1221 ) lìy..LAW NO. /,2-:0/ --- To Defino the Duties of the ßtanding Qo!oo¡ittae of . rÆ'mage¡¡¡ent. InapeqtOl', Keeper, Matron and ~. }!hys:!.øÜ.\n.for the Supe:l:'int"mdeno.e,. Oal'0 and JJí!,1nageme~lt OJ; tho Houso ø:i: InJlustrw antI Hofl,\ge ., , of the Gcmnty of Mlg:!.n, n.t\.d tø:P:¡:;,¡¡ilC¡:t'ibø .Ruløs &nd Høg\l:J.r",.!;:I.¡;¡ns :1!(}):' the Governmolìt \Chøreof. ThØ Oounty CounCil òf the Co\mty of 1¡jlg;tn eXla(j'tß: 1. st8J:1dingo.onl\!Jittøa Ø,f. Mana~J1J¡, $h.ø,t :1.'(; $1\$,1:1. be thE¡ (luty óf the Standing Co¡¡¡m:ttt(:)$ to (¡¡veX-sea tlle fiJ[J,Me;ement and.exv.w:txle into the áti:J,te o:f 1iI:l1 ¡¡¡attars ;:,u1d tMr¡gs rebting to tl1c GUPPOl"t elM emploY!ì)el'lt of tho !)I;tupe:r 1r!l\w.tea~ t\ê! audit t111 ¡;\,éCoun'Gs q\i!l:!:'tal-¡;V aXld l'(¡}?Ol"G yea.z'ly to the CO\1l1:ty (}cmnøi.l Ø/íì its :t'mgull;ìtmøøt1ng ;in J;¡ovem'berttmø, sl.a11 a:J.f$(), at 'the June !i3asßien :LXi each yea:$!, J]tJ:'osents.n41: uti1J1ßte of the p;¡;,obab:J,(¡) amount ;¡:'eqU1retl for '(¡he enstd.x¡g YOi;;';!:' f'ò): th.) sup:po;rt and ma1~tenan()e of the PQQ~. Xt s~l be the cltxi;y ¡;¡f the a,,\;t.;t COmw.;1.ttéo to apþoi¡rl¡ One ó:f tþ,¡¡¡:!.4:' ,Il1.¡mhow '1;0 71.1;1;1 t 8!J,d :i,nspø.øt tM !nat:1.tut:!.on l;ìn!l f¿)'l'm monthly and ropot't.. , p Bills and 01a~å ( 'r. !!)Mt all hUls Met ()li\J.lI.ms agdnst thØ OOt'!)OJ:'''' &,t;l.OXl £0:17 suppließ fUl"'niallød to the HOUf30 of :tndustì"y and ~ndt¡stJ:"1al J¡'1;1¡¡.'m sb.~\ll be d¡;¡.W Qßl't;l..f:i.od a.ø be:h'lg Q~:r1'0Øt 'þy 'tiþe J:.I'lspeøtÖ:t' 0:<' :KåêJ?e:t? bê)"orl;) bø:l.ng pl"êsente(t :1101' a.udit, ~nd en the s~mø ~e1ng êxamined and passed by said ðòn~~1ttee., (~I¡i '" tbe (¡b.!.irfjt~Ul sh$.ll he $,uthol"heti to .€jJ:.'flX¡;!; M$ o:!;'daron the eòunty (¡;:t:'liiasuro:t' for the severn:!. ¡'1(!JQtuita allowetl to be paid by said TreasureI'. ------ -~, <n..__",,= ...::..:..::.:::::::=--==-_..,~..."-..,-c-""- the muniôipIÙ:f:b;V from whiøh the 1nm!1.t¡e is sent, oUG..half to be to the IWu$/:I of :tnclmrt:ry sh~:a.l be naid 1n ~ ...... .. .. the firøt instance by minimum charge ø£ ,'~ /;;0 ~ïh!;."Ø v; ...' That 'I;he ß~ensoaøf øentL;tl1g €~11 persona a"nd sh€tl1. :l.n no 019,1)0 exceecl twenty oents per mile , with a of ~ndust~y shall be dot for !lJa1l:r!¡t\l~anco¡;¡,nd fU!:lO:t'v,l ...._.....~,-..,~..;"<,,,..".~,,,..,..,,..,,"..~..._...--,,-- .",..""-.,,.. "<~,".,,-"-"">'.--' .,..."~-....--<~.,,......"" ... '.I1hat O;Lð. Age I'ensioners á.ämittad 'to the Housa of ¡nð.ustl"Y 'be required to, ø,ssign their þansio!u!! to t!:l1iJ County Treasure!.. ,Wh¡¡¡ w:Ul keep an ¿J,QOO\\11' ; of !i3ami;) B,nd charge î~3.85 p0r W('HiJl;: :eortheirmaii:1tenance, and ¡¡Þl.75 por da;v when 'Ghsy are be:l-ng !w:l..l:ltl'>ined ~,n a hQspital. ,..,_ ..,..-"'....,..._,...._..,,_ _",. _~ ';.." _...._-~-.-..~...,..._.c:> ...~.....,...... -;¡,:;.'.....'.......""'-~_...."..... ~"....,.... ""~,¡¡;"'*'....··..J;~:<.j'..\4Qv ~n·m:l.nèð by the r).jJ,wties Qor¡¡¡¡¡Hting thom, seaure the þl.!tyL'Jent of all àh~,¡riše4¡ Qf a gooìl ~u'.\d suff:l.eient SUi"ety r1la;!¡ be filed, in Ms offlQå to I¡):f' t.l4o 'Ii;¡:'ans:í'e:t' ()f the prOl)SX'ty ·to the County TX'eái3tJ.rGl\ a bond 1I;I;~þens'. s :if they die while 1nm/il.tes in the House, that:i.n lieu their m~intenanoe \111 ile in 'tho House of Industry , and fu.ne:r£~l of tho OOW1ty Treasuro:!:'. fl;JX' 1;h e purpose of pu";Ving the cost Øf pl'ôpoaed :I.~tø ~s l)$øn t1l!'ansfa:rred or plåeod :in tM oustòdy 'to withhold 'Gho oQ¡¡~n~;tment until th'il p:tofie:vt;ÿ- bGlonging to the it shall be the duty of t;11e offioial to 1r7hom i!.ppl:têfx't$ on :hi madEl of' :tnduI$try al'a QWrlarS of ¡'Eml or personal prøpo~ty O~ monay. When persons desiring to l)(~ adroittaC! to the House of :tndU/i!tJ1'Y øJ1' by scme other ph;¡rsie:iØ,n à.0ßigXllJted ì)y h'.fil. S:1gn\iild 'by th.a :I1'1'0!IJ w!:!.1öh Qorom:l.tment :1.$ made, or 1)y 'the :i?hysioian of the nousØ !lJod:1.cal officer of h<*\l tl:J.øl the £.'!lU11e;tpaH ty 1:0 thé mon'Úa:L and phya!oal (ìondition øf p;I.'opOMd 1nroatel'! to 'be sat fo:î."th in Sohað:u.lli! An . The oertificate tbereon in :refel'Gnoe The oonuilitm$nt to the su;l.d KIouse of :l;ndu.st¡."y shall be in forrll f~nd is hero~);v li\utho:Hzed to reoeive a\îoh persons &'ld no others.. ;¡¡¡l¡:¡;in, t<nd 1¡Ìle Kee1'0r of the said 11<"'$e of Industry shall of supþø:rtir¡g the!!lsal'Vaø and who b€llo!1g to tb.a Oounty OJ; lnst¡nG o:t' ¡i<f£liotéd wHiÞ, a coniatgiøu.a disease, wM are inoapt~blè àl.1 pOD:/.' and indigent :Parsons, who are not Rules &1d lìegull~ t:!Ol1$ and orders of the lIon sa . or ø:l! ¡ìe:i.'uge to be employed and gove:vned aOQol'd~; to the their }u¡'nds emd seals, eO¡¡¡mit 1; ø thè S11:i.d n~.ae of Industry tbe Cour~ty or Inspeotor or County Cle:V~ may, by wl'it1r¡g under A reeVe 01' doputy reeve of Admission of Eau~ers - 2 - any munic1pal:!:ty :tn :3 .. rafundèd on preøantation of acoounts tø the county OOUl1cil. ohildran All cbl1dran bøtv¡ean the ages .Qf t~ïó and ßi:tteíi}n yO€~:t's. o(¡mmitt0l1 to or bOl'n in the $'m:Ul HØUß0 of :tndust:t'y, sI'lttll be t:r.tmsfarrod, ,hl aß(Jo:rdanQe with 'I;h$ pl'OVit~, onB of 'fhe Ohíldrèn's protootion Âot of Ontario, to, the ahalte~ of the Ohilð);'en'a Aid fSoa1aty of the oity of ::$'f¡. illb,ome,a ånd OøtuM¡ of Elg in.. ;Raa, th~ , - ~ -~ --~"""'3~"'m,,:t£H.L'f¡1~()jJJf1~_~1e in t!1è :trlat:l.tUt:iOl'~ whoøe POØ:tt:;t011 o:n :&;130 o:l? t;b.a deø:IJb QJ¡ a~--i---~------ --- :::ni::;::. b:r ;::o::d~o:;f:O~~:i:f&'f:~::' a~oth;hti:a:t the mun:l.( tpaitt;q~i:rO(l to repo:;;'1; thØ (lel¡¡;th;Yt:r~hnd~. that¡ a 'V!ew of ha.'\7! }'0I1l w.!:d.Gh th(i! !nroa,te 1Iia. '. ,'. .. e Meeve, at being $ø~t tØ~ét~e body Gl~~med fø~ btwiä~Q~O~~tGd. w~th AnÐ:tOIJJy Aot ns,pec¡tor of Anv:t0mJr IlI1l ',. , ":$ "'tildo:/? . roqU~rad by æhø . œb$.'!i· "ne j:\.Ofil.!i""" ~~ ....~ ~- ". œme. Ø,gof sox., birth plMe. l'eUgiou$ ite!lom:/'œnon l'J.!'lQ. ""..,,... 1nfcrmat;1on o,¡¡¡ in Death Róg1atêl' JJlo:t'm. ,ßøhedulø "B". Mdwhen an Old ~'l.ge l'elJ.s:l.onar or 1nm~te d:i.øs, e.nd tho body 113 åla1r.o.ed fQr bu;d.alj that ha'i)a required to g1ve tho pe:raon to whom bOdy :l.ø deUvo:t'od a QOPYE);f the ent:r!ea :1.11 the. :Oeath X'l.eg1ste:t'. +t shall be the duty of the ~nspeotor to sae that '¡¡he ¡'ul¡¡¡¡¡J r~nd ;!.'egula;úionshe:r.eixw.fter prcnrU<¡¡d al'a duly enfø:r.eøii¡ he shall v:!.¡¡¡;t t the JIoUt1è ¡:t'" least (¡nee eaoh month. he~.j;' ~tl'lY cøm.pl€d.11,ts i;h"",i; !r$:1' Þø ¡¡1I'~¿lø and :repo:rt tn0 Så!'¡1:ì to tho gtl¡1'1U~ Qommittao 01'1 E:ouse of Industry and Hetuge !i\i; itø. mea<G1ìJ{~s. He shâll ala9, under inst~uøtion £1'om thè said Oomm;t"I;tee or '~M Oounty Coun<~:tl. authoj;'i!H~ the ¡'¡;eQpeI' to p:rQOlUOe 11lJ. neoessary halp' ani suppl:î,et11 for thß Houae a,ntl 11'l¡1'm. ând èe:rti:fy all billa a.nd olaims fò:r ·the sa.mø to the BOIl,rd of Au\l.i t, i¡ha afOl'el:.lI:¡,id ¡;¡tMdi~ Oommittee of MH,xmgement" ~he ¡nepöøtol' Shlill, in à booK tQ be provided at the (lost of phil:! CÖ:i.'po3.'tiM.on. keep a register of the namøa of all paupers, vagrantS. etc. admitted into the House. ~he Inspeotor shall also rnÐ~e a yearly report to the oount;y 00l1nøi1 :£'(11' th~ y(Ía,r e.nd1ng the 3J,st Oètc>bar $.n eø.eh 11$1,), and øver'J! year j 1n tk¡é fo:rm provided in SOhtH\1).l E) "131' He sbÛI also keep fail' ahd regular' nccounts"irLwríting ofaHmnt eI'ia1~, ,PI'ovi,~ion~. fl1el, ,clothing and other necessHl'ies p!'òvided fòr the nse of the In~titution and of a.1I ,~xpensèsand cha,rges 'attendhl'g the ma,intenance-and'support of the poor, and of all' monie~ receivedhy him from the s~ré--of the products of 'theiv 11\ hot' o~ other\visè on the premises, and shall sllhmit"the sa.id lists ¡'¡,ne) accounts' to the Inspeètol' ,tnd Standing COHnnittee on Honse o~ Industry <tud, Refuge -at the meetings of said Committee. ~. enll:F¡:à;afl~~ts1ûtll hel~is dutt t(j ,sèethat-:'W,e', prov!siÒQ;s furnished ~o th(;:innÙtes ,are (If góodquality and'such as the' Ci:milnittee,or, hì,;- pectoI' may approve of;and he shall nut ¡~nOW anÿ, wastether-eof;and shall not per.1~it, the useofintoxicatil1g drinks by a.hy of the iþrÜateR, and all 'work'done ?ntheprem~se~tobe- 'done as,'diréct"eù by- the Ins~ pector (It' Committee 'of Management.' The keeper' shaJ! t¡-tke charge' of aJb·'aw materialfor'hÜtl)uf~\Cttire :tnd ,{rorking tools provi~led I?y t,heI;tlspectol' fOl'thefnll empl~)Yln-èu't of'~uch. of the iilir!¡ttes abl(~ to work and direct and supeI'Ïhtend their ,vork aòd, 'labor direetion of the 1 nsp~ct'or lndth- $l;y' ae $h~ll not ab$~nt ~1maelt frQ~ ~b0Xn$titution t1~e without the consent cf tha InspeatQw. 'ð---H,-, ",,-<'1 a.t fM1.d me¡na.€j€Jmeu t of' ß~,id Rouse. t.iî'om t:1.me -~() ti¡!Ja 'by tho sa! d. Octm ty Ctmnail fer the government ßhall ( f,:£'Z'Y JÌ¡nto effeot all thø Htlles end lì.eguJ.e:t;!,ona adøpted attent;ion and, time foX' t~!ê .b/i!l1efit of the :tnatj, tut:J.on, $.nd farm in " ch sls:Ufu.l and h,lsbandlike ~1nner. rIe sÞ~ 1 g;!.vø his th$ aeveral seasO-US of 1;hø Y0m~, and in ordfiKé' 'GO \'fork ouch ();i:' $.1) othll);¡:> J1¡('in1.w,l labor. according to th$ ;t'(,jç .1.'¡;Ï¡¡,ementa of cultiv~ting said farm, securing and b,.~i:lr\tes"bing the orops. not oth(;)rw:î.se engaged, r.'$1'fi1 e,tt€HJhèd / shall davòte h:1a t1me tö tUlillg and iìo;f'ug@ I'lnl'! thee Industl':I.êòl thaTéto, ánd. ',vhe¡.l1. ;!1h$ genoral ItJuþG:I?:intèntieXlce of tho llouso ot ;¡;ndtlatry a.nd I" \I shall be pp,.tt~,~ 9,;(' ~L the d1.\ty of the Keøpè:J:' to UMe:r1;b,lœ! to tha Insti'Ímtion. !I,n every ;veal', one ok an i.mronto:!."y of personal þ~p~ty belonging Ho shall ¡;Üßo, on ór "oafoll.'e th$ :i3lat of Ootober to 'DrillS'; to tho notice of the Counoil. ml.'1:tter or thing of this :By..Law, that with he an additiona.l - IXJÐ,¡ÿ' 4 consider ... report uppn cf suffioient importa.nae !1ny other ~ ~~.t-i~tl_.Gf~-w.h,08~' :1.~&f..eØ-ffHf).¡.tm{7nt;01'~\O\-.fl0ée-l-lGàr i,s, fh'1i: ,n,~ !T,~~~.twd_tQ ¡,"'pl>}",. - the- He rnn.y <-tIs I), for v-iola.tion of noy of thernles for disobe·dience or ),-td condl1c~ by any of tho' inmates, inflict suitable punishmef1t at his di~cl'eIi,ion (buteIIlploy, no improper, means). by confìruuent 01: /other'- wise; hut in ça.seof solitil-l'-Y con{Ü~lllel~toot.fOJ"a lon.ger,pßriod. than tWl·Uty- , fonr/ho'ul's. lluless by the direction of the Inspector;:,~ sfttt+H'h-»~>iie'fl.'b-H.'¡'l'.H.g-e+F-fI~~Hlx-t~~±nst¡'tHt·j0n-::.t-t-H;ny~·.M-me-wi1;h0U:tr-,the ~~O);f.~tJ'I~T'J;¡'¡;¡-fk~ a; He and the ma.tron, or their'assIstants-detailed fOl' shall a,]so visit, e1;ich and every ocÖuþied l'oÚm afte~' the retiring bell, aud 'shall see thH t Ul(;\ in those on duty,~' ~ excepting sib 1'e every ( the strictest economy. HeslHÙI also see that ..w~ry depai'tment and·all furniture ilid n orde:r:, and that all provisions,. fuel in and about the premises, aœused kept neat; ciean and ther ar'ticle consumed Iten~ I'Ind with He shalla..lso examine all~ ~~ theit' admission}o' note slIchfacts iri regard.to them -as are importÚ.nt to ~ shaH ,cause them to bethor'ollghlycleansedand suitably 10...: hav· ing reference to their age; sex /lnd general characte'r. shall .be especi- ally careful that,the infirm inmates ¡tnd c4i1dœu ar~ tre~1ted w¡t1tcon~ sidet'ate care and kindness, and shall see tha.t proper attention)s given to th(~ srck. ')e ,Preserved. , ateâ~ þh'e house, He shall also keep a Visitor's Book, in /w l1ichpi.\rties visi£i~g Institution shall enter their names, with amy relnarks they mâ¡y fit to make of a p'roper .nature. the see ~·7'-; iRe also keep it correct, a.ndparticularacconnt oft each ~D'~'evëry .a.rt.icle.of. .~';~aring appa,}:el issued to:the- inmates,'- and sllaUkeep a, complete inventory of all personal property: in and a,bout the-place, and assist ~he Inspebtor in checking the same for the purposes of. the nnnua,! report., and al!>o a.ssist i~l the valuing of provisions,produce etc. m hand. , 1.. At thel'inging of the morning bell (the.sic'k:and those in confinement execpted, , . . I l~nd bein readiness to prÓceed tOWOl'k every inmate in the House must -rise, dress, w~sh / He slial! 11,180, pftupel'hnna,tps work. He shall IWLES FOR THE INMATES when c~nedÜpoÎl hythe'Keeþer, feigning illness, 01, otherwise visit the Honse at lè'ast onCe 1-" week. examine any ofthl:' as to'theirabilitYito House. DtTTŒ~LOF__'l'HR_PIIYSICIAN._ _ _ __ __ U ~$11. bQ th~) du:l;~r ot i¡hl!! j!!;t;VS1( !1~ to W'\{leZ01;i!:UI:'Z1 l#~A\1 ß jU'11\f¡'¡:'»' I!!upø:rvi¡a:h,n (;;t 1¡h,ø .:ì'J}f$tì1·!¡UU<:tI.. to j\ttMt/;i\I:I:'O.. £l!ii1l$h\l>(Þl1y U¡¡I $::J.J. th$ 1:tÂ~1¡()t:~" i~I'.!1i ~v(.) the li:;CJn\il;\\'~~:I, t)~a,'tþ of ~.I'\I:'¡::h' b.aø.J,tth u:(~ mì~U altw nttG~}d ~'i\11 :!.'øaUo1:tt ,,:::'£1oo:>,ø uti l{ì1n<.nt0 !¡tr~11 mU1íh m¡¡¡ta'bø:t<fJ !:It their :%:f,J,l1d,l¡f¡n¡;\ a~ t,\~~¢! 'bfÏII'JiI¡:t'tde ¡;'~)(41d~!'i\ta .;'ilI th~ tìr~%ri11øt)(')t nllY bé 'Ind shaH , ness, and Sh~, shaH be careful Øfall the goods, . prç'perty a~d .fu~nitul'e, COID- mitt·ed to hercharge, that the same be not lost or embezzled; she shall, direct 'the d~t<dling of£he wbmenunder hêrchargè to such br?<Hches If lahor as irl her judgement they arebest fitted to perform. I She 6h~1l at propel' and stated times have all the clothing of :nates 'tnd the bed~clotheschanged and replaced' with clean :hevigilent over every' part of the house in allttll see that- the female inmates observe for ablutiÖno prescribed l'egard.·to all the rules the ~pparel; eleltnli- that !t !'tbaU ,be. the duty of tb.e ~atrl?n to Jake .·chargè a'nd'" oversight f aU the in~door operations;' to see that all th~ female inmates ~re pl'ovided for according to their respective wat;lts;'that cleanline,Ss, both in th{(irpersons and a.partments', and that good order and decorum he :)hsel'ved ~1t~all times. (oL'>"";''''I}itte - ~ -8 . __m~~v'''t?1~;aF ¡ ,~.i.e-¡,e~&ime4-fe"-¡'''¥i&l-~ (~t&~oa·"Y-&fH:'~+i.¡¡e~} DUTIES; OF TIm MATRON !~e confinement. ____! 11_ (t'htli1 no l¡Ii',I:<71i1!t\!:i. b~ ~lf;l'!1Q(i. t<1 10&''\/'(JJ 11,;b/$ 1fd t~,t~j:t1øn w:1th(¡,:;1; th\)p\íj\l,'m1~!a;tt,'n trt tIul 1,i';\t!ì)(ÞIØt,(J: ¡'. j!j,nlA th..t ''rh~rø n!H1ø~~(¡¡V.~·¡Y h0 1;>'111 b~ l·~~!l{t~:!.'(~d t\1l OOJ¡{,ult \lHh th$ \')()un¡:¡U Q;íf tÞ,(! n¡¡.u;\$.O~,ì)f!¡:I.1t, :f!t'()I'.'I ~ h1éh fl!i'ì (;\r ~¡hø '!f;{t¡;¡ <.tomtdttè;ì(i. 81' tJiJ.ø ,))tWiQ!!:¡nl1t~ of wñ1œ bQ {)j1 011", lJa;? bl'i!(fo!ìW &, ¡,·~~;tß¡¡¡nt. ' 10, Any person who shill ndirectly, 1'Vith anyone thÍ1s Hubject to punishment by a hav~ communication, either confined, without pel'mission, directly or shall be 9, In cases of solitaryconfinement,"the prisoners shall be deharred from seeing or conversing with any person exèept the Inspector" tlm Keöper', or the per'son employedto supply their w~nts,- and the foodof such prisonersshaH.cónsist solely of bread and water, Uliless otherwise ()I'dered þy the Inspector or 'Physician 8. Any personguilt:.yof drunkenness, disobedieÜce, immornli.ty;, ohscenity, disorderly conduct, profane or indecorous language, theft, wa8te,or who shall a,hsenthhnself or herself from,thepl'emises without , the pel'nlission of the Ke~per; or who shall be guilty o( injuring or'de- f/wing. any 'pn ¡·tof the house or furniture therein,. or whú shall commit wast,e of any kind shall bepuriished as the\case Ula,y seem to demand. 7. All per,sons shalldi1í~entlyand faithfully peI'form thf' duty task allotted; to themhy the Keep~r. unless otherwise eX:cused. 6, ,No inmate shall be a.lI(1wed to trade or a.ny other thiìlg, with any _person whol11soev(~r, who visitt~ere; nor,shall they receiv.e'lmy money or 'Lnyone, without the consent of the Keeper. nr exchange cIo Jg or or beg of those other article from 5, :>eH, the hed" in their At nine o'Clock i'n the evening-, at -inrnates-ml~st'~8f, 18 thl! ß.~ff r'espective' apartments, of the l'etiriug I l'e,tireto the 11. No inmates II be allowed shan any provisions or food (except at regular meals) any part of the honse without th~ consent of the keeper; 'Cooking be done except, in, the kitchen. ging to-loiter about the kitchen, be carried nor'$halI lor to ny sha I 3. At the'ringing of the mmediately repair to work. slow hell, -1I~ '2 The bell~m ring t~nmi1futø8 _befoi·eeach. , IIl8(!¡1... ~henall.'wm 1eave their work and bej~ rea¡diness, "'with oleanha,nds,and f~es for :the Tinging of the second bell, when th'ey 'will 'repah- to ,the dining rooms and take 81lchseats at the taJJleas are ass'ig-ned to them hy -those in charge, where they must observe silence, dece~cy und good ,order. ' n,ftel' meaJs, every inmate sha.ll or any such p~rBon or persons neRlecting or refusing _ to ohey and pe,I'''' :fo:om anYiofthe reasonable orders of Inspector, Keeper 01' Physician. givep in th.e execution of ,the du~i7s of their rt'spect.ive offices afore'-. sa.id, hl~, she or they, shall be 1ia.bJe' tó a. fine not exceeding Five' Donors E'xclusive of costs, 'and not less than fifty cents:, exclusive of costs, and in case of non-payment of $n~h fine to be inftiéted "foI"_üny s1Jchbl'E"ach oX' oßence, and there .being no dIstress found out of which su(:h fine can :)8 levied, s\~ch pCI',SQll. or persons sO'offimding 3S ~Ifor('said against tþis- =~"";'0'"'" THAT any person or pel'HOl,t8 who shäU commit ìt,ny infringement 01· breach of any one of the, provis'ions,' requil'ements,enactments, see.. tions or clauses of ' this By-Law, OJ' any off('nce again.t this By-L~w. 16. A Inspector' Oli'FENCES AGAINST 'fHlB personR aggrieved ma y when he is visith;tg the honse. BY"LAW refer 15: No persoRsha.I1 ha.ve ad~issi()n"to the house on_ the Sahbatlr witholit the written permission¿r the Inspector, orby the consent of the Keeper upon good çause shown. their" complaints to th.. , \ 14. Every pers~m previous to admission as &0 inmate of the house. 8baJI bo subjected "to'ex~mination and,search by the Keep€'I' orOn6' of his assistants. 13. AU pe['sons wilfully ansenting themselves from Ileêting, or violating the Sabbath Day, shall be' "ubject severe punishment~ the"" place . of to prpmpt an4 " ','--','1 12. The'Sab~th Day shaH be strictly observed, and no irreligious diversion or tin'necessaryJabor be indulged in" At the ringing of" thø bel1for"the purpose of assemb1ing for religious instruction andwoJ('.. ship. every pers:on (unless excus~d þy the Kt"eper) shall'appear dressed inelean appareJl'in the instructing room, and shaH behave with deceny and sobl'iety.No noise 01' disturbance shall be made in any part of the house during such exercises.. . . llA No oneáhalI go bèyond the'l'irnits ofthê r.id'u¡¡trfait~l;m un}es~ by the permission of the Keeper, nor remain()ut beyond 'the t'ifue specified by the KeepeI'. ' ,-)O'~ ,,--,. ._,.~"',~, ..,.."',,.'_.___._'_._____·"V"_'..~..··,,'c·<,_'·, """'"_~~'=::~.'~~~¿~2· 1 i 1 I I I ,I " i , j - . - - - .~",",-- - ·..-...,"~_"_~._"",~."<'._~,~¿_.'=·,".~.-,""'~,·.",''''c_'''_ccO_"_,,_.~=''''.c-;; ,--" ,._'-_._,_._'~~---~._-_.- "------- -,...-// I I , l- I I I i I I By_Law:shall.beimprisonec1;withor without hard' labor;.. in, ,the', jail of the Cqunty of }1~lgin, for any per-iod not exc~e~i_~_g;_tw;ent:r~_ays_al1d' tIIh~,t tho i)7i!'O~:t¡¡¡UtiJ¡~ of '£he î3u¡;¡ø1l7(f O€¡;rtlr:1e.. It:tQIi1Ø Act Øb€.ll ~,zml~ th€ ~øt()~ 11 - Commitment to the House of Industry and Refuge of Poor .,; .c ... " co . ... ~ - .. CQ . ii " '<: under the Hand and Seal of any member of the County Council .. . To be Given Ii! C " in and for the County of Elgin " " þ " c I:c "' ~ I I: ..-~----_._- " ... c ~ " OANADA I " ~ Q, PROVINCE OF ONTAHIO To 'l'HE Kn)J!:PER 011' THE HOUSE OF INDUSTRY AND HEFUGE FOR - Þ, I " '2 COUN'ry 01<' JDLGIN J 'I'HE COUN'l'Y 011' ELGIN : .t> " '" " To Wit: " Q, " " ... <- '" 'ã WHERJ~AS, Information hath been received the Q, " " .c CO undersigned, that ......... ......................................................... of . ... . " . I: ... a resident of this County, is poor and need)",.. ....ahd not ahle to support ¿ ,;: ...; ~ 'S ~ ....................... ................seJf,--these are therefore to require- you, the said Keeper~ .to receive the said " .. ~ "C ............. ll.w r... .~ ~ ~ ....... ............... ............................................. ................................................... ...l¡,to the House of Industry and Refuge, «i- t. > " ,¡ .c ..c and to provide fOJ'.................................nccording to law. . .. ., "" I: ,,¡, ~ " GIVEN under ........................ ..hand and seal , at the ....................................u......... of ,...Uuu......... I: .. " C, ':J,;.; ..:; "'..c :::- in the County of Elgin, this ···..··.........................u ......... ....day of ........ .....uu......................u..u........A. D" 19""" ~ bI:I .....- :i ~ I: '" 111 fI.I .. fI). <II.c iU ""' f tJ Q ~.8e~ U.pI .S ~ " ...... .... ... ..... ......... ....... ......... ..... ..... ....................... .... :g C ::: t:I 0" <.- :; e N,R-The offioial algriing this commitment will please øxplain the provisions of ,the QntitrioAnatomy Aot to person applying for " " sa.me, and, if possible, to filIiÌ1 name and addrøsa to whioh notioe of death should be sent. .c " "' Q ' The Dootor's Certifioate should he complete before commitment is signed, ; ..-~_.' - ,~_.,.__,.>._."..... ...W", :t'i f<!i;,~o.;~ '.iI hiH.1 \)~ ;:!::,,'1,u~,\~~:'i i\;;:;,- ;,',hk,~" 'd~~~ , '~:f' ,-!:, i:V , .~~', ¡_'~.f_,;,~,\,,;";,t S"".1'1I'!>Ü", u.ITC =;~~--- ,;;,,;,.'''''".-:-:._~..;::-...,...,,~-'' --- To be signed by medical officer of or by the health of municipality from which the inm.te physician of the House of Indu.try. was committed, Dated 9 ,M.D. is not .\1sane or aillicted with a contagious disease. This is to Certify .Keeper Telegraph Office 19 P. O. Name Filed this .dayof Reeei ved t 19. tution buda!. hereby of tho committed, and the bod y ,ill the _ death of inmate Bhonld it oeem while au inmate in the Instiø will be elaimed for HOUl::e The undersigned Keeper plea Be notify the OaUBe of Born Age Sent from Pauperism .years Extracf from By-Law No. In case of the death of Bny inrnat_e, fOT the disposition of whose ,body no provision was madí:J at the time of commitment, or whose bod v is Dot claimC3d by·friends, that the Keeper be reqnired to report;' the death to the H.eeve of the munici- pality from which the inmate was committed. with a view of 'haviu2 the body ol&imed for bnl-ial instead of b.eing BeDt to the Inspeotor of Anatomy a¡:¡ r6q\1ired by The Anatomy Aot_ NOT ICB , , :1 /.,¿;¿ ~ The Superintendent of every publio inBtitn~ tiOD BhaLl~u'pon the death of an inmate of tile institution, Rive not,ice within twenty·fonr bours of suoh death to the Inspeotor of Anatomy for the looality I No. COMMITMENT OF Extract from the Disposal ·in l1ouseof the Ontario Anatomy Act as of Bodies· of ;nmates Dying ndustry. to , " " ~ DEATH NOTIOE Name . . . . .. to 0 . . .. . . . . . ,..----llftm.Ð--.....;.._LL..._._..~.._....._.._.._._.._L._.._.~..J,_.J_.___.._II'_~J_._._........_._.~.,_._.____~ Age .. . '0' e ø".."...,,".. · A.ge ................. .................. Sex .. . . " . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . · Sex ............. ... .......... ... Where Born . It . . . . . .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. · Where Born .... ........ ............. ....... Date of 13irth . .. . .. . .. .. .. .. .. . .. . . Date of Birth ..... '.... ... .. ...... .......... .. .... ,......... Occupation . . . .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. . . .. Oeoupat1on .....~......................... Rè1igious Denomihation .. . .. . .. . to 0 Religious Denomination .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. l!'atherts liame .. . .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. Father's Name .. .. 4! .. .. .. .. .. ~ .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. .... .. .. .. Birth Place ................O'.. .. Birth Place .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Mothèr's Maiden IJame "ie.. . .. .. .. .. .. .. Mo,ther' a Maiden Name .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. . I Birth PIa ce . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. I Birth Place ........... . ... .... .. . . .. . .. ... . I of Death Date . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . Date of Death ...................,........ Disposi t ion of Body ...... ...... Disposition of Body . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I I .................. . Keeper . .. . ..... ... .... -.... . . . . . .. .. Datè of' Bur ia1 . . . .. .. . . . .. .. ~ . .. . . KE!E!per Place of burial . .. . , .. .. .. .. . . . .. .. (W!1en an inma.te dies the Keeper will fill Name of Officiating .~ 01 ergyman .. .. .. . .. . . .. .. .. .. .. .. out duplioate and give same to undertaker Undertaker . .. e .. . . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .-. .. .. .. .. or InsPE!Qtor of 4natorny) (To be attached to account for w-vt-? f:v-ßo.- ~~ From' inmates Fróm farm produce.. From farm stock From Sundries Receip~s: 9. 10. 11'. 12. 13. 14. :Average number of inmates during the ye1tl' Average, with keeper's family and hired nelp Number of w~eksboard of inmates. ....< Average, with keeper's family etc., added 'l'otal ex}?enditul'e dU!'Ìng the year.. Permanent improvement. Insane, Idiotic, All other cases Aylmer. Dutton. Hodney. . . . ßl <:k-d., r.: 8.. The val' ous cases ofi paul?er:ism ofil1mates admittedtothf! House during the year may be'cl~s,fò!ed as follows: Sickness. : ' . Destitution. Old Age. Blmd ete I I AldbOI'ough DunWich}. . Southwold . Yarmputh. . Malahide. . . Bayham. .. South Doreheste_r; Number inmates sent County during the year: 1. 2. 3, '4. 5. 6. 7, IS:nmher of Iumatp.s in the house at Number admitted during the year. Number of Deaths......... ... . Number dischar~ed.... .-..., ..... 'Numbel' absconded.. ........... Number now in House, males, from the several ast report. females, males ....... . .... ....... females MuÜicipalities in the- 15 ,/1," , 1S\!...;;J ¡SOHEDULE a.. INSPECTORS REPORT " General Expense:c:- Repairs. Permanent ^Improveme~t Si:tlal'ies,Ket;:pel' & Matron Physician. Inspector. Oommittee Incidental Insuf'ance Stock MIscellaneous House Expense: .Hiredlabol' Bre~d.." . Meat.... '" Groceries. . Pl'ovisi~ns. " Dry Goods; Booþs and Snoes Furnitúre Hnd Hardware Drugs...... ,".... Coal and Woad Miscellaneous / Hit'od help Implements Feed ::i I '~ lõ. 16. 17- 18, 19, Farm Expense Average expense per week for each person. Average expense per day föl' each person..  vorlage expense per year for each person. . AlilOÜht expeÜded for house und farm dut'in'g-the year is divided a:ò foll()ws~ for support of iDr Leaving amountactual1y mates expeu?ed 1'6 ~ , ~ , "- 17 20. The -!ò1lowing produce ·was raised on. the·fa.rm dl1rihg'the year ~-" 21. Ni..unbéI' of articles of bedding and Clothing' made up 4ul'ing the year by the matron a.nd the inmates, 22. Number of visits by thê ìnsJ?ector Leaving'a.mount actually: expended by. County 25. 24. ThetotalamoÜ:i.'lt expended by County House q~ s as follows:.,.-- 23. Farm Stoçk: Rsceived frornGovernment on account ditúres for lands and buildings 1& expen· , Industry,etc. , , L , 1 . I , ~. J !iii , Reaa. a thiril time and paseeil at County Counai1 Chambers, at. fhomas, this 15th day of June, 1934. /~o/ ...~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . County Clerk Warden - -...-.-..... .. ','," _",,_., - ,u ...... .. '0. ··..0..,'_ '>,....__.,...,.. '" '._ .",....".. _" _..,_._ ~. _,_ . _','_." _, __~.~_"~..~ ~ _ ---------------- ------ -~~,,~ .. .0. ...-,...,__'_-......."'..,.'.,......,,...,.,_..._ ".... ,>___.____ ___._,.~~.___ ---~=~c~==___ _.~.._.".,'__.==..==",.~_.~_ ---------- - ---- - - --- ------------------------