1161 ~.. . .", 't . ~~-':~ JaY-LAW No. 1161 To Designate County Roads The Elgin County Council enacts: THAT the following roads be and are hereby designated and assumed as County Roads under provisions of the Highway Improvement Act: 1. Road Number 39, Township of Malahide, between Lots 10 and 11, ~,be extend~]) from the most northerly limi ts of the Corporation of the Town of Aylmer on John street south to Forest street in said town. 2. The Oounty line between the Oounties of Kent . and Elgin from County Road Number 6 between Concessions 2 and 3 in the Tow.nship of Aldborough, north to the centre of the River Thames at the Bothwell Bridge. Read a third time and passed a.t County Oouncil Chambers, st. Thomas, 26th November 1931. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .'. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Olerk Warden , ~. ~ 2}. Certified, "The' C'ounty ~ine between the Cqunties of Kent and E~gin from 'County Road. Number 6 between. Concessions 2 and. 3 in the ,Township of Aldborough., north to the centre of the River Thames at the Bothwe·ll Bridge." , Executiv~ Council. ( furct¡her e.xtended Honourable q:oll1Idttee of CounciL advise to that road described. as follows: Highways, the the recorr¡.mendation of the that apPl'ova.lbè consideration of BY*7law ])fo. 1161. in part by Qrder- .' in-Goun6il,dated 'the the Minister 01: of the County as approwed ,.........'... , 2nd day of: Aùgust. 1932 and upon EXECUTIVE COUNCIL O"ICE .,-;'," ,,-.. Copy of an, Order-in~Council aJ;Jproved by- The HÖnourab1e, the L1eutenant*7Governor, date·a, the " -........::....:: ,.::,' :<-: -:... ':'.",:",:,' ....... ," SSnd.. day of ])fovember A~D.. 1933. Of Elg:j:n, In.further I. ,~. (ì \) ~ \ \: , /// r'> ~ ~: '-' ONTARIO - D¡:;PARTM¡:;NT OF HIGHWAYS Toronto, November 25th, 1933. Mr. K. W. MoKay, Elgin County Clerk, st. Thomas, Ontario. Dear Sir: We take pleasure in enolosing a oopy of an Order-in-Counoil whioh was passed on November 22nd, 1933, and whioh extends further approval to By-law No. 1161 of your oounty so as to inolude Paragraph (2). Yours truly, ;1(~4~~¿Þ~.~~K/ NWH/ AD. CLERK OF MUNICIP~-R01i.DS. Enol. /. YOU:t'Ð ijl·tl~Y, Ki.nðJ,;V to tho been r¡¡¡i t tOT. li¡'tt-S; th:t,ß I:e asme ! Kent De",r s_~'t . . In .. , ROM/AB, OHIEF ENGINEER OF MlJNIOIPfJ, ROADS. R c'. ve-,:y·t-,:uly, You-,:s The app-':oval of you-,: ed in the course of a few days. By-law will be forward- We have your letter of the 18th instant with respect to By-law No. 1161 passed by the Oounty of Elgin asswning part of the Ken·ç-Elgin boundary line as a Oounty Road and we wish tq advise you that the mentioned By-law has not yet been approved by Order-in-Oouncil although we have approved of the By-law designating this road in the Oounty of Kent. Dear Si r: Mr. K. W. McKay, Elgin County Olerk, st. Thomas , Onto ONTARIO - QEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS Toronto, April 21st, 1933, r . .. 1~(7 Q;1.G:L"k, :mx~(lU'\,íi.va OOMcll. .... .. '. ',. '.. ...........".....,..... RCM/AB. Encl. a f¿-~~ CHIEF ENGINFÆR OF MUNICIPAL RO~SD ~ «'¿/'/ Yours very truly, of road within the ~imits of the Town of This refers to a section Aylmer. By-law No. 1161 of the County of Elgin. in-Council dated the 2nd day of August, 1932 approving in part of We are enclosing herewith a copy of an Order- Dear Sir: Mr. K. W, McKay, Elgin County Clerk, st. Thomas, Ontario. ~ Toronto, August 5th, 1932. . ONTARIQ - DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS \ , 41~'~ , ~ . I, " >j Oopy of ,~n O;!;'M:!:,..j,.r.¡..Cf)tU~Oll r..~1p;¡¡ø'tOi by 'bh~ lll))1cm:Ji>(¡ h.1..¡:¡ t11\1 .\¿\In:ï.x.¡:I. a'brc', tHH' o:e tlJ¡" (R-,,'\f f)J..,.~r.!Q¡.t of t1'o)) ;¡'!;¡;·ovl.!\(\~of Ont£l;t.'io.. dp:tøð. the ' .. /f" cJ;;/N~tf'. de.;)/' of Au.ß'1,wr¡;~ A.)).. 1'1)52. UJ)Ot1 ê1inaidßl'~l,tiQn 01' the X'eþM.'t OJ': tIlt} lJ:onotJ.rabJ,.~ 11M 1>I;Lniatß.!.' 01' Hi(ghwf!Y$~ Q.s\t()d the 26th f.1.ay 0:1: Ju:Ly ~ J.9;2~ # t:h,Q CC¡¡JJlIj,ti {~e of (launcH 'H~V;t:;:(t th¡xt in a.øcox·dnJ.¡<ìó i1~.th Seotion ::1.(,). of ry:h$ J£;tghwli';</ I)y(p;1,'oV'$!\¡J¡Uì.t .Aoil, Oh:.lìtar I'\<;/:. :a.s.o.. 192~/, 17.1!þJ!ovn.J. 'bo g-:!:V'ßJ:! tQ by-law :No. l:L6.1 I)f ·01119 Oonnty of ~¡:1.gin> Vi:!J\1!l'cin î:i1H¡ <)otut(}i1 of th" l1~1.id ('jou..nty :¡;JJ':Oj)O::HIS to u>:nørld the oxi¡;¡i¡i.!êi?; r~'ys!¡$¡¡¡ 0:[' twu.nty ¡'ot,,-I.$, !:I13 il:!?p).'ov~d by (j'\'ii(\!:t.'~j,.tHJoun..,:tl, 'by ¡¡1w u'ù.d.it;lon of J:'ot:>ds í:oi;b.e (Jouuií;¡r lloa.d Sys1 (¡¡¡¡. witb j¡l¡G øXèt)pbion ".;1111ì; J?iJ1VUX1i! ;í.\l:¡;'\!hGl' ;i,nvm;!'IJie;ation f1W:PJ:,()va.l 'bø wi1¡¡..-M~.d. X.rO¡¡¡ thø ::Co¡l(]ì'1:L~ ).'oa.d. d~aQ~Ü.)ød af; :f,oJ,.towf.;!í "Wh.r",t :pa.;¡,''!; of 'th'1 OOlmt;¡f bou,J:tdtJ.ry l.1n~ row.d. 't)ø\!wßen !(Q.nt n..t1{t ¡'~;tøji:n UQI,tJ':;0:rl;¡r i'r()j1'! O,m..n:\ly Fload Nt).. ¡~. 'bèiJwGOn OOl1Q~a<ilions 1.1 and UJ.. TOW)lOh1p 9f Ald:borQugh. to the: <lørrtrG o.f. the H~.V01' Œhi'Jnes tii,t j¡ht .rJçrbhwcl1 :1!!Z·;I.dgt.fI o r;;t'U£iad . . CUe:l!'1t, ExèOl.1.tivo OotUlóil~ . . , (¡,.... ",J,"" .. . ONTAR I 0 ËXECUTIVE COUNCIL OFFICE ~,., iv' . \ ~.' '..,.,,- ;-··ì , ü: ~ iJ ~' 3 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Yours PIE,ase let me feelings in this matter. very oounty have an expression Attaohed is a map showing thø King's Highways in red, roads in blue and the proposed addition in blaok. of your county's It is represented that this road provides direot oonrleotion with the Tovin of Bothwell tor a 0 area and, if the proposal is agreeable to your County of Middlesex, we shall approve. the only onsiderable County and the We are oonsidering a request from Kent County for approval of a by-law whioh ass'~es as a oounty road part of the Kent-Elg;1.n-Middlesex boundary south from King's Hi.ghway No. 2 to. Claohan, approximately 3 miles. Dear Sir Mr. K. W. MoKay, Comity Clerk, St, Thomas, Ontario. ~ Toronto, Sepi;ember 10, 1931. ~ P"'\ " SMITH, C.E. !>EPUTY MINISTER ." o DEPARTMEN1 .... ONTARIO OF' PUBLIC HIGHWAYS J:~~""¡HC ·,&.~N!c~;·,*';; ;.~~ " .". ."-";f;;' ,;,l,~nO~;.':,~ .1[0U;l"- I lf9mmr to :tt1jìJ:ûVQJU:311t , :~ S:t:i"i :¡: ,ç r':'t .f . " niatQ¡' ~ '1