1226 BY-LAW No. 1226 To Appoint Advisory Agricultunal Council ~Dhe Elgin County Council enacts; That the Advisory llgricul turâl Council be com- posed of one member from each townshj,p and eight honorary menibers, the following to be appointed: Members ..~._- Jprank McGregor Aldborough David J!:iarroll Dunw ioh E. E. Luton southwold H. A. Fenhale Yarmouth Harry Kent Malahide Louis Johnston Bayham D. Noble S. Dorchester Honorar1 Members The members of the Agricultural Committee of this Council. That memb ers of said Advisory Agricul tural Counoil be paid 'the same as members of this Council for attendance at the two meetings required to be held e,nnually in i!'ebruary and November, ana that they receive their travelling and other expenses for aLtendanoe at special or emergency meetings called by the Chairman. That By-Law No. 1203 be repealed. Read a third time and passed at county Council Chambers, st. Thomas this 25th day of ,January, 1935. , ~ ~ 4, ~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Qlerk Warden ~ .---.-