1223 BY-LAW No. 1223 To Authorize the,Warden to Si ;reement with the st. Thomas Board of Education for 1ffiintenance of County Pttpils The Elgin Oounty Oouncil enacts: That the Warden be and is hereby authorized to sign Agreement between the Oounty of Elgin and the st. Thomas Board of Education providing for payment of the cost of education of pupils from the Oounty of Elgin attending the Oollegiate Institute and Vooational Scho'ol. The Oounty to pay - 90% of the cost of maintenanoe 80% of the cost of Permanent Improvements or debenture payments therefor. Read a third time and passed at Oounty Oouncil Chambers, St. Thomas, this 15th day of June 1934. /C c.r:-7...,...."t....G-n; ""-ý ~a . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~.-.. 01 erk Warden