1158 , ... t Ii :: "._-'~.." c V .. BY.LAW :NO. 1158 .4 By-law to authorize an Agreement between the Oorporation of the County of ~lgin and --- Southern Ontario Gas Oompany Limited.._. WHERE.(I.J:¡ the oorporation of the County of Elgin has joint jurisdiction with the Oorporationof the Oounty of Middlesex ~yer the bridges, approaches and highways thereon across the Thames River commonly called and known as the Graham Road :Bridge and Walker'S Bridge. .AND WHEREAS --- Southern Ontario Gas oompany Limited. hereinafter referred to as the Company, has applied to the said oorper ation for the franchise, right or privilege of using and occupying the said bridges for the purposes and subjeot to the terms and conditions set forth in the agree- ment hereinafter mentioned. AND WHEREAS the Oounoil of the oorporation of the County of Elgin deems it advisable to grant said request and to enter into said agreement. BE IT THEREFORE ENAOTED and it is hereby ene.oted by the Oouncil of the Oorporation of the County of Elgin in pursuanoe of the premises and of the powers in said Oounoil vested and so far only as such powers extend and not otherwise: 1. That the Warden and Olerk are hereby authorized and instruoted on behalf of the Oo:rporationtó enter into, execute, seal with the Corporate seal and deliver the .4greement set forth in Sohedule "All hereto between the, Oompany and the Oor- poration of the oounty of Elgin, whioh Agreement is hereby inoorporated in and forma part ofthia By-Lß.w. ,- passed the tweilifthday of June 1931. :p/~. 7CM/ \............~ f Clerk' Warden - ~~.QdJ) ,%.~~ð- Q,3-<ß This is ª01{EDULI!; "4" referred to in ~y~l~w Ne¡¡. 1158 of the oounty of Elgin and incorporated therein and therewith. THTS AGREEMENT made in triplicate this 12th day of .Tune 1931. THE OORPORATION OF THE OOUNTY OF. ELGIN, here inafter called the Corporation of the F:ir st Part; and SOUTHERN ONTARIO GAS COMPANY; LIMITED, hereinafter called the Company of the Seoond Part. WHEREAS the bridges over the River Thames oommonly called and known as the Graham Road Bridge and Walker's Bridge and the highways thereon are under the jOint jurisdiction of the Corporations of the Oounty of E¡gin and the county of: Middlesex. AND WHEREAS the company purposes to construct, maintain and operate a gas transmission line, work or system to transpor.t gas from areas north of the said River southerly across the said bridges to a junction with the company&s transmission lines carrying gas· easterly to the City of Hamilton and elsewhere and for the purpose of and as part of said prop~ osed line, work or system has applied to the Oorporation for the right to use and oooupy the said bridges, and highways thereon. AMI) WHEREAS by~By~Laws duly passed by thE! Municipal Oounoil of the said Oorporation the Olerk and Warden of each of the said Corporationlshave been authorized and d1~ected to ex~ ecute, seal and deliver this Agreement on behalf of the Cor~ poration. 1. NOW THEREFORE THIS AGREEMENT WITl'JESSETH that the said Oorporation doth to the extent of its powers only hereby grant to the Company, its Sucoessors and Assigns, the right to use and occupy the said bridges, the approaohes thereto and so much of the highways thereon as is under its jurisdiction and upon eaoh of said bridges and approaohes to o onstruct , maintain and operate a main pipe line of suoh weight and diameter as may be approved by the "Road Superintendent" of the corporation for the ...¡::;- tra.nsmission of gas and to transmit ga.s therein upon the termS and conditions following: 2. ~heOompany shall for the purposes e.foresaid use and employ pipe and equipment of the best design and materials. and shall at all times keep and maintain the same in proper and sufficient repair. 3. :»efore constructing the pipe lines hereby authorized the oompany shall file with the Olerk of said Oorporation a plan drawn to seale and a.pproved by its Engineer showing the proposed location of said pipe lines on said bridges and approaches ." and in laying and construoting said pipe lines shall act under the direction and to the satisfaotion of such person or persons as shall be appointed by said Oo:r:poration to superintend suoh work, the reasonable remuneration of suoh person or persons so appointed to be paid by the Qompany on reoeipt of an acoount therefore duly oertified by the Olerk of said Corporation. 4. TheOOmpa.ny shall oonstruot, maintain and operate ¡¡jaid pipe line in suoh manner as not to interfere with or prevent or make more difficult or dangerous the use for all lawful purposes of the said bridges and approaohes and highways thereon. 6. The aOl!lpany ¡¡¡hall from time to time and at all times during the period for which the rights and privileges hereby granted are cont inued save harmleåå and keep indemnified the said Corporation from and against all aotions or suits, loss. coats (&S between solieitor a.nd cl~êntl charges, damages and E¡xpensea whieh may be brought against or oocasioned tot he said qorpor!!.tion or any person lawfully using said bridges whether or not by reason of any negleet, default or miscondut of the Oompany. its servants or agents or otherwise in construeting, maintaining or operating the said pipe line. 6. S.hould the Qorporation at any time during the life of this Agreement determine tQ repair, alter or replace said bridges or either of them the comp!!,ny, upon the written request of the corporation, its road superintendent or engineer ,i ,l will, at its own expense notwithstanding the provisions of R.S.Q. 1927, Opapter 56, remove and relocate its said pipe lines so as to permit of such repair, ~lteration or replacement. If ~fter reasonable notice in writing from the Road Superintendent or :Engineer of the Oorporation so to do the Oompany shall fail to remove or relocate its said pipe or to do any other work required of it under said By..Law or this agreement and $pecifie(i in suóh notice theqorpóration may do the work specified in the notice a.nd the cost thered shall be forth- with payable by the Oompany to the Oorporation and if after written notice requiring the Company to remove or reJ.ocate its pipe or to do any other work required of it under said BY-Law or this agreement and specified in such written notice by the Oorpor~tion to the Qompa.ny, which notice shall be given by sending the same by registered mail addressed to the Company, 51S Jackson Building, 220 Delaware AVenue, Buffalo, ~ewYork, the oompany fails for a reasonable period and not exceeding thirty days in any event after the mailing of such registered notice, to remove or relocate the pipe specified in the notice or to do the work required of it under said :aY-Law or this agreement and specified in the notice, then a.ndin that event the Corporation may by resolution c.ancel the franchise hereby granted. 7. The OOll;lpany may at any time and upon the termination of this Agreement shall remove its property from the said bridges or either of them in which instance it shall restore said bridges to as good condition as the same were in before such removal wi :thout cost to the Corporation. S. The Franchise, right or privilege hereby granted shall be for the term of ten (10) Ye~rs from and after the passing of said By-LaW, provided that if ~t least six months prior to the expiration of the said term of ten years, the 09mp~ny shall notify the Corporation in writing that it desires a renewal thereof for a further period of ten years, the same may at the option of the corporation be renewed a.ccordingly. granted are not to be deemed or oonstrued as exolusive in favour of the Company. IN W1;TNESS ~OF the Company has hereunto affixed i tw oorporate seal under the hands of its lIt' opel' offioers in that behalf and the Corporation has hereto affixed its oorporate seal under the hands of its Warden and. Clerk. SIGNED, SJ!JALED and DELIVERED ) ) in the presence of ) ":? 7L ! /i .' ~Warden (Seal) )~ ~'¿7 ). Clerk ) ) ISOU~HERN GAS ) C01lP,ANY (Seal) ~:Y H 12. The FJ;'anchise, rjghts and privileges hereby J after the final passing of said By-Law and exeoution and delivery of this Agreement. /' This agreement shail come into foroe 11. extend to benefit L:_.:.':··...··....·.·,.::··.·,; .. assigns. and bind and obligations the Company, :from and hereby iij¡.posed it sei.1Ccesf3or.EI and granted andlia,bilities shall 10. 9. ~he sa1d By-LaW and this Agreement issubj ect to all statutes, orders or rules made or to be made by lawfully constituted authority having jurisdiction. in the premises. T:ile Franohise , rjghts and privileges hereby