1202 BY-LAW l~o. 1202 To Re Speed and Weight of Traffio on County Bridges The Elgin County Counoil enaots under authority of The Highway I'Tpalffd.'O(Hlt Aot; That the speed and gross weight of vehioles and loads passing over the bridges herein mentioned be limited as follows! 1. MoIntosh Bridge, County Road ~umber fOUl'teen, aoross the River Thames - Speed - ten miles per hour Gross weight of vehiole and load - seven tons. 2. Graham Road Bridge, County Road l~umber one, aoross the River Thames - Speed - ten miles per hour Gross weight of vehiole and load - seven tons. 3. Wardsville Bridge, County Road Number three, aoross the River Thames - Speed - ten miles per hour Gross weight Of vehiole and load - seven tons. That this By-Law be in foroe and take effeot when approved by the Department of Highways, and when proper notioes. as to speed and weight, are posted up in a oonspiouous plaoe at eaoh end of said bridges. Read a third time and passed at COl¡nty Counoil Chambers, St. Thomas, this 24th day of January, 1934. / "" , ~(~. -< -4" ...c:::; ~) "-....-.- ir '- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . .. . Clerk Warden