street ]j[ain Street Road Number 8 to from County Main Street from Coun·ty Road N'UIIlber 10 at Street southerly to Annie Street. Road Number 13 to John ~'¡~'''',',.'''' Village of Dut·ton Graham Main street Coun·ty Road easterly to Lot 99. Stree·t from Che stnu·t Street to Frederick Street. Number 2 from Morden Street Village of Furni val S·treet from Main Street to Albert St:E'eet. Queen Street from Flora Street to Fu1:'nival Street. VVe st Lorne Village of Rodne Highway Improvement Act and assumed as County Roads under the hereby d.(')ßignatecl / provisions of ·the THAT Elgin Oounty CouĊ“il enacts the following roads be and are The To Designate County Roads in Villages. BY-LAW No . 1152 , " ,I . Of JANUI,\R'{ ·J/\PPQOVING BVU\\VS NUMBERS ONE ONE F I VI; TWO (IN 0 ONE ONE FIVE THREE COpy OF V\HICH IS N THE MJ/\IL. R.C.MUIR. CAN~DIAN PAciFIC RAILWAY COMPANY'S TELE~~~.~~M . TELEGRAM 'W ,.~.. 'I Y CABLE OONNECTIONS TO ALL PARTS OF THE-WORl:.D - '" (Printed In Canada) J. M'MILLÇ;,f\b\,~, ¡;;~n~&.~h""P.pA ~nl"e: I C - - I" ¡ "(:;RAf'16" ST1~Dà~8, J:INiE C. L.,;:'" ..¿J ... ~) 13RNRX31. . t (-;lln1 7J ~,:" !~-': P,"i :,riF!" SEf.ìVICE ·OP-TORDNTD ONT JiÀiN 27T1-i¡U'C:!NfT'r !i:1?'@ p HO ¡.~ E: 1105-110ti COH. ,TALBOT ANDELGJ~J STa W MCKtIY. COUNTY CLERK OF ELGIN. S1. THOMAS. ON T. ORDER ~~O'UNCIL PJ/\SSEO ON THE 22NO OAY I I , 'V ONTARIQ - DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS TO;L'onto, January 27th 1932. Mr. K. W. McKay, Clerk of Elgin County, st. Thomas, Ontario. Dear Sir: We take pleasure iñ enclosing a copy of an Order-in-Council passed on January the 22nd, 1932, and approving By-laws Nos. 1152 and 1153 of your county. Yours very truly, 7J¡~ CLERK OF MUNICIPAL NWII/AB. Encl. rYFff)j¡JiUt/!( . <herk, Executive CoUncil. I Î ì i ! ¡ I ¡ ¡ / f / / ~ f /'// '~ ./~ " ., r' /'J!! %1 1\ ,--V' ,~, j ~'J;p ,.' ".e" ~Jd / /Y'I\J\ . // ONTARIO , - EXECUTIVE COUNCIL OVFICE CO'py 0'1' an Òrd.er..in"'C:auncil apprO'ved by" '11he; Heneurable the Administrater Of' the Government af' t.he Pre vince af' OntariO', dated the 22nd day ef' Jan~ary, A.D. 1932. Upen. considera tien O'f' the repart af' the, HanO'urable the Minister af' Highways, dated the 16th day ö~) J'an~ary, 1932" the GOllll!li ttee 0'1' Oeuncil advise that in accardance with Sections 16 and 2'1 af' ':Dhe High- way' :tn:tpro1rement Act, Ghapter 54, R.S.O. 1927, by-laws NO's. 1152 and 1153 af the Gaunty O'f' Elgin, wherein the cauncil 0'1' the said c.aunty prapases to' amend the ex- isting system 0'1' caunty- raads, as appreved by Order"in'" Cauncil, by the additian of shart stretches 0'1' road wi thin villages and the' dele tian 0'1' sectians 0'1' raads framthe County Read SystellÌ.. be appreved. Oertified, Ólerk, Executive·áouncU. lJ;;ViíM/:l:ID :«:'":W_JìJ~"~" '(',,;]:'(:_':':'-1) ",,,,.,, j, -jJ;{ .' '. ....~ ".;;¡ ,." '-', . . .... .... - '..;··.·.·c_ (;o1J.rit;,y' fJlø:l'k_~ " :t'fÚ'\;Ül1t; , , M C1:' i -'\ ., .,~, -f I .tha . ~. t) , ., ;;1 ì I~' ( ~l~ß H<tr.tQu);'a.hla, th () :!?~Hø.lJ1o¡;¡;j¡ D1d.¡~U1:!6.s. !to:OO ,t!lL'O Üx¡;f¡ . , ' -,'.-' ,. , ',,', ' ., " I o , ;l~.1'rte,;, Ipth l;H' 3 l'~ ONTARiO . QPl'îct_QF:" . ,,'~JNJ~ T ~ R;qF,H'~6 t: ~>?Ä1:s , JUn~ it' . ONTARIO - OfFICE OF MINISTER OF HIGHWAYS TORONTO, June 15th, 1 9 3 1. Dear Sir: Just to acknowledge your favour of the 13th instant enclosing by-law No. 1152 designating Oounty roads in the Villages. Sincerely yours, Minister of Highways. K..w . McKay ,Esq. County Clerk, St.Thomas,Ont.