1219 BY-LAW })!o. 121Ø '£0 l!'ix Pay~. Constables for_Attendance at the Assizes, Sessions and County Judge's_Criminal Court I The Coun'l;y Counci,l of the County of Elgin enacts: That every eonstable attènding the Assizes,. Sessions or County J·udge's Criminal Court shall be paid for each day's attendance the sum of Three Dollars. And where a Siytings of said Courts is continued after eight o'clock in the evening, an additional allowance not eEceeding one day's pay may be made to any such offioer upon -the certificate of 'the presiding Judge. This By-Law to inolude payment of constables attending the June Sessions, 1934. That By-Law No. 1218 be repealed. County Council Chambers, st. Thomas, 13th June, 1934. ?t . ~. , ............"--7Cy .- ~' ..~ , ~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Clerk Warden -