BY..UW No. 1157
TQ Appoint a Oounty Road Oommittee.
T}¡e J¡)lgin oO\l.l1tyOo.Ul).O:I.:I. enacts as requ.iredby
t}¡e Highway Itnprov emen tAct;;
That the following :l\ive members of t}¡is Oouncil
(onstitu.te a Qommittee for the purpose of d:!rect1.ng
tb.e work to be done on t}¡e Oounty RoadSyst;em ..
W. A. Butler for term of if.;.- Fiye 'tears
FJ;'ank Ooutts ,., II II if- Four Years
M. .A,. McAJ.pine II II ;,.tJ!I Three years
Neil A. McOoll !1 n if-01l Two Years
s. S. MCJ)ermand II u if.e¡t One Year
Read a th:!rd time ant passed!il,t OotU11¡y Oounq:t1
01¡aIi¡ber, st. ()}¡omas, 12th of June 1931.
-¡ ß/,-G. ~
...... ...... ...... ....... ................"
Olerk Warden