1218 St. ..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -, Clerk GounQ:!.l Ohambers ..'........~............... W~rden !Dhomas 13th June , 1934. ) attending the June Sessions, 1934. payment of constables This By-Law to in elude such officer upon the certifioate of the presid:!.ng Judge. allowanoe not exceeding eight o'olook , day's pay one may be made to any And continued after in where a sittings of said Oourts is the evening . an additional sum of!Dhree :Dollars and Seventy-five cents. or Sessions shall be That every constable attending paid for each day , s attendance the the Ae!Jizes !Dhe Oounty Council of the County of Elgin enacts; .-- Assizes or Sessions !eo Fix Pa of Constables for Attendance at the BY..LAW No. 1218