1183 I J ~LU r/~ d.lL SCHEDULE TOTAL Munici 23,327 26,040 30,945 31,915 22,508 14,865 14,437 7,555 county Oouncil Ohambers, Munici Aldborough Dunwich Southwold Yarmouth M:alahide Bayham South Dorchester Aylmer st. Thomas, Dutton Port Stanley Springfield Vienna Rodney West Lorne June 17 1932. $ 186.002 TOTAL 2,973 4,958 1,479 727 2,178 2,095 2. That the sum of One Hundred and Eighty-six Thousand and Two Dollars be raised and levied in the several municipalitiā‚¬ of the Oounty, according to the following Schedule, and that the amounts as entered therein be paid to the Oounty Treasurer as by law required 1. That a rate of 6 mills on the Dollar be levied on all rateable property in the several Municipalities in the County of Elgin, as above set forth for the year 1932 to raise the followir amounts THEREFORE the Council of the Municipal Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts: Al db orough Dunwi ch Southwold Yarmouth Ma,lahide Bayham South Dorchester Aylmer Dutton Port Stanley Springfield Vienna Rodney West Lorne 3,887,759 4,340,052 5,157,514 5,319,162 3,751,283 2,477,531 2,406,201 1,259,216 495,509 826,353 246,578 121,088 362,931 349,197 Munici AND WHEREAS the assessment of property ascertained and equalized is as follows: Total Equalized Value of the Oounty as basis AND WHEREAS the rates are required to be apportioned on of the assessment of property as equalized the AND VlliEREAS by the Assessment Act, this Council is required to direct what portion of the sum to be levied for County purpose shall be levied in each Municipality in the County. WHEREAS an estimate has been made showing that the sum of One Hundred and Eighty-six Thousand and Two Dollars is required to be raised in the ueveral MUnicipalities for the lawful pur- poses of the County during the year 1932. During the Year 1932. To Raise Amounts for County Rates BY-LAW No. 1183