1153 C.O:MM]]J)TOING at the intersectiQn of the Southerly limit of the said road allowance and the West limit of the Towsline between the TownshiJ?s of Âldborough. and Dunwich; thence Northerly along the Westerly limit of said Townline Sixty-two feet and Five inches (62' .5" thence South westerly in a straigh·t line to a J?oint. in the Southerly limit of the said road allowance whioh is distant One Hundred and Eighty-seven Feet and Three inohe s (187' .3") measured Westerly thereon from the Westerly limH of the said Town line; thenoe Easterly along the Southerly limit of the said road allowance, One Hundred and Eighty-seven feet and Three inches (187' .3ft) to the plac.e of beginning In. aocordance with blue J?rint here attached deletions within the red lines. ) THAT J?ortion of the road allowance between c.onoessions 8 al'ld 9, ':Cowl'lshiJ? of Âldborough, whioh may be more J?articularly described as follows; (2 ) Road Number 2 Towl'lSh.i of Aldborough COMMENCING at a J?oint in the Northerly limit of said road allowance distant Three Hundred and Thirty-eight feet (338'.0") measured Easterly thereon from the Easterly limit of the Townline between the TownshiJ?s of Dunwich and Aldborough; thel'lce Westerly along the Northerly limit of said road allowance t4ree hundred al'ld Thirty-eight feet (338'.0") to the Easterly limit of the Tovm line; thence Southerly along the Easterly limit ofs.aid Town line, Sixty-six feet (66' .0") ·to the Southerly limit of said road between c.onaess:lons A and 5 North of A.TownshiJ? of Dunwich; thence Easterly along the Southerly limit of said road allowanae, Two. Hundred and EightY-l'line feet (289".9" Thence North Easterly in a straight line to the J?lace of beginning. THAT portion of the road allowance between c.onoessions A and 5 North of A in the Township of Dunwioh, whioh may be more particularly described as follows:- (1 ) Road Number 10 Townshi of Dunwioh THAT the fo.llowing J?ortions of county roads, owi¡¡g to ahanges in alignment and aonstructipn of alternative roads, have oeased to be of suffiaient imJ?ortal'loe to be construo.tell and mai¡¡tained as oounty roads, anll that they be reverted to the corporations of the muniaipalities in whioh the same are situate: n;The Elgi¡¡ C:outlty Counoil enacts BY"L.l\.W NO. 1153 To Revert Portions of County Roads to Looal MuniaiJ?alities. 1 . · r '/':J.. ~. ~ ø,,¿f ~- ) . ~l' !I~ ,:PI,' (1 ¡ ROad Wo. 16 - 5!ownshlp of ~uttWloh !HA~ po1't"ol1 -Of the road allowa.noe between Oonoeeøf.ons 11.. MId 5 !forth of A "It the ['ovrnship of Dunw10h whioh may be more pa1''tiou1arly dos-01'''bed as tolloWlh- OQUJ!4EU'O¡WG at a p01nt in the 'Northerly 11m1t ot said road allGwanoe distant '.!!hree Hundred a.nd \" ..' > '.....'. .:.... _: ......... .'. ''':'.. - ..' Thlrt~-el£!ht feet (~3&t .0") mea.sured Easterly thereon from the Easterl;v 11mlt of the !l!own Line betwøen the '.!!ownshlps of DUllwloh and Aldborough; 1ihenoe Westerly ,... '. .,. . ,.' .'.,' .,', .' '.' ..... along tho Northerly l1m1.t of eaid road allowatloe" !l!h!;'ee Hundred and !J!h1rty-eight feet (33ß' .0") to the EaeterlY lImit of the fown Llne;thel1oG Sou'bherl;V alø g the Eaeterl, p.mlt of said !J!own LinG, Sixty-sl: teet (66· .0") t-o the Southerly 11m1 t of saId road botween o o nee ss1cnø· A and ð 'No,..th 0'1 A, ~wn$hlp 0'1 Dunwlch; thenCe E.as terl~ along the southerl~ llm1 t of saId road allowanoe, !l!vro ~/~ . ~rM. Hl1ndred a.nd E1ghty..n:t.ne fee~ (289· ,0" h thenoe )ìlaaterly il:l. a. straight line to tho pla.ee of begitìIl1nt::. (21 !Ulad !fo. 2 - Townsh1p ot Aldborough TRAil! portion et the roa.d a.llowanoe between ConoessionsS and 9. !l!o'\'1I1 ship of A,ldborQugh, WÌ). ich ma.y be more, parti eu1a:r;l.y desorlbed a.s tollOWS:- COMUE'tTCI!fG at t he intersection ot the South- el"l-, lImIt of the aa.idl'oa.d allowance and the West lim1t at the !l!own Line 'between the Townships ot Aldborou¡;h and Dunwic1!;; Thence Northerly along the weeter1y limit of am d !eOWI:1 L1n& Slxt;v-two teet and Fhe 1nohes{62' .6"); thence South weøt- erl;v 111 e. straight line to a poiut In the Souther).:! 11m1 t ot the øa$.d road a.lÎowanoe whioh is distant One lIund.:re d ø.nd Eighty-seven fest and Throe inohes (1.87' .5" ¡ m.ea.~l\we d Vlest- ~ 8t ,.' Ja.nuar~ 26th. Thomas. Onta.rl0. 1\151.. Ontarl0 Land Surveyor. ..' " ., -2:- et11 thereon from the westerlY l1mlt of the said''J!o1l1n Line; ".' ," '" -. ':." ....'... .... ,'-, ....,', -,' ..' - .... ..... -'':', , ','.. ',- "': .. ", .., thelioEl Eaéterlr along the Southerly Um1t otthe sa.id:r (la.d â11ow3l1oe. O¡:¡$ RtU'ldred and E:!.ghty-seVen feet a nil. !lihree ,.. ',' .....".. ..,", ',c.' inches (18'1" .5" j to the' plaoe of beginning. ø1~~ .P ., . .