1220 0 ~~~. #/.~7ð /'llJ~e/.jL"'V, BY~J,AW J!To. .).;Zc2:a:;) To Appoint Officers of the ,~ House of Industry and Refu&,~ ,,- ~è' ",I' '7!:. ' IS' 7!f f·'':;'· <] ð "I- I ð- ;(.,.~.-_/ '/ ,/ .{:. '-::'- (:) '~J ~ The Oounty Council of the County of Elgin enacts: I. That Frederiok Ingram be and is hereby appointed Keeper, and his wife, Ethel Ingram, be and is here'by appointed NIatron of the House of Industry and Refuge to hold office during the pleasure of the Council. II. That the combined salaries of the Keeper DtJ ¡('l'r"" s- and Matron be and are hereby fixed at J!'ifteen Hundred aJ:J'd,·. E.:j.'ght'Y~Î0U::r DoSLlarB per annum, payable quaxterly. \"-¡"LALlV,.AJ¿"..{ " III. '''",,~hat the sa id Keeper and Matron be and are hereby req,uired to'<px:oVide at their own expense such hired help as may be requireâ:in~he insti tuti on, subjeot '.~" to the approval of the Insþec'GOr~ " , , IV. That Douglas L. Ewin, M.D. be and is hereby appointed Physician of the House of Industry and Refuge at a salary of Two Hundred and Seventy Dollars per annum, payable quarterly. ¡ l (\ ,.,1' '.J n-}) Y¡"t V. That"K. 'Wi liiIcKaybe and is hereby appointed Insp ector of th e House of Industry' and Refuge ~V;i-thout"salary, h'is--tr-a-veJ::rnrg'expens es-'inc onneot i on,the r ewi thto'be-p-aid . VI. That a committee of three members of the Council to be oalled the Standing Committee of ,Management of the House of Industry be appointed alillually at the first session in each year. !:I 2 827 VII. That By-Laws Nos./875 914, 949 966 975, 1017 1049, 1074, 1095, 1168, 1170, 1172, and 1184 be and the same are hereby repealed. Read a third time, and passed at County Council Chambers, St. Thomas, this 15th day of June 1934. .. . .. .. .. . . . Of....... r:::~.. .£.:.~.'.~ ...., . .-.-..... Clerk Warden