1187 ~. ~. r, ,-- BY-LAW No. 1187 , To Confirm the Equalization of the Assessment Rolls of the County of Elgin The Elgin County Couneil enacts: 1. That the following be the equalization of the assessment rolls of the county of Elgin for 1933: Aldbor ough $ 3.887.759 Dunwieh 4.340,052 Southwold 5.157,514 Yarmouth 5,319,162 Malahide 3,751,283 Bayham 2,477,531 south Dorehester 2,406,201 Ay:¡'mer 1,259,216 Dutton 495Ç1509 Port Stanley 826.353 Springfield 246,578 Vienna 121.088 Rodney 362,931 West Lorne 349.l9~ $31,000.374 2. ~hat this Couneil is willing to have the final equalization of the assessment, in ease of appeal, IIlade by the County Judge. Read a third time and passed at County Council Chambers, St. ~homas, c21dday of January 1933. ~~'fry<. .7¿.Jf.~... Clerk Warden Yours truly .fØ¿a~ #1--1...~ ~ :.Reeve ., erk And take further notioe that the Township of South Dorohester objeots to the final equalization being made by the County Judge. Kindly take notice that the Township of South Dorchester hereby appeals against the equalization asetated in your letter of February 1st. 1 have at hand your letter of February 1et advising me that the Aesessment Rolls of the County of Elgin have been equalized at the same amount as last year. Dear Sir:- K. W; McKay Esq. Clerk, County of St .Thomas, Ont. Elgin . February 7th, 1933. 0·-, '=·"'~:::7'~~~~"'·-'-"~ . /7 ji'" " " (¡" ..,cif' ,J.e V'f' 18 .:r &"7 C'7 .' .... . --"'.""",..v-,,-=""-""''''''''''''''''"''"''" \ \ \ . ~'.o.:.;" CLERK'S OFFICE TOWNSHIP OF SOUTH DORCHESTER ! 1-riS RÖnpUl~, . QOJ,Öllel the l;!au'{¡¡').!l&n't.Oo;'ernol' . TO.HOx1<¡;0, On'tai'iò. . ,'''' J «j2¡tl;~t. J ¡',,~~d tt*~W 3i'~tJ~~1!ii' n!,rl:;i!l( ~ IJIMrr ~:kt ~'jt;\'<r:Ðh ~}!¡~t)~'¡¡~t~\ÞÖ!il' (}b~o~tí?J tø ~1:ßU~'e1¡1¡j~~;\U<¡f,\ i~ø,11'J~; 111,;«0- tho 0t:'U'1'í%V ~,,,.,;;,'\ '!~ "'"1,"&' ".."", ,"". "';;j¡~&,,~'h~;j . . ."V~:i!i~.~~~,I.ì\¡'f~:i!,i!f.,,~$ ,'h,""':"" ,·,co,,,,,,',,,,..,"''''',, '1"""''-'''' ,'V)1"".,:",1'~ 1I'.&""'If<.>I¥:tAA'" , ,~;.ff¡)!"'¡¡i "'¡Oi¡¡;.~1\.)~~%-";¡¡", _~",.'..". t;'¡.r'~1£ ,~'''',1\h\')'I¡'''"U<~''''\'!j¡,,"_ !t ¡I~tJ:t4\¡t.Þ ~1t,\"1,tt)(j: t.~ :'lC-¡~Ji,' :tø'iltmi' It.1 j;; ¡¡¡;,(:i~J ;%~~1 { lÇIti\!1~tif QjÌ 4,¡¡,'\Un" üø :It ~,V~ if!, t m~u.\t~ . ~~ tb':f,'!I~h¡: I!i/Í.n bf~v~ l,~¡¡¡(,n ~~""~,~ ~l''IWI'~"",i;ll ",". ~"e~}w.,t', "lth¥ r , \ , FVJ/VC c::..-.~ ONTARIO - ASSISTANT PROVINCIAL SECRETARY'S OFFICE Toronto, February 17 1933 Dear Sir I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter of the 14th instant in the matter of the appeal of the Township of South Dorchester against the By-law of the County of Elgin equalizing the assessment rolls. I would advise that this matter will receive our immediate attention. Yours truly, ,fir Assistant P K. W. McKay, Esq. , Clerk of the County of Elgin St. Thomas, Ontario. K. 'II. McKay, Esq., Clerk of the CounOil of the County of Elgin SJ.'. 'l'HOMi\:S, Ontario, As·s is F{l t í - Ú. ß r¿/~ç}j /1 i(Ç pro~nCial Secretary Yours tr uly set out and f i xIng the date and place of hearing as therein the Co ut to hear the aJ:Jpeal in the '" bove matter Couno j 1 dated July 27 I beg to 192'<::: with oopy of referenoe to DeBr Sir re enclose Equal a ization of Assessmexlt Count' of Elf:in an 0 rder- in·· , "Ie Toronto ~ ONTARIO ASSISTANT PROVINCIAL SECRETARY'S OFFICE July 29 1933