1197 ~~ BY-LAW No. 1197 To Repeal By-Law No. 1065 Fixing Amount Payable to Court Constables The Elgin County Council enacts: That By-Law No. 1065 fixing amount payable to Court Constables be and is hereby repealed. Read a third time and passed at County Oouncil Chambers, st. Thomas, 16th June 1933. /Y ~ . . . . . . . . . . . Clerk Warden " \-. l; , .~' Ii v~{ BY"LAWNI111R1m 1/'17 I, .1- 0- ~v (}ra.nt3,ng ~ertª,.in pr;!.'111egIH'I t I) : ' 8~· $outhern ontario Ga.s oompany. L:1rrl1tsch 1~1~(,ú(,,/J / w:¡.~~~, soutJ:~e):'n onta.r1oQ ¡l.IiI compa.ny, .Limited here1na.fter.c aJ.led the *Ol)mpJitnyll1sa. ( ()J11plilony duly ir.ac:o:¡,op.. prated l.\r¡der¡rMonte,ripCo!1:J.pan1E!ßAQtanQ pthn Mtl.'l .r!i!latin¡ '_',,.",,,'.;:', _ -', _ ):., '<'f':,,~ -': t1¡,eret'ó1jÌi1Q~.'tÞ.e pu;t'poß.e a.l!lopgat ot.bertb1nŒao:f' óOilst:ruot ing, ~1ntain'1ng and OpEu'at;1ng workafor .the pl'\)duot;l.O!1" 1iIa.;J.e and d:l.ètr:i.bution pf gl;ta fl)r the pµrpr) ;le o;t'l;l.gh,t, beata.r¡d.power w;l.t :f.áU <ther1ghta and prhilegee 1nthem. vested .andaubjeot t CI al:Llia.b:l1i1:ies, QPndit1011e and regulat 1ona.uponthe~ impoaeð bythécha.rtèr o:f Inoorporation (jr legiSlat:!.ve a.uthority in that behalf. ..{j¡1ID -~AS. it..appea.rethatthe h,1ghwa31i1 h!<J;,e1n(;j.:ft.er mentlonttdare vl:Istedin.the Corpo:t'athnpf .the county (If 1~lg1n ascpuntyroaðsorh1gb.waya aM the c:ømpany hav$ appl1eä t (I the add Corpore:tion for the right to conßt:ruot and 1î1¡¡¡'i!'lta1n , ,,',.:, .......:. a.ayste1l1 of pipes fo; ;" øo:rnrey1né£and d1stribut ing ~E+6 over. , ,,:,'< :"".;;',":::',,' -,,' along or upon ßuoh roads or highways as hereinafter provided, subjeøt to thå h)."mß. oondit1øns, agreements and regula-Hone s$t Qut in Sehedu;L ¡ IiAIII hereto anne;ned. . . NO~ ',tJ!!ìl:lTi']'ORF TID1 ,QQ1JlfOIL OF'l'HB aORP011ATION o:tlTHF d~U~"t o:r ;¡rTiGIN: ðuly-oonstitutf/ð anð assembled 1npurauanaø of t:l:w p;røtnilJO ø.nd.ot'thßþowørEl-in themvestøðandso ta.r. , as Eluch pøwe:J;'s extend hereby enu,ct as follQws; .1.. 'J.'h~f thiS oounQ'h herebl gra.nt, conte:!." and usura untør.outhern ontar1oGas compa,ny; r,1mihd, its ßuoceSiJors and aedgns, full right, power, QI.,\,thodty, permisI;J1on and consent to PªiIi!S through this mun1c:l.þå.l:i.ty tor the purpose of Q()nt irn:t1ng a. gas tranam:!.ss:\.on line, work Or ¡¡¡¡stem, intended to be oper...ted in a.nð tor the benefit of ê,no thé:¡:rnunioipal1t,y anð nllt ueed o:¡: ppe~ateð in th15 rnun1¢1pa11ty forany other purppse except tha.t pf $Upply1ng gas to persona whose lande a.but on the / , '1 . I , j '. J h1ghwa.ya along .or aoross wh1.oh the SIiiJI1II i.1iI ca.rded or oonveyed, or .to persons whose land l1u within suoh limits alii the counoil by by-law passed from time to time determine should beauppl1ed with gal\'! and for the purpose aforesa.id to ui!le and oocupy any highwa.y now or hereafter vested in or oont roÙed by' lÌIaid oounty, and / to lay, construot, ma.inte.in and òplira.te thereon min pipe-lines with all oonneotirma a.nð/6rø.Ua.ohmerita necessary or inoidental therèto for o;:Ín" veying and diàtribuUng ga.á. subjeot always to the oonditions, regula.tions and I\'!t ipûlaUonlil sat out e.nd oontained in ¡~ohedule \I A ~ hereto annexEH.:I. 2. That the warden and the Clerk a.re hereby author- ized e,nd direoted to exeoute this By-law and the a.greement to be prepared in pursuanoe hereof, and to attaoh the seal of: the C01'pora.H.Qrl theret o. 3. This By-law is subject to all st¡¡¡,tuhs, orders and rules made or to be made by lawfully Qonstituted li<.uthorityhaving Jurisdiction in t11e premiselh 4. The word -highway" in this By-law shall inàlude streets a.nd bridges forming part of the highways, upon, on, over or aorQSS whioh the highwßY passes. PAfJS1ID in OounQU the dZ~ 3 da.y o~, 193$. ~~7'. warden. ;!x? ~ Olerk. ...-; ~UJ~) %-~~~ <:.1;J-,X3 Ollrp¡ ¡·at:l.on of the oounty of El~1n from any dama.ge. the $1;1.1(1 a i:)mpa.ny a;genh.ae~v¡"ntå. or /\,\,..,j\,·"~1:î,,~,,"~j,-,, ¡m¡.inhn(¡j.uttÎ;¡,It l"".ring Or use ;l.nd eronU:';¡f II sbJ¡¡,U save and keep narlnlese the $11\14 oon8truot 1t1n. of ita pipe lines, a.nc1 () thø:rw1li!let,f ita employees in the m.ane¡.gem~nt , i~ Oompa.ny throughà,ny pòwers aa.relo1ßsne$13 , negle 01;, (¡ efault Dr I1IUooMuøt or tht! of·t>1\Y f'):rt'ilÊht Ii undl\Ír øaidì)y..lå.w whether a.rilll that $,ny- The ßaid Company person ri.e.y auì:ltain by :reason of the , d{jAk(#ß:~{ hes ¡,or exå:robe by shall be liable tor a.x~ by thaCôunollduring the aonunuåilÎ:é Of thhtr,.nQh1/iHh thE! ¡ (.tUd'MUon of $äid Sl~perintøt!deht or ôth~)),' person tl-ppp1nted ÓÒl'løtruotåd and ma.ihta.1ned irt soo!Î ordel.'oy the nddOPMpan;y to di)l1111 by CU' omitted hue d¡}ne bytht: OompÎi4nYt thE! aamE! shall be dt:l.obea å.:t'( @ol'll\lidl'i:t'åd ol'!!lad$ nÊHiléélläl'YÞY l'åa.aon of ..> a.nt work way \¡ ( onat3.'UQtii1ðm 11\lp1'OVØd tl1" ¡m¡.intaineð. And wlltll'e iJ.tf3' (h'dnø or or to th@ d it (¡h,/HI 01' d r¡¡¡.i!:'J,ß tMreon now or hø;røaf'h:t with a:U la:1/I:tul h'ätf'lc a.nd U$G:t' on, o Va':r $,ndalbhgthEl high.. IU:ld {jompl<ltl.-dtllEí¡:'ß . $ha.;Ll be· no $dd øbatrnåtLol:\ to!):.' interferenoe $YlîJtelll~ aJ.'I.d so th¡'¡;t ¡:a.:I.'te;¡:· th~ pipe Un,,¡¡; hM<I been ldd than iiil Moeéaø.r~1'Cl'r the o rJX¡¡¡¡h'UQU on or 1."el>a.1:r' of. the âa.1d t11a.t t:/1~¡,:tt io ¡¡¡hall Mt be 1m¡¡edad 01' illhrtøI'ed'ifi'th a.-ny- IlI.o1"e aa.-:h'i ßYllteni the ¡,ompa.ny shall UaE! due¡ <hu'eaoo Uligenoe IHI 2. In the ( ohßt1'uot1o:b~ mabltlJinal1.ce arid r'epa.:l.r of thø by the aø,:l.d. county direotlil q~:nIil::rw1..aE1. oi'RO!'1Ù1'1 Qt' th.a Eì!;\id dou~ty of Ulllf!$S where 01' lwJ.g1n ¡)th~u.' PQ;t'ßon !J.~puinted and the highwaya eo reEìto~ed the ~~up,¡,:,t';f.ntendent tLrat-olas$ condition, and the ¡;¡¡¡.;td þ':!.P€h¡¡ $lmll bi$ so 1)\12.'1(111 the C Qlnl)à;ny shdl: bury J.hÙ!is tbe SI,),IJ'J.$ a.nd teø"tofet'hå hig'hVia,y1ll to adjaoent h thê j:'enQ(Î ÒX' out$rböu.iuîtl.ì'y theX'$ot, titnd pra.-òtiQlÁ'bifll, U.I/! for tha.-t purpose thepa.....t ê>t the h:l.pa.ys h1~hwa,yil:t:r0l1:l t:l.l!l.e to time, the Company $hall , whenvel" rlíÌ1enl'òd hil'/. the ·ì'la.1da.MexedbY"'laWf a.lòn, ~1d·( òv.nty "',p, ';"v1' , '¡.,' òi 1·,/· t,..\? ;ü . Xli läy1nB or ~ofuÌltrtÚ.ìHns thlilpipe line &y~tE¡¡n., ¡':~J f.'ì:" aOfP~rl;1.t10n 01' thlil Ct) ,Ulty of }j'J.filn~ retøl'red hi 1nthlli l$a.1â:BY":r:.aw hereto ø.nrIl.I¡IXElé!h r , '1'0 '¡3y"'!lAW )1't~!Qbe r /L of tb.e , h };If dema.nd tba.t may be <:Ila~ed byproþerty h(lldera (II' by any. pers¡>n or) persons on aOQ.ount of thelaylng: (I:f';!. tå pipe 11nesino:l.dentál thereto"ilr:.the1.ÜJethere!):f', I'A.nd ,.;';l,~~..·(.<,"(~,.r./~,/;(¡}t':'"j,~,', ",,:7{(.5k·~~,~·1t'(.d!~~:"::(,;;d sha.1l1nd emnifYí\,theaé.id C orpora.U pn.. agu.1nstà;1.1 1.9 ßIJ, oost s.dalOO.gés: arad' expensee..thEhaorþì>ra.t hnmåy pl:òy,1nour , or 1)6 pu.t t ¡) by·reø.àOnO:f'..,¡u'lyolaima dam.a¡eor':lnju:ry: 1"uu:Lt1ng :t':!:'ont'" or OÒQashnedby,. ol':l.nàonaequerloe pfthe' . " ' " " _ ."<h;""j/§~';-'i!:rc.¿tt(".,?f,.'I_V(""<,,,,.,&"t·.e1~~d,,;¿."< Qonatl'uqt:I.Pr1t laYin¡¡~o:)!1dit1on pr'O~6r(J.tion of. ¡¡aid pipe lines or :i.ncidenta.lthfi\!'eto providéd.howeVr:¡I'ø the:/; the (Jrnnpany r;¡l1;,tl;l havereaaons.ble, not1øe And an opportuu1ty to c1efen,ð. 4~ The rights conf,erred upon the sa1ð Oomp~ny by th~ øaid Byølaw ~nd the Agreement to be exeout~d in ptn;'ammce th¢X'$Pf t ohe,ll be attbjeot to the ri&;:1rl) to the freo use of. the $~id highwaya by all p¢raona entitled thcreto t rU¡(Ì øubj €lot t Q ~he:dgh.t S I)f. the own.e:ra o:!:' prop~~:rt lea ,\dj ~!Ìning the said hlghwa~ra of :full aQcei~!I to and f r..,m ßuch h~,g'h'1!1j;Y:'iJ1 1!J.nd.. 0 f coíl$t rt1 êt1ngoro! sin¡;a I\nd ø,PP:t>oach(;¡¡;¡. i'rom th!'!:I.x' properUef! there't ð. tÛ.d/3Mll be subject a.lso to. thè l'ighh &.nd privileges whioh the ßatd co:rpÖ):'e,t ion !:mY g:rrmt t o tiny other qompl),n;t¢B or pel'sr>nà t Oilt1.Y pipe 131 ßrec'l; $10:1"'3.6, at rinlil' any lcind Dr .wirøa for lì\ny þúX'po!'J(:!, ol'col1at :ruet railwa.ys. onaaid h:l,gh\'lä;l'a, <1'.11 Qt.. which J1'ightn' a.re ~xpressly.rl¡\$E!l'\I$d'lJ!,nd the Clompany !Jhalllowøro1' mova their pirJ(~<lwhereverthe aounty. may þere~t:ft er deem· Mce~HH~rY .for änysUt:ihpu:rp.Q¡U1S, but a.ny t1Uchdg'ht hereafter ítrå.ntoü.a:b.alJ. be Slubjeot thereto, ç¡,ndto ø.J,l r:l.ghts owned bythê oompa-nypr:l.o:r.to tM . r,¡11$lIIing ofthh :ay..:la,w. 5. All work donE! in pur$uanu of the said BY- law ahall be subject to the apÞrova.J., ...ot1on and direE!t10n of the $aid supGrintendent pf ~oa4ß far the time baing of the aaid Oorporation or other person appointed by the Council 11 II ¡: X J ' "~I i , 1 I; í I I !I 1.1 '::'.1',1 .',':".,." "i ~ to't.' .'.,' ¥ "'r" .~¡ -4',,, }\i;; '::; -.3." . ~. ',', ',.' ot sa.id Oounty, whQ shall ha.ve· :fú:h power and authority ':......... ,'<'-' ',- .... -,". . ..... :.--.. .. ....' , - to ~ive suoh direotions and o:roera to thè oompany as to loca.tiQn upon the highways of the. sa.id pipe lines and :·:,¡:"·;',"i ,._,':':'i ' . : ,\;,' .', .... ;': '" ':,,' :'i',;',' ""::~""¡:;', '_,>-.,'.,;'-::,":::'::::,':',: the manner of la.ying the same, or where suÒh li~es shall - . . " . ,". .' , be buried or otherw:l.øe howuever,as in his ;judgment ßhall be oQnaidered best in the interuta of the sa.id CQrporat!onJ all auch direotions shall be in wr:iUng, and the said compa.ny shall be (lbUged to follow suoh direotions or orders a.s may be given a.s a.foresaid, and the ren1U.nera.t ion !l.nd expenses of the superintendent or other person so a.ppointed during the time he may be eO employed a.mi the " expenses oonneoted with thiß by..law ami the ea,1d Ag;"Gem~iIllt, ~-~.--~~'_._"--_. shall be de:frayød by the 1iIa.14 Oompany, and before QOIl1ll1- enoing any ßuoh work a plan or ¡¡¡ketch thereof sha.U be deposited by the compa.ny with thø Clerk of the $aid Oounty. ',- .. --,':: .",:,---,<- ,'--.'-'. ,,' <;I. W:ithin s:1xty days after the pa.esing of th:i.s By-law a :formal tAgX'eElment in duplioate shall be prepared in pursua.noe hereof between the said Company and the sa.:ià county (}orporat1on, and sha.ll be exsQuted :in due form by , -', ,',', ,.-', ,':- both parties' theret 0, whereby the sa.1d oompany shäU bind ihalf, ita suoQesso~ and asaign¡;¡, duly to oa.rry out, " -.'.. . d, .:: ,,' " .. .. "'::" " _,', :, .. .. _', '."":"" ,:_' observe and perform the oonditions herein oonta1ned, and the $11.1(1 Corporat!¡)t\ eh.all agree on its part to observe and perform the said BY"Law a.nd the sa.id oonditions IiID ta.r !il.e they reb.t Ell to them, and one of ¡¡¡uoh duplioate agreements duly exeouted aa aforesaid Shall be depoeited w:l.th the Olerk of the add County, and the other aha.lJ. be ghen to the add company, and from that time this By-La.w a.nd the said Agreement ehall be binding upon the sa.id Oompany and the $f1id corpoX'at ton. . . 7. ?'he oompan;v use a¡¡ptaptioal m.ea.ns at all t ill!es t I) prevent the UOàpe fWd lElaka8e of ga.s froll! it a mm.:!.nl;'l and pipes Îl.lÌd the cUäe:1ng 0:1;' any dál11a.$e! or bljurythè:rebytOa.n'y pè:råon or p:t'opèrty ånd the Compa,\1y ehall m.a.kegood to the CorpøràUi)n andåll peraon~aff'l';J)ateð_ all -'n.,' j.... l f J .c;(f{x· ",~",,, (i ", {4-t--,.",t,{1J::1,<--1.,e it,:" "11,,'1 òalllage whiah they !riåy béòau¡¡¡ed bY;-,the wor'k:s or opø:råthn.s of theComPa.nyor !¡y rea,son>ò:f a.nyleake.¡w t:rom.th.e p:!.pelh 8. The rate., to beoharged ;¡¡.nd o.o.lleoteð for gas su.ppl:!.ed by the Company in any Loçal Mun:i.cip""lity f;romit ¡ gu ey:;¡tem in the County ot Elgin a.nð for. Ute. r!'lnt¡;¡.l.p.rS~$ mete.re a,nd :ref&'U.lat ore suppl1edandfo;t" gas (/p!;1neot1ol'1a.m.a.de by the Company therein ¡¡¡hall be the rateatrom ti¡ne. to time law"," fully ohargeable under the franoh1I1e_1f any. o;f' the ()ompany in any $uoh LOQal munia:$.palit;y, in whiQh ¡¡¡uoh highway 1a looat ed. o);':$.f there be nosti.oh:franahbe thèzì sUQÌlrà1;es ai.fn¡¡iY:f':rdm timé)to t1mebeákrsed UPQuó:r1'a.ilinG stiøh a.~;re~IJl(:¡jit t'bedby thepropør offioerln that beha.lf having jUr:LadiQt1on to fix r..1;('$ under any atatut(i Qr la.wthen :tn.f()rQ~ upon th~ e.RJtUQa.t.. '. ;ton of e:i.the:t' party on I} o'tioe to theothèr. Wllen.f.!.nY .ra.t~haß ". ',. ,',. ..,' ...... . beena.8reed upon or determined as a.foreaa.1d_ suoh rate shall remain in etteot for a. period of not le!!3s than ho Y<ô4re from. the d$.1;eot $uoh agrEiEJment or determinat10n. Exe(;)pt a.s afore" said it b providéd that:t'o:r Two yen.rafromthedate hérèo:1' ånd unUlother:ra.teaahaU besófixåd_ theComllanyiahe:reby a.uthGr;i.zed tooha.ri$ea.nd col1eólto:r ga.s aupp1:!.eda11lffor the renh.l¡)f metal's and r(~g111åto:t'á turntahed a1'ld gas ( o1'lnêot1ø1'l$ ma.deh it¡¡¡ oIXstolllertJa.t thes~Í!le'pr:toe "upon thø S¡},IJli ' tø:i-J'Jl$ a.nd oondltion&:tncluð:l.ngdiòoounh aa thé Company now :!:!.taa in effeot in the¡¡ Towm~h:l.p of Yarmouth. !:I. The t:ranohi.ae here b;Y gra.n1¡ ød shall be for the term. of ten ;ye$ra troll!. and a.tte:r the final pasaingof the by.. law. .1?J:·ovidØd that ifa.t å.ny timE! prior tó th$ expiration of said term pf tan years or any renewal thereof_ the uOll!.pan;y shall notify the Corporat;!.on in wl'iting that it deaires a. renewal thereof fOr a further period of ten years. the oounoil may :i.n its disoretion renew the same from time to time for J-. -" ~ ~ .~' iii. further period not ten yea.:t'1iI I!\t any Qne rJ'.'f... I.?<j~,f<f,/ 10. Upon the terl1l.inat1on of thia fr¡,¡nohisey,.for any , oauee wh¡¡¡,tever the CO!ì1pany !'ihall remove ita mins. pipes. plant and works from the aa.id street III and highways and restore ,- ",' ".' such streets a.nd highv/a.YIiI to the oondithn in which the liIatne Were prev:!.ouø 'to SUQh remoVal and to the aa.tiefaot:f.on of the Oounty Oouno.:!.1 or itlìappointee~ . :Provided that.if aaidmains. pipu. plant a.nd works are not removed by the company within one year after the termination of said franohise all sUoh mitis, pipI'Jlh plant /il.nd works shall forthwith be fo:r.fUted to and beaDlne the e.baoluh property of the Óar poratiQn, litnò dealt w:Uh o:r ,UÐPosed of as the Co:rpora.t ion may th!n1t proper. a.nd for the liIoh use Q.nd benefit of the orporat 10.1'.10 :1.1. Nothing. hue in c:ontairu.lQ 1Jb8.11 be oonstruedae //'1.1) giving or grantJ,ns to thè company an exclusive fra.nohise fQ:t' ' ~- ---- any ÇlX' all the purpoElea em ;n:'a.oe~ here:tn. 12.. tbil'l B;,r-1a.w and the ¡,greGY!lent ¡;¡nterèä into pursuant theretò is l:1ubjecit to allstatutèh orders or ).'Illes , '. .... . ",'., " ..... .. '.,': <:." '. madè 01· to be made by la,w:f'ully oonstituted authodty hà.ving jurisdlcUQf1 in the prell1i£1es. 13, In aa.se either the CorpO:I.'a.Uøn or the Company deems it neqeßsary oradv1.sa.ble to obtain raUf1úaUon of' aa1d By-law and of the tJa.1d Aé¡:raement by t,he le~h:L.<¡;ture of th~ !'rovinoe of ontar:l.o.. the othe:!;' pa~y will concur and aslJ.ist in obtaining suoh ratifio¡:¡¡t ion at the cost and expense of the party dea:irina such ratifioation. DAT~:D thhl ¿;z7d d.1iiI¥ 1933 d J¡ ~ , 'r, ~...., ....( I .~ THI t~i' ma.de - -73.3 :aET~N. $,o,œ t . Ô:NTÄR1'Ó . G-lir,s, fI~, be;re~naf1;~l" , .... ., ....'.. " ",' ",,':',:. ',' øalled tbe (}Dmparwpfthe Firet ~X'tJ a.nd :£H1¡'COR1'ùRAT ION OÞ' T:lJECOU~YöP' 1V1Plll> bE!Î"eiriat.tiir oal:t,.ed tbe(lo;rpo;J.'at:!.ol1 of the¡ seQond :¡;>a.;rt* ':"-f},S. tM OarpQrat hn On the ¿z7a day of ~/j'.13Pij,øeed By-law N(H //17 copy of· which h hereto ann.Eixed, a.nd,êI~d th!ilret,¡ye;:l.vø ....1t a conaent $0 :t'a:r alii it ha.d .1"rhd:1oUon to the .Colnpa.ny o!)natl'!1¢t:l.n¡¡¡, mainta:1n1n¡¡¡ and operating pipe..Unu for Qonduoting ga.s ...long th4 highwe.YIiI mant ioned in tM aa~.d by....¡aw subj aott 0 thetårme a.ndoondiUo1'J;e in the aa.id :By-law <oonta:l.ne~ a.ndit Wtl.a the;r-ein prov1õêd that a formal agreèment in dUp;UQate should be prepared in puraue.nQEI thereof between the company and the CorpQ:rat1onand should be eXßo1Átecl :l.n due form by both parties tbe;ret 0, whereby the Com,påny should bind itself, its aUQQesso;ra and assigns, duly to oarty out. observe a.nd perform tbe Qondit;f.ona in the said by..¡aw oontained anð the Oorporation should on its part ag;t"EHI to obae:ì:'ve anàperform the pr()viaiot1s of tbe i\I$id by..la.w and the sld.d Qondit:iòna Goia!' a.Ê\ they :¡;oelate to them a.nd these presents areexeoutad :1n pursua.t1oe of the said proviso" l'!;OW''.t'~I! A.G~:fi!EDNT ~ITNESS~TIi .t.ha.t the company, for itself, its suooessors a.nd assigns, oovenants and agreì.1sdth thE¡ Co1"porat:l.On,. :l.h$uooeasora a.nõ auigns, høatry out. ob,$erve and ÞertQJ'j'Jl the Qcmdit10na in the said by-law contained and on the part of the company to be perf¡)rmed, observed and Qomplieél with, a.nd the Oorpp;¡raUon Qnits part agrees with the Cpmpany, its suooesso~s änd aseigns, to obse~V$ anõ perto:rm the prøvis:iona of the ßä1d by..¡aw and .the said conditions I' far QS the a~e re¡ate to the Qorpo;ration. ,~<!IÔi ¡f' ,. sum; Ql.~rk. 1n t: the presence the $ÊÂum±í ,bEÌpalfa.nd . s~a:I.· ,.rt: ,. .ANn D1J1L:IÏI:imJ!nj , of .~ l ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ( .{J:., .~\! 8j. The Ca1'poration . ·71 ~. ':\ <..', ,Ie ! , ~