1224 Ole:rk ~ , 'ß Warden ,A.ldborough D1:Inwich Southwold Yarmouth Mala.hide Bayham SQuth Dorohester aylmer OountyOounoi1 Ohambers, If/ . 339 21,131 li!6,643 2'1;"'141 ;1.'1,954 12.669 11,252 8.'116 St. !jJhomas. 15th June, 1934. $ :1,.59,444 MUnioi Dut1ion J?o:rt ßtanley Springfield Vienna Rodney West Lørne TOTAL 2.69J, 5.344 9'12 635 2.213 2.;1.44 ¥unioi SCHEDULE - T,OTAL 2. Tha~ the sum of One Hundred and Fitty-nine !I1housand, F9Ur Hundred ;Llld Forty-four Do;l.lars be raised and levied in ' the several MUnicipalities of the Oounty, aooording to the following sohedule and that the amounts as entered therein be paid to the Qounty Treasurer, as by law required; 1. !I1hat a rate of stm111s on the Dollar be levied on all rateable property in the several municipalities in the Oounty of Elgin. as above set forth. for the year 1934, to raise the folJ,owing amounts: THEREFORE the Oouncil of the the Oounty of Elgin enacts; Munioi Aldborough Dun,w1ch Southwold Yarmouth ~J,ahide BaYham South Dorchester Aylmer 1>utton Po:r1i Stanley springfield Vienna RO\Þley West Lorna MUnieipal !I1otal Equalized Value $ 3.683.908 4.024,910 5.0'14.951 5.283,958 3,4:).9,8'11 2.413.'215 2.143,:).'14 1 660 082 t . t . 512.653 1.01'1;,889 184,8'14 121,044 421,450 408.366 ,3'10.345 Oorporation $ 30 of AND WEEREAS the assesament of property of ascertained and equalized is as follows: i¡he QOunty as ~D ~REAS the rates are required to be apportioned on the basis of the assessment of property as equalized, AijD WHEREAS by the Assessment Aet, this OounoiJ. is required to direot what portion of the sum to be levied for oounty purposes shall be levied in eaoh Munioipality in the Oounty. WHEREAS an estimate has been made showing that the sum One Hundred and Fifty-nine Thousand, Four Hundred and Forty- four Dollàrs is required to be raised in the several munioipalities for the lawful purposes of the Qounty during the year 1934, of During the Year 1934 !Do Raise BY-LAW No. Amounts for Oounty Rates 1224