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03 - Revised February 12, 2013 County Council Agenda including Grant Background Information
ORDERS OF THE DAY FOR TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 2013 – 9:00 A.M. ORDER 1st Meeting Called to Order 2nd Adoption of Minutes – January 22, 2013 3rd Disclosure of Pecuniary Interest and the General Nature Thereof 4th Presenting Petitions, Presentations and Delegations PRESENTATIONS: 9:00 a.m. Councillor Mennill – Parade of Elephants 9:15 a.m. Barbara Arbuckle, Director, St. Thomas-Elgin Ontario Works Department (STEOW) and Irma Pedersen, Supervisor, Children’s Services Division – Report titled “2013 Ontario Child Care Service Management and Funding Guideline” (attached) 5thMotion to Move Into “Committee Of The Whole Council” see separate Addendum 6th Closed Meeting Items – 7th Motion to Rise and Report 8th Reports of Council, Outside Boards and Staff 9th Council Correspondence 1) Items for Consideration 2) Items for Information (Consent Agenda) OTHER BUSINESS 10th 1) Statements/Inquiries by Members 2) Notice of Motion 3) Matters of Urgency 11th Recess 12th Preliminary2012 Year-End Financials and Closed Project Report – Director of Financial Services (attached) 13th2013 Request for Grants – Report from Director of Financial Services (attached) (see separate Addendum for background material) 14th 2013 Proposed Budget – Report from Director of Financial Services (attached) 15th Motion to Adopt Recommendations from the Committee Of The Whole 16th Consideration of By-Laws 17th ADJOURNMENT LUNCH WILL BE PROVIDED NOTICE: Deputy Warden for February - Councillor McIntyre February 24 – 27, 2013 2013 ROMA/OGRA Conference (Fairmont Royal York – Toronto) March 12, 2013 9:00 a.m. - County Council Meeting March 26, 2013 9:00 a.m. - County Council Meeting April 14, 2013 4:00 p.m. - 2013 Mayor’s Charity Hockey Challenge for the United Way November 15, 2013 2013 Warden’s Banquet - Dutton-Dunwich Community 1 Centre Draft COUNTY COUNCIL MINUTES Tuesday, January 22, 2013 The Elgin County Council met this day at the Administration Building at 9:02 a.m. with all members present with the exceptions of Councillors Couckuyt (regrets) and Walters (regrets). Councillor McIntyre, having previously indicated a delay, joined the meeting at 10:44 a.m. Warden McWilliam in the Chair. A moment of silence was observed in honour of past warden, the late Honourable John Wise. ADOPTION OF MINUTES Moved by Councillor Mennill Seconded by Councillor Ens THAT the minutes of the meeting held December 11 and 13, 2012 and January 8, 2013 be adopted. - Carried. DISCLOSURE OF PECUNIARY INTEREST AND THE GENERAL NATURE THEREOF – None. DELEGATION Andrew Gray and Mary Lou McMillan, Elgin County Library, with a PowerPoint presentation titled “Youth Internships at Community Access Sites, 2012-2013.” The Director of Community and Cultural Services emphasized the importance of continued government funding for this program which serves rural Ontario residents. The Warden noted that the Western Ontario Wardens’ Caucus is currently reviewing a study to determine the status of internet service in rural areas in an effort to improve internet service in this region. Moved by Councillor Marr Seconded by Councillor Jenkins THAT the presentation titled “Youth Internships at Community Access Sites, 2012-2013” be received and filed. - Carried. Moved by Councillor Marr Seconded by Councillor Mennill THAT we do now move into Committee Of The Whole Council. - Carried. REPORTS One-Time Funding for Training and Development of Long-Term Care Home Staff – Director of Homes and Seniors Services The director presented the report regarding financial support for one-time training of staff. Moved by Councillor Mennill Seconded by Councillor Jenkins THAT the report titled “One-Time Funding for Training and Development of Long-Term Care Home Staff” dated January 7, 2013 be received and filed. - Carried. 2 One-Time Funding for High Intensity Needs and Base Funding Changes Through Flex Funding Program – Director of Homes and Seniors Services The director presented the report regarding funding for training to provide safe care for high acuity residents. Moved by Councillor Jenkins Seconded by Councillor Ens THAT the report titled “One-Time Funding for High Intensity Needs and Base Funding Changes Through Flex Funding Program” dated January 8, 2013 be received and filed. - Carried. One-Time Fire Safety Funding – Director of Homes and Seniors Services The director presented the report regarding funding from the province to improve fire safety measures in long-term care homes. Moved by Councillor Wiehle Seconded by Councillor Jenkins THAT the report titled “One-Time Fire Safety Funding” dated January 8, 2013 be received and filed; and, THAT a letter of appreciation be sent to Elgin-Middlesex-London M.P.P. Jeff Yurek and the Ontario Minister of Health and Long-Term Care Deb Matthews. - Carried. Behavioural Supports Ontario Long-Term Care Home Staffing Resources Funding Announcement – Director of Homes & Seniors Services The director presented the report regarding additional funding as part of the Behaviours Supports Ontario project. Moved by Councillor Mennill Seconded by Councillor Marr THAT the report titled “Behavioural Supports Ontario Long-Term Care Home Staffing Resources Funding Announcement” dated January 7, 2013 be received and filed. - Carried. Local Food Challenge Funding – Business Development Coordinator The coordinator presented the report regarding the receipt of a $15,000 grant towards locally grown food being used in county long-term care homes. Moved by Councillor Marr Seconded by Councillor Wiehle THAT staff be authorized to accept the contribution of $15,000 from the Greenbelt Fund in support of the 2013 Local Food Challenge; and, THAT Council direct the Chief Administrative Officer to sign the letter of agreement with the Greenbelt Fund pertaining to the 2013 Local Food Challenge. - Carried. Tourism Signage Grant: Non-Profit Organizations – General Manager of Economic Development The manager presented the report regarding an application for signage from a non-profit organization. 3 Moved by Councillor Jenkins Seconded by Councillor Marr THAT County Council approve the application from Jabez Therapy Ranch for tourism directional signage grants; and, THAT the request for tourism signage grants be included in the 2013 budget deliberations. - Carried. Annual Accessibility Plan – Accessibility Coordinator The coordinator presented the annual report from the Joint Elgin County/Central Elgin Accessibility Committee from 2012. Moved by Councillor Marr Seconded by Councillor Mennnill THAT the report titled “Annual Accessibility Plan” dated December 14, 2012 be received and filed. - Carried. County of Elgin 2013 Mileage Rate – Director of Human Resources The director presented the annual report regarding the mileage rate paid by the county. Moved by Councillor Jenkins Seconded by Councillor Mennill THAT County Council direct staff to freeze the mileage rate for 2013 at the current level of 49.5 cents per kilometre. - Carried. Museums and Technology Fund Grant Approved – Director of Community and Cultural Services The Curator of the Elgin County Museum presented the report regarding the receipt of a $5,500 grant for the joint project of Elgin County Railway Museum, Elgin County Archives and Elgin Historical Society to provide assistance to develop an on-line resource tool for railway history. Moved by Councillor Mennill Seconded by Councillor Jenkins THAT the Warden and Chief Administrative Officer be authorized to enter into a funding agreement with the Minister of Tourism, Culture and Sport under the Museums and Technology Fund; and, THAT the Warden issue a letter of appreciation to the Minister, Elgin-Middlesex-London M.P.P. Jeff Yurek, Elgin County Railway Museum and the Elgin Historical Society for funding this project. - Carried. 2012 Out-of-Province Travel – Director of Community and Cultural Services The director presented the annual report detailing out-of-province travel by staff. 4 Moved by Councillor Marr Seconded by Councillor Mennill THAT the report titled “2012 Out-of-Province Travel” dated January 3, 2013 be received and filed. - Carried. 1812 Commemoration Grant Approved – Director of Community and Cultural Services The Curator of the Elgin County Museum presented the report regarding receipt of a $20,450 grant from the federal government toward a plaque program to mark the significant War of 1812 sites in Elgin County. Moved by Councillor Jenkins Seconded by Councillor Ens THAT the Warden and Chief Administrative Officer be authorized to enter into a funding agreement with the Government of Canada under the 1812 Commemoration Fund; and, THAT the Warden issue a letter of appreciate to the Minister of Canadian Heritage, Elgin- Middlesex-London MP Joe Preston and the Elgin Historical Society for funding this project. - Carried. Tourism Services for the City of St. Thomas – Proposed Fees and Changes – General Manager of Economic Development (Addendum) The manager presented the report regarding options for tourism activities in partnership with the City of St. Thomas. Councillors were assured the topic of maintaining the existing partnership would be on the agenda for further discussion with the City of St. Thomas at January 31, 2013 city-county liaison meeting. Moved by Councillor Marr Seconded by Councillor Mennill THAT the suggested fees and charges for tourism services for the City of St. Thomas be approved and the necessary by-law be prepared; and, THAT County Council direct staff to provide the menu of fees and charges for tourism services to the City of St. Thomas as described in the January 17, 2013 report. - Carried. CORRESPONDENCE Items for Consideration 1. Nancie Irving, CMO, Clerk, Town of Aylmer with a resolution requesting support of an Affordable Housing Project. 2. Heather Jackson, Mayor, City of St. Thomas, inviting Council and Staff to participate in a hockey game at the Timken Centre on Sunday, April 14, 2013 at 4:00 p.m. to raise funds for the United Way Campaign. 3. The Mayors’ Coalition for Affordable, Sustainable and Accountable Policing seeking monetary support for their efforts in addressing policing costs. 4. Bill Tucker, Director of Education, Thames Valley District School Board inviting County Council to a capital planning committee meeting to discuss accommodation issues. 5 The following recommendation was adopted in regard to Correspondence Item #1: Moved by Councillor Mennill Seconded by Councillor Jenkins THAT Elgin County Council support the Town of Aylmer’s resolution regarding an Affordable Housing project. - Carried. The following recommendation was adopted in regard to Correspondence Item #2: Moved by Councillor Ens Seconded by Councillor Mennill THAT Correspondence Item #2 be received and filed. - Carried. The following recommendation was adopted in regard to Correspondence Item #3: It was noted that support does not include the requested donation of $1000. Moved by Councillor Marr Seconded by Councillor Mennill THAT Elgin County Council write a letter of support for the Mayors’ Coalition For Sustainable and Accountable Policing. - Carried. The following recommendation was adopted in regard to Correspondence Item #4: Moved by Councillor Ens Seconded by Councillor Wiehle THAT Elgin County Council accept the invitation to attend Thames Valley District School Board a capital planning meeting on March 5, 2013. - Carried. Items for Information (Consent Agenda) 1. The Honourable Michael Chan, Minister of Citizenship and Immigration with nomination information regarding the Ontario Medal for Young Volunteers Awards. 2. Matthew Wilson, Senior Advisor, Association of the Municipalities of Ontario with highlights from the Provincial Auditor’s 2012 Report: Key Municipal Interest in OPP Recommendations. 3. Ian Raven, Executive Director, The Elgin Military Museum thanking Council for the opportunity to update Council as a delegation on the progress of Project Ojibwa. 4. Nancy Sutherland, National Executive Director, Sunshine Foundation, thanking County of Elgin Warden for donation. 5. Ron Elliott, VON Middlesex-Elgin Foundation Board President with an invitation to an Open House at the St. Thomas Seniors’ Centre on January 24, 2013 to showcase VON programs and services. 6. Cathy Fox, Communications and Public Relations Specialist, St. Thomas Elgin General Hospital with a press release titled “Accreditation Canada Awards STEGH Accredited with Exemplary Standing the Highest Level of Recognition.” 7. Media Release – First medical scholarships awarded to St. Thomas students. 6 In regard to Correspondence Item #7: The Warden reported that the two scholarships were awarded to excellent recipients. Moved by Councillor Marr Seconded by Councillor Jenkins THAT Correspondence Items #1 - 7 be received and filed. - Carried. OTHER BUSINESS Statements/Inquiries by Members - None. Notice of Motion - None Matters of Urgency - None Closed Meeting Items Moved by Councillor Mennill Seconded by Councillor Marr THAT we now do proceed into closed session in accordance with the Municipal Act, to discuss matters under Section 240.2 (e); litigation or potential litigation, including matters before administrative tribunals, affecting the municipality or local board – Tree Violation; and Section 240.2 (d); three items: labour relations or employee negotiations – Contract Negotiations Mandate: Service Employees International Union (SEIU); – Labour Relations Matter Update: Ontario Nurses’ Association (ONA); and Contracting of Accessibility Services to Partner County. - Carried. The County Tree Commissioner presented his report. The Director of Human Resources presented a report on the 2013 SEIU Negotiations Mandate; a report on an Update of Collective Bargaining with the Ontario Nurses’ Association; and a report on Contracting of Accessibility Services to a Partner County. Moved by Councillor Ens Seconded by Councillor Jenkins THAT we do now rise and report. - Carried. The meeting was recessed for 15 minutes. Councillor McIntyre joined the meeting. Moved by Councillor Marr Seconded by Councillor Ens THAT the confidential report titled “Tree Clearing in the Municipality of Central Elgin, Part Lot 2, Range 1 SER” dated January 10, 2013 be received and filed. - Carried. Moved by Councillor Wiehle Seconded by Councillor Jenkins THAT County Council support the suggested negotiations mandate for the coming bargaining of a new collective agreement with the SEIU included in the confidential report; and, THAT staff apprise County Council of the status of negotiations and the progress being made. - Carried. 7 Moved by Councillor Mennill Seconded by Councillor Ens THAT the confidential report titled “Labour Relations Matters: Update of Collective Bargaining with Ontario Nurses’ Association” dated January 4, 2013 be received and filed. - Carried. Moved by Councillor Ens Seconded by Councillor Jenkins THAT the Chief Administrative Officer be authorized and directed to sign a purchase of service agreement for the provision of Accessibility advice and support with Middlesex County according to specific terms and conditions. - Carried. 2013 Capital Ten-Year Plan – Director of Financial Services The director presented the plan, noting it called for the average capital investment of $12.5 million over the time period. Councillor Marr advised council that the Municipality of Central Elgin will be coming to council with a revised report regarding a proposed project on Centennial Avenue. Moved by Councillor McIntyre Seconded by Councillor Wiehle THAT the 2013 Capital Budget be approved in principle and finally considered in conjunction with the 2013 Operating Budget. - Carried. Motion to Adopt Recommendations of the Committee of the Whole Moved by Councillor Ens Seconded by Councillor Jenkins THAT we do now adopt recommendations of the Committee Of The Whole. - Carried. BY-LAWS Moved by Councillor Mennill Seconded by Councillor Marr THAT By-Law No. 13-02 “Being a By-Law to Authorize the Warden and the Treasurer to Borrow Up to the Sum of Fifteen Million Dollars” be read a first, second and third time and finally passed. - Carried. Moved by Councillor Jenkins Seconded by Councillor McIntyre THAT By-Law No. 13-03 “Being a By-Law to Confirm Proceedings of the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at the January 22, 2013 Meeting” be read a first, second and third time and finally passed. - Carried. 8 County Council 8 January 22, 2013 ADJOURNMENT Moved by Councillor Marr Seconded by Councillor Ens THAT we do now adjourn at 11:02 a.m. and meet again on February 12, 2013 at the County Administration Building Council Chambers at 9:00 a.m. - Carried. Mark McDonald, Cameron McWilliam, Chief Administrative Officer. Warden. 9 City of St. Thomas 10 ~2~ 11 12 REPORTS OF COUNCIL AND STAFF February 12th, 2013 Staff Reports – (ATTACHED) Library Supervisor – Library 2012 Food for Fines Campaign Library Coordinator – 2012 Library Usage and Statistics Report Manager of Planning – Planning Fees – Proposed Amendments to the County of Elgin Fees and Charges By-Law Senior Financial Analyst – Council and Outside Boards Remuneration and Expenses Director of Engineering Services – Awarding Tenders – Fire Sprinklers – Terrace Lodge & Engineering Services for the Largie Bridge Replacement, Dutton/Dunwich Deputy Director of Engineering Services – Road Maintenance Agreement Director of Homes and Seniors Services – Revisions – Attending Physician Agreement Director of Homes and Seniors Services – Case Mix Index (CMI) Results for 2013/2014 Accessibility Coordinator – Accessible Procurement Director of Human Resources – 2013 Non-Union Compensation 13 REPORT TO COUNTY COUNCIL FROM: Eileen de Jager, Library Supervisor DATE: January 18, 2013 SUBJECT: Library 2012 Food for Fines Campaign INTRODUCTION: Food for fines is a library initiative commonly offered by public libraries to allow library users an opportunity to donate items of benefit to local charity drives in exchange for a reduction in the amount of overdue fines owing to the library. This report is to inform Council of the successful result of the 2012 Food for Fines campaign coordinated amongst the 10 branches of the Elgin County Library. DISCUSSION: The 2012 Food for Fines campaign was the fifth to be coordinated county-wide in order to provide assistance to local Christmas care drives. Fines often act as barriers to patrons, and by removing small fines staff can encourage patrons to use library services more while helping those in our community who need it most. Food for Fines has been an outstanding mutually beneficial project between County Council, Elgin County Library, its patrons and local charity organizations. In addition to the collection of non-perishable, non-expired food items and items for personal hygiene, money collected for overdue fines during the campaign period was also submitted to local charity drives to be directed where it is most needed. The chart below shows a year-to-year comparison of program results: 20122011 NumberCashNumberCash BranchBranch of Items Donationsof Items Donations Aylmer695$381.90Aylmer442$336.30 Belmont244$77.00Belmont485$40.00 Dutton354$114.10Dutton393$231.00 Port Burwell 63$26.90Port Burwell 78$7.10 Port Stanley 298$85.70Port Stanley 362$81.70 Rodney635$13.30Rodney159$57.50 Shedden196$56.20Shedden315$25.60 Springfield324$11.00Springfield785$20.00 Straffordville459$56.60Straffordville355$174.50 West Lorne 232$100.75West Lorne 123$82.30 TOTAL3500923.45TOTAL3497$1056.00 14 The following organizations were the beneficiaries of these donations: West Elgin Caring Cupboard Daffodil Auxiliary, Dutton Christmas Care, St. Thomas Port Stanley Legion Christmas Care Port Stanley Food Bank Corner Cupboard, Aylmer Belmont Lioness Club, Belmont CONCLUSION : This report informs Council that the 2012 County-wide Food for Fines campaign was a success and contributed much needed support for charity drives throughout Elgin County. RECOMMENDATION : THAT the report titled “Results of Elgin County Library’s 2012 Food for Fines Campaign” dated January 18, 2013 be received and filed. All of which is Respectfully Submitted Approved for Submission Eileen de Jager Mark G. McDonald Library Branch Supervisor Chief Administrative Officer Brian Masschaele Director of Community and Cultural Services 15 REPORT TO COUNTY COUNCIL FROM: Sandi Loponen, Library Coordinator DATE: January 28, 2013 SUBJECT: 2012 Library Usage and Statistics Report INTRODUCTION: This report provides Council with metrics that illustrate 2012 usage trends at the 10 library branches in Elgin County compared to the previous year. Figures include general circulation of materials, downloadable collections, public computer use, interlibrary loan services, reference services, and membership numbers. Of equal importance to quantitative use of the library is the impact services are having in the community. A small selection of community impact stories as related by branch staff is therefore included in this report. DISCUSSION: The following highlights in library usage can be derived from the statistical analysis: Although system-wide circulation decreased by 3.5%, several branches experienced increases. Notably, circulation increased by 30% in Springfield, 11% in Port Burwell and 11% in Shedden. Circulation was also on target to increase in Straffordville. However, the 2-month closure for renovations caused circulation activity to remain comparable to the previous year. Parking issues in Aylmer also had an impact on that branch. The drastic increase in circulation at Springfield confirms what staff have observed at other locations; where improvements are made to library facilities, increases in circulation and usage inevitably occur. Aylmer continues to serve as the library’s busiest branch, accounting for 29% of the library system’s total of 261,880 circulation transactions. Programs and tours welcomed 18,257 participants in 2012, an increase of 13%. Catalogue pageviews increased by 662%, suggesting that more patrons are learning about the library’s collection online and making use of discovery tools that can lead them to additional recommended titles. eBook circulation increased by 157% to 7,257. This figure is expected to increase as additional titles are made available for circulation and more patrons acquire devices for accessing this format. It is important to note, however, that even with this increase, eBook circulation still only accounts for 2.7% of the library’s total overall circulation. 16 Community Impact Although statistics can illustrate one side of how the County’s library facilities are used, it is also important to report on the real-life impact of libraries on the lives of County residents. The following are just a few examples of the impact of library service on County residents as reported by staff: A young woman recently used the Aylmer Library to receive training on how to use Microsoft Word and Excel. After several weeks of training she gained employment as an Administrative Assistant at a farm equipment company north of Aylmer. She informed staff that getting the job was directly attributable to the free training services offered at the library. An immigrant woman who speaks German as her native language learned about the library’s online language-learning system for adults and children. She was very excited to show her grandchildren the child-friendly version of the resource (Little Pim) and hopes they will use it to learn about the family’s culture and heritage so she can one day speak with them in German. Two children who visited the branch in Dutton were excited to learn from staff how to download eBooks to their BlackBerry PlayBooks, and that they can listen to streaming audiobooks in both English and French online using the library’s Tumblebooks resource. In Springfield, a patron commented on the high quality of materials circulated in the Grab & Go Kids’ Reads backpacks. The family has discovered a whole new selection of favourite books and authors and the child’s interest in reading has increased significantly. Technology author Tyler Mitchell, Engineering Director for Actian in Alberta, was a patron of the Straffordville Library in his youth and hasn’t forgotten his roots. In donating his book on web mapping to the library, Mitchell inscribed, “Thanks to Straffordville Library where I spent many days learning to love reading when I was young”. CONCLUSION: This report summarizes use of Elgin County Library collections and services in 2012. Despite a decrease in circulation activity, staff observed more patrons attending programs and using the online catalogue to explore the library’s collections. There is a general trend in libraries towards using the facilities in different ways. Although circulation of materials is gradually decreasing as patrons explore alternative sources for traditional research and leisure materials, libraries remain an important community destination for accessing resources and experiences that are not available elsewhere. More patrons are using library spaces to attend opportunities for socialization including storytimes, book clubs and presentations. In addition, library staff are reporting that an increasing number of patrons are bringing in their own laptops and devices to use the wireless service. 17 With recent improvements to public access computers at the branches, staff expect use of this equipment to increase in 2013 as technology continues to play a vital role in the provision of library service. A large percentage of questions received by staff are related to the use of technology including software available on public access computers, wireless, eBooks, scanners and how to place holds and access account information online. Library staff used Ontario Public Library Week in October to promote a number of key resources of which patrons may not have previously been aware. These resources included the online catalogue, playaway audio devices, Mango Languages, eNewsletters and eReaders that are available for testing at library branches. Response to the promotion was very positive. In 2013 and beyond, staff plan to place greater emphasis on promoting library services to continue to raise awareness and to ensure that County residents enjoy the benefits of service funded by their tax dollars. RECOMMENDATION: THAT the report titled “2012 Library Usage and Statistics Report” dated January 28, 2013 be received and filed. All of which is Respectfully Submitted Approved for Submission Sandi Loponen Mark G. McDonald Library Coordinator Chief Administrative Officer Brian Masschaele Director of Community and Cultural Services 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 REPORT TO COUNTY COUNCIL FROM: SteveManager of Planning Evans, DATE: January 17, 2013 SUBJECT: Planning Fees – Proposed Amendments to the County of Elgin Fees and Charges By-Law INTRODUCTION: The County will automatically become the approval authority for various applications under the Planning Act after the Elgin County Official Plan is approved by the province. A fee structure will need to be established to cover anticipated administrative costs involved in the processing of applications for plans of subdivision and condominium. This report will provide County Council with comparative data from neighbouring municipalities with approval authority status and a recommended fee structure for Elgin County. BACKGROUND: Section 69 of the Planning Act states: “The Council of a municipality, by by-law…may establish a tariff of fees for the processing of applications made in respect of planning matters, which tariff shall be designed to meet only the anticipated cost to the municipality or… to the land division committee constituted by the council of the municipality…” Such tariff of fees by-law provides the legislative basis for the setting of fees and ensures that the processing and administrative costs are borne by the applicant and not Elgin County ratepayers. DISCUSSION: The processing costs for plans of subdivision/condominium and for County Official Plan amendments are by far the most expensive of all planning-related applications because such applications can be complex and require a substantial amount of time to process. Locally adopted Official Plan Amendments are generally not as time consuming and therefore would not require as large a fee. One other planning matter that will come under the approval authority mandate is part lot control exemptions that are generally straightforward to approve. The Manager of Planning obtained copies of planning fees by-laws from neighbouring municipalities in order to get a sense of the “going rate” for processing fees. A summary of planning application fees is attached for information. There is a range of approaches to fees that are charged for planning applications; some of the fees are all inclusive, others are based on the size of a proposed subdivision development and others are broken down into component parts. Single tier municipalities such as London, Chatham-Kent and Oxford County tend to use component fees whereas the Counties of Middlesex, Lambton, Perth and Essex as well as the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing use an all-inclusive approach based on size of the proposed development. 25 GENERAL OBSERVATIONS: After reviewing the tariff of fees by-laws that were received, it was observed that the City of London and the Municipality of Chatham-Kent charged higher fees than their neighbouring Counties. The Counties of Middlesex, Lambton, Perth, Oxford and Essex all charge similar fees ranging from $2,000 to $6,000 for plans of subdivision applications. The Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing also charge the same range of fees as the above noted Counties. With no prior experience as an “approval authority” it is reasonable to conclude that fees charged by other County jurisdictions should be satisfactory for Elgin County. Such fees have stood the test of time and would appear to be defensible in the event that a challenge was made through an appeal to the Ontario Municipal Board. CONCLUSIONS: The County of Elgin is taking on a new responsibility as approval authority for plans of subdivision/condominium and local official plan amendments. Elgin will also have a new Official Plan that may need to be amended from time to time, as such the County needs to set a fee for such amendments. It is the opinion of the Manager of Planning that the County of Elgin should set one, all- inclusive, fee for applications for subdivisions/condominium rather than follow a range of fees based on the number of lots within a development. It is not uncommon for a small development to take as much or more time to process as a larger development. So much depends on the experience of the developer and their ability to proceed quickly. In this respect it is suggested that the fees for plans of subdivision/condominium and County Official Plan Amendments be set at $4,000.00 and a fee of $1000.00 be charged for a locally adopted official plan amendment. (municipally-initiated applications would be exempt) RECOMMENDATION: THAT County Council amend its fees and charges by-law to include planning fees under Section 69 of the Planning Act and that the following fees be approved: Plans of Subdivision: $4,000.00 - (deposit for appeal) $2,000.00 (returnable if no appeal) Extension to draft plan approval $ 500.00 Plans of Condominium $4,000.00 - (deposit for appeal) $2,000.00 (returnable if no appeal) - (no deposit for exemption) County Official Plan Amendment $4,000.00 Local Official Plan Amendment $1,000.00 (municipally - initiated OPA exempt) Part lot control exemption $ 500.00 THAT the report titled “Planning Fees – Proposed Amendments to the County of Elgin Fees and Charges By-Law” dated January 17, 2013 be received and filed. All of which is Respectfully Submitted Approved for Submission Steve Evans Mark G. McDonald Manager of Planning Chief Administrative Officer 26 PLANNING APPLICATIONS FEES Middlesex process application for subdivision/condo $3,500.00 + deposit for potential OMB appeal $2,000.00 extension to a draft plan of subdivision $ 300.00 County Official Plan Amendment $4,000.00 Process local OPA $1,000.00 (municipally – initiated OPA is exempt) Perth Sub’d/condo application up to 20 lots $2,000.00 21 – 50 lots $4,000.00 51 lots or more $6,000.00 County OPA $1,400.00 + deposit for appeals $1,000.00 Essex Sub’d/condo application up to 20 lots $2,000.00 21 – 50 lots $4,000.00 50 or more lots $6,000.00 Oxford Sub’d $2,660.00 Condo $1,215.00 Condo exemption $ 845.00 County OPA (major) $4,070.00 (minor) $2,000.00 Additional fees for extensions $ 430.00 Red line revisions (major) $1,050.00 (minor) $ 525.00 Lambton Sub’d application up to 20 lots $3,000.00 21- 50 lots $4,000.00 50+ lots $6,000.00 Condo application $1,500.00 OPA $ 600.00 27 MMAH Sub’d/condo applications up to 20 lots $2,000.00 21 – 50 lots $4,000.00 50 + lots $6,000.00 OPA’s where not adopted by municipality $1,000.00 City of London Sub’d application $7,500.00 + Condo $3,000.00 Condo – vacant land $3,750.00 OPA $6,000.00 Chatham-Kent Sub’d application $11,760.00 OPA $ 5,260.00 28 29 30 31 32 33 REPORT TO COUNTY COUNCIL FROM: Clayton Watters, Director of Engineering Services Sonia Beavers, Purchasing Coordinator DATE: January 28, 2013 SUBJECT: Awarding Tenders - Fire Sprinklers – Terrace Lodge & Engineering Services for the Largie Bridge Replacement, Dutton/Dunwich INTRODUCTION: Staff has issued tenders, per the County’s purchasing policy, to accelerate two project timelines. This report is requesting permission for staff to award these tenders before the next County Council meeting, so long as the lowest bids are accepted and within budget allocations. DISCUSSION/CONCLUSION: Two tenders have been issued, as follows: (a) Supply and Install Fire Sprinklers, Terrace Lodge; and, (b) Engineering Services Largie Bridge Replacement, Duff Line, Dutton/Dunwich. The tenders are scheduled to close on February 14and February 21, 2013 and the following Council meeting is scheduled for March 12, 2013. In order to expedite the projects, staff is requesting permission to award these tenders, if the lowest tender is selected and within budget allocations. Results will be reported to County Council at the March 12, 2013 meeting. RECOMMENDATION: THAT the report titled “Awarding Tenders – Fire Sprinklers – Terrace Lodge & Engineering Services for the Largie Bridge Replacement, Dutton/Dunwich” dated January 28, 2013 be received and filed; and, THAT staff award the following tenders as long as the County’s Purchasing Policy is followed, lowest tenders are selected and within budget allocations: (a) Supply and Install Fire Sprinklers – Terrace Lodge; and, (b) Engineering Services Largie Bridge Replacement, Dutton/Dunwich; and, THAT staff report back to Council with the results at the March 12, 2013 Council meeting. All of which is Respectfully Submitted Approved for Submission Clayton Watters Mark G. McDonald Director of Engineering Services Chief Administrative Officer Sonia Beavers Purchasing Coordinator 34 REPORT TO COUNTY COUNCIL FROM: Peter Dutchak, Deputy Director of Engineering Services DATE: January 28, 2013 SUBJECT: Road Maintenance Agreement INTRODUCTION County Council has adopted the revised Road Maintenance Agreement in principle on July 24, 2012 and directed staff to circulate the agreement to municipal councils for final comment. Comments were received from all municipalities and additional revisions were made to the agreement to address these concerns. The final agreement has now been prepared and it is recommended to be adopted by Council and our municipal partners. DISCUSSION Over the past 3 years, a Council appointed Maintenance Agreement Review Committee has met to revise the existing agreement. The agreement and its accompanying schedules were adopted in principle by County Council in July 2012 and then circulated to the municipalities for comment. Formal comments were received from all municipal councils by October 2012. On December 4, 2012, staff, and the County solicitor met with the Review Committee to review these comments. Also, municipalities who were not represented on the committee were invited to participate in the meeting to gain complete consensus on decisions. Municipal council’s comments were discussed at the meeting and final revisions were made to the agreement to the satisfaction of all municipal representatives present. The most significant change that has been made to the agreement since it was adopted by County Council in principle is the exclusion of the Maintenance Best Practices. Most municipalities were concerned that although these Best Practices were not mandatory, their inclusion would expose municipalities to liability in the event of a claim if they were not followed precisely or if they conflicted with local procedures. Therefore, after some discussion, it was agreed that the Maintenance Best Practices would be removed from the agreement and municipalities would be responsible for their own methods of performing maintenance activities, so long as they met all statutory obligations. 35 Throughout its development, most aspects of the agreement have already been fully implemented as directed by Council and in order to ease its transition. For example, the following agreement terms have already been put into practice: Increased allocation rates have been developed and provided to municipalities. Electrical servicing is funded by the County and performed by the County’s contractor. Inspection procedures have been revised to satisfy the Coroner’s recommendations from the Hipson Inquest. Specific maintenance activities have been defined with limits of responsibility. The Major Maintenance Projects mechanism is being utilized to provide municipalities with additional funds for activities beyond the agreement’s Scope of Services. CONCLUSION The revised Road Maintenance Agreement has been developed with local input over the past 3 years. County Council has adopted the Road Maintenance Agreement in principle in July 2012. The agreement has been circulated to local councils for comment and every municipality provided comments by October 2012. Staff, the County Solicitor and municipal representatives met on December 4, 2012 to review the comments received from local councils. Final revisions were made to the agreement to the satisfaction of the committee. Now that the committee has approved the agreement, Council has adopted it in principle, and municipalities have had ample opportunity to comment, the agreement can be formally adopted by all parties. RECOMMENDATION THAT this report titled “Road Maintenance Agreement” dated January 28, 2013 be received and filed, THAT the agreement be circulated to municipal councils requesting their adoption before April 26, 2013. All of which is Respectfully Submitted, Approved for Submission, Peter Dutchak Mark G. McDonald Deputy Director of Engineering Services Chief Administrative Officer Clayton Watters Director of Engineering Services 2 36 THIS AGREEMENT made in triplicate this day of B E T W E E N: THE CORPORATION OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN (hereinafter called the "County") OF THE FIRST PART - and - THE CORPORATION OF THE ________________OF ________________ (hereinafter called the "Municipality") OF THE SECOND PART WHEREAS: a) The County has, by by-law, established certain roads or publi located within its boundaries and, further thereto, incorporated highways, and related bridge facilities into its arterial road s b) The Municipal Act (Ontario) permits a municipality to enter i agreements for the joint management and operation of, among othe things, a road system; c) By Order made by Allan Leach, Minister of Municipal Affairs a on May 15, 1997 and effective January 1, 1998, the responsibilit among other things, maintenance of the County road system was transferred from the County to lower-tier municipalities; d) The County and the Municipality as identified above have reac agreement as to the terms by which the Municipality shall undert maintenance responsibilities in respect of roads, highways, and bridge facilities incorporated in the County arterial road syste are located within the boundaries of the Municipality; NOW THEREFORE this Agreement witnesseth that, in consideration o covenants herein contained and upon the terms and conditions exp parties hereto agree with each other and their respective admini and assigns as follows: 37 1.0 Agreement 1.1 The following schedules are attached to and shall form part Agreement: (i) Schedule "A" referred to as a detailed description of roads bridge/culvert facilities for which maintenance/repair services required; (ii) Schedule "B" referred to as a sketch identifying location o County roads and bridge/culvert facilities; (iii) Schedule "C", referred to as Scope of Services for Elgin R System, including Minimum Maintenance Standards enacted by the Province of Ontario and attached as Appendix 1 within this Schedule C; (iv) Schedule "D" referred to as Elgin County Maintenance Best Practices; (iv) Schedule D referred to as payment schedule; (vi) Schedule "F" referred to as traffic signal and beacon scheds; (v) Schedule E referred to as Quarterly Inspection Report; (vi) Schedule F referred to as Monthly County Road Work Report (vii) Schedule G referred to as Standard Road Maintenance Invo For purposes of clarity and with respect to Schedule C (including the appendix thereto) above, it is agreed and acknowledged that the obligations, duties, requirements, and standards thereunder must be read and interpreted in conjunction with the text of this Agreement a particular s. 4.10 thereof. 1.2 Amendments to this Agreement shall be in writing, executed b parties, in the form of an Amending Agreement. 2.0 Definitions 2.1 For purposes of this Agreement, 2.1.1 Road, County Road, or Road Allowance shall have ide meaning and shall include that area of land comprising and recog a road allowance at law, including but not limited to the travel untraveled portions of any road, highway, street or public right 38 2.1.2 County Superintendent shall mean the Director of Enginee Services for the Corporation of the County of Elgin or his or he or designates. 2.1.3 Municipal Superintendent shall mean the _____________________________________ for the ____________ of the _________ or his or her designate or designates. 3.0 Term st 3.1 The parties agree that this Agreement shall come into effect day of January, 2013, which date shall hereinafter be referred to as the "commencement date". 3.2 This Agreement shall commence on the commencement date and s st continue until the 31 day of December, 20. 17 4.0 Maintenance/Repair Services 4.1 The Municipality hereby agrees to maintain and keep in repai Allowances and bridge/culvert facilities, as identified on Sched B hereto. 4.2 For purposes of clarity, attached as Schedule "B" to this Ag sketch generally identifying the Roads and bridge/culvert facili are the subject of this Agreement and the maintenance and repair obligations set forth in clause 4.1 above. 4.3 For purposes of clarity, 4.3.1 where a County Road intersects a road owned by or otherwis under the jurisdiction of the Municipality, the continuation of County Road to its full width across the road so intersected is considered part of the County Road. 39 4.3.2 where a County Road intersects a Provincial Highway owned otherwise under the jurisdiction of the Province of Ontario and/ the Ministry of Transportation - Ontario, the continuation of th Provincial Highway to its full width across the County Road so intersected is deemed to be part of the Provincial Highway and n part of the County Road and, as such, is not subject to the obligations set forth in this Agreement. 4.4 Subject to paragraph 4.9 below, the Municipality covenants t maintenance/repair services upon those Road Allowances and bridge/culvert facilities identified in Schedules "A and B he times utilizing competent supervisors and workers properly train delivery of road maintenance and repair services as contemplated Agreement. The maintenance/repair services to be provided by th Municipality are as identified and/or contemplated by the Scope Services for the Elgin Road System as attached as Schedule C h. and will be achieved through compliance with regard to the ElginCounty Maintenance Best Practices attached as Schedule D: hereto as a from time to time, by the County. 4.5 Road maintenance/repair services in addition to the Scope of identified in Schedule "C" may be performed by the Municipality agreement between the Municipal Superintendent and the County Superintendent. In the event that additional services are requi County, the County Superintendent shall identify such services t Municipal Superintendent and the Municipality, though the Munici Superintendent and the Municipality, through the Municipal Superintendent, shall have the option of either seeking to perfo work or declining to perform such work. If the Municipality cho seek to perform such services, the Municipal Superintendent shal and deliver a written cost estimate to the County by the County 40 Superintendent, who shall have the option of either accepting th estimate or rejecting such estimate, in which former case, the a estimate shall constitute the mutual agreement for such addition services between the parties as referred to above. In the event Municipality, in the first instance, rejects the opportunity to such additional services or the County, in the second instance, written estimate prepared and delivered by the Municipal Superin then in either such instances, the County shall be at liberty to the additional services to be performed by a third party contrac than the Municipality. In those circumstances where the Municipal Superintendent is of opinion that certain road maintenance/repairs are of an emergenc and that such notice to the County Superintendent is not practic such, the Municipal Superintendent shall have the right to arran complete those emergency services and shall thereafter notify th Superintendent within the next working day of the services so pr The Municipality shall prepare and deliver an invoice to the Co such additional maintenance/repair services, including any such emergency services, in accordance with paragraph 5.2 below and t County shall pay such invoice in accordance with paragraph 5.3 b 4.6 The parties acknowledge that the Scope of Services set forth "C" were approved by County Council but may be amended during th term of this Agreement by the said County Council. The parties acknowledge that the Minister of Transportation - Ontario may by regulation establish minimum standards for maintenance and repai County Roads. Any proposed revisions to the Scope of Services s reviewed by the County Superintendent and the Municipal Superint prior to the anticipated passage of same by County Council. In and in respect of a change in minimum standards by the Minister Transportation - Ontario, the County Superintendent and Municipa 41 Superintendent shall review such proposed standards in relation Scope of Services to determine whether the said standards as pro by the Province of Ontario are greater than or less than the req of the Scope of Services approved by Council. In this regard an event that the Province of Ontario adopts a regulation which con minimum performance standards that are higher than the Scope of Services adopted by Council, then the parties shall adopt those performance standards and present to County Council and Municipa Council any amendments required to this Agreement. 4.7 The County Superintendent and the Municipal Superintendent s advise the other of repair and construction works that are sched both County Roads and intersecting Municipal Roads on an annual to permit the Municipality the opportunity to arrange its work s anticipation of those works upon any County Road. The County Superintendent shall also provide to the Municipality, for infor purposes only and immediately upon granting of such permits or approvals, copies of any written permits or approvals which are third parties by the County Superintendent in respect of work up of any County Road Allowance. 4.8 Without limiting the maintenance obligation of the Municipal above or herein, the parties acknowledge and agree that the Muni shall not be called upon to maintain and/or repair a County road bridge/culvert facility or highway bridge/overpass pursuant to t Agreement where such County road, bridge/culvert facility or hig bridge/overpass has been constructed and/or reconstructed by the or a subcontractor retained by the County to a condition which w to meet established County standards for such County road, bridg facility or highway bridge/overpass or contract requirements for construction and/or reconstruction. 42 4.9 Further to those maintenance obligations referred to above, Municipality also agrees to provide routine winter maintenance, but not necessarily limited to snow removal and sanding, of high bridges and overpasses not owned by the County but connecting at to portions of County roads. The parties acknowledge that such bridges and overpasses are identified in Schedules "A" and "B" t Agreement and that such facility shall be maintained in accordan the scope of services for Elgin Road System attached as Schedule this Agreement. 4.10 Notwithstanding that set forth in paragraph 4.4 above, the agree as follows: that in the event of a dispute as to the interpretation of the Scope of Services prescribed by the County for the Elgin Road System, the decision of the County Superintendent shall prevail. 4.10.1 The parties agree that in the event of a dispute as to th interpretation of the Scope of Services prescribed by the County the Elgin Road System, the decision of the County Road Superintendent or his/her designate (hereinafter referred to as County Superintendent) shall prevail; and 4.10.2 The Elgin County Maintenance Best Practices is to be cons as a guideline for performance of maintenance and repair service by the Municipality. Notwithstanding the acknowledgment of the parties that Scope of Services contemplated by this Agreement wi be achieved by satisfaction of such Elgin County Maintenance Bes Practices, the Municipality, on written notice to the County, is entitled to deviate from such Elgin County Maintenance Best Practices on condition that the alternate practice adopted is as effective as the practice approved by the County in achieving th Scope of Services and, in all circumstances and in all such even the County Superintendent is satisfied that such alternate pract 43 adopted by the Municipality satisfies any applicable Scope of Services contemplated by this Agreement. 4.11 The Municipality hereby acknowledges and agrees that the mantenance and or repair works undertaken upon County Roads pursuant to thi Agreement shall at all times satisfy the obligations to maintain repair County Roads as established pursuant to the Municipal Ac (Ontario). The Municipality hereby further acknowledges and agr its road maintenance/repair practices are of a nature and of a q satisfy all statutory obligations to maintain/or repair a highwa 5.0 Payment to the Municipality For maintenance/repair services as contemplated by the Scope of 5.1 Services attached as Schedule C hereto, the Municipality shall the annual base payment of $ _____________ for services rendered during such calendar year of the Term of this Agreement, provide the said annual base payment shall be adjusted on an annual basi effective January 1 of each calendar year of the term of this Ag commencing January 1, 2014, in accordance with the Consumer Price Index (CPI) for Ontario (All Goods) for the month of October of each year, commencing October, 2013. The Municipality shall submit a summary th invoice to the County on or before the 10 day of each month, commencing February 10, 2013, and continuing through and including January 10, 2018 and in accordance with the corresponding monthly percentage of annual base payment as set out in Schedule D attached, for such services rendered within the previous calendar month, such invoices to be accompanied by the following reports: i)with each such invoice, Monthly County Road Report, detailing maintenance/repair services both rendered during the previous ca month and anticipated to be rendered in the following, then curr 44 calendar month and as issued in accordance with the format set f Schedule H hereto; ii) when winter materials have been utilized by the Municipalit providing maintenance/repair services on County Roads during the previous calendar month, Monthly Winter Materials Report, detail volume and amount of winter materials so utilized by the Municip the maintenance/repair of County Roads during such previous cale month; and th iii) by February 15 of each calendar year, commencing February 15, 2014, and continuing to and including February 15, 2018, year end financial statements detailing total repair/maintenance costs in respect of County Roads, for the previous calendar year, including line ite respect of winter control, material costs, and patrol costs. 5.2 For additional maintenance/repair services, including emerge and within 60 days of completion of such services, the Municipal submit to the County an invoice detailing the nature and extent service, including a breakdown as between labour, materials, and and a calculation of such charges, including as agreed upon as b the County Superintendent and the Municipal Superintendent; provided that the said invoice shall include equipment charges based upon any estimate as previously accepted by the County Superintendent and provided further that such invoice shall be prepared and deliver accordance with the format reflected on the standard invoice att Schedule G hereto. or, if no such agreement has been reached, in accordance with the rates by which the Municipality charges or a for such work upon its own local/municipal roads, in which latte circumstance the Municipality shall be entitled to include an ov charge equivalent to five percent of the applicable labour and m charges; provided that such invoice shall be prepared and delive 45 accordance with the format reflected on the standard invoice att Schedule I hereto. 5.3 The County shall forthwith pay the monthly invoice submitted Municipality in compliance with the requirements set forth in pa and 5.2 above, provided that the County shall not be required to such invoice submitted by the Municipality which is not in compl those requirements and/or in respect of any invoice item which i by the County. In addition and for purposes of clarity, in the Municipality has failed to deliver summary reports as contemplat either paragraph 5.1 above or otherwise failed to comply with it obligations pursuant to paragraphs 5.2 above or 8 or 9 below, th may withhold ten per cent (10 %) of the value of any then curren and all subsequent invoices as rendered to it by the Municipalit Municipality has corrected such deficiency and brought itself in compliance with its obligations pursuant to this section and thi Agreement. 5.4 For purposes of clarity, the parties hereto acknowledge that made and invoices rendered hereunder do not affect assessments applicable to or charged in respect of Municipal drains establis pursuant to the Drainage Act (Ontario). 6.0 Insurance 6.1 The Municipality shall, during the term of this entire Agree maintain for the benefit of the County, a comprehensive general insurance policy in the amount of not less than ten million ($10,000,000.00) dollars per incident, such policy providing ins coverage for and including bodily injury, death, or property dam sustained in connection with the performance of services and/or 46 obligations that are undertaken pursuant to this Agreement; for of clarity, the aforenoted policy shall name the County as an ad insured. 6.2 The Municipality shall furnish to the County with copies of Insurance issued in respect of such policy and the Municipality maintain such policy in full force and effect during the entire Agreement. 6.3 Effective the date of this Agreement, the Municipality shall contractors and third parties which perform maintenance and/or r works upon any County road, bridge/culvert, highway or overpass control signal or beacon in accordance with this Agreement shall a comprehensive general liability insurance policy in the amount than five million ($5,000,000.00) dollars per incident, such pol provide insurance coverage for and including bodily injury, deat property damage as sustained in connection with the performance maintenance/repair services undertaken pursuant to this Agreemen County and the Municipality shall each be named as additional in under the terms of this insurance policy. 7.0 Traffic/Beacon Signals 7.1 The Municipality shall monitor traffic control/beacon signal identified on Schedule F hereto in accordance with the Scope Services attached as Schedule C hereto. 7.2 The parties agree that the County Superintendent and the Mun Superintendent may add, delete, or substitute from Schedule "F" Agreement by written correspondence signed by the County Superintendent and the Municipal Superintendent. 47 7.2 In the event that the Municipality shall observe any deficiency the installation, erection, or operation of any traffic control/beac identified on Schedule G: hereto, it shall immediately notify b County Superintendent or his or her designate and the Electrical Contractor for the County as to the details of such deficiency; that the County shall at all times inform the Municipality of th the current Electrical Contractor. 8.0 Inspection 8.1 Without limiting the right of the County to do so at any tim once during each three month period of the term of this Agreemen County, by its duly authorized employees or representatives and accompanied by the Municipal Superintendent, shall inspect the c of the roads, bridges/culverts, highway bridges/overpasses, and signals and beacons which are the subject of this Agreement and relation to the Scope of Services for Elgin Road System attached Schedule C to this Agreement. The County representative shall thereafter record the results of the said inspection on an Inspe in the format contained in Schedule G hereto, a copy of which be delivered to the Municipal Superintendent along with written from the County Superintendent directing the repairs and/or main works to be completed. 8.2 Unless postponed upon the written approval of the County, th Municipality shall forthwith undertake and complete all required and/or maintenance works for which it receives direction pursuan paragraph 8.1 above and shall provide to the County Superintende written report of completion of those works within sixty (60) da of the said direction. 48 8.3 The Municipality acknowledges and agrees that the performanc inspections by and the communication of direction for required r and/or maintenance from the County pursuant to paragraph 8.1 abo does not relieve the Municipality of its obligations to otherwis repairs and/or maintenance works to County roads, bridges/culver highway bridges/overpasses, and traffic control/beacon devices a forth in this Agreement. including but not necessarily limited performance of such obligations in a safe and prudent manner and furthermore, the obligation to maintain such facilities in a saf use by the travelling public. 9.0 Records 9.1 The Municipality shall maintain accurate records of works pe pursuant to this Agreement, including but not limited to works p pursuant to any direction received pursuant to paragraph 8.1 abo utilizing the format contained in Schedule F hereto, provided that, with the approval of the County Superintendent, the Municipality may utilize a different format developed by and meeting the purposes of the Municipality and the County and providing at least the same info and detail reflected in the format contained in Schedule F hereto. 9.2 The Municipality shall maintain records of its activities un pursuant to this Agreement in accordance with the timeframes provided for in The Ontario Municipal Records System as is in existence from time to time and, further thereto, shall allow free and unimpeded acce such records to the County Superintendent or his or her designat 9.3 Notwithstanding that set forth in paragraph 9.2 above, the M shall at all times maintain and allow access to all such records 49 documentation until the completion of any and all litigation, in appeals, to which such records and documentation are relevant. 10.0 Indemnity 10.1 The Municipality hereby indemnifies and saves harmless the employees, agents, and councillors, from any and all claims, dem losses, costs, damages, actions, lawsuits or other proceedings b whomsoever made, sustained, or prosecuted which may arise either directly or indirectly by any act, neglect or refusal of the Mun servants, employees, agents, invitees or contractors to maintain repair any County Road in accordance with the terms of this Agre 10.2 In the event that the Scope of Services for the Elgin Road System as contemplated by this Agreement are found by a Court of competent jurisdiction to have been completed without fault or negligence by the Municipality, or, in the alternative, the County has acknowledged that such services have been completed without fault or negligence by the Municipality, in both cases including its employees or agents, then the County hereby indemnifies and saves harmless agrees to indemnify and save harmless the Municipality, its employees, agents, and councillors, from any and all claims, demands, losses, or other proceedings that may be advanced against the County or the Municipality arising from proper application by the Municipality of the Performance Standa County Roads works performed by the Municipality upon the relevant County Roads. 10.3 In the event of a claim to damages as against either and/or both the County and the Municipality in respect of an alleged failure to maintain a County Road, the parties shall cooperate in the admin of and/or response to such claim to damages, including but not l 50 provision of photocopies of correspondence and/or communication respective insurer, subject at all times to any conflict of inte identified by either party hereto or its insurer. shall co-ordinate and administer any correspondence made by third parties notifying th or the Municipality of potential claims arising from the respons out in this Agreement. In the event that a Statement of Claim o proceeding is commenced by a third party, each party named in th shall provide for its own legal representation. 10.4 Notwithstanding the contents of Section 10.2 above, in the event that a proceeding against the Municipality in respect of conduct relating to the performance of maintenance/repair services undertaken pursuant t Agreement is dismissed at Trial without payment of monies in set thereof, then the County of Elgin shall reimburse the Municipality for on half of its insurance deductible to a maximum amount equal to on the deductible payable by the County under its general liability policy in effect at the date of the loss/incident upon which suc was based. 10.5 All indemnities that arise from this Agreement extend beyon this Agreement. 11.0 Assignment and Sub-Contractors 11.1 The Municipality agrees that the County Superintendent rese to approve sub-contractors the Municipality retains to undertake of Services contemplated by this Agreement. 11.2 In the event the Municipality assigns or sub-contracts its under this Agreement (upon receiving approval of the County Superintendent) or otherwise employs sub-contractors, the Munici 51 shall be responsible for all payment requirements or other oblig an owner pursuant to the Construction Lien Act (Ontario). Witho the foregoing, the Municipality shall be responsible to quantify work performed and materials supplied and prepare progress certi to show the amount of statutory holdbacks and liens as may apply required by the County, a copy of each progress payment certific be directed to the County Superintendent. The Municipality shal responsible for obligations to a sub-contractor to certify the c the works as required. The County Superintendent shall receive the certificate of substantial performance as issued by the Muni the Municipality shall comply with all notice requirements as se Construction Lien Act (Ontario) for the said certificate. 12.0 Dispute Resolution 12.1 The parties further agree that in the event of a dispute be as to any matter arising from this Agreement with financial impl either or both parties of at least twenty-five thousand ($25,000 then the resolution of such a dispute shall be determined, upon agreement of both parties, by a private arbitrator, and that dec private arbitrator shall be final and binding. The arbitrator s have significant experience in road construction and maintenance repair and other municipal matters and may be selected upon the recommendation of the Director of the Ontario Good Roads Associa The parties agree that in order to apply for arbitration pursuan paragraph, the party making the application must provide notice dispute and its intention to proceed to private arbitration with days of becoming aware of the subject matter in the dispute. 12.2 In the event that the parties agree to proceed to arbitrati arbitrator shall be selected upon mutual agreement of both parti 52 ninety (90) days of receipt of the notice, failing which each pa select their own representative, who in turn will select an arbi qualifications as noted above, and the selection of that arbitra final and binding. 12.3 The provisions of the Statutory Powers and Procedures Act, c. s. 22 and the Arbitrations Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. A.24 shall ap the arbitration process. 12.4 The parties hereto further agree that: a) The arbitrator shall have the unfettered discretion to decid and direct resolution of any dispute arising in relation to this including but not necessarily limited to the direction that the Agreement be terminated on as at a date deemed reasonable by the arbitrator; b) Any award or decision made by the arbitrator is binding upon and may be enforced in the same manner as a Judgment or Order to same effect; c) Either party may obtain an Order pursuant to the Arbitration 1991, S.O. 1991, Chapter 17, as amended, staying any legal proce relating to the dispute presented to the Arbitrator pursuant to Agreement; and d) Neither party shall have the right to appeal the award or de the arbitrator to a Court or apply to set aside the award or dec arbitrator. 12.5 Unless otherwise agreed by the parties, the cost of the arb parties' own costs shall be determined by the arbitrator, who ha authority to award costs payable against an unsuccessful party i her discretion at the conclusion of the arbitration. 53 12.6 In the event of a dispute between the parties as to complet maintenance or repair works as required by this Agreement or as otherwise directed by the County Superintendent, then any arbitr hearing shall not be scheduled or be commenced until after the r maintenance services are completed to the satisfaction of the Co Superintendent. 13.0 Notice 13.1 Any notice required pursuant to this Agreement shall be del Chief Administrative Officer of the respective parties hereto an addresses set forth below: For the County: Address for service/mailing address: 450 Sunset Drive St. Thomas, Ontario, N5R 5V1 Facsimile Transmission: 519-633-7661 For the Municipality: Address for service/mailing address: Facsimile Transmission: 13.2 Any written notice between the parties hereto, which specif any invoice rendered in accordance with section 5.0 hereof, shal delivered or sent by prepaid registered mail addressed to the pa their respective addresses listed above, or their respective fac numbers as noted above. 13.3 In the event that either party hereto shall change its addr 54 term of this Agreement, such party shall provide the other party with written notification of such change of address within thirt the effective date of such change, upon which date of notificati new address shall be considered the address for service of any n hereto pursuant to Section 14.1 above. 13.4 Notice shall be deemed to have been received on the date on notice was delivered to the address as designated or, in the cas mailing, on the fifth day after the date of mailing or, in the c facsimile, the day after the facsimile has been sent. 14.0 Waiver 14.1 Any provision of this Agreement may be waived in whole or i party without prejudice any other right of that party as arising breach of any other provision hereof. A waiver shall be binding waiving party only if it is in writing. The waiver by a party o any provision hereof shall not be taken or held to be a waiver o further breach of the same provision. 15.0Severability 15.1 All paragraphs, terms and conditions of this Agreement are the invalidity, illegality or unenforceability of any such parag condition shall be deemed not to affect the validity, legality, enforceability of the remaining paragraphs, terms and conditions 16.0 Complete Agreement 16.1 This Agreement includes the Schedules set out as Schedule " inclusive, and constitutes the entire agreement between the part 55 supersedes all prior agreements, negotiations and discussions, w oral or written, with respect to the subject matter of road main those roads as set out in this Agreement. 17.0 Enurement 17.1 This Agreement shall enure to the benefit of and be binding parties hereto and their respective successors and permitted ass The parties hereto agree for themselves and on behalf of the for persons to undertake such further acts and execute such further documents as may be necessary or expedient in order to carry out purpose and intent of this Agreement. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto have caused the Agreement be executed by their respective officers which are duly authoriz date first written above. SIGNED, SEALED & DELIVERED )CORPORATION OF THE COUNTY )OF ELGIN in the presence of ) )Per: _________________________ ) Name: , ) Warden ) ) )Per:__________________________ ) Name: , ) Chief Administrative Officer ) ) ) ) ) ) )CORPORATION OF THE )___________ OF _________________ ) )Per:___________________________ ) Name: , ) Mayor ) ) )Per:___________________________ ) Name: , ) Clerk 56 DATED this day of , 20 . B E T W E E N : THE CORPORATION OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN - and - CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF _______________________ _________________________________________ A G R E E M E N T ______________________________________ Hennessey Gibson Hogan Barristers and Solicitors 450 Sunset Drive, Suite 313 St. Thomas, Ontario N5R 5V1 SHG:sb 57 REPORT TO COUNTY COUNCIL FROM: Rhonda L . Duffy, Director Homes & Seniors Services DATE: January 30, 2013 SUBJECT: Revisions - Attending Physician Agreement INTRODUCTION: Under the Long Term Care Act, 2007 (LTCHA), attending physicians are required to sign a formal agreement with Long Term Care Homes where they may provide care to residents. DISCUSSION/CONCLUSION: The Attending Physician Agreement has been reviewed and revised to ensure all requirements under the Long Term Care Act, 2007 are incorporated. Guidelines governing attending physicians made under the LTCHS, 2007 are outlined in sections 82 and 83 of Ontario Regulation 79/10 The expectation is that all attending physicians providing services to residents in long term care shall comply with the LTCHA, 2007 and Regulations through signed agreement.. Legal Council has reviewed and provided recommendations to the document which have been incorporated. RECOMMENDATION: THAT, Council approve the revisions and direct staff to forward the Attending Physician Agreement to all Homes current and future attending physicians, and THAT the report titled "Revisions-Attending Physician Agreement" dated January 30, 2013 be received and filed. All of which is Respectfully Submitted Approved for Submission Rhonda L. Duffy Mark G. McDonald Director Homes & Seniors Services Chief Administrative Officer 58 REPORT TO COUNTY COUNCIL FROM: Rhonda L. Duffy, Director of Homes and Seniors Services DATE: January 29, 2013 SUBJECT: Case Mix Index (CMI) Results for 2013/2014 INTRODUCTION: The Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care (MOHLTC) communicates Case Mix Index (CMI) results for NPC) funding/envelope annually. Nursing and Personal Care (The Homes received notification of the CMI results for 2013/14 NPC funding on January 18, 2013. DISCUSSION: The CMI is based on a funding formula that takes into account the acuity level of residents, specific care requirements for activities of daily living (eating, dressing, toileting, transferring), rehabilitation programs/therapies, etc. These care requirements are electronically submitted quarterly and each resident is then placed into a Resource Utilization Group (RUG) from which the Nursing and Personal Care funding CMI is determined. Calculation of the CMI is also greatly impacted by what is happening within the Long-Term Care Home (LTCH) industry. This year, many LTCH’s RUG-111 CMI increased and the MOHLTC had to re-evaluate funding criteria to manage their budget and distribute monies in the NPC envelope – with this year's focus being Special Rehabilitation groups. For the 2011/12 period, the MOHLTC identified issues relating to the reporting of Special Rehabilitation (SR). Following a review of the data, audit results, and advice from the Health System Funding LTC Working Group with representatives from the associations and homes, the ministry is implementing a mitigation strategy for 2013/14 to address these issues. The LTC Working Group recommended a 5 % home level limit on special rehabilitation for the purpose of CMI results for 2013/14 funding. The ministry accepted this recommendation. The RUG -111 CMI results at each of our three (3) homes actually increased from the previous year. However, as a result of the 5% home level limit on special rehabilitation, homes with a higher number of residents falling into special rehabilitation scoring categories are faced with a lower than expected adjusted transition CMI. The following chart demonstrates RUG CMI results (as electronically submitted at our homes based on resident acuity and care) for the past two years; and the actual CMI results (in red) which MOHLTC funded the homes in the NPC envelope based on what is happening within the LTCH industry. 59 Home Name 2010/20112010/2011 CMI 2011/20122011/2012 CMI RUG-111 CMI FundingRUG-111 CMI Funding Bobier Villa 0.98720.99931.03111.1230 Elgin Manor 1.00891.02391.04460.9898 Terrace Lodge 1.00341.00351.02250.9838 CONCLUSION: Over the last 3 years, our homes have transitioned from the Alberta Classification funding system to the MDS RAI system for the nursing and personal care envelope. The MOHLTC promotes continuous quality improvement initiatives in long term care. Our home staff have supported and implemented rehabilitation programs to improve the quality of resident care. However, there have been limits introduced to the special rehabilitation groups/categories which have negatively impacted the NPC funding at both Elgin Manor ($73,802) and Terrace Lodge ($47,235) for the 2013/14 year. Bobier Villa realized an increase of ($17,620). RECOMMENDATION: THAT the report titled “Case Mix Index (CMI) Results for 2013/14” dated January 29, 2013, be received and filed. All of which is Respectfully Submitted Approved for Submission Rhonda L. Duffy Mark G. McDonald Director of Homes and Seniors Services Chief Administrative Officer 60 REPORT TO COUNTY COUNCIL FROM: Jennifer Cowan, Accessibility Coordinator Rob Bryce, Director of Human Resources DATE: January 23, 2013 SUBJECT: Accessible Procurement INTRODUCTION: The Integrated Accessibility Regulation mandated by the Province of Ontario requires that municipalities “incorporate accessibility criteria and features when procuring or acquiring goods, services or facilities” starting January 1, 2013. The purpose of this report is to provide Council with the procurement requirement and to explain the steps that will be taken to ensure compliance. This legislative requirement applies to a variety of purchased goods and services such as library shelving, technology and documents produced externally. DISCUSSION: The County of Elgin has already committed to accessible procurement through the adoption of County Accessibility Policy 2.130. Staff should document their procedure to ensure their purchases incorporate accessibility criteria. If it is deemed “not practicable” to incorporate accessibility criteria into a purchase, staff must document the reason. The County is required to provide an explanation to a member of the public, if requested. For example, when purchasing new shelving for a library, staff should indicate the reason for their choice and any consideration given to purchasing the shelving that would assist people with disabilities. The Accessibility Coordinator has developed the attached guide to assist staff when making purchases. Staff should regularly consult the resources listed in the guide to determine accessibility. The guideline includes questions to consider before purchasing, specific documents to consult as well as general information explaining what an accessible good or service looks like. Staff should regularly consult resources to determine accessibility. In addition to the attached guide, resources include but are not limited to, the City of London Facility Accessibility Design Manual, the City of Markham Accessibility Design Guidelines, or Web Content Accessibility Guidelines. 61 The Accessibility Coordinator will be available to assist staff to ensure accessibility features are incorporated into the purchasing process. CONCLUSION: The Integrated Accessibility Regulation requires that when making purchases, municipalities ensure accessibility criteria have been considered. Staff should document how they have incorporated accessibility criteria into their purchases. The Accessibility Coordinator will assist staff with this process, as requested, to ensure legislative requirements are met. RECOMMENDATION: THAT the attached guide be utilized by staff to ensure accessibility criteria are considered when making purchases under the County’s procurement policy; and THAT the report titled “Accessible Procurement” dated January 23, 2013 and attached guide be received and filed. All of which is Respectfully Submitted Approved for Submission Jennifer Cowan Mark G. McDonald Accessibility Coordinator Chief Administrative Officer Rob Bryce Director of Human Resources 62 GuidetoAccessibilityRequirements forpurchasinggoods,servicesandfacilitiesfortheCountyofElgin IntegratedAccessibilityStandardsRegulationOntarioRegulation191/11madeunderthe AccessibilityforOntarianswithDisabilitiesAct,2005(AODA) 63 GuidetoAccessibilityRequirements {h;insevenpeopleinOntariohavea disability.Overthenext20years,that numberwillriseasthepopulationm;|u Source:MinistryofCommunityandSocialServices,MakingOntarioAccessible WhatismyresponsibilityasanemployeeoftheCounty? YourresponsibilityasanemployeeoftheCountyofElginistoincorporateaccessibilitycriteria andfeatureswhenpurchasinggoods,servicesorfacilitiesandwhendesigning,procuringor acquiringselfservicekiosks.Thisisinaccordancewithsection5and6oftheIntegrated AccessibilityStandardsRegulation(OntarioRegulation191/11). Goods,servicesorfacilitiesthatarenotaccessible,maydenypeoplethe opportunitytobecomeemployees,serviceusersorengagedcitizens! Whetherpurchasingcomputers,officeequipment,selfservicekiosks, renovatingabuilding,purchasingafacility,;·-vuaccessibilitycriteriamustbe considered. { %ofdisabilitiesarenonÝzz,;|u Source:MinistryofCommunityandSocialServices,MakingOntarioAccessible Page2 64 GuidetoAccessibilityRequirements Whataredisabilitiesandbarriers? Sometimeswhenpeoplethinkofdisabilities,theyusuallythinkaboutsomeonewhoisusinga wheelchair;however,therearemanyotherdisabilitiesandbarrierstoparticipationthatare bothvisibleandnonvisible. AccessibilityforOntarianswithDisabilitiesActdefinitions: Disability: 1.anydegreeofphysicaldisability,infirmity,malformationordisfigurementthatiscaused bybodilyinjury,birthdefectorillnessand,withoutlimitingthegeneralityofthe foregoing,includesdiabetesmellitus,epilepsy,abraininjury,anydegreeofparalysis, amputation,lackofphysicalcoordination,blindnessorvisualimpediment,deafnessor hearingimpediment,mutenessorspeechimpediment,orphysicalrelianceonaguide dogorotheranimaloronawheelchairorotherremedialapplianceordevice, 2.aconditionofmentalimpairmentoradevelopmentaldisability, 3.alearningdisability,oradysfunctioninoneormoreoftheprocessesinvolvedin understandingorusingsymbolsorspokenlanguage, 4.amentaldisorder,or 5.aninjuryordisabilityforwhichbenefitswereclaimedorreceivedundertheinsurance planestablishedunderthe WorkplaceSafetyandInsuranceAct,1997 Barrier: Anythingthatpreventsapersonwithadisabilityfromfullyparticipatinginallaspectsofsociety becauseofhisorherdisability,includingaphysicalbarrier,anarchitecturalbarrier,an informationorcommunicationsbarrier,anattitudinalbarrier,atechnologicalbarrier,apolicy orpractice,{,·-;| Accessibility: Ageneraltermusedtodescribethedegreeofeasethatsomething(e.g.device,service environment)canbeusedandenjoyedbypersonswithadisability.Thetermimpliesconscious planning,designand/orefforttoensureitisbarrierfreetopersonswithadisability,andby extension,highlyusableandpracticalforthegeneralpopulationaswell. Page3 65 GuidetoAccessibilityRequirements Beforeyou¦Ò©-w;vaskyourself: Canapersonwithadisabilityusethisgood,serviceorfacility? Whatarethebarriers? Cansomeonewithadisabilityusethefacilityyouareplanningtoacquire,aseasilyasa personwithoutadisability? Willthegood,serviceorfacilityadapttotheneedsofanindividualwithadisability? Willthegood,serviceorfacilitybeusedbymembersofthepublicorbyemployees? Whataretheappropriateaccessibilitycriteriaandhowcantheybeincorporatedinto theprocurementprocess? Doestheproductmeetergonomicstandardsandcanitbecustomizedtomeetavariety ofneeds? Areyourbrochures,handoutsandinformationaccessibleforpeoplewithvisual impairmentsoralearningdisability? Somecriteriatoconsiderwhenpurchasingservices: Hastheserviceproviderprovidedtheirstaffwithaccessiblecustomerservicetraining, asrequiredundertheAccessibleCustomerServiceStandard? Cantheserviceprovideraccommodatetheneedsofpeopleofallabilities? Willthecompanyuseaccessiblesignage,audioand/orprintmaterials? Doesthecompanyhaveanaccessiblewebsite? Cantheserviceprovideraccommodatetheneedsofpeopleofallabilities? Somecriteriatoconsiderwhenpurchasingfacilities: Cansomeoneusingamobilityaid,likeawheelchairorwalkergetaroundthefacility? Aresignsplacedatanaccessibleheight? Isarampprovidedtothemainentrance?Oristhereonlystairs? Isthereenoughaccessibleparking? Arethereaccessiblewashrooms? Giveyourselftimetomakeapurchase.Sometimesfinding therightaccessiblegood,serviceorfacilitytakestime. Page4 66 GuidetoAccessibilityRequirements WhatifI-x·findanaccessibleoption? Ifyou-x·findagood,serviceorfacilitythatmeetsyourneeds,lookforwaystomakeitmore accessible.Ifsomeoneasks,youmustexplainwhytheoptionyouchosezx·accessible Ifyoudeterminethatitistechnicallyinfeasible,ornot{¦©-·z-,;|toincorporateaccessibility criteriaandfeatures,filloutFormAandsendittotheAccessibilityCoordinator. WhatresourcesshouldIconsiderforthebuiltenvironment? Whenpurchasingitemsrelatedtothebuiltenvironment,staffshouldconsultthefollowing: CityofLondonFacilityAccessibilityDesignStandard CityofMarkhamAccessibilityDesignGuideline OntarioBuildingCodeBarrierFreeSection Whataboutprintmaterialoronlinedocuments? Documentscreated,adaptedorotherwisepresentedonbehalfoftheCountyofElginshallbe developedinaccordancewiththeAccessibleDigitalOfficeDocumentmanual.Whenposting documentsontheCountyofElginwebsite,staffmustensurecompliancewiththeWebContent AccessibilityGuidelines. Accessibleformatsmayalsoberequested.Accessibleformatsinclude,butarenotlimitedto: Braille,audio,plainlanguage,accessibledocumentsthatarecompatiblewithscreenreading software. WhatifLxpurchasingtheservicesofaconsultant? Consultantswhomayfacilitateapublicopenhouseorotherwiseseek/receivefeedbackon behalfoftheCountyshallensurethatallcommunication,equipmentandmaterialstakeinto accounta¦;©xdisabilitysothatallinattendancemayparticipateequallyasoutlinedinthe AODAlegislation.Thisincludesbutisnotlimitedto: Communicateinaformatthatallowsanindividualtoreceiveinformationinanalternate format; Holdingeventsinvenuesthatarephysicallyaccessible; DuringeventsbepreparedtoprovideASLinterpreterservices; Understandemergencyevacuationproceduresandbereadyandwillingtoprovide assistancetoevent. Ensurethattheeventalignswiththe/Ò·äxAccessibilityforOntarianswith DisabilitiesActpoliciesandprocedures. Page5 67 GuidetoAccessibilityRequirements Whenobtainingathirdparty: InaccordancewiththeAODAlegislationtheSupplier(ThirdPartyProvider)mustensure appropriateemployeeshavecompletedthefollowing: ServeAbility:Transformingh·©zxCustomerServiceand; AccessForward:TrainingforanAccessibleOntario Suppliersaretoensurethattrainingrecordsaremaintained,includingdateswhentrainingis provided,thenumberofpersonnelwhoreceivedtrainingandindividualtrainingrecords.The suppliersaretoensurethatthisinformationisavailable,tothemunicipalcontact,anytime duringtheTermoftheContract. HowcanImakeaselfservekioskaccessible? TheIntegratedAccessibilityRegulationrequiresthataccessibilityfeaturesbeincorporated whendesigning,procuringoracquiringselfservicekiosks. Akioskisdefinedinthislegislationasaninteractiveelectronicterminal,includingapointof saledevice,intendedforpublicusethatallowsuserstoaccessoneormoreservicesorproducts orboth.Thevendor/suppliermustdemonstratehowthekioskwillcomplywiththeIntegrated AccessibilityRegulation. WhatshouldIknowabouttechnology? StaffshoulddemonstratethatthepurchaseiscompliantwiththeWebContentAccessibility Guidelines2.0aspertheIntegratedAccessibilityRegulation. Formoreinformation,staffshouldconsulttheAccessibility CoordinatorortheJointAccessibilityAdvisoryCommittee. Page6 68 GuidetoAccessibilityRequirements FormorezE©·zvu LearnmoreabouttheAccessibilityforOntarianswithDisabilitiesActat Ontario.ca/AccessON Tolearnabouthowtopreventbarrierstoaccessibilityinawiderangeofgoods,services andfacilities,visitOntario.ca/pp30 Incorporateaccessibilitycriteriainallstagesofyourprocurementpractices,including writingandassessingtendersattheCentreforExcellenceandUniversalDesign. Checklisttoensureyourmeetingisaccessible. JenniferCowan AccessibilityCoordinator CountyofElgin 5196311460ext167 jcowan@elgincounty.on.ca Page7 69 REPORT TO COUNTY COUNCIL FROM: Rob Bryce Director of Human Resources DATE: February 4, 2013 SUBJECT: 2013 Non-Union Compensation INTRODUCTION: Human Resources staff is seeking County Council’s approval to implement a 1.9% wage increase for non-union staff in 2013. Each year, Human Resources staff recommends to County Council a non-union salary increase. The purpose of this annual action is to ensure the County of Elgin remains a desired employer; that the County is attracting and retaining skills and talent in the organization by remaining competitive in its compensation practises; and that the County avoid any spikes or gaps in its compensation practises from one year to the next. Increases for non-union staff are applied to Council as well. DISCUSSION: Non-union salaries are reviewed annually to ensure that the County is paying competitively to the market. Recommended adjustments to wages are made on the basis of both benchmark data and comparative market trends. In reviewing such data, the County considers a number of factors including, but not limited to, negotiations mandates and outcomes, inflationary trends, attrition data, market factors, and union avoidance. The most recent Ministry of Labour unionized public sector settlement data indicates the average annual increase is 1.5% in 2012 versus 1.6% in 2011. In 2012, the annual average increase in consumer prices was 1.6%. This followed a 2.9% rise in 2011 and a 1.8% rise in 2010. In the Mercer 2012/2013 Canadian Compensation Planning Survey, the average raise in base pay will be 3.2% as companies strive to balance compensation planning budgets with retention of critical talent. In 2013, one of the County’s union groups (Library employees) is receiving a 1.9% wage increase. As Council is aware, the County and the Ontario Nurses’ Association (ONA) are proceeding to arbitration later this year. As Council is also aware, an external market review for non-union compensation has been deferred until next term of Council, however, area municipalities have announced and/or planned the following 2013 salary increases for non-union staff: 70 1 City of Kitchener 2.0% County of Haldimand 1.5% City of Stratford 2.0% County of Oxford 1.5% City of Woodstock 1.75% County of Wellington 2.25% 2 City of Waterloo 1.5% County of Dufferin 2.0% 22 Town of Orangeville 2.5% County of Middlesex 2.0% 3 City of St. Thomas 1.5% + 0.5%City of Brantford 1.5% 35 City of Guelph 1.0% + 1.0%County of Brant 2.9% 4 City of Sarnia 1.0% + 1.5% + 0.5% 3 County of Norfolk 0.5% + 0.65% 1 For most non-union employees effective April 1 2 Included in budget but not yet approved by Council 3 Effective Jan 1 and July 1, respectively 4 Effective Jan 1, July 1, and Dec 1, respectively 5 Effective April 1 The above-noted results are consistent with a recent survey of more than 100 municipalities conducted by the Ontario Municipal Human Resources Association. Applying a market adjustment to non-union pay grids and wages that ensures County wages are appropriately placed with comparators to whom there is a risk of losing organizational talent would be a prudent action. It is also a sensible action to avoid reasonably anticipated spikes/gaps in compensation practises at the County. In 2013, the County of Elgin will pay approximately $4,433,940 in wages to non- union staff. To put a wage and pay grid increase of 1.60%, 1.90%, and 2.20% respectively and its impact on the net levy into perspective, the following is noted: Percentage IncreaseAnnual Cost Annual Cost as % of Net Levy 1.60 % $70,943 0.283 1.90 % $84,245 0.336 2.20 % $97,547 0.389 In 2012, County Council directed Human Resources staff to defer a Request for Proposal (RFP) for a compensation review of Council, outside boards, and non- union staff. This RFP, tentatively planned for the second quarter of 2015, will be sent to market examining external offers of service to update a compensation review of non-union employee’s wages and to complete a survey of Council remuneration. 71 CONCLUSION: In view of recent economic trends, comparative data, and other factors, Human Resources staff believes a 1.9% economic adjustment in 2013 for non-union staff is a responsible approach. It matches the amount provided to County union partners and is near the expected rate of inflation in Ontario for 2013. In accordance with municipal bylaw, the 2013 economic adjustment would be applied to Members of Council. RECOMMENDATION: THAT the Council approve a non-union economic adjustment of 1.9% effective on the first pay period of 2013; and, THAT the necessary by-law be prepared. All of which is Respectfully Submitted Approved for Submission Rob Bryce Mark G. McDonald Director of Human Resources Chief Administrative Officer 72 CORRESPONDENCE – February 12, 2013 Items for Consideration – (Attached) 1. David Marit, Chair, Rural Forum, Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM) Communique with an update on FCM’s Rural Infrastructure Campaign. 2. Mayor John Lessif, Chair, South Central Ontario Region Economic Development Corporation (SCOR EDC) requesting the County of Elgin continue to participate in the discussions on SCOR’s business model. 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 REPORT TO COUNTY COUNCIL FROM: Jim Bundschuh – Director of Financial Services DATE: January 31, 2013 SUBJECT: Preliminary 2012 Year-End Financials and Closed Project Report INTRODUCTION: The preliminary 2012 financials on Attachment I show favourable performance to budget of $2.1 million. As Council is aware, the 2012 budget anticipated a net loss in the municipal position of $2.6 million in an effort to soften the impact on the levy. Due to tight financial controls and other factors, the net loss has been reduced to only $0.5 million. The capital projects completed in 2012 came in under budget by $1.2 million as shown on the 2012 Closed Projects Report on Attachment II. DISCUSSION: The favourable performance is the result of the following: Line 1 – Taxes: Supplemental taxes were higher than budgeted and tax write-offs were lower, resulting in favourable performance of $0.8 million. Line 2 – Other Income: The gain on the sale of 99 Edward St resulted in $0.8 million favourable performance. Line 5 – Grants: Since at the time of budget approval, the hospital redevelopment was not proceeding, the County did not budget for granting any money to the hospital in 2012. However, the County does have $667,000 in reserve for hospital redevelopment. With the re-scoping of the project, Council made an initial contribution of $500,000. Since this was not included in the 2012 operating budget, the expenditure results in negative performance. This is however covered by the reserve, which will be adjusted accordingly. Line 9 – Projects: Favourable performance of $0.4 million is comprised of $0.2 million in Worker’s Compensation, $0.1 million in legal and $0.1 million in Health Care Partnership and insurance deductible favourable performance. Line 17 – Engineering Services: Negative performance of $0.2 million is comprised of $0.2 million in new amortization that should have been included in the 2012 budget, $0.2 million in municipal drain costs greater than budget, partially offset by favourable performance in other line items. Line 18 – Homes: Favourable performance in wages of $0.3 million, benefits of $0.2 million and expenses of $0.1 million was partially offset by reduced provincial funding of $0.1 million resulting in net positive performance of over $0.5 million. 102 Line 19 – Ambulance: It was anticipated that the 2011 reconciliation by the province would result in additional revenue in order to maintain their 50% funding commitment. As was discussed with Council during the 2013 budget presentations, there was concern that the province may begin capping increases as was experienced in Long Term Care. The 2011 reconciliation has now been received by the province with no additional revenue. This is the result of the province capping their funding increases. The province has only allowed for an increase in 2011 of up to 2.5% and in 2012 of up to 1.5%. These rates of revenue increases are below the rate of increase of ambulance service costs resulting in negative performance of almost $0.3 million cumulative from the 2011 and 2012 revenue caps. As a result, the province paid 48% of the actual ambulance costs versus their 50% commitment. Other Departments: Net favourable performance across the other departments of $0.4 million combined with the above explanations results in the total positive performance of $2.1 million. Capital projects completed in 2012 incurred $9.8 million of spending. These projects came in under budget by $1.2 million. This favourable increase was foreseen at the time of the January 8, 2013 Capital Budget presentation and allowed for the addition of projects in 2013 for Largie Bridge, Bobier generator and Aylmer Library furnishings. CONCLUSION: The County has budgeted for a net loss of $2.6 million. However, through effective management favourable performance was realized by the departments of over $1.0 million. An additional $0.2 million was achieved through the management of Worker’s Comp, and spending below budgeted levels for legal and the Health Care partnership delivered a further $0.2 million. The sale of 99 Edward St. also netted favourable performance of $0.8 million. Favourable performance in supplemental taxes and tax write-offs of $0.8 million was more than offset by the hospital grant of $0.5 million and $0.4 million in losses in provincial revenue. The net result is that the actual net loss is only $0.5 million, or almost $2.1 million better than budgeted. RECOMMENDATION: THAT the completed Capital projects, as presented in the report titled “Preliminary 2012 Year-End Financials and Closed Project Report” dated January 31, 2013, be closed and placed into service; and, THAT the report titled “Preliminary 2012 Year-End Financials and Closed Project Report” dated January 31, 2013 be received and filed. All of which is Respectfully Submitted Approved for Submission Jim Bundschuh Mark G. McDonald Director of Financial Services Chief Administrative Officer 103 AttachmentI YTD County of Elgin YTD ReportActual Perform. RevenueNetNetRevenue ExpensesExpenses As of December 31, 2012 DescriptionTotalTotalTotalTotalTotalTotal 1 (26,809,887) 910,034 (25,899,852) 466,702 343,608 810,310 TAXES 2INTEREST CHARGES & INCOME(890,410) (890,410)-809,330- 809,330 3SOCIAL SERVICES - ST. THOMAS 3,124,440-3,124,44043,560 - 43,560 4HEALTH UNIT 929,759-929,759(3) - ( 3) 5 GRANTS 561,762-561,762(495,514)(495,514) - 6 RENTAL INCOME (406,984)109,922(297,062)(103,281)103,281 ( 0) 7 PROPERTY ASSESSMENT 719,409-719,4090 - 0 8 ONTARIO MUNICIPAL PARTNERSHIP FUN -(1,887,900) (1,887,900)- - - 9 PROJECTS(109,653)437,060327,407109,653302,339 411,992 - - - - - - 10 Total Corporate(30,104,834)6,792,386(23,312,449)1,282,405 1,579,676297,271 11WARDEN AND COUNCIL(5,192)301,960296,7685,19250,777 55,969 12ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES(21,790)464,972443,182(12,050)24,760 12,709 13 FINANCIAL SERVICES 543,371-543,37132,972 - 32,972 14 HUMAN RESOURCES(1,053)455,862454,8101,05343,263 44,315 15 ADMINISTRATION BUILDING(372,107)748,678376,5716,47375,386 81,859 16 CORPORATE SERVICES(3,756)506,016502,2592,75684,768 87,524 17 ENGINEERING SERVICES(1,729,562)11,808,21810,078,657(28,831)(209,059)(237,890) 18 HOMES FOR SENIORS SERVICES(16,961,371)20,872,7373,911,366(90,362)668,947 578,585 19 MUSEUM/ARCHIVES(35,304)421,564386,260(6,600)(6,600) - 20 LIBRARY SERVICES(227,627)2,637,6302,410,003(25,051)17,642(7,409) 21 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES(5,819)690,112684,29381927,145 27,964 22 PROVINCIAL OFFENSES(1,382,723)1,310,398(72,325)(125,067)130,402 5,335 23COLLECTIONS - POA(429,766)406,826(22,940)(45,232)46,908 1,677 24 AMBULANCE & EMERGENCY SERVICES(5,784,378)8,600,5362,816,158(219,818) (255,675)(35,857) 25 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT & TOURISM(215,369)1,245,3241,029,95419,44773,867 93,314 ---- - - 26 Total Departmental(27,175,817)51,014,20623,838,389(510,671)1,025,321 514,649 27 Total(57,280,651)57,806,591525,940771,7341,322,5922,094,326 104 H:\13ManagmentReports\2012 Full-Year Preliminary Financials Attachment05/02/2013 4:23 PM Attachment II Closed Project Report For the year ending Dec 31, 2012 Closed Projects Carry-Forward Projects Carry Cum Capital Surplus on Forward Open/ Spending Actual Capital Remaining Closed Carryforward Budget Close Budget Spend Budget Closed Costs Projects costs (WIP)Reserve Corporate 28001203Dutton Ambulance BaseOpen100,000 3,848 96,152 - - 3,848 96,152 Total Corporate100,000 3,848 96,152 - - 3,848 96,152 Information Technology 57801201Hardware Replacement - ITClose77,300 107,028 29,728- 107,028 29,728- - - 57801203Laserfiche RIOClose30,000 18,958 11,042 18,958 11,042 - - 57801206Web DevelopmentClose55,322 55,122 200 55,122 200 - - 57801213Other LicencesClose40,000 37,598 2,402 37,598 2,402 - - 57801214MDS RAI FundingClose15,000 3,578 11,422 3,578 11,422 - - 57801216Land DivisionClose3,000 1,816 1,185 1,816 1,185 - - 57801204Account Payable SoftwareOpen50,000 32,369 17,631 - - 32,369 17,631 57801205Homes Scheduling SoftwareOpen30,000 24,156 5,844 - - 24,156 5,844 57801215POA/Collections Open10,000 - 10,000 - - - 10,000 Total Information Technology 280,626310,622 29,996 224,101 3,479- 56,525 33,475 Engineering Services 62001103Road 103 - Phase 1Close2,110,0001,878,389231,6111,878,389231,611-- 62001104Plank Road Slope RehabilitationClose638,629568,79369,836568,79369,836-- 62001105Calton Line Slope RehabilitationClose780,605489,486291,119489,486291,119-- 62001202Road 46 Reconstruction (Rd 38 to KnottClose375,000 249,642 125,358 249,642 125,358 - - 62001203Road 37 Rehabilitation - Rd 73 to HeldeClose250,000 171,206 78,794 171,206 78,794 - - 62101201Land PurchasesClose25,000 14,509 10,491 14,509 10,491 - - 62201101Road 30 & 48 - IntersectionClose600,000 579,629 20,371 579,629 20,371 - - 62201201Road 24 Resurfacing (Rd 23 east 1km)Close40,000 33,618 6,382 33,618 6,382 - - 62201202Road 74 Resurfacing(plus FDR, BelmonClose1,790,000 1,538,949 251,051 1,538,949 251,051 - - 62201203Road 23 Resurfacing(East Road to SunClose200,000 171,337 28,663 171,337 28,663 - - 62201204Road 30/48 Intersection ResurfacingClose70,000 107,822 37,822- 107,822 37,822- - - 62501201Road 18 Micro Surfacing(Rd 20 south toClose125,000 127,923 2,923- 127,923 2,923- - - 62501202Road 25 Micro Surfacing (all) - 2 LiftsClose245,000 186,166 58,834 186,166 58,834 - - 62501203Road 30 Micro Surfacing (all) - 2 LiftsClose305,000 196,673 108,327 196,673 108,327 - - 62501204Road 42 Micro Surfacing(Glen Erie LineClose250,000 214,252 35,748 214,252 35,748 - - 62501205Road 38 Micro Surfacing(Hwy 3 to RichClose66,000 49,741 16,259 49,741 16,259 - - 62501206Road 52 Micro Surfacing(Rd 74 to Rd 7Close240,000 146,930 93,070 146,930 93,070 - - 62601201Road Sign Replacements - BayhamClose210,000 171,013 38,987 171,013 38,987 - - 62901004Warren Street Bridge Expansion JointsClose120,000 117,938 2,062 117,938 2,062 - - 62901005Belmont Road Bridge Expansion JointsClose140,000 188,506 48,506- 188,506 48,506- - - 62901010Lift Bridge Roof and ExteriorClose165,000 149,682 15,318 149,682 15,318 - - 62901101Culvert RehabilitationsClose225,000227,822- 2,822227,822- 2,822-- 62901102Simpsons Bridge Structural Recoating(Close550,000 669,077 119,077- 669,077 119,077- - - 62001201Road 26 ReconstructionOpen575,000 29,128 545,872 - - 29,128 545,872 62001204Dexter Line Relocation - Land PurchaseOpen661,939 284,349 377,590 - - 284,349 377,590 62901201Glencolin Bridge Rehabilitation - EngineOpen50,000 17,228 32,772 - - 17,228 32,772 Total Engineering Services10,807,173 8,579,807 2,227,366 8,249,102 1,271,132 330,705 956,234 Library Services 58101102Rodney RenovationsClose35,000 34,195 805 34,195 805 - - 58101201Book Purchases - LibraryClose242,931 247,562 4,631- 247,562 4,631- - - 58101202Bayham RenovationsOpen35,000 28,559 6,441 - - 28,559 6,441 Total Library Services312,931 310,316 2,615 281,756 3,825- 28,559 6,441 Administrative Building 26601201Building Automation System Upgrades -Close15,000 - 15,000 - 15,000 - - 26601202Building improvements - AdminClose50,000 51,240 1,240- 51,240 1,240- - - 26601003Building Envelope Repairs - AdminOpen190,500 - 190,500 - - - 190,500 26601104Provision for Accessibility elevators - EAOpen800,000 28,729 771,271 - - 28,729 771,271 26601203Sanitary SewerOpen100,000 - 100,000 - - - 100,000 26601204Lawn Sprinkler SystemOpen10,000 - 10,000 - - - 10,000 26601206SignageOpen10,000 9,063 937 - - 9,063 937 Total Administrative Building1,175,500 89,032 1,086,468 51,240 13,760 37,792 1,072,708 Ambulance 28001201AmbulanceClose240,000 254,032 14,032- 254,032 14,032- - - 28001202eACRClose80,000 112,730 32,730- 112,730 32,730- - - Total Ambulance320,000 366,762 46,762- 366,762 46,762- - - Bobier Villa - Program & Support 40031202PianoClose6,106 6,106 - 6,106 - - - 40031203TubClose18,738 18,738 0 18,738 0 - - 105 J:\Common\Finance\Budget Development\2012 Proposed Budget\Financial Services\Closed ProjectsClosed ProjectsBudgetDetail06/02/201310:52 AM Attachment II Closed Project Report For the year ending Dec 31, 2012 Closed Projects Carry-Forward Projects Carry Cum Capital Surplus on Forward Open/ Spending Actual Capital Remaining Closed Carryforward Budget Close Budget Spend Budget Closed Costs Projects costs (WIP)Reserve Corporate Total Bobier Villa - Program & Support24,844 24,844 0 24,844 0 - - Terrace Lodge - Dietary 41021102Replace Kitchen FlooringOpen20,0001,22118,779--1,22118,779 Total Terrace Lodge - Dietary20,0001,22118,779--1,22118,779 Bobier Villa - Dietary 41031201SteamerClose10,0009,7662349,766234-- Total Bobier Villa - Dietary10,0009,7662349,766234-- Elgin Manor - Nursing & Personal Care 42011202Nursing EquipmentOpen10,0009,271729--9,271729 42011203LiftsOpen10,0005,6534,347--5,6534,347 Total Elgin Manor - Nursing & Personal Care20,00014,9245,076--14,9245,076 Terrace Lodge - Nursing & Personal Care 42021101LiftsClose10,00010,354- 35410,354- 354-- 42021102DisinfectorsClose30,00028,1881,81228,1881,812-- 42021202Nursing EquipmentOpen10,000-10,000---10,000 42021203LiftsOpen20,00011,2368,764--11,2368,764 Total Terrace Lodge - Nursing & Personal Care70,00049,77820,22238,5421,45811,23618,764 Bobier Villa - Nursing & Personal Care 42031124Nursing Call UpgradeOpen58,0005,24152,759--5,24152,759 42031202Nursing EquipmentOpen------- 42031203Tub ReplacementOpen60,000-60,000---60,000 42031204LiftsOpen10,000-10,000---10,000 Total Bobier Villa - Nursing & Personal Care128,0005,241122,759--5,241122,759 Elgin Manor - Building & Property 45011203Insulate GarageClose10,0009,6433579,643357-- 45011212Work Deck for Dryer DuctsClose12,0008,7283,2728,7283,272-- 45011213CompactorClose------- 45011250LTC Home Safety CapitalClose24,00030,000- 6,00030,000- 6,000-- 45011204Card Access & SecurityOpen10,0007,0852,915--7,0852,915 45011205STP - PumpsOpen10,0007,4752,525--7,4752,525 45011214Miscellaneous capitalOpen26,0006,05619,944--6,05619,944 Total Elgin Manor - Building & Property92,00068,98723,01348,372- 2,37220,61625,384 Terrace Lodge - Building & Property 42021250LTC Home Safety CapitalClose24,00025,453- 1,45325,453- 1,453-- 45021121Air Handling Unit for Pool AreaClose25,00046,204- 21,20446,204- 21,204-- 45021125Flat Roof ReplacementClose110,000148,507- 38,507148,507- 38,507-- 45021128Card Access SystemClose30,00030,609- 60930,609- 609-- 45021135Loading Dock DrivewayClose40,00031,6308,37031,6308,370-- 45021139Loading Dock Sump-PumpsClose12,00012,348- 34812,348- 348-- 45021202Insulate GarageClose10,0006,8333,1676,8333,167-- 45021204Tub Room FlooringClose40,00027,78012,22027,78012,220-- 45021207Elevator GuardsClose6,0005,2947065,294706-- 45021124Building Automation SystemOpen15,0004,64510,355--4,64510,355 45021203Fire ProtectionOpen74,000-74,000---74,000 45021205Washroom UpgradesOpen50,0006,31143,689--6,31143,689 45021206Wall ProtectionOpen10,0001,4188,582--1,4188,582 45021208New BuildingOpen500,00013,279486,721--13,279486,721 Total Terrace Lodge - Building & Property946,000360,311585,689334,658- 37,65825,653623,347 Bobier Villa - Building & Property 45031112Card Access & SecurityClose25,00020,2524,74820,2524,748-- 45031113Lawn Sprinkler SystemClose14,4361,85612,5801,85612,580-- 45031116LandscapingClose20,0001,54218,4581,54218,458-- 45031117Pressure relief mattressClose20,0008,75011,2508,75011,250-- 45031120Mag Tile - Donations BVClose4,5644,56404,5640-- 45031206Zen Garden - DonationsClose10,0008,2981,7028,2981,702-- 45031207New Courtyard - DonationsClose10,0006,5923,4096,5923,409-- 45031208Parking Lot LightingClose2,000-2,000-2,000-- 45031209Flooring Replacement (Hallway) - BVClose79,91594,872- 14,95794,872- 14,957-- 45031210Hot Water HeaterClose12,00011,04695411,046954-- 45031250LTC Home Safety CapitalClose16,00025,023- 9,02325,023- 9,023-- 45031119Landscaping - Donations BVOpen21,90018,7153,185--18,7153,185 45031203Kitchen HVAC ReplacementOpen60,000-60,000---60,000 45031204Insulate GarageOpen10,0006,3453,655--6,3453,655 106 J:\Common\Finance\Budget Development\2012 Proposed Budget\Financial Services\Closed ProjectsClosed ProjectsBudgetDetail06/02/201310:52 AM Attachment II Closed Project Report For the year ending Dec 31, 2012 Closed Projects Carry-Forward Projects Carry Cum Capital Surplus on Forward Open/ Spending Actual Capital Remaining Closed Carryforward Budget Close Budget Spend Budget Closed Costs Projects costs (WIP)Reserve Corporate Total Bobier Villa - Building & Property305,815 207,854 97,961 182,795 31,120 25,059 66,841 Elgin Manor - General & Admin 46011102Wall Protection (Tiling)Open25,000 - 25,000 - - - 25,000 46011103TelephonesOpen10,000 - 10,000 - - - 10,000 46011104Nursing Station Half DoorsOpen5,000 - 5,000 - - - 5,000 46011105Four Season RoomOpen45,000 - 45,000 - - - 45,000 46011201Kitchen Equipment ReplacementOpen40,000 23,877 16,123 - - 23,877 16,123 Total Elgin Manor - General & Admin125,000 23,877 101,123 - - 23,877 101,123 Total Elgin County 14,767,88510,397,1934,370,6919,811,9361,223,609585,2573,147,082 107 J:\Common\Finance\Budget Development\2012 Proposed Budget\Financial Services\Closed ProjectsClosed ProjectsBudgetDetail06/02/201310:52 AM REPORT TO COUNCIL FROM: Jim Bundschuh - Director of Financial Services DATE: February 5, 2013 SUBJECT: 2013 Request for Grants INTRODUCTION: Attached is the 2013 Request for Grants requesting $826,865 (line 20) in Grants, including three new requests from Elgin Elder Abuse, Active Elgin and Pearce Williams. DISCUSSION: The total amount requested for Regular Grants (line 21) for 2012 is an increase of $10,617 over last year’s approved amount of $61,248. The changes from 2012 to 2013 are as follows: Line 6 – Tillsonburg & District Multi-Service Centre: the request is down by $133 based on the proportion of clients. Line 9 – Non-Specific: provision for in-year requests has been eliminated to reduce total grant increase shown in Line 21 to $10,617. Line 14 – Med-Quest: spending is not anticipated in 2013. Line 16 – Tourism Signs: Council has previously determined that it would provide relief to County-based not-for-profit groups on the County charge for tourism signs. The cost of this program for 2013 will be $750 lower than the prior year’s budgeted amount. Line 18 – Elgin Elder Abuse: new request of $10,000. Line 19 – Active Elgin: new request of $5,000. Line 20 – Pearce Williams:new request of $5,000 annually for the next three years. When deciding on how to proceed with the three new grant requests, Council should consider the precedents it might set. Other organizations that provide similar services would likely approach the County in subsequent years for similar funding. Although the amounts of these three individual requests may be considered minor, the cumulative effect of the potential grant requests these might inspire should be considered at this 108 time. Also, as some of these new requestors may be providing services to both County and City residents, should the County wait to see if the City will support these organizations through their budget. The County had previously planned for a $1 million donation to the St. Thomas Elgin General Hospital and in November 2012 Council revised its plan with a commitment to the hospital for a total donation of $3.5 million. At that time Council released $500,000 to the hospital from the initially planned $1 million. The remaining funding is to be raised by a special levy, averaging $12.50 per household, to raise $2.5 million over 10 years. The grant amount proposed on Line 21 is $750,000 to bring the cumulative donation to $1.25 million. The cumulative donation is funded by the initially planned $1 million plus the $250,000 that will be raised in the 2013 levy. A further $250,000 will be collected through the levy and granted to the hospital each year through 2022. CONCLUSION: The individual line items should be considered for approval with special consideration being given to the implications of the three new grant requests. If Council determines that any grants should be deferred or reduced, Line 9 – Non-Specific grants can be adjusted accordingly to re-establish a fund for in-year requests. RECOMMENDATION: THAT the grants be approved as directed by Council; and, THAT the report titled “2013 Request for Grants” dated February 5, 2013 be received and filed. All of which is Respectfully Submitted Approved for Submission Jim Bundschuh Mark G. McDonald Director of Financial Services Chief Administrative Officer 109 COUNTY OF ELGIN GRANTS 2013 (H)/L 2012 Budget201220132012 Grants 1)Shedden Agricultural Society 4,500 4,500 - - 2)Wallacetown Agricultural Society 4,500 4,500 - 3)Rodney-Aldborough Agricultural Society 4,500 4,500 - 4)Aylmer & East Elgin Agricultural Society 7,500 7,500 - Elin 4-H Association 22000000 5)g,, 133 6)Tillsonburg & District Multi-Service Centre 4,786 4,653 - 7)Quad County Support Services 2,000 2,000 - 8)Seniors Picnic 2,500 2,500 5,000 9)Non-specific 5,000 - 10)Town Crier 2,000 2,000 - 11)Second Stage Housing 6,462 6,462 - 12)Elgin Community Nutrition Partnership 5,000 5,000 - 13)Elgin County Plowmen's Association 200 200 3,500 14)Med Quest Pilot Project 3,500 - 15)Ontario 911 Advisory Board 100 100 - 750 16)Tourism Signage Grants 5,700 4,950 17)City Charity Hockey Game 1,000 1,000 - (10,000) 18)Elgin Elder Abuse 10,000 (5,000) 19)Active Elgin 5,000 (5,000) 20)Pearce Williams 5,000 - Total Regular Grants 61,248 71,865 (10,617) 21) - 20)IPM Legacy Scholarship 5,000 5,000 (250,000) 21)St. Thomas Elgin General Hospital 500,000 750,000 Total Grants 566,248 826,865(260,617) 22) M:\Corporate\Corporate Activities\Corporate Activities Grants 05/02/2013 8:17 PM 110 REPORT TO COUNTY COUNCIL FROM: Jim Bundschuh – Director of Financial Services DATE: February 5, 2013 SUBJECT: 2013 Proposed Budget (Revised) INTRODUCTION: A key component of Council's strategic vision is to promote and enhance economic opportunities to the extent possible. The draft 2013 budget balances the need for fiscal restraint with the creation of economic initiatives designed to improve the local economy. Staff have been able to absorb inflationary costs and found other efficiencies to help lessen the financial impacts. In addition, Council continues to draw-down on reserves to maintain an acceptable tax levy. The significant contribution to the St. Thomas-Elgin General Hospital redevelopment project, the addition of a second satellite office for job creation, an enhanced ambulance presence in Bayham, a new ambulance station in Dutton/Dunwich and an increased investment in the County's road infrastructure along with improvements to Terrace Lodge form the basis of the budget. These projects, and others, are possible (excluding the special hospital levy) with a 2.4% tax increase ($30) on an average household with no change in assessment or a 4.8% increase on average using average assessment growth ($60). Adding the special hospital donation translates into 3.4% ($42.50) and 5.8% ($72.50) increase respectively. In the face of reduced assessment revenue, capped funding increases from the Province for Homes and Ambulance and a continuing decline in OMPF funds, the attached budget is presented for your consideration. DISCUSSION: Council’s budget priorities for 2013 are clearly focussed on stimulating economic growth in the region and improving services to its residents through the following key features of the budget: A $3.5 million commitment to St. Thomas Elgin General Hospital with further money flowing to the hospital immediately for a cumulative contribution to date of $1 million to assist them in ramping up their project. The remaining $2.5 million will be provided in ten annual installments to be raised by a special levy costing approximately $12.50 on an average home. Not only does our local hospital provide a key service to our residents and an economic engine in its own right, but a strong local hospital is a key decision factor for businesses when determining where to locate. 111 Based on the successful trial in Aylmer, $0.2 million will be invested annually in Elgin Business Resource Centre Satellite offices in both the east and west end of the County. These satellite offices will focus on assisting Elgin’s burgeoning entrepreneurial sector in getting their businesses off to a successful start. Ambulance service will be increased in the east end of the County with a day- shift ambulance being stationed at the Straffordville fire hall to reduce response times at a cost of $0.2 million. A new ambulance base will be built in Dutton at a cost of $0.8 million. The Terrace Lodge long-term care facility will receive a $5 million renovation that will focus on improving the residents’ common areas. A further $6 million is planned for renovations at the Elgin Manor and Bobier Villa Lodge long-term care facilities within the next ten years. The County roads will receive $8 million in spending this year, with a further $80 million over the next nine years. This investment will improve the driving quality for our residents while preserving the underlying asset, thereby avoiding costly reconstruction in the future. Major road projects for 2013 include: Southminster Bourne Rehabilitation ($1.5 million) o John Wise Line Rehabilitation ($0.8 million) o Largie Bridge Replacement ($0.8 million) o Reconstruction of St. George Street ($0.5 million) o Currie Road Resurfacing ($0.4 million) o Road Sign Replacements throughout Central Elgin and Malahide ($0.4 o million) 22 kilometres of microsurfacing and gravel shouldering ($0.7 million) o The County’s revenue is comprised predominately from property taxes and funding from the province. In past years the County has faced reduced revenue from the province through cuts in Ontario Municipal Partnership Fund transfers to Elgin County. At the same time, the closure of the Ford Plant placed pressure on property tax revenue. Rather than increase the tax rate dramatically at the time, County Council approved a ten-year plan that temporarily used reserves to fund the budgeted shortfall, but then rebuilt the reserves by the end of the ten-year period. This was accomplished through efficiencies of $4 million over ten years and gradual tax increases of 4% per annum. This year the County is once again facing losses; $0.4 million of provincial funding for long-term care and ambulance and an expected $0.1 million in City of St. Thomas tourism partnership revenue. Residual savings throughout the County operations reduced this lost revenue impact to $0.3 million, equivalent to 1.2% of the levy. This loss will be recovered by an incremental levy increase of 0.8% in 2013 and 0.4% in 2014. Options to reduce or eliminate the 2014 portion are being considered. For instance, obtaining infrastructure funding for the relocation of Dexter Line is currently being pursued. 112 As a result, the 2013 levy increase (exclusive of the special hospital levy) will be $1,266,000. This equates to a 2.4% tax increase ($30) on an average household with no change in assessment, or a 4.8% increase on an average house with average assessment growth equating to $60. The details of the budget are found on the following attachments: Attachment I Schedule A – Ratios o Schedule B – Operating Budget o Schedule C – Tax Rates o Attachment II – Ten Year Business Plan Attachment III – Ten Year Capital Plan Attachment IV – Ten Year Balance Sheet & Reserves Attachment V –Departmental Details CONCLUSION: The attached budget with a $1,516,000 increase in levy is resulting in a $1.6 million reduction in the Municipal Position and a corresponding reduction in Reserves contained within the Municipal Position as a result of the previously discussed revenue losses. A primary purpose of reserves is to soften the impact of external shocks to the ratepayers. Given that the impact of these revenue losses, the next three year period will require the use of Reserves until measured increases in residential taxes bring Net Income back to a favourable position. Subsequently the Municipal Position will rise to $207 million representing a 1% increase per annum from the 2012 Municipal Position of $188 million. Although this rate of increase is below inflation, it is expected that efficiencies from new construction technologies (such as micro-surfacing) will allow the County’s future Municipal Position to be lower in real terms without undermining the condition of its assets. RECOMMENDATION: THAT the 2013 Proposed Budget, which includes the Operating Budget, the Capital Budget and Grants, be approved. All of which is Respectfully Submitted Approved for Submission Jim Bundschuh Mark G. McDonald Director of Financial Services Chief Administrative Officer 113 Attachment I COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law 13-04 A SCHEDULE Ratios PROPERTY CLASS 20132012 RESIDENTIAL/FARM1.00001.0000 MULTI-RESIDENTIAL2.34582.3458 FARMLAND AWAITING DEVELOPMENT - RESIDENTIAL0.50000.5000 COMMERCIAL OCCUPIED1.63761.6376 COMMERCIAL VACANT LAND1.14631.1463 INDUSTRIAL OCCUPIED2.22512.2251 INDUSTRIAL VACANT LAND1.44631.4463 LARGE INDUSTRIAL OCCUPIED2.83182.8318 LARGE INDUSTRIAL VACANT 1.84071.8407 PIPELINES1.14461.1446 FARM0.25000.2500 MANAGED FORESTS0.25000.2500 114 Attachment I Column 1Column 2Column 3Column 4Column 5Column 6Column 7Column 8Column 9 Schedule B: u Crrent Operating 2013 Operating Budget Budget Current Operating Budget Prior Operating RevenueExpenseNet Budget FORECAST/ RevenueExpenseNet Budget (Over)/ Under Percent By-Law 13-04 (Revenue)/ExpenseACTUAL(Revenue)/ Prior Year Impact on ExpenseLevy CORPORATE ACTIVITIES 1) Taxes (26,554,548) 1,465,006 (25,089,542) (25,899,852) 26,501,553 773,169 (25,728,384) 638,842 -2.5% 2) Interest Charges & Income (1,451,167) 1,370,087 (81,080) (890,410) 81,080 - (81,080) (0)0.0% 3) Social Services - St. Thomas - 3,168,000 3,168,000 3,124,440 3,051,000 3,051,000 117,000 -0.5% 4) Health Unit (246,517) 1,176,273 929,756 929,759 938,360 938,360 (8,604)0.0% 5) Grants - 66,248 66,248 561,762 - 811,865 811,865 (745,617)3.0% 6) Rental Income (510,265) 213,203 (297,062) (297,062) 188,263 109,922 (78,341) (218,722)0.9% 7) Property Assessment (35,652) 755,061 719,409 719,409 719,640 719,640 (231)0.0% 8) Ontario Municipal Partnership Fund (66,093) (1,821,807) (1,887,900) (1,887,900) 1,770,900 - (1,770,900) (117,000)0.5% 9) Project Costs - 739,399 739,399 327,407 825,000 755,070 (69,930) 809,329 -3.2% 10) Corporate (28,864,242) 8,596,476 (21,732,772) (23,312,449) 29,366,796 7,159,025 (22,207,771) 474,998 -1.9% Departmental 11) Warden and Council - 352,737 352,737 296,768 3,036 360,235 357,199 (4,461)0.0% 12) Administrative Services (33,840) 489,732 455,892 443,182 32,640 507,550 474,910 (19,018)0.1% 13) Financial Services 576,343 560,420 15,922 -0.1% -576,343543,371-560,420 14) Human Resources 499,125- 454,810 30,000 510,711 480,711 18,414 -0.1% 15) Administrative Building (365,634) 824,064 458,430376,571379,095 860,859 481,764 (23,334)0.1% 16) Corporate Expenditures (1,000) 590,784 589,784 502,259 1,000 575,784 574,784 15,000 -0.1% 17) Eng'r & Land Div. (1,758,392)11,599,1609,840,76710,078,6571,768,77711,981,60710,212,830(372,062)1.5% 18) Homes (17,051,733) 21,541,684 4,489,951 3,911,366 17,401,828 22,018,258 4,616,430 (126,479)0.5% 19) Museum & Archives (35,304) 414,965 379,661 386,260 59,304 452,527 393,223 (13,562)0.1% 20) Library Services (252,678) 2,655,272 2,402,594 2,410,003 219,127 2,689,428 2,470,301 (67,707)0.3% 21) Information Technology (5,000) 717,257 712,257 684,293 - 830,094 830,094 (117,837)0.5% 22) Provincial Offences (1,507,791) 1,440,801 (66,990)(72,325)1,535,791 1,462,147 (73,643) 6,654 0.0% 23) Collections (474,998) 453,735 (22,940)(21,263) 474,998 453,735 (21,264) 0 0.0% 24) Ambul. & Emergency Meas. (6,004,196) 8,564,679 2,560,483 2,816,158 6,079,941 8,828,480 2,748,539 (188,055)0.7% 25) Econ.Dev'l, Tourism & Plan. (195,923) 1,319,191 1,123,268 1,029,954 121,835 1,300,067 1,178,232 (54,964)0.2% 26) Departmental (27,686,488) 51,540,401 24,353,038 23,838,389 28,107,372 53,391,901 25,284,528 (931,490)3.7% (56,550,730) 60,136,877 2,620,266 525,940 57,474,168 60,550,926 3,076,757 (456,491) 27) Elgin County Levy Increase (1,516,230)1,516,230 6.0% Net Income 60,550,92658,990,398 1,560,528 1,059,738 26,619,39125,103,161 Memo: Levy 115 M:\Financial Services\SummaryOperating Budget 12/02/2013 1:51 PM Attachment I COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law 13-04 SCHEDULE C PROPERTY CLASS20122013 % Change% Change TAX RATESTAX RATESTAX RATESssessment A RESIDENTIAL0.572081%0.591005%3.31%2.9% MULTI-RESIDENTIAL1.341988%1.386380%3.31%1.9% FARMLAND AWAITING DEVELOPMENT - RESIDENTIAL0.286041%0.295503%3.31%15.4% COMMERCIAL OCCUPIED0.936840%0.967830%3.31%-4.8% COMMERCIAL VACANT LAND0.655776%0.677469%3.31%-7.5% INDUSTRIAL OCCUPIED1.272937%1.315045%3.31%-5.2% INDUSTRIAL VACANT LAND0.827401%0.854771%3.31%-8.3% LARGE INDUSTRIAL OCCUPIED1.620019%1.673608%3.31%-8.4% LARGE INDUSTRIAL VACANT 1.053029%1.087863%3.31%-19.2% PIPELINES0.654804%0.676464%3.31%-3.7% FARM 0.143020%0.147751%3.31%14.1% MANAGED FORESTS0.143020%0.147751%3.31%14.1% Definition: "Tax rate" means the tax rate to be levied against property expressed as a percentage, to six decimal places, of the assessment of the property. 116 Ten Year Business Plan Attachment II 2013201420152016201720182019202020212022 ($ millions) 1) Prior Year Budgeted Municipal Position Chan (1.6)(2.6)(0.2) ( 1.0) 3.3 3 .8 4.2 Muncipal Position Change Explanation 2)OMPF(0.1)(0.1) ( 0.1) (0.1) (0.1) (0.1) (0.1) 3)Social Service Prov. Upload0. 0.1 0.1 0.1 m(0.2) 4)Soc. Serv. Caseload&Cost/Case i 5)99 Edward St.(0.2) 6)Adjustment for Tax Appeals/Write-O0.8 7)Payment-In-Lieu Toronto Greelane (0.1)(0.1) ( 0.1) (0.1) (0.1) (0.1) (0.1) (0.1) ( 0.1) (0.1) 8)Interest(0.1)0.0 (0.0) (0.0) (0.1) 0.0 (0.0) 0.0 0.0 9)Legal Disputes0.8(0.8) 10)Hospital Donation0.5 (0.7) 11)Benefits(0.3)(0.1) ( 0.1) (0.1) (0.1) (0.1) (0.1) (0.1) ( 0.1) (0.1) 12)Wage Inflation(0.3)(0.4) ( 0.3) (0.3) (0.4) (0.4) (0.4) (0.4) ( 0.4) (0.4) 13)Supplies Inflation(0.5)(0.8) ( 0.6) (0.7) (0.8) (0.8) (0.8) (0.8) ( 0.8) (0.8) 14)Revenue Increases0. 0.6 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 15)East End Ambulance(0.2) 16)IT Technician(0.1) 17)Enterprise Centre Satellite Office T(0.1) 18)City Tourism Partnership(0.1) 19)Admin Building Space Needs(0.2) 20)Accessibility/Museum Grants (2.0)2.0 21)Amortization(0.2) -(0.1) (0.1) (0.0) (0.1) (0.0) (0.1) ( 0.4) (0.1) 22)Service Level Changes(0.3) 23)Aylmer Library Lease(0.1) 24)Efficiencies0. 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 25)Total Changes(0.5)(0.4) (0.6) (0.4) (0.4) 1.4 (2.6) (0.5) (0.7) (0.4) 26) Levy Increase1.31.41.5 1 .1 1.2 1.3 1.2 1.3 0 .9 0.9 27)Residential Household Increase4.8%4.4%4.0%4.0%4.0%4.0%4.0%4.0%2.0%2.0% 28)Hospital Special Levy1.0%0.3 0.0%0.0%0.0%0.0%0.0%0.0%0.0%0.0% 29) Net Change in Muncipal Position(1.6) (1.0) (0.2) 0.7 3.0 3.8 4.2 30) Starting Muncipal Position188.2186.7185.7186.3189.6202.5 185.5 191.6 194.5 1 98.3 31)Budgeted Change 32)Surplus/Deficit to Budget 33)Ending Muncipal Position186.7 194.5191.6 198.3 202.5207.3 185.7 185.5 186.3 189.6 34)Prior Business Plan$185.2$ 184.5184.6$ 187.1$ 190.5$ 192.1$$2198.2$02.5 $194.7 35)New Plan B/(W) Prior Plan$1.5 $ 1.1$ 1.0$ (0.8)$ (0.9)$ (0.5)$ (0.2)$ 0.1$ - 36)Debt$-$-$-$-$- $ -$ -$ -$ -$ - 117 COUNTY OF ELGIN Attachment III Summary Proposed Capital 10 Year Plan Col 1Col 2Col 3Col 4Col 5Col 6Col 7Col 8Col 9Col 10Col 11 201320142015201620172013-2017 Total2018-2022 Total2013-2022 Average Capital Projects -- 1) Corporate 750,00075,000 -750,000 - - -- -- -- 2) Administrative Building 6,690,0001,069,000 650,000440,000 650,000 2,450,000 2,500,0004,000,000 -- 3) Eng'r & Land Div. 40,490,0009,105,300 7,587,0007,735,000 7,720,000 8,661,000 8,787,00050,563,000 Homes -- -- 100,00015,000 4aiElgin Manor Nursing & Personal Care60,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,00050,000 20,0002,000 18aviElgin Manor Laundry20,000 - - - -- 455,000320,500 4aiiElgin Manor Building & Property90,000 100,000 60,000 25,000 180,0002,750,000 135,00056,000 4aiiiElgin Manor General & Admin15,000 15,000 15,000 20,000 70,000425,000 710,000393,500 4a)Elgin Manor185,000 125,000 85,000 55,000 260,0003,225,000 -- 80,00014,000 4biTerrace Lodge Nursing & Personal Care40,00010,00010,00010,00010,00060,000 4,775,400577,540 4biiTerrace Lodge Building & Property100,4001,515,0001,500,0001,500,000160,0001,000,000 -- 18bviiiTerrace Lodge General & Admin------ -- 18bxTerrace Lodge Adult Day 4,855,400591,540 4b)Terrace Lodge140,4001,525,0001,510,0001,510,000170,0001,060,000 -- 80,00013,000 4ciBobier Villa Nursing & Personal Care40,00010,00010,00010,00010,00050,000 785,000353,500 4ciiBobier Villa Building & Property495,00095,00025,00095,00075,0002,750,000 -- 18cviiiBobier Villa General & Admin------ -- 18cxBobier Villa Adult Day 875,000367,500 4c)Bobier545,000105,00035,000105,00085,0002,800,000 -- 4) Homes 6,440,4001,352,540 1,755,000870,400 1,630,000 1,670,000 515,0007,085,000 -- 5) Museum & Archives 15,0001,500 -15,000 - - -- -- 6) Library Services 1,698,857357,333 299,053333,272 410,293 322,011 334,2281,874,473 -- 7) Information Technology 851,500176,750 167,300167,300 167,300 167,300 182,300916,000 -- 8) Ambul. & Emergency Meas. 570,00090,000 270,000300,000 - - -330,000 -- 9) Econ.Dev'l, Tourism & Plan. 20,5004,100 -8,500 3,500 - 8,50020,500 -- -- 10) Elgin County 57,526,25712,231,523 10,728,35310,619,472 10,581,093 13,270,311 12,327,02864,788,973 11)Prior Year's Business Plan 2013-2021 Spend9,900,57216,958,35316,616,09317,065,31112,758,24873,298,57766,291,23814,092,396 New Plan (Higher)/Lower than 12)Prior Plan 6,230,000(718,900) 6,035,000 3,795,000 431,220 15,772,320 1,502,2651,860,873 118 M:\Financial Services\SummarySummaryCapital Budget06/02/2013 9:07 AM County of Elgin Attachment IV Balance Sheet and Reserve Budget Balance Sheet 201320142015201620172018-2022 Total ChangeEnding Bal.ChangeEnding Bal.ChangeEnding Bal.ChangeEnding Bal.ChangeEnding Bal.ChangeEnding Bal. Balance Sheet A1)Cash & Investments(4,220,913) 9,984,782 (2,062,175) 7,922,607 (1,067,248) 6,855,359 (2,790,045) 4,065,315 823,459 4,888,773 4,375,229 9,264,003 A2)Accounts Receivable138,303 2,000,000 2,000,000 2,000,000 2,000,000 2,000,000 2,000,000 A3)Pre-Paids & Loans354,298 354,298 354,298 354,298 354,298 354,298 A4)TCA(782,806) 178,820,496 1,093,736 179,914,232 887,547 180,801,779 1,628,945 182,430,724 597,897 183,028,620 17,114,753 200,143,374 A5)WIP1,414,743 2,000,000 - 2,000,000 - 2,000,000 1,900,000 3,900,000 1,900,000 5,800,000 (3,800,000) 2,000,000 ATotal Assets(3,450,673) 193,159,576 (968,439) 192,191,138 (179,701) 192,011,436 738,900 192,750,337 3,321,355 196,071,692 17,689,983 213,761,675 B1)Accounts Payable1,866,878 (4,000,000) (4,000,000) (4,000,000) (4,000,000) (4,000,000) (4,000,000) B2)Payroll, Remits & WSIB Accrual23,268 (2,500,000) (2,500,000) (2,500,000) (2,500,000) (2,500,000) (2,500,000) B3)Debt- - - - - - BTotal Liabilities1,890,146(6,500,000) (6,500,000)- (6,500,000)- (6,500,000)--(6,500,000) (6,500,000)- Municipal Position C 186,659,576(1,560,528) (968,439) 185,691,138 (179,701) 185,511,436 738,900 186,250,337 3,321,355 189,571,692 17,689,983 207,261,675 Explanation of Municipal Position D1)In-Service Tangible Capital Assets (Net Book Value)(782,806) 178,820,496 1,093,736 179,914,232 887,547 180,801,779 1,628,945 182,430,724 597,897 183,028,620 17,114,753 200,143,374 D2)Work-In-Progress Tangible Capital Assets1,414,743 2,000,000 - 2,000,000 - 2,000,000 1,900,000 3,900,000 1,900,000 5,800,000 (3,800,000) 2,000,000 DTotal Tangible Capital Assets631,937 180,820,496 1,093,736 181,914,232 887,547 182,801,779 3,528,945 186,330,724 2,497,897 188,828,620 13,314,753 202,143,374 EReserve for Completion of WIP352,918 3,500,000 3,500,000 3,500,000 3,500,000 3,500,000 3,500,000 FAnticipated Tangible Capital Assets984,855 184,320,496 1,093,736 185,414,232 887,547 186,301,779 3,528,945 189,830,724 2,497,897 192,328,620 13,314,753 205,643,374 TOTAL CAPITAL FUNDS H (758,545)3,814,668 (340,289) (1,098,833) (1,400,000) (2,498,834) (3,200,000) (5,698,834) (1,725,000) (7,423,834) 3,423,834 (4,000,000) TOTAL CAPITAL RESERVES I 1,251,166- (1,251,166) (0)(0)(0)(0)(0) - - - - JNet Capital Portion4,799,522184,813,118(497,719)184,315,398(512,453)183,802,945328,945184,131,890772,897184,904,78716,738,587201,643,374 TOTAL OPERATING RESERVES K 1,846,459(6,360,050) (470,720) 1,375,739 332,752 1,708,491 409,955 2,118,447 2,548,459 4,666,905 951,396 5,618,301 Municipal Position L 186,659,576(1,560,528) (968,439) 185,691,138 (179,701) 185,511,436 738,900 186,250,337 3,321,355 189,571,692 17,689,983 207,261,675 119 County of Elgin Attachment IV Balance Sheet and Reserve Budget Balance Sheet 201320142015201620172018-2022 Total ChangeEnding Bal.ChangeEnding Bal.ChangeEnding Bal.ChangeEnding Bal.ChangeEnding Bal.ChangeEnding Bal. Capital Funds H1)Capital Fund Garage(8,545)8,545 - - - - - - - - H2)Captial Fund Elgin Manor1,314,656 - - - - - - - - - - H3)Captial Fund Health Unit231,98100(0) - - - - - - H4)Captial Fund Sewage Treatment Plant1,282,246 - - - - - - - - - - H5)Capital Fund Ambulance Bases985,785(750,000) (750,000)-200,000(550,000)200,000(350,000)175,000(175,000)175,000 - H6)Capital Fund Terrace Lodge (248,834)-(248,834)(1,500,000)(1,748,834)(1,500,000)(3,248,834) (3,248,834)-1,248,834(2,000,000) H7)Capital Fund Admin Building (100,000)-(100,000)(100,000)(200,000)(1,900,000)(2,100,000)(1,900,000)(4,000,000)2,000,000(2,000,000) HCapital Funds3,814,668(758,545)(340,289)(1,098,833)(1,400,000)(2,498,834)(3,200,000)(5,698,834)(1,725,000)(7,423,834)3,423,834(4,000,000) Capital Reserves I1)Reserves Library Capital(0)(0)(0)(0)(0)(0) - I2)Reserves Terrace Lodge Renovations 1,251,166-(1,251,166) - - - - - - - I3)Reserves Land Purchases - - - - - - - I4)Reserves Bridge Replacement - - - - - - - I5)Reserves Dutton Ambulance Base - - - - - - - I6)Reserves Ambulance Vehicles & Equipment - - - - - - - I7)Reserves Information Tech- - - - - - - I8)Reserves Vehicle Replacement - - - - - - - ICapital Reserves 1,251,166-(1,251,166)(0)(0)(0)(0)(0) - - - - Operating Reserves K1)Reserves OMPF One Time Funding- - - - - - - K2)Reserves St. Thomas-Elgin General Hospital Foundatio 0(166,667) 0 0 0 0 0 K3)Reserves Donations Elgin(26,000) 143,910 143,910 143,910 143,910 143,910 143,910 K4)Reserves Donations Terrace48,157 76,560 76,560 76,560 76,560 76,560 76,560 K5)Reserves Donations Bobier(20,000) 81,396 81,396 81,396 81,396 81,396 81,396 K6)Reserves Donations Alma College Alumnae- 6,227 6,227 6,227 6,227 6,227 6,227 K7)Reserves Museum- 2,358 2,358 2,358 2,358 2,358 2,358 K8)Reserves Archives- 83,282 83,282 83,282 83,282 83,282 83,282 K9)Reserves Donations Library15,000 140,028 140,028 140,028 140,028 140,028 140,028 K10)Reserves Mill Rate Stabilization(6, 1,190,078198,540) (458,720) 731,358 344,752 1,076,110 421,955 1,498,066 2,556,918 4,054,984 951,396 5,006,380 K11)Reserve Economic Development and Tourism - - - - - - - K12)Reserves Strategic Planning-21,92321,92321,92321,92321,92321,923 K13)Reserves Tree Replanting-6,3796,3796,3796,3796,3796,379 K14)Reserves Performance Excellenc-15,87315,87315,87315,87315,87315,873 K15)Reserves Orthodonitics-19,51919,51919,51919,51919,51919,519 K16)Reserves Staff Training(12,000)44,459(12,000)32,459(12,000)20,459(12,000)8,459(8,459) - - K17)Reserves Woodlot8,9508,9508,9508,9508,9508,950 - K18)Reserves Police Services5,5165,5165,5165,5165,5165,516 - K19)Reserves Road Maintenance - - - - - - - K20)Reserves Insurance Deductible - - - - - - - K21)Reserves Working Funds - - - - - - - K23)Reserves International Plowing Match - - - - - - - KOperating Reserves(6,360,050)1,846,459(470,720)1,375,739332,7521,708,491409,9552,118,4472,548,4594,666,905951,3965,618,301 120 Attachment I Column 3Column 4Column 5Column 6Column 7Column 8 Schedule B: u Crrent Operating 2013 Operating Budget Budget Current Operating Budget r Operating By-Law 13-04 Net Budget FORECAST/ RevenueExpenseNet Budget (Over)/ Under (Revenue)/ExpenseACTUAL(Revenue)/ Prior Year Expense 10) Corporate (21,732,772) (23,312,449) 29,366,796 7,159,025 (22,207,771) 474,998 Departmental Warden and Council Warden 66,98083,082 - 82,720 82,720 362 Council 229,788269,656 3,036 277,515 274,479 (4,823) 11) Warden and Council 352,737 296,768 3,036 360,235 357,199 (4,461) Administrative Services Administrative Services 409,699413,128 (1,200) 425,159 426,359 (13,231) Agriculture 33,48342,764 - 48,550 48,550 (5,787) Police Services Board--33,84033,840-- 12) Administrative Services 455,892 443,182 32,640 507,550 474,910 (19,018) 13) Financial Services 576,343543,371- 560,420 560,420 15,922 14) Human Resources 499,125454,81030,000 510,711 480,711 18,414 15) Administrative Building 458,430376,571379,095 860,859 481,764 (23,334) 16) Corporate Expenditures 589,784 502,259 1,000 575,784 574,784 15,000 Engineering & Land Division Engineering Services 9,841,86610,084,5811,648,77711,856,29110,207,514(365,648) Land Division(1,099)(5,924)120,000125,3165,316(6,414) 17) Eng'r & Land Div. 9,840,76710,078,6571,768,77711,981,60710,212,830(372,062) Homes 18aiiElgin Manor Program & Support 0 7,012 319,581 319,581 0 (0) 18aiiiElgin Manor Dietary 711,257 721,767 266,025 711,115 977,140142 18aivElgin Manor Nursing & Personal Care 1,392,621 1,232,627 3,173,508 4,672,742 1,499,234 (106,613) 18avElgin Manor Housekeeping 478,048 429,747 1,755 479,052 477,297 751 173,851 176,755 - 18aviElgin Manor Laundry180,841 180,841 (6,990) 18aviiElgin Manor Building & Property 484,416 392,701 - 519,609 519,609 (35,193) (1,723,696) (1,713,401) 2,582,018 (1,730,647) 18aviiiElgin Manor General & Admin851,3716,950 18a)Elgin Manor1,516,4971,247,2106,342,8878,000,3361,657,450(140,952) 18biiTerrace Lodge Program & Support (0) 15,837 368,454 368,453 (0)(0) 920,349 881,358 336,143 872,564 18biiiTerrace Lodge Dietary1,208,70747,785 18bivTerrace Lodge Nursing & Personal C 1,451,446 1,328,907 3,525,963 4,997,564 1,471,601 (20,155) 453,223 416,577 1,950 435,689 18bvTerrace Lodge Housekeeping437,63917,534 18bviTerrace Lodge Laundry 185,632 208,726 - 186,303 186,303 (672) 365,204 339,231 38,404 381,273 18bviiTerrace Lodge Building & Property419,677(16,070) 18bviiiTerrace Lodge General & Admin (1,769,328) (1,760,306) 2,402,848 604,169 (1,798,679)29,351 (0) (37,602) 247,730 (0) 18bxTerrace Lodge Adult Day247,730(0) 18b)Terrace Lodge1,606,5241,392,7296,921,4918,470,2431,548,75257,773 18ciiBobier Villa Program & Support 1 2,957 203,042 203,043 0 1 540,599 520,895 183,777 552,504 18ciiiBobier Villa Dietary736,280(11,905) 18civBobier Villa Nursing & Personal Care 1,029,209 997,545 2,076,593 1,043,131 3,119,724(13,922) 18cvBobier Villa Housekeeping 305,055 293,127 1,110 312,069 310,959 (5,904) 18cviBobier Villa Laundry 140,094 147,740 - 141,152 141,152 (1,058) 304,398 258,113 - 342,497 18cviiBobier Villa Building & Property342,497(38,100) 18cviiiBobier Villa General & Admin (952,377) (988,026) 1,466,114 486,099 (980,015)27,637 (49) (14,711) 82,212 - 18cxBobier Villa Adult Day82,212(49) 18c)Bobier1,366,9301,217,6404,012,8475,423,0761,410,229(43,299) - 53,788 124,603 0 Other124,603(0) 18) Homes 4,489,951 3,911,366 17,401,828 22,018,258 4,616,430 (126,479) 121 M:\Financial Services\SummaryOperating Budget 12/02/2013 2:21 PM Attachment I Column 3Column 4Column 5Column 6Column 7Column 8 Schedule B: u Crrent Operating 2013 Operating Budget Budget Current Operating Budget r Operating By-Law 13-04 Net Budget FORECAST/ RevenueExpenseNet Budget (Over)/ Under (Revenue)/ExpenseACTUAL(Revenue)/ Prior Year Expense Museums & Archives Museum 192,607190,428 48,928 249,103 200,175 (9,747) Archives 193,654189,232 10,376 203,423 193,047 (3,815) 19) Museum & Archives 379,661 386,260 59,304 452,527 393,223 (13,562) 20) Library Services 2,402,594 2,410,003 219,127 2,689,428 2,470,301 (67,707) 21) Information Technology 712,257 684,293 - 830,094 830,094 (117,837) 22) Provincial Offences 1,462,147 6,654 (72,325)(66,990) 1,535,791(73,643) 23) Collections 453,735 0 (22,940)(21,263) 474,998(21,264) Ambulance & Emergency Measures Ambulance Services 2,790,5762,534,073 6,077,941 8,796,091 2,718,150 (184,076) Emergency Measures 25,58226,410 2,000 32,389 30,389 (3,979) 24) Ambul. & Emergency Meas. 2,560,483 2,816,158 6,079,941 8,828,480 2,748,539 (188,055) Economic Development, Tourism & Plann Economic Development 782,808804,790 42,000 910,202 868,202 (63,412) Tourism 134,991149,471 79,835 293,318 213,483 (64,012) Planning 112,155169,007 - 96,546 96,546 72,460 25) Econ.Dev'l, Tourism & Plan. 1,123,268 1,029,954 121,835 1,300,067 1,178,232 (54,964) 26) Departmental 24,353,038 23,838,389 28,107,372 53,391,901 25,284,528 (931,490) 2,620,266 525,940 57,474,168 60,550,926 3,076,757 (456,491) 27) Elgin County Levy Increase (1,516,230)1,516,230 Net Income 60,550,92658,990,398 1,560,528 1,059,738 26,619,39125,103,161 Memo: Levy 122 M:\Financial Services\SummaryOperating Budget 12/02/2013 2:21 PM COUNTY OF ELGIN Corporate Activities Proposed Budget Total 2013% CHANGE 2012 FORECAST/ Zero Based Zero Base ACTUALBudgetBudget ACCOUNTDescriptionBUDGET 4000000Levy Town of Aylmer-3,136,140-3,136,140-3,136,1400.00% 4010000Levy Municip of Dutton/Dunwich-1,818,903-1,818,903-1,818,9030.00% 4020000Levy Municip of West Elgin-2,545,969-2,545,969-2,545,9690.00% 4030000Levy Municip of Bayham-2,803,193-2,803,192-2,803,1930.00% 4040000Levy Township of Malahide-4,105,381-4,105,381-4,105,3810.00% 4050000Levy Township of Southwold-2,972,846-2,972,847-2,972,8460.00% 4060000Levy Municip of Central Elgin-7,720,717-7,720,716-7,720,7170.00% Total Levy-25,103,149-25103148-25,103,1490.00% 4100000Supp Town of Aylmer-4,360-9,231-9,231111.72% 4110000Supp Municip of Dutton/Dunwich-13,385-23,112-23,11272.66% 4120000Supp Municip of West Elgin-45,600-19,018-19,018-58.29% 4130000Supp Municip of Bayham-85,916-123,495-1,639,7371808.54% 4140000Supp Township of Malahide-38,035-90,703-90,703138.47% 4150000Supp Township of Southwold-15,447-24,486-24,48658.51% 4160000Supp Municip of Central Elgin-43,773-58,767-58,76734.25% Total Supplementary Taxes-246,517-348,811-1,865,053656.56% 4400000PIL Town of Aylmer-18,594-11,724-11,724-36.95% 4410000PIL Municip of Dutton/Dunwich-35,652-138,732-138,732289.13% 4420000PIL Municip of West Elgin-66,093-37,583-37,583-43.14% 4430000PIL Municip of Bayham-41,620-90,082-90,082116.44% 4440000PIL Township of Malahide-282,556-290,429-290,4292.79% 4450000PIL Township of Southwold-572,657-620,975-479,975-16.18% 4460000PIL Municip of Central Elgin-18,159-1,057-1,057-94.18% Total PILs-1,035,332-1,190,582-1,049,5821.38% 4270000Capping Town of Aylmer-22,103-25,5780-100.00% 4280000Capping Municip of Dutton/Dunw-4,102-7,4650-100.00% 4290000Capping Municip of West Elgin16,94100-100.00% 4230000Capping Municip of Bayham-7,243-18,6740-100.00% 4240000Capping Township of Malahide12,84900-100.00% 4250000Capping Township of Southwold0-62,38800.00% 45,471-53,2410-100.00% 4260000Capping Municip of Central Elgin Total Capping41,813-167,3460-100.00% 5000000Tax w/o Town of Aylmer9,26354,03154,031483.30% 5010000Tax w/o Municip of Dutton/Dunw14,81043,65843,658194.79% 5020000Tax w/o Municip of West Elgin42,79521,57321,573-49.59% 5030000Tax w/o Municip of Bayham46,10859,12959,12928.24% 5040000Tax w/o Township of Malahide22,77100-100.00% 5050000Tax w/o Township of Southwold1,053,027589,365450,000-57.27% 5060000Tax w/o Municip of Central Elgin62,367142,278142,278128.13% Total Tax Write-Offs1,251,142910,034770,669-38.40% 12/02/20131:46 PM 123 M:\Corporate\Corporate Activities COUNTY OF ELGIN Corporate Activities Proposed Budget 2012Total 2013% CHANGE FORECAST/ Zero Based Zero Base ACTUALBudgetBudget ACCOUNTDescriptionBUDGET 5150000Tax Relief2,50002,5000.00% Net Tax Revenue-25,089,542-25,899,852-27,244,6148.59% 4320000Interest Income-81,080-210,437-81,0800.00% 4370000Other Revenue0-300.00% 4950000Gain on Sale of Asset0-679,97100.00% Total Interest & Other Revenue-81,080-890,410-81,0800.00% 5140000Social Housing1,722,6001,739,6301,605,600-6.79% 5220000Child Care/St. Thomas224,400231,905224,4000.00% 5230000Income Maint/St. Thomas1,221,0001,152,9051,221,0000.00% 5210000Admin Fee/St. Thomas0000.00% Total Social Services3,168,0003,124,4403,051,000-3.69% 5160000Health Unit929,756929,759938,3600.93% 5110000Grants61,24856,76256,865-7.16% 5115000Project Grants5,000505,000755,00015000.00% Total Grants66,248561,762811,8651125.49% 4330000Rental Revenue-510,265-406,984-188,263-63.10% 8000000Amortization213,203109,922109,922-48.44% Net Rental Revenue-297,062-297,062-78,341-73.63% 5120000Property Assessments719,409719,409719,6400.03% 4210000Community Reinvestment-1,887,900-1,887,900-1,770,900-6.20% 4360000Project Revenue0-109,653-825,0000.00% 5960000Project Costs739,399437,060755,0702.12% Net Project739,399327,407-69,930 0.00% Other000 TOTAL OPERATING COST-21,732,772-23,312,449-23,724,0019.16% 12/02/20131:46 PM 124 M:\Corporate\Corporate Activities COUNTY OF ELGIN Corporate Activities Proposed Budget Col 1Col 2Col 20Col 21Col 22Col 25Col 27Col2Col 29Col 30Col 45Col 61 2013 BaAmount (Out Net Project Cumulative seof)/ Into Net Funding Current Year Current Year ContractDescription (Revenue) Cost Budget Project Budget Reserve NamedReserve Request Revenue Cost Operating Projects 26401002Sanitech 2010(825,000)25,000(800,000)(800,000)-(800,000)(825,000)15,671 26401301Healthcare Partnership60,00060,00060,000-60,00060,000 - 27101301Insurance Deductibles40,00040,00040,000-40,00040,000 - 28301301Performance Excellence15,00015,00015,000-15,00015,000 - 28401301Orthodontics2,0002,0002,000-2,0002,000 - 29001301WSIB 856014 Admin160,000160,000160,000-160,000160,000 - 29001302WSIB 856134 Terrace Lodge25,00025,00025,000-25,00025,000 - 29001303WSIB 856136 Elgin Manor90,00090,00090,000-90,00090,000 - 29001304WSIB 856135 Bobier Villa85,00085,00085,000-85,00085,000 - 29001305WSIB Other Indemnity130,000130,000130,000-130,000130,000 - 26401302Legal Settlement-132,399132,399132,399-132,399132,399 - 28151201Hospital Foundation Donation3,000,0003,000,0003,500,000Hospital Foundation ReservF(166,667) 2,833,333750,000 - 28101201IPM Scholarship-50,000--5,000 - Capital Fund Ambulance Bases- Capital Fund Ambulance B-aF1,735,785 1,735,785- - Mill Rate Stablization Reserve Adjustment- Millrate Stabilization Reser-vA(1,780,417)(1,780,417)- - Close Health Unit Capital Fund- Captial Fund Health UnitF231,981-231,981- - Total Operations Pr 3,764,399(825,000) 2,939,399 3,489,39920,6822,960,081(825,000)1,510,070 Capital Projects 28001203Dutton Ambulance Base750,000750,000 Capital Fund Ambulance B850,000aF(750,000) -850,000 - Total Capital Projec 750,000- 750,000 850,000(750,000) 850,000- - (825,000)4,514,3993,689,3994,339,399(729,318)2,960,081(825,000)2,360,070 125 M:\Corporate\Corporate ActivitiesCorporate ActivitiesProject Budget12/02/2013 1:46 PM Attachment V COUNTY OF ELGIN GRANTS 2013 (H)/L 2012 Budget201220132012 Grants 1)Shedden Agricultural Society 4,500 4,500 - - 2)Wallacetown Agricultural Society 4,500 4,500 - 3)Rodney-Aldborough Agricultural Society 4,500 4,500 - 4)Aylmer & East Elgin Agricultural Society 7,500 7,500 - Elin 4-H Association 22000000 5)g,, 133 6)Tillsonburg & District Multi-Service Centre 4,786 4,653 - 7)Quad County Support Services 2,000 2,000 - 8)Seniors Picnic 2,500 2,500 - 9)Non-specific 5,000 5,000 - 10)Town Crier 2,000 2,000 - 11)Second Stage Housing 6,462 6,462 - 12)Elgin Community Nutrition Partnership 5,000 5,000 - 13)Elgin County Plowmen's Association 200 200 3,500 14)Med Quest Pilot Project 3,500 - 15)Ontario 911 Advisory Board 100 100 - 750 16)Tourism Signage Grants 5,700 4,950 17)City Charity Hockey Game 1,000 1,000 - - 18)Elgin Elder Abuse - - 19)Active Elgin - - 20)Pearce Williams - - Total Regular Grants 61,248 56,865 21) 4,383 - 20)IPM Legacy Scholarship 5,000 5,000 (250,000) 21)St. Thomas Elgin General Hospital 500,000 750,000 Total Grants 566,248 811,865(245,617) 22) M:\Corporate\Corporate Activities\Corporate Activities Grants 12/02/2013 1:34 PM 126 COUNTY OF ELGIN Warden Proposed Budget 2012Total 2013% CHANGE eroaseeroase FORECAST/ZBdZB ACTUALBudgetBudget ACCOUNTDescriptionBUDGET 0000.00% Total Revenue0000.00% 5300100Wages54,88952,74155,9321.90% Total Salary54,88952,74155,932 5400100Benefits3,4452,4514,04017.29% 5490100Benefits - Manulife0000.00% Total Benefit3,4452,4514,04017.29% 5500100Travel4,5001,6114,5000.00% 5505100Travel - Other039200.00% 5510100Development6,4993,0346,4990.00% 5600100Recognition7,7506,8697,7500.00% 5610100Memberships2,00000-100.00% 5630100Office Supplies041100.00% 5730100Expenses3,0001613,0000.00% 5750100Election Reception999-8819990.00% 6090100Miscellaneous019000.00% Total Operations24,74811,78822,748-8.08% Other0000.00% TOTAL OPERATING COST83,08266,98082,720-0.44% 03/02/20134:59 PM 127 M:\Corporate\Warden COUNTY OF ELGIN Council Proposed Budget 2012Total 2013% CHANGE FORECAST/ Zero Based Zero Base ACTUALBudgetBudget ACCOUNTDescriptionBUDGET 4350110Recoveries0-5,192-3,0360.00% Total Revenue0-5192-30360.00% 5300110Wages162,735158,122165,8271.90% Total Salary162,735158,122165,827 5400110Benefits29,40126,27828,249-3.92% 5490110Benefits - Manulife42404240.00% Total Benefit29,82526,27828,672-3.86% 5500110Travel6,9967,2756,9960.00% 5505110Travel - Other01,11100.00% 5510110Development36,99616,52536,9960.00% 5600110Recognition056200.00% 5610110Memberships10,00013,24513,41934.19% 5630110Office Supplies1,50001,5000.00% 5650110Advertising90009000.00% 5660110Printing2,00002,0000.00% 5760110Meals/Refreshments8,0047,9398,0040.00% 5860110Supplies3962503960.00% 6080110Ties, Crests, Pens, Gifts8,8046177,304-17.04% 6090110Miscellaneous1,5003,0565,500266.67% Total Operations77,09650,58083,0157.68% Other0000.00% TOTAL OPERATING COST269,656229,788274,4791.79% 12/02/20132:41 PM 128 M:\Corporate\Council COUNTY OF ELGIN Administrative Services Proposed Budget 2012Total 2013% CHANGE FORECAST/ Zero Based Zero Base ACTUALBudgetBudget ACCOUNTDescriptionBUDGET 4350130Recoveries001,2000.00% 4360130Project Revenue0000.00% Total Revenue0012000.00% 5300130Wages316,555282,481325,5652.85% 5310130Vacation Pay02,23600.00% 5330130Vacation Hrs030,37400.00% 5370130Sick/Bereavement059000.00% Total Salary316,555315,681325,565 5400130Benefits51,17656,25758,04113.41% 5480130Benefits - STD0000.00% 5490130Benefits - Manulife23,60119,44124,2572.78% Total Benefit74,77775,69882,29810.06% 5240130Accessibility Committee4,5002,2030-100.00% 5245130Rural Initiatives Commit0000.00% t 5500130Travel4,0045,5804,0040.00% 5505130Travel - Other068700.00% 5510130Development7,8967,2297,8960.00% 5610130Memberships2,0966612,0960.00% 5620130Subscriptions9962559960.00% 5630130Office Supplies1,2969161,2960.00% 5880130Equipment504205040.00% 5910130Special Projects5045005040.00% 6090130Miscellaneous027000.00% 0000.00% Total Operations21,79618,32117,296-20.65% Other0000.00% TOTAL OPERATING COST413,128409,699426,3593.20% 03/02/20134:52 PM 129 M:\Administrative Services\Administrative Services COUNTY OF ELGIN Agriculture Proposed Budget 2012Total 2013% CHANGE FORECAST/ Zero Based Zero Base ACTUALBudgetBudget ACCOUNTDescriptionBUDGET 0000.00% Total Revenue0000.00% 0000.00% Total Salary000 0000.00% Total Benefit0000.00% 5850230Purchased Services39,16431,83442,9019.54% 5930230Vehicle Repairs/Maint/Fu6002,6502,650341.59% 5960230Project Costs3,00003,0000.00% 8000230Amortization Total Operations42,76434,48348,55013.53% Other0-1,00000.00% TOTAL OPERATING COST42,76433,48348,55013.53% 03/02/20134:55 PM 130 Tab 13 - Page 4 of 5 M:\Administrative Services\Agriculture COUNTY OF ELGIN PoliceServiceBoard Proposed Budget Total 2013% CHANGE 2012 FORECAST/ Zero Based Zero Base ACTUALBudgetBudget ACCOUNTDescriptionBUDGET 4350250Recoveries-33,840-20,790-33,8400.00% Total Revenue-33840-20789.56-338400.00% 5300250Wages9,2009,2009,2000.00% Total Salary9,2009,2009,200 5400250Benefits0000.00% Total Benefit0000.00% 5500250Travel2,0005592,0000.00% 5505250Travel0000.00% 5510250Development14,0002,25014,0000.00% 5850250Purchased Services0000.00% 6090250Miscellaneous8,6408,7818,6400.00% Total Operations24,64011,59024,6400.00% Other0000.00% TOTAL OPERATING COST0000.00% 29/01/20139:44 AM 131 M:\Administrative Services\PoliceServiceBoard COUNTY OF ELGIN Financial Services Proposed Budget 2012Total 2013% CHANGE FORECAST/ Zero Based Zero Base ACTUALBudgetBudget ACCOUNTDescriptionBUDGET 0000.00% Total Revenue0000.00% 5300140Wages445,387379,012424,221-4.75% 5330140Vacation038,07000.00% 5370140Sick04,63600.00% Total Salary445,387421,718424,221 5400140Benefits74,93081,02877,4123.31% 5490140Benefits - Manulife35,38428,34934,145-3.50% Total Benefit110,314109,378111,5571.13% 5500140Travel2,7491,2762,000-27.25% 5505140Travel - Other01,2671,0000.00% 5510140Development7,0005,0587,0000.00% 5610140Memberships4,4462,2425,50023.71% 5630140Office Supplies5,6961,3013,641-36.08% 5880140Equipment0000.00% 5920140Repairs/Maintenance50005000.00% 5960140Project Costs004,0000.00% 6090140Miscellaneous2501,1331,000300.05% Total Operations20,64112,27624,64219.38% Other0000.00% TOTAL OPERATING COST576,343543,371560,420-2.76% 12/02/20132:42 PM 132 M:\Financial Services\Financial Services COUNTY OF ELGIN Human Resources Proposed Budget 2012Total 2013% CHANGE FORECAST/ Zero Based Zero Base ACTUALBudgetBudget ACCOUNTDescriptionBUDGET 4350160Recoveries0-40300.00% 4360160Project Revenue0-650-30,0000.00% Total Revenue0-1052.75-300000.00% 5300160Wages376,902315,771388,4423.06% 5330160Vacation Hrs026,87200.00% 5370160Sick/Bereav04,38200.00% Total Salary376,902347,025388,442 5400160Benefits53,52066,68168,83928.62% 5490160Benefits - Manulife22,70323,63820,430-10.01% Total Benefit76,22390,31989,26917.12% 5500160Travel3,9963,9213,496-12.51% 5505160Travel - Other04615000.00% 5510160Development4,5041,1273,604-19.98% 5610160Memberships9961,1681,49650.20% 5620160Subscriptions3002223000.00% 5630160Office Supplies3,5041,1951,904-45.66% 5640160Photocopy01,6971,0000.00% 5650160Advertising09941,0000.00% 5880160Equipment0000.00% 5960160Project Misc32,0007,21419,000-40.63% 6090160Miscellaneous7005207000.00% Total Operations46,00018,51833,000-28.26% Other0000.00% TOTAL OPERATING COST499,125454,810480,711-3.69% 03/02/20134:47 PM 133 M:\Human Resources\Human Resources COUNTY OF ELGIN Human Resources Proposed Budget Col 1Col 2Col 20Col 21Col 22Col 25Col 27ol 2Col 29Col 30Col 45Col 61 C 2013 Ba se d Amount on(Out of)/ Net Project Cumulative (A)Into Net Funding Current Year Current Year ContractDescription (Revenue) Cost Budget Project Budget Reserve NamectuReserve Request RevenueCost Operating Projects 26701301Staff Training12,00012,00012,000erves Staff TrainingA(12,000) -12,000 - 1Accessability Coordinato(30,000)(30,000)(30,000)-(30,000)(30,000)- 2Assessability Committee7,0007,0007,000-7,0007,000 - Total Operations Pr 19,000(30,000) (11,000) (11,000)(23,000)(30,000)19,000 (12,000) 134 M:\Human Resources\Human ResourcesHuman ResourcesProject Budget03/02/2013 4:47 PM COUNTY OF ELGIN Administration Building Proposed Budget 2012Total 2013% CHANGE FORECAST/ Zero Based Zero Base ACTUALBudgetBudget ACCOUNTDescriptionBUDGET 4330200Rental Revenue(365,634)(366,165)(379,095)3.68% 4350200Recoveries - (3,572) - 0.00% 4370200Other Revenue - (2,369) - 0.00% Total Revenue(365,634)(372,107)(379,095)3.68% 5300200Wages203,704185,875210,7533.46% 5330200Vacation Hrs 15,737 - - 0.00% 5370200Sick/Bereav - 3,081 - 0.00% Total Salary203,704204,692210,753 5400200Benefits45,68639,63442,502-6.97% 5490200Benefits - Manulife 14,449 - 11,8870.00% Total Benefit45,68654,08354,38819.05% 5500200Travel11,0148,32011,0140.00% 5505200Travel - Other - 1,669 - 0.00% 5510200Development4,0001,1974,0000.00% 5850200Purchased Services200,000173,036200,0000.00% 5880200Equipment6,0001,6896,0000.00% 5920200Repairs/Maintenance20,00030,75420,0000.00% 5940200Utilities150,000115,964150,0000.00% 5950200Property Taxes27,00024,99127,0000.00% 5960200Project Costs85,00065,344105,00023.53% 6090200Miscellaneous5,0002775,0000.00% 8000200Depreciation66,66066,66067,7041.57% Total Operations574,674489,902595,7183.66% Other - 0.00% - - TOTAL OPERATING COST458,430376,571481,7645.09% 07/02/20139:43 AM 135 M:\Engineering Reports\Administration Building COUNTY OF ELGIN Administration Building Proposed Budget Col 1Col 2Col 20Col 21Col 22Col 25Col 27Col2Col 29Col 30Col 45Col 61 2013 as Amount ed (Out of)/ Net Project Cumulative onInto Net Funding Current Year Current Year ContractDescription (Revenue) Cost Budget Project Budget Reserve Name(AReserve Request Revenue Cost Operating Projects 26001301Heat pump replacement10,00010,00010,000-10,00010,000 - 26001302Miscellaneous professional services15,00015,00015,000-15,00015,000 - 26001303Miscellaneous Maintenance10,00010,00010,000-10,00010,000 - 26601301Painting10,00010,00010,000-10,00010,000 - ----- - 26601302Building Improvements - Admin60,00060,00060,000-60,00060,000 - ----- - ----- - Total Operations Projects 105,000-105,000105,000 105,000- 105,000- Capital Projects 26601003Building Envelope Repairs - Admin50,00050,000240,000-50,000240,000 - 26601104Provision for Accessibility elevators - EAF Admin-800,000--771,271 - 26601203Sanitary Sewer-100,000--100,000 - 26601204Lawn Sprinkler System-10,000--10,000 - 26601206Signage-10,000--937 - 26601303Washroom Renovations80,00080,00080,000-80,00080,000 - 26601304Building Automation System Upgrades - Admin15,00015,00015,000-15,00015,000 - 26601305Building improvements - Admin25,00025,00025,000-25,00025,000 - 26601306Parking lot repairs200,000200,000200,000-200,000200,000 - 26601307Miscellaneous capital projects70,00070,00070,000-70,00070,000 - Total Capital Projects 440,000-440,0001,550,000 440,000- 1,512,208- Total Operating and Capital Projects Budgets 545,000-545,0001,655,000 545,000- 1,617,208- 136 M:\Engineering Reports\Administration BuildingAdministration BuildingProject Budget07/02/2013 9:43 AM COUNTY OF ELGIN Corporate Proposed Budget 2012Total 2013% CHANGE FORECASTZero Based Zero Base / ACTUALBudgetBudget ACCOUNTDescriptionBUDGET 4350120Recoveries-1,000-3,756-1,0000.00% 4360120Project Revenue0000.00% Total Revenue-1,000-3,756-10000.00% Total Salary000 5470120Benefits Retiree15,539-1,1340-100.00% 5490120Benefits Retiree - Manul012,28515,5390.00% Total Benefit15,53911,15115,5390.00% 5510120Development02,46400.00% 5600120Recognition12,50014,92512,5000.00% 5610120Memberships1,5006,9651,5000.00% 5640120Photocopy7,0003,6787,0000.00% 5680120Telephone/Fax37,50032,64537,5000.00% 5700120911 Emergency Respon0-000.00% s 5720120Postage/Courier19,50022,16619,5000.00% 5770120Legal & Professional158,800114,038158,8000.00% 5780120Audit21,50017,23021,5000.00% 5800120Insurance279,768272,760264,768-5.36% 5810120Payroll Charges25,38021,63825,3800.00% 5860120Supplies1,8002431,8000.00% 5940120Utilities - Hedge0-29,57200.00% 6080120Bereavement Flowers/D9,9962,2449,9960.00% o Total Operations575,245481,426560,245-2.61% Other013,43800.00% TOTAL OPERATING COST589,784502,259574,784-2.54% 29/01/201310:01 AM 137 M:\Corporate\Corporate COUNTY OF ELGIN Engineering Services Proposed Budget 2012Total 2013% CHANGE FORECAST/ Zero Based Zero Base ACCOUNTDescriptionBUDGETACTUALBudgetBudget 4205170Project Rev - Prov0000.00% 4215170Project Rev - Fed-1,510,468-1,510,468-1,510,4680.00% 4360170Project Revenue-37,920-38,134-38,3041.01% 4370170Other Revenue-100,005-79,409-100,0050.00% Total Revenue-1,648,392-1,628,012-1,648,7770.02% 5300170Wages281,095247,716289,4192.96% 5310170Vacation Pay098400.00% 5330170Vacation Hrs024,19100.00% Total Salary281,095272,891289,419 5400170Benefits44,30052,42555,19224.59% 5490170Benefits - Manulife26,19024,47227,6835.70% Total Benefit70,49076,89782,87617.57% 5500170Travel16,30012,44116,3000.00% 5505170Travel - Other03,9312,0000.00% 5510170Development6,0002,4874,000-33.33% 5610170Memberships2,5003,6932,5000.00% 5630170Office Supplies2,5009252,5000.00% 5640170Photocopy2,0007692,0000.00% 5880170Equipment3,0001,0453,0000.00% 5930170Vehicle Repairs/Maint/Fu7,0002,3137,0000.00% 5940170Utilities Street Lights20,0007,49721,0005.00% 5960170Project Costs645,000714,082645,0000.00% 6090170Miscellaneous10,0005817,000-30.00% 6310170Railway Protection55,00043,28355,0000.00% 2,971,0282,967,2323,005,9971.18% 6320170Maintenance/Lower Tier 8000170Amortization7,398,3467,593,8247,710,7004.22% Total Operations11,138,67311,354,10311,483,9973.10% 0.00% Other08,7020 TOTAL OPERATING COST9,841,86610,084,58110,207,5143.72% 138 03/02/20137:35 PM M:\Engineering Reports\Engineering Services COUNTY OF ELGIN Engineering Services Proposed Budget Col 1Col 2Col 20Col 21Col 22Col 25Col 27ol2Col 29Col 30Col 45Col 61 2013 a Amount Net Project Cumulative s(Out of)/ Into Net Funding Current Year Current Year ContractDescription (Revenue) Cost Budget Project Budget Reserve NameeReserve Request Revenue Cost Operating Projects 32051301Garage - Misc(38,304)25,000(13,304)(13,304)-(13,304)(38,304)25,000 60901304road crack sealing and asphalt patches100,000100,000100,000-100,000-100,000 63201301Major Maintenance Projects200,000200,000200,000-200,000-200,000 60901305Structural Inspections30,00030,00030,000-30,000-30,000 63001301municipal drains (5 year average assessment total)185,000185,000185,000-185,000-185,000 62901306King George Lift Bridge Repairs10,00010,00010,000-10,000-10,000 62601302road sign replacements10,00010,00010,000-10,000-10,000 60901306Electrical Servicing Contract (Traffic Signals and Beacons)35,00035,00035,000-35,000-35,000 60901307Miscellaneous Consulting (i.e. Road Slope Stabilization)40,00040,00040,000-40,000-40,000 60901308County Road Map10,00010,00010,000-10,000-10,000 - Total Operations Projects(38,304)645,000606,696606,696 606,696-(38,304)645,000 Capital Projects 62001201Road 26 Reconstruction 575,000- - - - 545,872 62901201Glencolin Bridge Rehabilitation400,000 400,000 450,000 - 400,000 - 432,772 62101301Land Purchase25,000 25,000 25,000 - 25,000 - 25,000 62001301Road 18 Rehabilitation (plus remove knoll)1,475,000 1,475,000 1,475,000 - 1,475,000 - 1,475,000 62001302Road 45 Rehabilitation (Rd 73 to Rd 40)760,000 760,000 760,000 - 760,000 - 760,000 62001303Road 5 PDST + McEachren Drain (Carrol Line to Crinnan Line)230,000 230,000 230,000 - 230,000 - 230,000 62201301Road 2 (RR tracks to Dunborough Road)285,000 285,000 285,000 - 285,000 - 285,000 62201302Road 8 Resurfacing (King Street to Annie Street) Plus BURs440,000 440,000 440,000 - 440,000 - 440,000 62201303Road 16 Resurfacing - Fingal, Road 20 east, MR170,000 70,000 70,000 - 70,000 - 70,000 62501301Road 42 Micro Surfacing (Rd 43 to Rd 39)135,000 135,000 135,000 - 135,000 - 135,000 62501302Road 45 Micro Surfacing - 2 Lifts (Rd 35 to Rd 73)160,000 160,000 160,000 - 160,000 - 160,000 62501303Road 24 Microsurfacing 2 Lifts (Yarmouth Centre to Rd 36)155,000 155,000 155,000 - 155,000 - 155,000 62501304Road 20 Micro Surfacing (Fingal to Thomas Rd)165,000 165,000 165,000 -165,000-165,000 62501305Road 31 Micro Surfacing - 2 Lifts60,00060,00060,000-60,000-60,000 62501306Road 5 FiberMAT (2 to Hwy 401) - no shoulder gravel35,00035,00035,000-35,000-35,000 62501307Road 43 FiberMAT (Road 42 to Vienna Line) and Ditching110,000110,000110,000-110,000-110,000 62601301Road Sign Replacements - Central Elgin, Malahide and Aylmer420,000420,000420,000-420,000-420,000 60901301John Wise Line Slope Repair50,00050,00050,000-50,000-50,000 60901302Union Road Slope Stabilization450,000450,000450,000-450,000-450,000 62901302King George Lift Bridge Mechanical Repairs50,00050,00050,000-50,000-50,000 60901303Culvert Slip Linings and Storm Sewer Replacments260,000260,000260,000-260,000-260,000 62901303Minor Bridge Repairs300,000300,000300,000-300,000-300,000 62901304Largie Bridge Replacement 800,000800,000800,000-800,000-800,000 0------- 62001204Dexter Line Relocation (Incl. Cedar Bend Erosion Works)900,000900,0001,561,939-900,000 1,277,590- 62001304Federal Gas Tax Funding(1,510,468)(1,510,468)(1,510,468)-(1,510,468)(1,510,468)- ------ 0------- Total Capital Projects(1,510,468)7,735,0006,224,5327,511,471 6,224,532-(1,510,468)8,691,234 Total Operating and Capital Projects Budgets(1,548,772)8,380,0006,831,2288,118,167 6,831,228-(1,548,772)9,336,234 139 M:\Engineering Reports\Engineering ServicesEngineering ServicesProject Budget03/02/2013 7:35 PM COUNTY OF ELGIN Land Division Proposed Budget 2012Total 2013% CHANGE FORECAST/ Zero Based Zero Base ACCOUNTDescriptionBUDGETACTUALBudgetBudget 4340220Fees-110,000-101,550-120,0009.09% Total Revenue-110000.04-101550-1200009.09% 5300220Wages52,53748,95161,63817.32% 5310220Vacation Hrs04,77100.00% 5350220Wages Land Committee17,01112,55017,0780.40% Total Salary69,54866,27278,717 5400220Benefits11,3669,80813,82621.65% 5450220Lieu6003,7966000.00% 5490220Benefits - Manulife0000.00% Total Benefit11,96613,60414,42620.57% 5500220Travel1,9802,0991,9800.00% 5505220Travel - Other080500.00% 5510220Development3,9962,3913,9960.00% 5610220Memberships7206607200.00% 5620220Subscriptions6002296000.00% 5630220Office Supplies9,8414,76614,17244.01% 5770220Legal & Professional10,0002,63510,0000.00% 6090220Miscellaneous2501,1562500.00% 8000220Amortization004540.00% Total Operations27,38714,74132,17217.47% Other01,00800.00% TOTAL OPERATING COST-1,099-5,9245,316-583.82% 12/02/20132:43 PM 140 M:\Engineering Reports\Land Division COUNTY OF ELGIN Elgin Manor Program Support Proposed Budget Total 2013% CHANGE 2012 FORECAST/ Zero Based Zero Base ACTUALBudgetBudget ACCOUNTDescriptionBUDGET 420040010P of Ont - PSS(281,215) (277,014) (279,002) -0.79% 435040010Recoveries(40,579) (38,860) (40,579) 0.00% 436040010Project Revenue--0.00% - Total Revenue(321,793)(315,874)(319,581)0 530040010Wages189,797166,283193,3931.89% 530640010Project Wages--0.00% - Total Salary189,797166,283193,393 540040010Benefits46,80945,23047,8272.18% 542040010Benefits- Prev Vac8,9208,5468,857-0.70% 543040010Vacation Pay9,27210,87411,27021.55% 545040010Lieu7,4077,1397,401-0.08% 547040010Sick/Bereavement2,6693,1723,29023.28% 549040010Benefits - Manulife8,1117,2637,804-3.78% Total Benefit83,18882,22386,4503.92% 550040010Travel504-5040.00% 550540010Travel - Other-9-0.00% 551040010Development7961,2257960.00% 585040010Purchased Services34,86448,56225,793-26.02% 586040010Supplies4,50012,3814,5000.00% 588040010Equipment4,1427,3854,1420.00% 596040010Project Costs2,000-2,0000.00% 4,8182,003 2,003 0.00% 680040010Program Specific Raw F Total Operations48,809 74,380 39,738 -18.58% 0.00% Other- - - TOTAL OPERATING COST 7,0120053.65% 141 M:\Homes Reports\Elgin Manor\Elgin Manor Program SupportElgin Manor Program Supportproposed budget03/02/2013 9:32 PM COUNTY OF ELGIN Elgin Manor Program Support Proposed Budget Col 1Col 2Col 20Col 21Col 22Col 25Col 27ol Col 29Col 30Col 45Col 61 2 2013 Cumulative as(Out of)/ Net Current Net Project Project Reserve eInto Funding Year Current ContractDescription (Revenue) Cost Budget Budget NamedReserve Request RevenueYear Cost Operating Projects 40011145Absent Coverage Efficiency- - - - - - 40011301Life Enrichment - EM2,0002,000 Donations El2,000A(2,000) g - -2,000 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Total Operations Projec-2,000(2,000) t 2,000 2,000 - - 2,000 142 M:\Homes Reports\Elgin Manor\Elgin Manor Program SupportElgin Manor Program SupportProject Budget03/02/2013 9:32 PM COUNTY OF ELGIN Elgin Manor Dietary Proposed Budget Total 2013% CHANGE 2012 FORECAST/ Zero Based Zero Base Vs Zero Base ACCOUNTDescriptionBUDGETACTUALBudgetCost AttackBudget 420041010P of Ont - RF(249,341)(249,340)(256,072) - 2.70% 435041010Recoveries(8,783)(9,539)(8,783) - 0.00% 436041010Project Revenue - - (1,170) - 0.00% Total Revenue(258,123)(258,879)(266,025)00 530041010Wages428,176427,263436,6791,4911.99% 530641010Project Wages3,5976,0955,1061841.97% Total Salary431,773433,358441,7851,510 540041010Benefits125,359123,502128,391(13,503)2.42% 540641010Project Benefits - 579359(88)0.00% 541041010Vacation Pay2,9451,9622,083862-29.26% 542041010Benefits- Prev Vac8,46810,34810,744(2,276)26.88% 543041010Vacation Hrs34,20324,79925,8858,318-24.32% 545041010Lieu25,36324,61325,623(260)1.03% 547041010Sick/Bereave7,4454,5564,7602,685-36.06% 549041010Benefits - Manulife36,58531,78034,1514,263-6.65% Total Benefit240,369222,139231,9971-3.48% 550041010Travel504 - 504 - 0.00% 550541010Travel - Other - - 0.00% - - 1,500 - 0.00% 551041010Development1,500271 585041010Purchased Services3,4981,2703,498 - 0.00% 586041010Supplies23,00425,14823,004 - 0.00% 588041010Equipment3,9975,6523,997 - 0.00% 592041010Repairs/Maintenance6,0004,3296,000 - 0.00% 681041010Raw Food258,735287,664264,85502.37% Total Operations297,238324,334303,35802.06% 0.00% Other - 816(0) - TOTAL OPERATING COST711,2571,511-0.02% 721,767 711,115 143 03/02/20139:53 PM M:\Homes Reports\Elgin Manor\Elgin Manor Dietary COUNTY OF ELGIN Elgin Manor Dietary Proposed Budget 2013 Cumulative B Amount Current Net Project Project as(Out of)/ Net Funding Year Current ContractDescription (Revenue) Cost BudgetBudgetReserve NameeIntoRequest Revenue Year Cost Operating Projects -- - - - - 41011341New Staff Orientation3,6823,6823,682-3,682-3,670 -- - - - - -- - - - - -- - - - - -- - - - - -- - - - - 41011326Other Training - EM-- - - - - - 41011327One Time Funding Tra(1,170)1,795625625- (1,170)6251,795 Total Operations (1,170) 5,477 4,307 4,307 -5,465 4,307(1,170) 144 M:\Homes Reports\Elgin Manor\Elgin Manor DietaryElgin Manor DietaryProject Budget03/02/2013 9:53 PM COUNTY OF ELGIN Elgin Manor Nursing Proposed Budget Total 2013% CHANGE 2012 FORECAST/ Zero Based Zero Base ACTUALBudgetBudget ACCOUNTDescriptionBUDGET 420042010P of Ont - NPC(2,966,431) (2,923,301) (2,880,728) -2.89% 420142010P of Ont - On Call Physician(9,996) (15,000) (15,000) 50.06% 435042010Recoveries - Supplies & Services(1,000) (4,863) (2,000) 100.00% 435542010Recoveries - Wages(0) (4,012) - -100.00% 436042010Project Revenue(189,599) (190,423) (275,780) 45.45% Total Revenue(3,167,026) (3,137,599) (3,173,508) 0 530142010Wages - RN483,289 446,859 487,557 0.88% 530742010Project Wages- RN52,299 65,696 60,015 14.75% 530242010Wages - RPN410,895 364,132 418,147 1.77% 530842010Project Wages - RPN66,100 84,491 93,141 40.91% 530342010Wages - HCA1,691,709 1,700,346 1,719,118 1.62% 530942010Project Wages - HCA21,552 18,775 26,497 22.95% 530442010Wages - DON99,991 76,151 101,892 1.90% 531042010Project Wages DON9,961 13,687 10,150 1.90% 530542010Wages - WC49,377 15 50,322 1.91% Total Salary2,885,173 2,770,151 2,966,839 2.83% 540142010Benefits RN191,544 88,305 94,238 -50.80% 540742010Project Benefits - RN10,280 10,526 20,490 99.32% 541142010Vacation Pay - RN17,076 17,263 17,862 4.60% 543142010Vacation Hrs - RN28,409 26,897 27,782 -2.21% 545142010Lieu - RN26,263 25,727 26,440 0.67% 547142010Sick/Bereav - RN39,313 15,012 15,440 -60.73% 549142010Benefits Manulife - RN25,275 22,438 24,111 -4.61% 540242010Benefits - RPN107,530105,202115,8877.77% 540842010Project Benefits - RPN16,52516,86823,28540.91% 543242010Vacation Hrs - RPN32,90730,55831,771-3.45% 545242010Lieu - RPN23,47816,64817,262-26.48% 547242010Sick/Bereav - RPN12,5199,4179,731-22.27% 549242010Benefits Manulife - RPN38,70333,14335,623-7.96% 540342010Benefits- HCA380,395533,283541,78142.43% 540942010Project Benefits - HCA5,3882,5046,62422.94% 541342010Vacation Pay - HCA13,715(21,054)(22,638)-265.05% 543342010Vacation Hrs - HCA111,572106,520110,868-0.63% 545342010Vacation Hrs - HCA99,070108,968113,09414.16% 545042010Lieu $$--0.00% - 545742010Lieu $$1,343583591-55.96% 545842010Lieu $$2,6216,5596,811159.81% 545942010Lieu $$9252,2742,368156.11% 546342010Top Up - HCA2,576--100.00% - 145 12/02/20132:44 PM M:\Homes Reports\Elgin Manor\Elgin Manor Nursing COUNTY OF ELGIN Elgin Manor Nursing Proposed Budget 2012Total 2013% CHANGE FORECAST/ Zero Based Zero Base ACTUALBudgetBudget ACCOUNTDescriptionBUDGET 547342010Sick/Bereav - HCA37,10237,51338,7354.40% 548342010STD - HCA-0.00% - - 549342010Benefits Manulife - HCA118,646109,083117,204-1.21% 540442010Benefits - DON21,14620,33922,2605.27% 541042010Project Benefits - DON10,6922,2882,538-76.27% 543442010Vacation Hrs(new) - DON5,9274,5144,671-21.20% 547442010Sick/Bereav - DON3911,6251,688332.21% 549442010Benefits Manulife - DON4,8906,2476,71237.24% 540542010Benefits - WC10,7682,8623,471-67.77% 543542010Vacation Hrs - WC3,941189185-95.31% 545042010Benefits - WC (old)--0.00% - 547542010Benefit - Sick/Bereav- WC14,9952,4542,401-83.99% 549542010Benefits WC - Manulife5,7245,3735,7730.85% 542242010Benefits- Prev Vac9,32313,27013,78747.87% 542342010Benefits- Prev Vac58,96948,99250,688-14.04% Total Benefit1,489,9421,412,3911,489,531-0.03% 550042010Travel4952324950.00% 550542010Travel - Other-414-0.00% 551042010Development3,9983,7843,9980.00% 585042010Purchased Services19,17815,92819,1780.00% 586042010Supplies44,73337,13936,733-17.88% 588042010Equipment26,69318,94020,000-25.07% 592042010Repairs/Maintenance9,3415,9899,3410.00% 596042010Project Costs16,21816,93954,936238.74% 682042010Medical Director19,83624,88230,63254.43% 683042010Incontinence41,05943,90741,0590.00% Total Operations181,551168,155216,37219.18% -100.00% Other2,98219,528 - TOTAL OPERATING COST 1,232,6271,392,621 1,499,234 7.66% 146 12/02/20132:44 PM M:\Homes Reports\Elgin Manor\Elgin Manor Nursing COUNTY OF ELGIN Elgin Manor Nursing Proposed Budget Col 1Col 2Col 20Col 21Col 22Col 25Col 27ol Col 29Col 30Col 45Col 61 C2 2013 BAmount Net Project Cumulative as(Out of)/ Into Net Funding Current Year Current Year ContractDescription (Revenue) Cost Budget Project Budget Reserve NameedReserve Request RevenueCost Operating Projects ----- - 42011222RPN Funding - EM(17,070)17,070--- (17,070)-17,070 42011332LTCH Act/Regs Man.Teams 9,768-9,7689,768-9,7689,746 - 42011329New Grad Initiative - EM(10,661)10,661--- (10,661)-10,661 42011336Outbreaks - EM------- - 42011326Other Training - EM------- - 42011398R.N.A.O. (5,000)5,000----(5,000)5,000 42011322RPN Funding - EM(51,210)51,210--- (51,210)-51,210 42011337Absent Coverage Efficiency(21,943)(21,943)(21,943)-(21,943)-(21,943) 42011320One Time Funding HINF - 15,900(15,900) - -- (15,900)-15,900 E 42011321Lab Cost Recovery - EM(5,800)5,800----(5,800)5,800 42011331New Hire Orientation - EM-21,40021,40021,400-21,40021,400 - 42011399Training Coordinator-12,68812,68812,688-12,68812,688 - 42011301MDS RAI - EM(54,996)54,996(0)(0)- (54,996)(0)54,996 42011323Late Career - EM 2012/13(31,837)31,837--- (31,837)-31,837 42011338BSO Funding - EM(46,475)46,316(159)(159)-(159)(46,475)46,316 42011302HINF Supplemental Base 28,236(28,056) 180 180-180(28,056)28,236 F 42011303One Time Funding Trainin 8,759(8,775)(16)(16)-(16)(8,775)8,759 g Total Operations Pro 297,697(275,780) 21,918 21,918 (275,780)297,675 j -21,918 Capital Projects 42011202Nursing Equipment30,00030,00040,000-30,00030,729 - 42011203Lifts30,00030,00040,000-30,00034,347 - ----- - Total Capital Projects 60,000- 60,000 80,000 -60,000 - 65,076 Total Operating and Capital Pr 357,697(275,780) 81,918 101,918 (275,780)362,751 -81,918 147 M:\Homes Reports\Elgin Manor\Elgin Manor NursingElgin Manor NursingProject Budget12/02/2013 2:44 PM COUNTY OF ELGIN Elgin Manor Housekeeping Proposed Budget Total 2013% CHANGE 2012 FORECAST/ Zero Based Zero Base ACTUALBudgetBudget ACCOUNTDescriptionBUDGET 436043010Project Revenue00-1,7550.00% Total Revenue00-17550.00% 530043010Wages252,764233,051257,5541.90% 530643010Project Wages - HSK5,6281,0947,13526.77% Total Salary258,392234,145264,689 540043010Benefits109,37291,719107,666-1.56% 540643010Project Stat/Combined - 2,8141133,21814.34% 543043010Vacation Hrs25,76522,42023,249-9.77% 545043010Lieu13,51215,14415,72316.36% 547043010Sick/Bereav6,9274,2634,386-36.68% 549043010Benefits - Manulife24,09921,36122,954-4.75% Total Benefit182,490155,020177,196-2.90% 550043010Travel25302530.00% 550543010Travel - Other0000.00% 551043010Development011300.00% 585043010Purchased Services6,9133,3956,9130.00% 586043010Supplies22,49918,78922,4990.00% 588043010Equipment5,5021,9445,5020.00% 592043010Repairs/Maintenance2,0008352,0000.00% Total Operations37,16725,07537,1670.00% 0.00% Other015,5080 TOTAL OPERATING COST478,048429,747477,297-0.16% 148 03/02/201310:02 PM M:\Homes Reports\Elgin Manor\Elgin Manor Housekeeping COUNTY OF ELGIN Elgin Manor Housekeeping Proposed Budget 2013 Cumulative se Amount Net Current Net Project Project Reserve d(Out of)/ Into FundingYear Current ContractDescription (Revenue) Cost Budget Budget NameonReserve Request Revenue Year Cost Operating Projects - - - - - - 43011351New Hire Orientation - EM2,3542,3542,354-2,354 2,346- 43011356Floor Cleaning6,2786,2786,278-6,278 6,257- 43011326Other Training - EM- - - - - - - 43011327One Time Funding T(1,755)1,7550 (1,755)-1,749 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Total Operations 10,387(1,755)8,632 8,632- (1,755) 10,353 8,632 149 M:\Homes Reports\Elgin Manor\Elgin Manor HousekeepingElgin Manor HousekeepingProject Budget03/02/2013 10:02 PM COUNTY OF ELGIN Elgin Manor Laundry Proposed Budget Total 2013% CHANGE 2012 FORECAST/ Zero Based Zero Base ACTUALBudgetBudget ACCOUNTDescriptionBUDGET 457044010Valet--0.00% - Total Revenue--0.00% - 530044010Wages44,68852,92645,5391.90% Total Salary44,68852,92645,539 540044010Benefits10,1839,50810,3481.63% 543044010Vacation Pay 1,364-1,4180.00% 545044010Lieu $$ 4,380-4,5560.00% 549044010Benefits Manulife--0.00% - Total Benefit10,18315,25316,32260.29% 585044010Purchased Services114,997107,104114,9970.00% 586044010Supplies2,7841,4732,7840.00% -1,200 1,200 0.00% 592044010Repairs and Maintenanc Total Operations118,981 108,577 118,981 0.00% 0.00% Other- - - TOTAL OPERATING COST4.02% 173,851 176,755 180,841 150 06/02/20138:34 AM M:\Homes Reports\Elgin Manor\Elgin Manor Laundry COUNTY OF ELGIN Elgin Manor Laundry Proposed Budget 2013 Capital Projects 44011301New Washer20,00020,00020,000-20,000 -20,000 -- - - - - -- - - - - -- - - - - Total Capital Projec 20,000-20,000 20,000- 20,000- 20,000 151 M:\Homes Reports\Elgin Manor\Elgin Manor LaundryElgin Manor LaundryProject Budget06/02/2013 8:34 AM COUNTY OF ELGIN Elgin Manor Building Proposed Budget Total 2013% CHANGE 2012 FORECAST/ Zero Based Zero Base ACTUALBudgetBudget ACCOUNTDescriptionBUDGET 435045010Recoveries0000.00% 436045010Project Revenue-30,000-30,0000-100.00% Total Revenue-30000-300000-100.00% 530045010Wages45,82234,33346,6971.91% 533045010Vac Pay05,56300.00% 537045010Sick/Bereavement064900.00% 530645010Project Wages0000.00% Total Salary45,82240,54446,697 540045010Benefits8,40713,25013,14456.35% 543045010Vacation Hrs0000.00% 549045010Benefits - Manulife5,3555,0875,4652.07% Total Benefit13,76118,33818,61035.23% 550045010Travel960960.00% 550545010Travel - Other0000.00% 551045010Development0000.00% 585045010Purchased Services105,590104,440107,7022.00% 585145010Purchased Services - SP67,89666,31569,2542.00% 586045010Supplies0000.00% 588045010Equipment2,4973282,4970.00% 592045010Repairs/Maintenance21,00117,19821,0010.00% 592145010Repairs/Maintenance - SP7,9994,4227,9990.00% 594045010Utilities193,754155,431193,7540.00% 596045010Project Costs56,00015,68752,000-7.14% 609045010Miscellaneous0000.00% Total Operations454,833363,819454,303-0.12% 0.00% Other000 TOTAL OPERATING COST484,416392,701519,6097.26% 152 03/02/20139:59 PM M:\Homes Reports\Elgin Manor\Elgin Manor Building COUNTY OF ELGIN Elgin Manor Building Proposed Budget Col 1Col 2Col 20Col 21Col 22Col 25Col 27ol 2Col 29Col 30Col 45Col 61 C 2013 se Amount Net Project Cumulative Reserve d(Out of)/ Into Net Funding ContractDescription (Revenue) Cost Budget Project Budget NameonReserve Request Total Total Operating Projects ---- - - 45011301Furniture Replacement - EM10,00010,00010,00010,00010,000 - - 45011302Interior Painting - EM10,00010,00010,00010,00010,000 - - 45011303Additional Lockers in Men's Change Room2,0002,0002,0002,0002,000 - - 45011304Remove Barn10,00010,00010,00010,00010,000 - - 45011305Energy Savings - EM10,00010,00010,00010,00010,000 - - 45011306Exterior Painting - EM10,00010,00010,00010,00010,000 - - ---- - - Total Operations Projects- 52,000 52,000 52,000 - 5 2,000 - 52,000 Capital Projects 45011204Card Access & Security-10,000-2,915 - - 45011205STP - Pumps-10,000-2,525 - - 45011214Miscellaneous capital-26,000-19,690 - - 45011351Boiler Replacement25,00025,00025,00025,00025,000 - - 45011352Fencing Repairs15,00015,00015,00015,00015,000 - - 45011353Pumps & Equipment (STP)40,00040,00040,00040,00040,000 - - 45011354Exhaust System for Garage - EM10,00010,00010,00010,00010,000 - - Total Capital Projects 90,000-90,000136,000 115,130- -90,000 153 M:\Homes Reports\Elgin Manor\Elgin Manor BuildingElgin Manor BuildingProject Budget03/02/2013 9:59 PM COUNTY OF ELGIN Elgin Manor Admin Proposed Budget 2012Total 2013% CHANGE FORECAST/ Zero Based Zero Base ACCOUNTDescriptionBUDGETACTUALBudgetBudget 420046010P of Ont - OA-178,522-155,599-182,4012.17% 420146010P of Ont - Pay Equity-6,300-6,300-6,3000.00% 420546010Project Rev - Prov-339,996-340,927-339,9960.00% 435046010Recoveries-31,918-17,715-31,9180.00% 436046010Project Revenue-40,000-26,405-15,000-62.50% 450046010Private-313,796-332,992-343,5289.48% 451046010Private - Basic Comp-927,963-989,999-1,017,4609.64% 452046010Semi-7,896-8,814-5,264-33.34% 453046010Semi - Basic Comp-52,541-66,381-34,766-33.83% 454046010Basic-622,794-556,743-592,772-4.82% 455046010Respite-15,043-12,083-12,613-16.16% Total Revenue-2,536,770-2,513,958-2,582,0181.78% 530046010Wages166,504153,988169,6801.91% 530646010Project Wages0000.00% 533046010Vacation Pay15,54911,5170-100.00% 537046010Sick/Bereavement01,84600.00% Total Salary182,053167,350169,680-6.80% 540046010Benefits24,97436,42437,56250.40% 540646010Project Benefits0000.00% 545046010Lieu $$014140.00% 546046010Top Up06,5716,8270.00% 547046010Sick/Bereav2,089175171-91.83% 549046010Benefits - Manulife17,23921,42222,99633.40% Total Benefit44,30264,60667,57052.52% 550046010Travel9113739110.00% 550546010Travel - Other3439603430.00% 551046010Development2,2521,1122,2520.00% 560046010Recognition8003228000.00% 561046010Memberships8,2008,1838,2000.00% 562046010Subscriptions6005696000.00% 563046010Office Supplies5,0004,2535,0000.00% 564046010Photocopy5,0042,2845,0040.00% 565046010Advertising1,4007481,4000.00% 568046010Telephone/Fax9,5046,8339,5040.00% 572046010Postage/Courier6508146500.00% 575046010Petty Cash Over/Short057900.00% 585046010Purchased Services3,0044,2303,0040.00% 588046010Equipment1,00501,0050.00% 591546010Special - General Store02,61900.00% 592046010Repairs/Maintenance50405040.00% 596046010Project Costs10,0005,56439,000290.00% 609046010Miscellaneous5044115040.00% 682046010Medical Director5,7964,1430-99.99% 685046010Reimbursed Supplies/Cl24,00017,37524,0000.00% 800046010Amortization507,240507,229511,4380.83% Total Operations586,719568,601614,1214.67% Other000 0.00% TOTAL OPERATING COST-1,723,696-1,713,401-1,730,6470.40% 12/02/20132:45 PM 154 M:\Homes Reports\Elgin Manor\Elgin Manor Admin COUNTY OF ELGIN Elgin Manor Admin Proposed Budget Contract Description2013 Addition 2013 Cost2013 Net Pro2013 Cumul2013 Reserve 2013 Amount (2013 Net Funding 2013Rev Cu2013Cost C jaBOr 12202122252729304561 2,0132,013 2,013 2,013 2,013 2,013 2,013 2013Rev2013Cost 2013 Cumulative a Amount (Out Current Net Project Project Reserve sof)/ Into Net Funding Year Current ContractDescription (Revenue) Cost Budget Budget NameeReserve Request RevenueYear Cost Operating Projects 46011361Micellaneous Donations - EM10,00010,000 Donations Elgi10,000nA(10,000) - -10,000 46011301Donations - EM(15,000) (15,000) (15,000) Donations Elgin -15,000 (15,000) M - 46011302Staff Enrichment - EM4,000 4,000 4,000 Donations ElgiA(4,000) - n -4,000 46011303Interior Upgrades - EM5,000 5,000 5,000 Donations ElgiA(5,000) - n -5,000 46011304Exterior Upgrades - EM20,000 20,000 20,000 Donations ElgiA(20,000) - n -20,000 -- - - - - -- - - - - -- - - - - Total Operations Projects(15,000)24,000(24,000) (15,000)-39,000 39,000 24,000 Capital Projects -- - - - - 46011102Wall Protection (Tiling) 25,000-- - -25,000 46011103Telephones 10,000-- - -10,000 46011104Nursing Station Half Doors-5,000- - -5,000 46011105Four Season Room 45,000-- - -45,000 46011201Kitchen Equipment Replacement15,00015,00055,00015,000 - -31,123 46011306Compliance Premium - EM(339,996)(339,996) Capital Fund EF1,314,656(339,996)974,660(339,996) - Pay down Sewer Treatment Plant Capital Fund- Captial Fund SF1,282,246-1,282,246 - - Total Capital Projects(339,996) 15,000(199,996)2,596,9022,271,906(339,996)116,123 (324,996) (354,996)54,000(175,996)2,572,9022,271,906(354,996)155,123 (300,996) 155 M:\Homes Reports\Elgin Manor\Elgin Manor AdminElgin Manor AdminProject Budget12/02/2013 2:45 PM COUNTY OF ELGIN Terrace Lodge Program Support Proposed Budget Total 2013% CHANGE 2012 FORECAST/ Zero Based Zero Base ACTUALBudgetBudget ACCOUNTDescriptionBUDGET 420040020P of Ont - PSS(312,461) (307,793) (310,003) -0.79% 435040020Recoveries(39,213) (35,410) (58,451) 49.06% 436040020Project Revenue--0.00% - Total Revenue(351,673)(343,203)(368,454)0 530040020Wages201,625187,913205,4471.90% 530640020Project Wages--0.00% - Total Salary201,625187,913205,447 540040020Benefits52,54855,61261,33716.73% 542040020Benefits- Prev Vac9,90413,73814,13242.68% 543040020Vacation Hrs8,5698,2618,524-0.53% 545040020Lieu12,80611,97212,418-3.03% 547040020Sick/Bereave3,2913,8503,97920.89% 549040020Benefits - Manulife17,06416,11417,3121.45% Total Benefit104,182109,546117,70012.98% 550040020Travel5002465000.00% 550540020Travel - Other-282-0.00% 551040020Development7002,5357000.00% 585040020Purchased Services37,06045,09717,000-54.13% 586040020Supplies5,1064,5995,1060.00% 592040020Repairs/Maintenance--0.00% - 588040020Equipment 1,775--0.00% 596040020Project Costs500 20,0005003899.92% 609040020Miscellaneous--0.00% - 1,8322,000 2,000 0.00% 680040020Program Specific Raw F Total Operations45,866 56,865 45,306 -1.22% 0.00% Other-4,716 - TOTAL OPERATING COST 15,837(0)(0)-24.99% 156 06/02/20138:26 AM M:\Homes Reports\Terrace Lodge\Terrace Lodge Program Support COUNTY OF ELGIN Terrace Lodge Program Support Proposed Budget Col 1Col 2Col 20Col 21Col 22Col 25Col 27lCol 29Col 30Col 45Col 61 o2 2,0132,0132,0132,0132,0132,013 2013Rev2013Cost2,013 2013 BAmount Net Project Cumulative a(Out of)/ Into Net Funding Current Year Current Year ContractDescription (Revenue) Cost Budget Project Budget Reserve NamesReserveRequestRevenueCost Operating Projects -- - -- - 40021301Life Enrichment - Donations20,00020,000 Reserves Donatio20,000A(20,000)-20,000 n - ----- - ----- - Total Operations Projec 20,000- 20,000 20,000 (20,000) 20,000- - 157 M:\Homes Reports\Terrace Lodge\Terrace Lodge Program SupportTerrace Lodge Program SupportProject Budget06/02/2013 8:26 AM COUNTY OF ELGIN Terrace Lodge Dietary Proposed Budget Total 2013% CHANGE 2012 FORECAST/ Zero Based Zero Base ACTUALBudgetBudget ACCOUNTDescriptionBUDGET 420041020P of Ont - RF-277,046-277,045-284,5252.70% 435041020Recoveries-50,318-42,812-50,3180.00% 436041020Project Revenue00-1,3000.00% Total Revenue-327,364-319,857-336,1430 530041020Wages526,031504,776536,6132.01% 530641020Project Wages-3,3164,980-2,423-26.91% Total Salary522,715509,755534,189 540041020Benefits182,647144,313143,782-21.28% 540641020Project Benefits6067071,05273.64% 543041020Vacation Hrs33,65328,86829,947-11.01% 541041020Vacation Pay1,2781,8331,89348.10% 542041020Benefits- Prev Vac24,35914,01114,756-39.42% 545041020Lieu31,58825,46926,378-16.49% 547041020Sick/Bereave14,71211,39211,798-19.81% 549041020Benefits - Manulife68,03964,39569,1811.68% 545641020Lieu $$1,443300312-78.40% Total Benefit358,325291,289299,099-16.53% 550041020Travel50205020.00% 550541020Travel - Other0000.00% 551041020Development2,4974542,4970.00% 585041020Purchased Services2,4961,4952,4960.00% 586041020Supplies29,58029,77729,5800.00% 588041020Equipment4,0013,9564,0010.00% 592041020Repairs/Maintenance1,5001,5551,5000.00% 596041020Project Costs0000.00% 681041020Raw Food326,097354,455334,8432.68% Total Operations366,673391,691375,4192.39% 0.00% Other08,4790 TOTAL OPERATING COST920,349881,358872,564-5.19% 158 03/02/201310:28 PM M:\Homes Reports\Terrace Lodge\Terrace Lodge Dietary COUNTY OF ELGIN Terrace Lodge Dietary Proposed Budget Col 1Col 2Col 20Col 21Col 22Col 25Col 27ol 2Col 29Col 30Col 45Col 61 C 2013 se(Out of)/ Net Project Cumulative dInto Net Funding Current Year Current Year ContractDescription (Revenue) Cost Budget Project Budget Reserve NameonReserve Request RevenueCost Operating Projects ----- - 41021341New Hire Orientation - TL1,0671,0671,067-1,0671,063 - 41021342Other Training - TL400400400-400399 - 41021343LTCH Act/Regs Man.Teams400400400-400399 - 41021344Absent Coverage Efficiency(4,527)(4,527)(4,527)-(4,527)-(4,527) 41021345One Time Funding Traini(1,300)1,300-(0)--(1,300)1,295 ----- - Total Operations P (1,360)(1,300) (2,660) (2,660)-(2,660)(1,300)(1,372) r Capital Projects 41021101New oven----- - 41021102Replace Kitchen Flooring-20,000--18,779 - ----- - ----- - ----- - ----- - ----- - ----- - ----- - ----- - ----- - Total Capital Projec- - -20,000 - - - 18,779 Total Operating and Capital (1,300)(1,360)(2,660)17,340-(2,660)(1,300)17,407 159 M:\Homes Reports\Terrace Lodge\Terrace Lodge DietaryTerrace Lodge DietaryProject Budget03/02/2013 10:28 PM COUNTY OF ELGIN Terrace Lodge Nursing Proposed Budget Total 2013% CHANGE 2012 FORECAST/ Zero Based Zero Base ACTUALBudgetBudget ACCOUNTDescriptionBUDGET 420042020P of Ont - NPC($3,260,684) ($3,213,531) ($3,170,035) -2.78% 420142020P of Ont - On Call Physician($9,996) ($15,000) ($15,000) 50.06% 435042020Recoveries - Supplies & Service ($2,396)($1,004) ($1,004) 0.00% s 435542020Recoveries - Wages($0) - ($0) 0.00% 436042020Project Revenue($188,669) ($212,274) ($339,924) 80.17% Total Revenue($3,460,353) ($3,443,201) ($3,525,963) 0 530142020Wages - RN403,965$ 391,094$ 407,204$ 0.80% 530742020Project Wages - RN80,656$ 76,710$ 88,416$ 9.62% 530242020Wages - RPN506,692$ 469,796$ 510,218$ 0.70% 530842020Project Wages - RPN90,548$ 93,890$ 125,253$ 38.33% 530342020Wages - HCA1,847,267$ 1,865,997$ 1,882,418$ 1.90% 530942020Project Wages - HCA13,263$ 18,261$ 24,724$ 86.42% 530442020Wages - DON99,748$ 86,651$ 101,892$ 2.15% 531042020Project Wages - DON9,937$ 13,586$ 10,150$ 2.15% 530542020Wages - WC3,798$ 977$ 3,871$ 1.91% Total Salary3,055,872$ 3,016,962$ 3,154,146$ 3.22% 540142020Benefits - RN102,511$ 86,906$ 94,588$ -7.73% 540742020Project Benefits - RN26,186$ 17,919$ 27,716$ 5.84% 541142020Vacation Pay - RN6,695$ 8,148$ 8,372$ 25.04% 543142020Vacation Hrs - RN32,998$ 33,496$ 34,495$ 4.54% 545142020Lieu - RN13,487$ 17,407$ 17,897$ 32.70% 545742020Lieu $$1,746$ 650$ 672$ -61.52% 547142020Sick/Bereav - RN14,254$ 11,771$ 11,937$ -16.25% 547742020Benefit - Sick/Bereav - RN640$ 125$ 129$ -79.82% 549142020Benefits Manulife - RN28,411$ 25,734$ 27,665$ -2.63% 540242020Benefits - RPN131,784$ 137,006$ 151,080$ 14.64% 540842020Project Benefits - RPN26,367$ 18,002$ 33,961$ 28.80% $36,72742.11% 543242020Vacation Hrs - RPN25,843$$35,289 545242020Lieu - RPN$32,902$23,567$24,480-25.60% 545842020Lieu $$$4,618$3,680$3,806- 17.58% 546242020Top Up - RPN$11,416$13,318$13,78520.76% 547242020Sick/Bereav - RPN$13,413$12,121$12,574-6.26% 547842020Benefit - Sick/Bereav RPN$2,804$2,473$2,556-8.86% 548242020Sick/Bereav - RPN--0.00% - 549242020Benefits Manulife - RPN$42,024$40,216$43,2042.81% 540342020Benefits - HCA$593,626$594,761$553,336-6.79% 540942020Project Benefits - HCA$12,580$4,318$12,6660.68% 541342020Vacation Pay - HCA ($5,535)-($6,035)0.00% 543342020Vacation Hrs - HCA$89,006$91,845$95,5967.40% 543542020Vacation Hrs - WC$2,756$349$341-87.61% 545342020Lieu - HCA$135,293$112,874$117,023-13.50% 545942020Lieu $$$2,538$870$902-64.44% 160 12/02/20132:46 PM M:\Homes Reports\Terrace Lodge\Terrace Lodge Nursing COUNTY OF ELGIN Terrace Lodge Nursing Proposed Budget 2012Total 2013% CHANGE FORECAST/ Zero Based Zero Base ACTUALBudgetBudget ACCOUNTDescriptionBUDGET 546342020Top Up - HCA$8,132$1,015$1,024-87.41% 547342020Sick/Bereav - HCA$49,417$43,996$45,551-7.82% 548342020STD - HCA-0.00% - - 549342020Benefits Manulife - HCA$146,892$139,835$150,2422.28% 542242020Benefits- Prev Vac 1$17,378$8,764$9,328-46.32% 542342020Benefits- Prev Vac 2$55,537$47,695$50,332-9.37% 543742020Vac Hrs$654$751$78019.31% 543842020Vac Hrs$5,514$2,922$3,036-44.93% 540442020Benefits - DON$21,847$23,206$25,39316.23% 541042020Project Stat/Combined - DON$4,968$2,286$5,0752.15% 543442020Vacation Hrs - DON$7,805$7,624$7,9451.80% 547442020Sick/Bereav - DON-$374$3880.00% 549442020Benefits Manulife - DON$5,478$6,553$7,04128.53% 540542020Benefits - WC$11,064$501$516-95.34% 547542020Sick/Bereav - WC$1,103---100.00% 549542020Benefits Manulife - WC$4,843$380$426-91.20% Total Benefit$1,694,530$1,573,212$1,626,549-4.01% 550042020Travel$2,002$73$2,0020.00% 550542020Travel - Other-$2850.00% - 551042020Development$3,504$3,803$3,5040.00% 585042020Purchased Services$20,002$17,865$20,0020.00% 586042020Supplies$39,939$41,386$39,9390.00% 588042020Equipment$14,999$16,813$14,9990.00% 592042020Repairs/Maintenance$2,498$861$2,4980.00% 596042020Project Costs$11,900$21,321$57,572383.80% 609042020Miscellaneous-$1000.00% - 682042020Medical Director$20,928$25,980$30,72846.83% 683042020Incontinence$45,625$49,675$45,6250.00% Total Operations$161,397$178,163$216,86934.37% 0.00% Other-$3,771- TOTAL OPERATING COST$1,451,446$1,328,907$1,471,6011.39% 161 12/02/20132:46 PM M:\Homes Reports\Terrace Lodge\Terrace Lodge Nursing COUNTY OF ELGIN Terrace Lodge Nursing Proposed Budget Col 1Col 2Col 20Col 21Col 22Col 25Col 27ol Col 29Col 30Col 45Col 61 2 2013 as Amount Net Project Cumulative e(Out of)/ Into Net Funding Current Year Current Year ContractDescription (Revenue) Cost Budget Project Budget Reserve NamedReserve Request RevenueCost Operating Projects ----- - 42021222RPN Funding - TL(18,588)18,588--- (18,588)-29,188 42021332LTCH Act/Regs Man.Te-10,74410,74410,744-10,74410,744 a - 42021329New Grad Initiative - TL(29,329)29,329--- (29,329)-29,329 42021331New Hire Orientation - T-10,01710,01710,017-10,01710,017 L - 42021322RPN Funding - TL(55,764)55,764--- (55,764)-55,764 42021336Outbreaks - TL7,4407,4407,440-7,4407,440 - 42021337Absent Coverage Efficiency(17,862)(17,862)(17,862)-(17,862)-(17,862) 42021326Other Training - TL-6,5166,5166,516-6,5166,516 - 42021320One Time Funding HINF (15,900)15,900--- (15,900)-15,900 42021321Lab Cost Recovery - TL(7,700)7,700----(7,700)7,700 42021398R.N.A.O. ------- - 42021339Palliative Care - Donations3,0003,000 Reserves Donatio3,000A(3,000) -3,000 n - 42021323Late Career - TL 2012/1 30,062(30,062) - - - - (30,062) 30,062 3 42021399Training Coordinator- 15,225 15,225 15,225 - 15,22515,225 - 42021301MDS RAI - TL(60,000)60,000--- (60,000)-60,000 42021338BSO Funding - TL(51,639)51,462(177)(177)-(177)(51,639)51,462 42021353Fire & Electrical Safety - (30,400)30,400-(0)- (30,400)-30,344 42021302HINF Supplemental Bas 30,972(30,792) 180 180 - 180 (30,792) 30,972 e 42021303One Time Funding Traini(9,750) 9,732 (18) (19) - (18) (9,750) 9,732 Total Operations Pr 374,989(339,924) 35,064 35,064(3,000) (339,924)32,064385,533 Capital Projects 42021202Nursing Equipment-10,000--10,000 - 42021203Lifts40,00040,00060,000-40,00048,764 - Total Capital Projec 40,000- 40,000 70,000 -40,000 - 58,764 Total Operating and Capital (339,924)414,98975,064105,064(3,000) (339,924)72,064444,297 162 M:\Homes Reports\Terrace Lodge\Terrace Lodge NursingTerrace Lodge NursingProject Budget12/02/2013 2:46 PM COUNTY OF ELGIN Terrace Lodge Housekeeping Proposed Budget Total 2013% CHANGE 2012 FORECAST/ Zero Based Zero Base ACTUALBudgetBudget ACCOUNTDescriptionBUDGET --0.00% - 436043020Project Revenue- (1,950)-0.00% Total Revenue- (1,950)-0.00% 530043020Wages273,065242,244273,5970.20% 530643020Project Wages - HSK(15,447) (13,883)756-10.13% Total Salary257,617243,000259,715 540043020Benefits90,17877,45279,883-11.42% 540643020Project Stat/Combined - 256124649153.84% 541043020Vacation Pay163110114-30.23% 542043020Benefits- Prev Vac15,51011,43111,868-23.48% 543043020Vacation Hrs.27,24923,74824,716-9.30% 545043020Lieu15,32312,46312,904-15.79% 545643020Lieu $$151212-18.32% 547043020Sick/Bereav6,9927,5437,85812.40% 549043020Benefits - Manulife--0.00% - Total Benefit155,685132,882138,004-11.36% 550043020Travel252-2520.00% 550543020Travel - Other--0.00% - 551043020Development--0.00% - 585043020Purchased Services8,5705,1158,5700.00% 586043020Supplies27,49932,50327,4990.00% 588043020Equipment2,0036142,0030.00% 592043020Repairs/Maintenance1,5964801,5960.00% 609043020Miscellaneous-28-0.00% Total Operations39,92038,74039,9200.00% 0.00% Other-1,955 - TOTAL OPERATING COST435,689-3.87% 453,223 416,577 163 03/02/201310:31 PM M:\Homes Reports\Terrace Lodge\Terrace Lodge Housekeeping COUNTY OF ELGIN Terrace Lodge Housekeeping Proposed Budget Col 1Col 2Col 20Col 21Col 22Col 25Col 27l Col 29Col 30Col 45Col 61 o 2013 BAmount Net Project Cumulative a(Out of)/ Net Funding Current Year Current Year ContractDescription (Revenue) Cost Budget Project Budget Reserve NamesInto Request RevenueCost Operating Projects ----- - 43021353LTCH Act/Regs Man.Teams785785785-785782 - 43021355Absent Coverage Efficiency(15,959)(15,959)(15,959)-(15,959)-(15,959) 43021356One Time Funding Training - (1,950)1,950-0--(1,950)1,944 Total Operations Proje(1,950) (13,224) (15,174) (15,174) (15,174)-(1,950)(13,233) 164 M:\Homes Reports\Terrace Lodge\Terrace Lodge HousekeepingTerrace Lodge HousekeepingProject Budget03/02/2013 10:31 PM COUNTY OF ELGIN Terrace Lodge Laundry Proposed Budget Total 2013% CHANGE 2012 FORECAST/ Zero Based Zero Base ACTUALBudgetBudget ACCOUNTDescriptionBUDGET 435044020Recoveries-9600-100.00% 457044020Valet0000.00% Total Revenue-9600-1 530044020Wages54,81863,95355,8591.90% Total Salary54,81863,95355,859 540044020Benefits11,78010,47312,0182.02% 545044020Lieu $$6,0135,3095,512-8.32% 547044020Benefit - Sick/Bereav463254259-44.09% 549044020Benefits Manulife0000.00% Total Benefit18,25516,03617,789-2.55% 585044020Purchased Services105,000123,131105,0000.00% 586044020Supplies6,4044,0556,4040.00% 592044020Repairs/Maintenance1,2519551,2510.00% Total Operations112,655128,141112,6550.00% 0.00% Other05970 TOTAL OPERATING COST185,632208,726186,3030.36% 165 03/02/201310:32 PM M:\Homes Reports\Terrace Lodge\Terrace Lodge Laundry COUNTY OF ELGIN Terrace Lodge Building Proposed Budget Total 2013% CHANGE 2012 FORECAST/ Zero Based Zero Base ACTUALBudgetBudget ACCOUNTDescriptionBUDGET 435045020Recoveries-8,004-12,753-8,0040.00% 436045020Project Revenue-30,000-30,000-30,4001.33% Total Revenue-38004-42752.89-384041.05% 530045020Wages45,82238,44346,6971.91% 533045020Vac Pay06,08400.00% 537045020Sick/Bereavement01,69000.00% 530645020Project Wages0000.00% Total Salary45,82246,21746,697 540045020Benefits8,4679,5759,1337.87% 543045020Vacation Hrs0000.00% 549045020Benefits Manulife5,3835,1125,4922.02% Total Benefit13,85014,68714,6255.60% 550045020Travel7484277480.00% 550545020Travel - Other09100.00% 551045020Development49504950.00% 585045020Purchased Services90,43075,98392,2392.00% 586045020Supplies999484500-50.00% 588045020Equipment064900.00% 592045020Repairs/Maintenance15,80916,19115,8090.00% 594045020Utilities200,554200,150204,5652.00% 596045020Project Costs34,50027,10444,00027.54% 684045020Cable0000.00% Total Operations343,536321,080358,3564.31% 0.00% Other000 TOTAL OPERATING COST365,204339,231381,2734.40% 166 03/02/201310:24 PM M:\Homes Reports\Terrace Lodge\Terrace Lodge Building COUNTY OF ELGIN Terrace Lodge Building Proposed Budget Col 1Col 2Col 20Col 21Col 22Col 25Col 27ol 2Col 29Col 30Col 45Col 61 C 2013 BaAmount Net Project Cumulative Reserve se(Out of)/ Net Funding Current Year Current Year ContractDescription (Revenue) Cost Budget Project Budget NamedInto Request RevenueCost Operating Projects ---- - - New Building Financing---- - - 45021301Furniture Replacement - TL10,00010,00010,00010,00010,000 - - 45021302Interior Painting - TL9,0009,0009,0009,0009,000 - - 45021303Wall Protection - TL5,0005,0005,0005,0005,000 - - 45021304Energy Savings - TL10,00010,00010,00010,00010,000 - - 45021305Exterior Painting - TL10,00010,00010,00010,00010,000 - Total Operations Pro 44,000-44,00044,000 j -44,000 - 44,000 Capital Projects ---- - - 45021124Building Automation System-15,000-10,355 - - 45021203Fire Protection(30,400)50,40020,00094,00020,000(30,400)124,400 - 45021205Washroom Upgrades-50,000-43,689 - - 45021206Wall Protection-10,000-8,582 - - 45021208New Building--500,000 Lodge Reno A- -486,721 eR - Lodge Reno A- -- 1Capital Maintenance in-lieu of Reno--eR - 2Misc-- Lodge Reno A- -- eR - 45021351Window Replacement - TL10,00010,00010,00010,00010,000 - - 45021352Tractor Replacement - TL30,00030,00030,00030,00030,000 - - 45021354Exhaust System for Garage - TL10,00010,00010,00010,00010,000 - - Sidewalk (Front Circle) - TL---- - - Total Capital Projects 100,400(30,400) 70,000 719,000(30,400)723,747 -70,000 (30,400)144,400114,000763,000 114,000-(30,400)767,747 167 M:\Homes Reports\Terrace Lodge\Terrace Lodge BuildingTerrace Lodge BuildingProject Budget03/02/2013 10:24 PM COUNTY OF ELGIN Terrace Lodge Admin Proposed Budget Total 2013% CHANGE 2012 FORECAST/ Zero Based Zero Base ACTUALBudgetBudget ACCOUNTDescriptionBUDGET 420046020P of Ont - OA-243,009-173,947-218,728-9.99% 420146020P of Ont - Pay Equity-2,196-2,196-2,1960.00% 420246020P of Ont - Structural Com-36,504-36,604-36,5040.00% 435046020Recoveries-13,796-13,179-13,7960.00% 436046020Project Revenue-8,000-28,436-120,1571401.96% 450046020Private-118,103-116,313-116,016-1.77% 451046020Private - Basic Comp-349,257-350,013-354,7511.57% 452046020Semi-120,518-118,152-64,976-46.09% 453046020Semi - Basic Comp-801,898-799,569-447,034-44.25% 454046020Basic-589,409-624,390-1,010,41271.43% 455046020Respite-17,661-18,473-18,2783.49% Total Revenue-2,300,352-2,281,271-2,402,8480 530046020Wages224,008199,583228,2831.91% 530646020Project Wages0000.00% 533046020Vac Pay20,76719,9870-100.00% Total Salary244,775219,571228,283 540046020Benefits12,88743,34646,370259.83% 540646020Project Benefits0000.00% 543046020Vacation Hrs20500-100.00% 547046020Sick/Bereav5,16400-100.00% 549046020Benefits Manulife19,11217,80419,1280.08% Total Benefit37,36961,15065,49975.28% 550046020Travel1,7296301,7290.00% 550546020Travel - Other7707967700.00% 551046020Development4,0002,0014,0000.00% 560046020Recognition1,000821,0000.00% 561046020Memberships8,8018,5698,8010.00% 562046020Subscriptions8001,6508000.00% 563046020Office Supplies5,4964,0835,4960.00% 564046020Photocopy4,0001,9624,0000.00% 565046020Advertising1,6001,8431,6000.00% 568046020Telephone/Fax18,00018,01318,0000.00% 572046020Postage/Courier7561,0337560.00% 575046020Petty Cash Over/Short0-250 585046020Purchased Services3,2024,1073,2020.00% 588046020Equipment2,50302,5030.00% 596046020Project Costs4,3504,82349,0001026.44% 609046020Miscellaneous1,0025411,0020.00% 682046020Medical Director4,8005,5100-99.99% 685046020Reimbursed Supplies/Cl17,49614,68217,4960.00% 800046020Amortization168,574168,574190,23112.85% Total Operations248,879238,873310,38724.71% 0.00% Other01,3710 TOTAL OPERATING COST-1,769,328-1,760,306-1,798,6791.66% 168 12/02/20132:48 PM M:\Homes Reports\Terrace Lodge\Terrace Lodge Admin COUNTY OF ELGIN Terrace Lodge Admin Proposed Budget Col 1Col 2Col 20Col 21Col 22Col 25Col 27lCol 29Col 30Col 45Col 61 o2 2013 B a s Amount e(Out of)/ Net Project Cumulative Reserve dInto Net Funding Current Year Current Year ContractDescription (Revenue) Cost Budget Project Budget NameoReserve Request RevenueCost Operating Projects 26101301Donations - TL(117,157)(117,157) Reserves Don(117,157)aA117,157 - (117,157) - 26101302Palliative Care Donations - TL(3,000) (3,000) (3,000) Reserves DonA3,000 - (3,000) - a 46021362MiscellaneousDonations - TL20,000 20,000 20,000 Reserves DonA(20,000) -20,000 a - 46021303Staff Enrichment - TL20,00020,000 Reserves Don20,000A(20,000) -20,000 a - 46021304Interior Upgrades - TL5,0005,000 Reserves Don5,000A(5,000) -5,000 a - 46021305Palliative Care - TL4,0004,000 Reserves Don4,000aA(4,000) -4,000 - Total Operations Projec 49,000(120,157) (71,157) (71,157) (120,157)-49,000 71,157 169 M:\Homes Reports\Terrace Lodge\Terrace Lodge AdminTerrace Lodge AdminProject Budget12/02/2013 2:48 PM COUNTY OF ELGIN Terrace Lodge Adult Day Proposed Budget 2012Total 2013% CHANGE FORECAST/ Zero Based Zero Base ACCOUNTDescriptionBUDGETACTUALBudgetBudget 420048020Province of Ontario(203,378) (236,437) (232,230) 14.19% 437048020Other Revenue(14,000) (17,003) (15,500) 10.71% Total Revenue(217,378) (253,440) (247,730) 13.96% 530048020Wages83,591 98,635 76,668 -8.28% Total Salary83,591 98,635 76,668 540048020Benefits31,394 33,997 30,470 -2.94% 542048020Benefits - Prev Vac0 (95) 0 0.00% 543048020Vacation0 4,346 0 0.00% 545048020Lieu $$0 6,380 0 0.00% 547048020Benefit - Sick/Bereav0 217 0 0.00% 549048020Benefits - Manulife188 5,112 198 5.00% Total Benefit31,582 49,958 30,667 -2.90% 550048020Travel250 2,534 200 -20.01% 550548020Travel - Other000.00% 0 551048020Development500339500-0.01% 563048020Office Supplies1,3001,5051,150-11.53% 565048020Advertising000.00% 0 585048020Purchased Services73,65524,825112,39452.60% 586048020Supplies6,0506,5645,450-9.92% 588048020Equipment1,00011,0531,0000.00% 609048020Miscellaneous200440200-0.02% 681048020Raw Food7,5008,2347,5000.00% 686048020Building Occupancy11,75011,75012,0002.13% 140,39437.37% Total Operations102,20567,245 0.00% Other00 0 T OTAL OPERATING COST (37,602)(0)(0)-97.22% 170 07/02/20139:51 AM M:\Homes Reports\Terrace Lodge\Terrace Lodge Adult Day COUNTY OF ELGIN Bobier Program Support Proposed Budget Total 2013% CHANGE 2012 FORECAST/ Zero Based Zero Base ACTUALBudgetBudget ACCOUNTDescriptionBUDGET 420040030P of Ont - PSS(178,103) (175,442) (176,702) -0.79% 435040030Recoveries(26,341) (27,335) (26,341) 0.00% 436040030Project Revenue(24,844) (24,844) - -100.00% Total Revenue(229,287) (227,621) (203,042) -0 530040030Wages124,637 97,018 126,994 1.89% 530640030Project Wages(9,517) - (9,517) 0.00% Total Salary115,120 97,018 117,477 540040030Benefits48,578 31,070 34,984 -27.98% 542040030Benefits- Prev Vac(199) - (35) -82.33% 543040030Vacation Hrs10,389 8,566 8,868 -14.64% 545040030Lieu3,995 4,980 5,169 29.38% 547040030Sick/Bereav2,343 1,598 1,674 -28.53% 549040030Benefits - Manulife7,138 7,750 8,326 16.65% Total Benefit72,244 53,963 58,986 -18.35% 550040030Travel200 468 200 0.00% 550540030Travel - Other- 18 - 0.00% 551040030Development300 1,840 300 0.00% 585040030Purchased Services37,424 51,374 18,974 -49.30% 586040030Supplies1,200 2,540 1,200 0.00% 588040030Equipment- 7,168 - 0.00% 592040030Repairs/Maintenance--0.00% - 596040030Project Costs2,000-2,0000.00% 609040030Miscellaneous-81-0.00% 1,471800 800 0.00% 680040030Program Specific Raw F 800040030Amortization- - 3,105 0.00% Total Operations41,924 64,960 26,579 -36.60% 0.00% Other- 14,638 - TOTAL OPERATING COST1 2,957 0 -78.28% 171 06/02/20138:23 AM M:\Homes Reports\Bobier Villa\Bobier Program Support COUNTY OF ELGIN Bobier Program Support Proposed Budget Col 1Col 2Col 20Col 21Col 22Col 25Col 27ol Col 29Col 30Col 45Col 61 2 2013 B as e d Amount Net Project Cumulative o(Out of)/ Into Net Funding Current Year Current Year ContractDescription (Revenue) Cost Budget Project Budget Reserve NamenReserveRequest RevenueCost Operating Projects 40031345Absent Coverage Efficiency - BV(9,517)(9,517)(9,517)-(9,517)(9,517) - 40031301Life Enrichment - BV2,0002,000 Reserves Donatio2,000A(2,000)-2,000 n - ----- - Total Operations Projects (7,517)- (7,517) (7,517) (2,000) (9,517) - (7,517) 172 M:\Homes Reports\Bobier Villa\Bobier Program SupportBobier Program SupportProject Budget06/02/2013 8:23 AM COUNTY OF ELGIN Bobier Dietary Proposed Budget Total 2013% CHANGE 2012 FORECAST/ Zero Based Zero Base ACTUALBudgetBudget ACCOUNTDescriptionBUDGET 420041030P of Ont - RF(157,916) (157,916) (162,179) 2.70% 435041030Recoveries(20,860) (17,630) (20,860) 0.00% 436041030Project Revenue- - (737) Total Revenue(178,776) (175,546) (183,777) 0 530041030Wages333,903 319,269 340,663 2.02% 530641030Project Wages3,764 682 2,961 -21.32% Total Salary337,667 319,951 343,624 540041030Benefits84,707 86,873 94,851 11.98% 540641030Project Benefits3,009 78 2,608 -13.33% 543041030Vacation Hrs16,333 16,391 17,064 4.47% 541041030Vacation Pay14,699 13,700 14,234 -3.16% 542041030Benefits - Prev Vac(807) 0 (74) -90.84% 545041030Lieu21,395 16,694 17,315 -19.07% 546041030Top Up- 788 826 0.00% 547041030Sick/Bereave11,279 10,417 10,935 -3.05% 549041030Benefits - Manulife21,019 20,290 21,799 3.71% Total Benefit171,633 165,232 179,557 4.62% 550041030Travel504 309 504 0.00% 550541030Travel - Other- 151 - 0.00% 551041030Development1,004 442 1,004 0.00% 585041030Purchased Services2,599 3,573 2,599 0.00% 586041030Supplies19,949 16,124 19,949 0.00% 588041030Equipment1,500 500 1,500 0.00% 592041030Repairs/Maintenance4,5036,3444,5030.00% 681041030Raw Food180,016183,746183,0391.68% Total Operations210,075211,188213,0991.44% 0.00% Other-70 - TOTAL OPERATING COST2.20% 540,599 520,895 552,504 173 03/02/20139:19 PM M:\Homes Reports\Bobier Villa\Bobier Dietary COUNTY OF ELGIN Bobier Dietary Proposed Budget Col 1Col 2Col 20Col 21Col 22Col 25Col 27lCol 29Col 30Col 45Col 61 o2 2013 BAmount Net Project Cumulative a(Out of)/ Into Net Funding Current Year Current Year ContractDescription (Revenue) Cost Budget Project Budget Reserve NamesReserve Request RevenueCost Operating Projects ----- - 41031343LTCH Act/Regs Man.Teams3,3783,3783,378-3,3783,367 - 41031341New Hire Orientation - BV1,5701,5701,570-1,5701,564 - 41031342Other Training - BV2,1622,1622,162-2,1622,155 - 41031344Absent Coverage Efficiency(2,254)(2,254)(2,254)-(2,254)-(2,254) 41031345One Time Funding - BV(737)737----(737)737 Total Operations Pr 5,593(737) 4,856 4,8564,856(737)5,569 - Capital Projects 41031301Additional Rolling Shelving (Kitchen)10,000 10,000 10,000 - 10,00010,000 - ----- - ----- - Total Capital Proje 10,000- 10,000 10,000 c - 1 0,000 - 10,000 15,593(737) 14,856 14,856 (737) 15,569 -14,856 174 M:\Homes Reports\Bobier Villa\Bobier DietaryBobier DietaryProject Budget03/02/2013 9:19 PM COUNTY OF ELGIN Bobier Nursing Proposed Budget 2012Total 2013% CHANGE FORECAST/ Zero Based Zero Base ACTUALBudgetBudget ACCOUNTDescriptionBUDGET 420042030P of Ont - NPC(1,827,525) (1,800,830) (1,844,222) 0.91% 420142030P of Ont - On Call Physician(9,996) (15,000) (15,000) 50.06% 435042030Recoveries - Supplies & Services(2,000) (28,595) (2,000) 0.00% 435542030Recoveries - Wages(103) 0 (103) 0.00% 436042030Project Revenue(150,913) (163,018) (215,268) 42.64% Total Revenue(1,990,538) (2,007,443) (2,076,593) 0 530142030Wages - RN374,410 321,100 377,621 0.86% 530742030Project Wages - RN32,476 30,299 36,308 11.80% 530242030Wages - RPN252,282 281,258 256,977 1.86% 530842030Project Wages - RPN77,035 89,113 93,993 22.01% 530342030Wages - HCA1,104,114 1,084,412 1,125,055 1.90% 530942030Project Wages - HCA14,209 10,299 18,953 33.39% 530442030Wages - DON54,518 48,157 55,148 1.15% 531042030Project Wages - DON7,241 9,057 7,325 1.15% Total Salary1,916,286 1,873,696 1,971,379 2.87% 540142030Benefits RN160,541 70,112 75,639-52.89% 540742030Project Benefits - RN11,877 5,258 12,8358.06% 541142030Vacation Pay - RN5,250 7,071 7,27938.64% 543142030Vacation Hrs - RN23,624 16,107 16,650-29.52% 545142030Lieu - RN11,656 13,525 13,92319.45% 545742030Lieu $$1,440 260 267-81.47% 546142030Top Up - RN- - 00.00% 547142030Sick/Bereav - RN15,939 24,722 25,34759.02% 547742030Benefit - Sick/Bereav - RN480 - 0-100.00% 549142030Benefits Manulife - RN18,245 16,459 17,680-3.10% 540242030Benefits - RPN66,928 86,333 94,84841.72% 540842030Project Benefits - RPN19,25914,46223,49822.01% 541242030Vacation Pay - RPN8,8789,1009,4556.51% 543242030Vacation Hrs - RPN21,11626,40927,45630.02% 545242030Lieu - RPN13,90017,82518,53133.31% 545842030Lieu $$5,1955,1235,3022.06% 547242030Sick/Bereav - RPN21,76721,46022,3002.45% 549242030Benefits Manulife - RPN19,93016,00917,200-13.70% 540342030Benefits - HCA253,534304,794272,3017.40% 540942030Project Benefits - HCA3,5521,7754,73833.39% 541342030Vacation Pay - HCA30,49032,05433,2609.09% 543042030Benefits HCA (old)(29)-0-100.00% 543342030Vacation Hrs - HCA82,05986,84990,2239.95% 545342030Lieu - HCA52,23651,87453,8293.05% 545942030Lieu $$1,374642661-51.91% 546342030Top Up - HCA1,0547,7908,054663.80% 547342030Sick/Bereav- HCA41,79357,31959,98643.53% 175 M:\Homes Reports\Bobier Villa\Bobier NursingBobier Nursingproposed budget12/02/2013 2:48 PM COUNTY OF ELGIN Bobier Nursing Proposed Budget 2012Total 2013% CHANGE FORECAST/ Zero Based Zero Base ACTUALBudgetBudget ACCOUNTDescriptionBUDGET 548342030STD - HCA-00.00% - 549342030Benefits Manulife- HCA70,93571,04576,3137.58% 549542030Benefits WC - Manulife--00.00% 540442030Benefits - DON15,97413,56914,855-7.01% 541042030Project Benefits - DON1,8101,5241,8311.15% 543442030Vacation Hrs - DON3,6043,1723,321-7.84% 547442030Sick/Bereav - DON40662263456.20% 549442030Benefits Manulife - DON6,2306,3316,8029.17% 542242030Benefits- Prev Vac(384)0-84-77.98% 542342030Benefits- Prev Vac(1,973)0-302-84.67% Total Benefit988,692989,5971,014,6322.62% 550042030Travel8064248060.00% 550542030Travel - Other1987351980.00% 551042030Development2,5033,1772,5030.00% 585042030Purchased Services15,14814,36815,1480.00% 586042030Supplies24,74724,93422,747-8.08% 588042030Equipment3,9966,1573,9960.00% 592042030Repairs/Maintenance4,001-4,0010.00% 596042030Project Costs24,15138,11738,90061.07% 609042030Miscellaneous--0.00% - 682042030Medical Director16,22421,25922,41938.18% 683042030Incontinence22,99522,87322,9950.00% Total Operations114,769132,043133,71316.51% 0.00% Other-9,652 - TOTAL OPERATING COST 997,5451,029,209 1.35%1,043,131 176 M:\Homes Reports\Bobier Villa\Bobier NursingBobier Nursingproposed budget12/02/2013 2:48 PM COUNTY OF ELGIN Bobier Nursing Proposed Budget Col 1Col 2Col 20Col 21Col 22Col 25Col 27ol Col 29Col 30Col 45Col 61 C2 2013 Ba se dAmount on(Out Net Project Cumulative (A)of)/ Into Net Funding Current Year Current Year ContractDescription (Revenue) Cost Budget Project Budget Reserve NamectReserve Request RevenueCost Operating Projects ----- - 42031222RPN Funding - BV(12,198)12,198--- (12,198)-12,198 42031332LTCH Act/Regs Man.Teams8,3048,3048,304-8,3048,286 - 42031322RPN Funding - BV(36,594)36,594--- (36,594)-36,594 42031301MDS RAI - BV(39,996)39,996--- (39,996)-39,996 42031330New Grad Initiative 2013 (24,925)24,925-(0)- (24,925)-24,925 42031336Outbreaks - BV1,2591,2591,259-1,2591,255 - 42031331New Hire Orientation - BV10,49710,49710,497-10,49710,474 - 42031326Other Training - BV8,9278,9278,927-8,9278,907 - 42031337Absent Coverage Efficiency - BV(15,033)(15,033)(15,033)-(15,033)-(15,033) 42031399Training Coordinator - BV9,1569,1569,156-9,1569,156 - 42031320One Time Funding HINF (15,000)15,000--- (15,000)-15,000 42031321Lab Cost Recovery - BV(4,700)4,700----(4,700)4,700 42031323Late Career - BV 2012/13 27,847(27,847) - (0)- (27,847)-27,847 42031398R.N.A.O. ------- - 42031338BSO Funding - BV(29,438)29,337(101)(101)-(101)(29,438)29,337 42031302HINF Supplemental Bas 19,200(19,020) 180 180-180(19,020)19,200 e 42031303One Time Funding Traini(5,550)5,540(10)(10)-(10)(5,550)5,540 Total Operations Pr 238,447(215,268) 23,179 23,178 23,179- (215,268)238,381 Capital Projects 42031124Nursing Call Upgrade-58,000--52,759 - 42031202Nursing Equipment----- - 42031203Tub Replacement-60,000--60,000 - 42031204Lifts40,00040,00050,000-40,00050,000 - ----- - Total Capital Proje 40,000- 40,000 168,000 - 40,000 - 162,759 c Total Operating and Capital (215,268) 278,447 63,179 191,178 63,179- (215,268)401,140 177 M:\Homes Reports\Bobier Villa\Bobier NursingBobier NursingProject Budget12/02/2013 2:48 PM COUNTY OF ELGIN Bobier Housekeeping Proposed Budget Total 2013% CHANGE 2012 FORECAST/ Zero Based Zero Base ACTUALBudgetBudget ACCOUNTDescriptionBUDGET 436043030Project Revenue- - (1,110) Total Revenue- - (1,110) 0.00% 530043030Wages167,584 167,141 170,766 1.90% 530643030Project Wages - HSK1,023 810 1,780 73.97% 530943030Project Wages--0.00% - Total Salary168,608167,951172,5462.34% 540043030Benefits52,23853,04254,6444.61% 540643030Project Stat/Combined - 51214689073.97% 540943030Project Stat/Combined - --0.00% - 541043030Vacation Pay10,95010,01910,410-4.93% 543043030Vacation Hrs15,25815,30515,9174.32% 545043030Lieu10,35010,01010,3840.33% 545943030Lieu $$--0.00% - 547043030Sick/Bereav6,5866,3466,6260.61% 549043030Benefits - Manulife10,1079,49810,2040.96% Total Benefit106,001104,366109,0762.90% 550043030Travel--0.00% - 550543030Travel - Other--0.00% - 551043030Development--0.00% - 585043030Purchased Services5,1882,6255,1880.00% 586043030Supplies19,00317,48219,0030.00% 588043030Equipment6,0041026,0040.00% 592043030Repairs/Maintenance2515612510.00% 30,4460.00% Total Operations30,44620,770 0.00% Other-40 - TO TAL OPERATING COST1.94% 305,055 293,127 310,959 178 03/02/20139:11 PM M:\Homes Reports\Bobier Villa\Bobier Housekeeping COUNTY OF ELGIN Bobier Housekeeping Proposed Budget Col 1Col 2Col 20Col 21Col 22Col 25Col 27ol Col 29Col 30Col 45Col 61 2 2013 B a s e Amount Net Project Cumulative d(Out of)/ Into Net Funding Current Year Current Year ContractDescription (Revenue) Cost Budget Project Budget Reserve NameoReserve Request RevenueCost Operating Projects ----- - 43031352Other Training - BV1,1771,1771,177-1,1771,173 - 43031353LTCH Act/Regs Man.Teams392392392-392391 - 43031354One Time Funding - BV(1,110)1,106(4)(4)- (1,110)(4)1,106 ----- - Total Operations Proje 2,675(1,110) 1,565 1,5651,565(1,110)2,671 - 179 M:\Homes Reports\Bobier Villa\Bobier HousekeepingBobier HousekeepingProject Budget03/02/2013 9:11 PM COUNTY OF ELGIN Bobier Laundry Proposed Budget Total 2013% CHANGE 2012 FORECAST/ Zero Based Zero Base ACTUALBudgetBudget ACCOUNTDescriptionBUDGET Total Revenue0000.00% 530044030Wages59,13962,72760,2651.90% 530644030Project Wages12801301.90% Total Salary59,26762,72760,396 540044030Benefits14,07710,21014,006-0.50% 549044030Benefits - Manulife0000.00% Total Benefit14,07710,21014,006-0.50% 551044030Development0000.00% 585044030Purchased Services63,99570,66963,9950.00% 586044030Supplies1,9999871,9990.00% 588044030Equipment50405040.00% 592044030Repairs/Maintenance2523482520.00% Total Operations66,75172,00466,7510.00% 0.00% Other02,8000 TOTAL OPERATING COST140,094147,740141,1520.76% 180 06/02/20138:28 AM M:\Homes Reports\Bobier Villa\Bobier Laundry COUNTY OF ELGIN Bobier Laundry Proposed Budget Col 1Col 2Col 20Col 21Col 22Col 25Col 27Col 28Col 29Col 30Col 45Col 61 2013 ase Bd on (A)ctual or Amount Net Project Cumulative (F)ixed (Out of)/ Into Net Funding Current Year Current Year ContractDescription (Revenue) Cost Budget Project Budget Reserve NameAmountReserveRequest Revenue Cost Operating Projects -- - -- - 44031352Other Training - BV130130130-130130 - Total Operating Pro 130- 130 130 - 130 - 130 181 M:\Homes Reports\Bobier Villa\Bobier LaundryBobier LaundryProject Budget06/02/2013 8:28 AM COUNTY OF ELGIN Bobier Building Proposed Budget Total 2013% CHANGE 2012 FORECAST/ Zero Based Zero Base ACTUALBudgetBudget ACCOUNTDescriptionBUDGET 436045030Project Revenue(20,000) (20,000) - -100.00% Total Revenue(20,000) (20,000) - -100.00% 530045030Wages45,797 42,041 46,668 1.90% 533045030Vac Pay- 4,520 - 0.00% 530645030Project Wages--0.00% - Total Salary45,79746,56146,668 540045030Benefits8,7739,5489,4197.37% 543045030Vacation Hrs--0.00% - 549045030Benefits - Manulife4,1113,8754,1631.27% Total Benefit12,88413,42313,5835.42% 550045030Travel252-2520.00% 550545030Travel - Other-222-0.00% 551045030Development96-960.00% 585045030Purchased Services62,06158,88363,3022.00% 586045030Supplies996-285-71.41% 588045030Equipment--0.00% - 592045030Repairs/Maintenance14,00011,29514,0000.00% 594045030Utilities163,316140,262163,3160.00% 596045030Project Costs24,0006,39040,00066.67% 684045030Cable9968599960.00% Total Operations265,716217,912282,2476.22% 0.00% Other-217 - TOTAL OPERATING COST12.52% 304,398 258,113 342,497 182 03/02/20139:02 PM M:\Homes Reports\Bobier Villa\Bobier Building COUNTY OF ELGIN Bobier Building Proposed Budget Col 1Col 2Col 20Col 21Col 22Col 25Col 27ol 2Col 29Col 30Col 45Col 61 C 2013 Ba se d on Amount Net Project Cumulative (A)(Out of)/ Into Net Funding Current Year Current Year ContractDescription (Revenue) Cost Budget Project Budget Reserve NamectuReserve Request RevenueCost Operating Projects ----- - 45031301Furniture Replacement - BV10,00010,00010,000-10,00010,000 - 45031302Interior Painting - BV10,00010,00010,000-10,00010,000 - 45031303Exterior Painting - BV10,00010,00010,000-10,00010,000 - 45031304Energy Savings - BV10,00010,00010,000-10,00010,000 - Total Operations Projec 40,000- 40,000 40,000 - 4 0,000 - 40,000 Capital Projects 45031119Landscaping - Donations BV-21,900--3,185 - 45031203Kitchen HVAC Replacement-60,000--60,000 - 45031204Insulate Garage-10,000--3,655 - 45031352Floor Replacement - Resident Rooms20,00020,00020,000-20,00020,000 - 45031355Misc10,00010,00010,000-10,00010,000 - 45031351Building Automation System - BV15,00015,00015,000-15,00015,000 - 45031353Door Hardware Replacement (lever hardwa10,00010,00010,000-10,00010,000 - 45031354Sprinkler System/Landscaping - BV40,00040,00040,000-40,00040,000 - 45031356Generator Replacement400,000400,000400,000-400,000400,000 - Total Capital Projects- 495,000495,000586,900 495,000- 561,841- 535,000-535,000626,900 535,000- 601,841- 183 M:\Homes Reports\Bobier Villa\Bobier BuildingBobier BuildingProject Budget03/02/2013 9:02 PM COUNTY OF ELGIN Bobier Admin Proposed Budget Total 2013% CHANGE 2012 FORECAST/ Zero Based Zero Base ACTUALBudgetBudget ACCOUNTDescriptionBUDGET 420046030P of Ont - OA-105,554-79,908-67,877-35.69% 420146030P of Ont - Pay Equity-17,220-17,220-17,2200.00% 420246030P of Ont - Structural Com-62,412-62,583-62,4120.00% 435046030Recoveries-8,973-11,396-8,9730.00% 436046030Project Revenue-7,000-6,167-8,00014.29% 450046030Private-187,205-201,339-207,25610.71% 451046030Private - Basic Comp-553,607-604,506-613,84910.88% 452046030Semi-11,669-9,464-10,227-12.36% 453046030Semi - Basic Comp-77,644-63,970-67,544-13.01% 454046030Basic-381,730-367,061-395,6473.65% 455046030Respite-6,091-7,390-7,10816.70% Total Revenue-1,419,105-1,431,004-1,466,1143.31% 530046030Wages123,774106,925125,8001.64% 530646030Project Wages-11,671131-11,6710.00% Total Salary112,102107,056114,1291.81% 540046030Benefits36,07829,44732,764-9.19% 541046030Vacation Pay3,2173,6713,80618.30% 543046030Vacation Hrs9,4219,0609,4510.31% 545046030Lieu2,6442,5662,6620.67% 547046030Sick/Bereav37658961262.68% 549046030Benefits - Manulife5,7105,3735,7731.09% Total Benefit57,44750,70555,067-4.14% 550046030Travel1,19601,1960.00% 550546030Travel - Other30403040.00% 551046030Development3,0984253,0980.00% 560046030Recognition504515040.00% 561046030Memberships5,7405,6895,7400.00% 562046030Subscriptions200502000.00% 563046030Office Supplies5,0001,6495,0000.00% 564046030Photocopy2,4002,4012,4000.00% 565046030Advertising8008948000.00% 568046030Telephone/Fax6,0046,2186,0040.00% 572046030Postage/Courier7557957550.00% 575046030Petty Cash Over/Short0-1900.00% 585046030Purchased Services2,0004,1082,0000.00% 588046030Equipment2,00302,0030.00% 591546030Special - General Store035400.00% 596046030Project Costs2,00099029,0001350.01% 609046030Miscellaneous5004175000.00% 682046030Medical Director1,195-140-100.00% 685046030Reimbursed Supplies/Cl10,0007,60110,0000.00% 800046030Amortization253,478253,574247,398-2.40% Total Operations297,178285,184316,9036.64% 0.00% Other0330 TOTAL OPERATING COST-952,377-988,026-980,0152.90% 184 12/02/20132:49 PM M:\Homes Reports\Bobier Villa\Bobier Admin COUNTY OF ELGIN Bobier Admin Proposed Budget Col 1Col 2Col 20Col 21Col 22Col 25Col 27ol Col 29Col 30Col 45Col 61 C2 2013 as(Out of)/ Net Project Cumulative ReserveedInto Net Funding Current Year Current Year ContractDescription (Revenue) Cost Budget Project Budget NameoReserveRequest RevenueCost Operating Projects 46031301Donations - BV(7,000)(7,000) Reserves Do(7,000)A7,000-(7,000)- n 26201302Cookbook - BV(1,000)1,000- Reserves Do-A--(1,000)1,000 n 46031360Absent Coverage Efficiency - BV(12,671)(12,671)(12,671)-(12,671)(12,671) - 46031361Miscellaneous Donations - BV10,00010,000 Reserves Do10,000A(10,000)-10,000 n - 46031362United Way Committee - BV1,0001,0001,0001,0001,000 - - 46031302Staff Enrichment - BV3,0003,0003,000-3,000 -A(3,000) - 46031303Interior Upgrades - BV5,0005,000 Reserves Do5,000A(5,000)-5,000 n - 46031304Courtyard - BV 10,00010,000 Reserves Do10,000A(10,000)-10,000 n - Total Operations Project 17,329(8,000) 9,329 9,329 (21,000)(11,671) (8,000) 17,329 s 185 M:\Homes Reports\Bobier Villa\Bobier AdminBobier AdminProject Budget12/02/2013 2:49 PM COUNTY OF ELGIN Bobier Adult Day Proposed Budget 2012Total 2013% CHANGE FORECAST/ Zero Based Zero Base ACCOUNTDescriptionBUDGETACTUALBudgetBudget 420048030Province of Ontario-76,165-83,313-78,3122.82% 437048030Other Revenue-4,126-5,394-3,900-5.48% Total Revenue-80,291-88,707-82,2120 530048030Wages38,92745,55439,3030.97% Total Salary38,92745,55439,303 540048030Benefits15,34110,66015,6592.07% 545048030Lieu $$03,296630.00% 549048030Benefits Manulife0000.00% Total Benefit15,34113,95615,7212.48% 550048030Travel1,40024750-46.43% 550548030Travel - Other03500.00% 551048030Development500375500-0.01% 563048030Office Supplies5156185200.97% 565048030Advertising0000.00% 585048030Purchased Services12,9524,16515,79321.94% 586048030Supplies2,8571,8202,224-22.16% 588048030Equipment1,0001,2361,0000.00% 609048030Miscellaneous20068200-0.02% 681048030Raw Food2,0751,6691,700-18.07% 686048030Building Occupancy4,4754,4754,5000.56% Total Operations25,97414,48627,1874.67% 0.00% Other000 TOTAL OPERATING COST-49-14,7110-100.00% 186 03/02/20139:27 PM M:\Homes Reports\Bobier Villa\Bobier Adult Day COUNTY OF ELGIN Admin Adult Day Proposed Budget 2012Total 2013% CHANGE FORECAST/ Zero Based Zero Base ACCOUNTDescriptionBUDGETACTUALBudgetBudget 4200480Province of Ontario-124,803-71,015-124,603-0.16% 4360480Donations0000.00% 4370480Other Revenue0000.00% Total Revenue-124,803-71,015-124,603-0 5630480Office Supplies710460210-70.42% 5850480Purchased Services124,093124,343124,3930.24% Total Operations124,803124,803124,603-0.16% 0.00% Other000 Total053,78800.00% 187 06/02/201311:13 AM M:\Homes Reports\Admin Adult Day COUNTY OF ELGIN Museum Proposed Budget Total 2013% CHANGE 2012 FORECAST/ Zero Based Zero Base ACTUALBudgetBudget ACCOUNTDescriptionBUDGET 4200240Province of Ontario-15,000-15,638-15,0000.00% 00-5,5000.00% 4205240Province of Ontario - Pro 4215240Federal Funding - Proje-3,928-3,091-23,928509.16% c 4300240Grants-4,0000-4,0000.00% 4360240Project Revenue-500-1,754-5000.00% 4370240Other Revenue0-1,39500.00% 4375240Other Revenue - Gift Sh0-56200.00% 4380240Membership Revenue0000.00% 4390240Admissions0-26200.00% Total Revenue-23428-22702-48928108.84% 5300240Wages110,146103,670114,3393.81% 5306240Project Wages5,9154,7974,840-18.18% 5310240Vacation0000.00% 5330240Vacation Hrs08,31200.00% Total Salary116,061116,779119,178 5400240Benefits27,28422,10322,089-19.04% 5406240Project Benefits 49165582768.52% 5460240Subsidized Benefits0000.00% 5415240Project Benefits (Old)0000.00% 5490240Benefits - Manulife08,4468,9880.00% Total Benefit27,77531,20431,90514.87% 5500240Travel1,9986971,9980.00% 5505240Travel - Other0000.00% 5510240Development1,5001,7551,5000.00% 5610240Memberships30,50130,15730,5010.00% 5620240Publications50005000.00% 5630240Office Supplies5042365040.00% 5640240Photocopy50005000.00% 5650240Advertising3,5037623,5030.01% 5740240Curatorial20,00229,70720,0020.00% 5880240Equipment3,0002803,0000.00% 5910240Special - Events2,0041,6272,0040.00% 5915240Special - Gift Shop08100.00% 5920240Repairs/Maintenance50405040.00% 5940240Utilities0000.00% 5960240Project Costs0028,0000.00% 6090240Miscellaneous504975040.00% 6500240Shipping2,0004032,0000.00% 6660240Website Maintenance0000.00% 6700240Acquisitions3,00003,0000.00% Total Operations70,02065,80298,02039.99% 0.00% Other01,5240 TOTAL OPERATING COST190,428192,607200,1755.12% 188 03/02/20138:29 PM M:\Cultural Services\Museum COUNTY OF ELGIN Museum Proposed Budget 12202122252729304561 2,0132,0132,0132,0132,0132,013 2013Rev2013Cost2,013 2013 as e Amount Cumulative d(Out of)/ Net Current Net Project Project Reserve oInto Funding Year Current ContractDescription (Revenue) Cost Budget Budget NamenReserve Request RevenueYear Cost Operating Projects 27901301Donations - Museum(500)2,5002,0002,000 A(2,000)--(500)2,500 27901302Summer Student (Canadian Museum F 5,667(3,928)1,7391,7391,739(3,928)5,667 u - 279013031812 Plaque Program(20,000)20,000 (20,000)-20,000 - - - 27901304Railway Fund Project(5,500)5,500 (5,500)-5,500 - - - Total Operations Projects(29,928) 33,6673,739(2,000) (29,928)1,73933,667 3,739 189 M:\Cultural Services\MuseumMuseumProject Budget03/02/2013 8:29 PM COUNTY OF ELGIN Archives Proposed Budget Total 2013% CHANGE 2012 FORECAST/ Zero Based Zero Base ACTUALBudgetBudget ACCOUNTDescriptionBUDGET c-5,876-1,970(5,876) 0.00% 4215185Federal Funding - Proje 4300185Grants00- 0.00% 4360185Project Revenue-3,000-8,533(1,500) -50.00% 4370185Other Revenue-3,000-2,099(3,000) 0.00% Total Revenue-11876-12602(10,376) -12.63% 5300185Wages112,084104,321113,934 1.65% 5306185Project Wages 215,44221,39314,503 -6.08% 5316185Vacation Pay Project0166- 0.00% 5330185Vacation Hours08,552- 0.00% Total Salary127,525134,432128,437 5400185Benefits27,55421,46323,065 -16.29% 5406185Stat/Combined02,328- 0.00% 5415185Project Benefits1,47301,373 -6.82% 5490185Benefits - Manulife05,9315,992 0.00% Total Benefit29,02729,72130,430 4.84% 5500185Travel3,0004113,000 0.00% 5505185Travel - Other0111- 0.00% 5510185Development3,0002,8923,000 0.00% 5610185Memberships9971,217997 0.00% 5620185Publications997438997 0.00% 5630185Office Supplies50313503 0.00% 5640185Photocopy30015300 0.00% 5850185Purchased Services9972,407997 0.00% 5860185Supplies - Archival7,5009,3657,500 0.00% 5870185Furniture & Fixtures00- 0.00% 5880185Equipment4,5003,3014,500 0.00% 5910185Promotions2,0022,3712,002 0.00% 5920185Repairs/Maintenance5031,621503 0.00% 5960185Project Costs005,000 0.00% 6090185Miscellaneous504249504 0.00% 6640185Microfilming/Scanning/C16,00316,23911,503 -28.12% 6660185Website Maintenance5000- -100.00% 6700185Acquisitions3,2502003,250 0.00% Total Operations44,55640,84944,556 0.00% Other01,254-0.00% TOTAL OPERATING COST189,232193,654193,0472.02% 03/02/20138:04 PM 190 M:\Cultural Services\Archives COUNTY OF ELGIN Archives Proposed Budget 12202122252729304561 2013 Based on Cumulative (A)ctual Amount Net Current Net Project Project or (F)ixed (Out of)/ Into Funding Year Current ContractDescription (Revenue) Cost Budget Budget Reserve NameAmountReserve Request RevenueYear Cost Operating Projects 29401301Donations - Archives(500)(500)(500)--(500)(500) - 26251301Donations - Alma Colleg(1,000)(1,000)(1,000)--(1,000)(1,000) e - 29401302Digitization15,00015,00015,000- -15,000 -15,000 29401303Student Wages(5,876)5,876- (5,876)-5,876 - - - -- - - - - - -- - - - - - -- - - - - - -- - - - - - - Total Operations P(7,376)13,500 (7,376) 20,876 r 20,876 13,500 -13,500 Capital Projects 58001301Digital Reader15,00015,00015,000-15,000 -15,000 Total Capital Projec 15,000-15,000 15,000 - 15,000 - 15,000 (7,376)28,500 (7,376) 35,876 35,876 28,500 -28,500 191 M:\Cultural Services\ArchivesArchivesProject Budget03/02/2013 8:04 PM COUNTY OF ELGIN Library Services Proposed Budget Total 2013% CHANGE 2012 FORECAST/ Zero Based Zero Base ACTUALBudgetBudget ACCOUNTDescriptionBUDGET 4200180Province of Ontario-116,739-116,739-116,7390.00% 4205180Province of Ontario - Pr-43,1500-4,250-90.15% o 4215180Federal Funding - Projec00-43,1420.00% 4300180Grants0000.00% 4360180Project Revenue-57,793-85,315-20,000-65.39% 4370180Other Revenue-34,996-25,573-34,9960.00% Total Revenue-252678.04-227627.02-219127-13.28% 5300180Wages1,350,2121,205,1941,377,7652.04% 5306180Project Wages213,85844,75138,658178.96% 5310180Vacation052,28300.00% 5315180Project Wages0000.00% 5316180Vacation Pay01,53900.00% 5330180Vacation Hrs065,84800.00% 5360180Wages Subsidized0000.00% 5370180Bereavement017,29900.00% Total Salary1,364,0701,386,9141,416,423 5400180Benefits216,236239,040235,1748.76% 5406180Project Stat/Combined10,2852,7039,985-2.92% 5416180Project Vac Benefits014700.00% 5450180Lieu 56,94749,12252,032-8.63% 5460180Benefits Subsidized0000.00% 5490180Benefits - Manulife63,71063,05567,2015.48% Total Benefit347,178354,067364,3924.96% 5500180Travel8,0009,5798,0000.00% 5505180Travel - Other4,0003,1534,0000.00% 5510180Development14,4968,63616,49613.80% 5610180Memberships2,0049762,0040.00% 5630180Office Supplies15,00016,59115,0000.00% 5640180Photocopy6,9966,6239,89841.48% 5650180Advertising9961,1749960.00% 5680180Telephone/Fax20,00419,48720,0040.00% 5760180Meals/Refreshments2,2802,6322,2800.00% 5870180Furniture & Fixtures6,9963,8396,9960.00% 5880180Equipment0000.00% 12/02/20132:50 PM 192 M:\Cultural Services\Library Services COUNTY OF ELGIN Library Services Proposed Budget Total 2013% CHANGE 2012 FORECAST/ Zero Based Zero Base ACTUALBudgetBudget ACCOUNTDescriptionBUDGET 5890180Lease Space341,903337,065358,0164.71% 5920180Repairs/Maintenance5042235040.00% 5930180Vehicle Repairs/Maint/Fu10,0004,41510,0000.00% 5960180Project Costs58,00730,85534,749-40.09% 6090180Miscellaneous2,4538592,4530.00% 6630180Periodicals/Newspapers14,68313,18415,6836.81% 6670180Electronic Resources27,13927,87127,1390.00% 6680180Programs11,99611,99611,9960.00% 8000180Amortization396,565396,656362,398-8.62% Total Operations944,023895,815908,613-3.75% Other083400.00% TOTAL OPERATING COST2,402,5942,410,0032,470,3012.82% 12/02/20132:50 PM 193 M:\Cultural Services\Library Services COUNTY OF ELGIN Library Services Proposed Budget 12202122252729304561 2013 Based on (A)ctual Amount Cumulative or (Out of)/ Net Current Net Project Project (F)ixed Into Funding Year Current ContractDescription (Revenue) Cost Budget Budget Reserve NameAmountReserve Request RevenueYear Cost Operating Projects 17201001Scott Sefton Book Project - Library-- (5,000)- - - 26801208Engineering Study - Aylmer-20,000- - - - 20,000 26801301Donations - Library(15,000)(15,000) Donations Library (15,000)RA15,000 - (15,000) - 26801303Cap Students Library(43,142) 43,142- (43,142)-43,142 - - 26801304Cap Co-ordinator12,00012,00012,000-12,000 - 12,000 26801305Tune In Mennonite Radio2,5002,5002,500-2,500 - 2,500 26801306Grab and Go1,5001,5001,500-1,500 - 1,500 26801307Service Ontario(4,250)4,250- (4,250)-4,250 - - -- oaperaons,,, , -, , - , - , - TtlOtiPr(62392)633921000210001500016000(67392)83392 Capital Projects 58101202Bayham Renovations-35,000- - - 5,322 58101301Book Purchases - Library253,272253,272253,272-253,272 253,272- 58101303Port Stanley Renovations35,00035,00035,000-35,000 - - 58101302Library Van Replacement45,00045,00045,000-45,000 - 45,000 Total Capital Proje-368,272 333,272- 303,594- c 333,272 333,272 Total Operating and Capital (62,392) 386,986(67,392) 396,664 334,272 389,272 15,000349,272 194 M:\Cultural Services\Library ServicesLibrary ServicesProject Budget12/02/2013 2:50 PM COUNTY OF ELGIN Information Technology Proposed Budget Total 2013% CHANGE 2012 FORECAST/ Zero Based Zero Base ACTUALBudgetBudget ACCOUNTDescriptionBUDGET 4350150Recoveries0-81900.00% 4360150Project Revenue-5,000-5,0000-100.00% Total Revenue-5000-5819.270-100.00% 5300150Wages221,643202,708281,64127.07% 5330150Vacation Hrs016,49600.00% Total Salary221,643219,204281,641 5400150Benefits40,56643,06651,03425.81% 5490150Benefits - Manulife19,49417,81120,9847.65% 5370150Sick/Bereavement03,26500.00% Total Benefit60,06064,14172,01819.91% 5500150Travel6,7004,2596,7000.00% 5505150Travel - Other063300.00% 5510150Development9,0004,0559,0000.00% 5620150Subscriptions1,0001051,0000.00% 5790150Consultant30,00016,02730,0000.00% 5860150Supplies3,3752,1593,3750.00% 5960150Project Costs005,0000.00% 6110150Hardware0000.00% 6120150Support/Maintenance258,197256,828258,1970.00% 6130150Licenses0-4,58000.00% 8000150Depreciation127,282127,282163,16228.19% Total Operations435,554406,767476,4359.39% Other0000.00% TOTAL OPERATING COST712,257684,293830,09416.54% 12/02/20132:52 PM 195 M:\Information Technology\Information Technology COUNTY OF ELGIN Information Technology Proposed Budget Col 1Col 2Col 20Col 21Col 22Col 25Col 27lCol 29Col 30Col 45Col 61 o2 2,0132,013 2,013 2,013 2,013 2,013 2,013 2013Rev2013Cost 2013 B a s e Amount Net Project Cumulative d(Out of)/ Into Net Funding Current Year Current Year ContractDescription (Revenue) Cost Budget Project Budget Reserve NameoReserve Request RevenueCost Operating Projects 57801306Office Furniture5,0005,0005,000-5,0005,000 - ----- - ----- - Total Operations Proj 5,000- 5,000 5,0005,0005,000 e - - Capital Projects 57801204Account Payable Software-50,000--17,631 - 57801205Homes Scheduling Software-30,000--5,844 - 57801215POA/Collections -10,000--10,000 - 57801301Hardware Replacement - IT72,30072,30072,300-72,30071,849 - 57801302MDS RAI Funding15,00015,00015,000-15,00015,000 - 57801303Photocopiers15,00015,00015,000-15,00015,000 - 57801304Other Licences65,00065,00065,000-65,00065,000 - Total Capital Projects- 167,300 167,300 257,300 167,300- 200,324- 196 M:\Information Technology\Information TechnologyInformation TechnologyProject Budget12/02/2013 2:52 PM COUNTY OF ELGIN POA Proposed Budget 2012Total 2013% CHANGE FORECAST/ Zero Based Zero Base ACCOUNTDescriptionBUDGETACTUALBudgetBudget 4300135Grants(96,000) (74,551) (96,000) 0.00% 4340135Fines Revenue(1,400,545) (1,298,660) (1,428,545) 2.00% 4345135Parking Ticket Revenue(11,245) (8,289) (11,245) 0.00% 4370135Other Revenue--0.00% - Total Revenue(1,507,791)(1,381,500)(1,535,791)1.86% 5300135Wages240,056222,519238,536-0.63% 5310135Vacation Pay-305-0.00% 5330135Vacation Hrs 14,113--0.00% 5370135Sick 1,165--0.00% Total Salary240,056238,102238,536 5400135Benefits40,01145,68639,943-0.17% 5490135Benefits - Manulife20,44917,12820,024-2.08% Total Benefit60,46062,81459,967-0.82% 5500135Travel2,1996863,19945.48% 5505135Travel - Other5009135000.00% 5510135Development1,5005631,5000.00% 5610135Memberships250200200-20.00% 5630135Office Supplies18,00013,61518,0000.00% 5680135Telephone/Fax1,2972,0121,2970.00% 5770135Legal & Professional200,000190,250215,0007.50% 5830135Bank Charges14,30015,22814,3000.00% 5850135Purchased Services31,42722,74331,4270.00% 5870135Furniture & Fixtures--0.00% - 5880135Equipment1,0830.00% 1,448 1,083 5960135Projec t Costs--0.00% 5,000 5970135Municipal Partner Payme 406,703490,637 486,869 -0.77% 5965135Parking Ticket MPP10,053 7,519 10,053 0.00% 5971135Victim Fine Surcharge a287,153 285,829 287,153 0.00% 6090135Miscellaneous15,500 326 15,500 0.00% 6120135Support-ICON & Mailing32,001 26,867 32,001 0.00% 6860135Building Occupancy34,385 34,385 40,563 17.97% Total Operations1,140,285 1,009,286 1,163,645 2.05% 0.00% Other (1,027)- - TOTAL OPERATING COST(66,990)(72,325)(73,643)9.93% 197 M:\POA\POAPOAproposed budget12/02/2013 2:53 PM COUNTY OF ELGIN POA Proposed Budget Col 1Col 2Col 20Col 21Col 22Col 25Col 27Col 28Col 29Col 30Col 45Col 61 2013 ase Bd on (A)ctual or Amount Net Project Cumulative (F)ixed (Out of)/ Into Net Funding ContractDescription (Revenue) Cost Budget Project Budget Reserve NameAmountReserveRequest Total Total Operating Projects 59601302Interpretation Video link5,0005,0005,000-5,0005,000 - ----- - ----- - Total Operations Pr 5,000- 5,000 5,000 - 5,000 - 5,000 198 M:\POA\POAPOAProject Budget03/02/2013 10:44 PM COUNTY OF ELGIN Collections Proposed Budget 2012Total 2013% CHANGE FORECAST/ Zero Based Zero Base ACTUALBudgetBudget ACCOUNTDescriptionBUDGET 4340145Revenue334,998297,792334,9980.00% 4350145Recoveries140,000131,974140,0000.00% Total Revenue474,998429,766474,9980.00% 5300145--0.00% - Total Salary- - - 5400145--0.00% - Total Benefit--0.00% - 5500145Travel(1,000) (1,000)(12)0.00% 5505145Travel - Other--0.00% - 5510145Development(800)(520)(800)0.00% 5630145Office Supplies(48)-(48)0.00% 5850145Purchased Services(210,787)(226,248)(210,787)0.00% 5970145Municipal Partner Payme (175,425)(241,100) (241,100) 0.00% Total Operations(453,735) (402,205) (453,735) 0.00% Other- (4,622)0.00% - TOTAL OPERATING COST21,2630.00% 22,940 21,264 05/02/201310:44 PM 199 M:\POA\Collections COUNTY OF ELGIN Ambulance Proposed Budget 2012Total 2013% CHANGE FORECAST/ Zero Based Zero Base ACCOUNTDescriptionBUDGETACTUALBudgetBudget 4200270Province of Ontario(4,279,760)(3,966,884)(4,343,956)1.50% 4360270Project Revenue (17,000)--0.00% 4310270City of St. Thomas - Amb (1,799,864)(1,720,686)(1,733,986)0.77% Total Revenue(6,000,446)(5,783,748)(6,077,941)1.29% 5300270Wages29,51526,45832,52610.20% 5330270Vacation Hrs 2,741--0.00% Total Salary29,51529,19932,526 5400270Benefits4,7224,8705,86724.24% Total Benefit4,7224,8705,86724.24% 5500270Travel500-500-0.01% 5505270Travel - Other--0.00% - 5510270Development1,000-500-50.00% 5610270Memberships6005006000.00% 5630270Office Supplies--0.00% - 5680270Telephone/Fax--0.00% - 5850270Purchased Serv. - Contr8,251,8358,240,2588,501,4233.02% 5920270Repairs/ Maintenance--0.00% - 5960270Project Costs--0.00% - 6090270Miscellaneous 53,310500500-0.01% 8000270Amortization245,847245,847254,1753.39% Total Operations8,500,2828,539,9168,757,6983.03% Other-3400.00% - TOTAL OPERATING COST2,534,073 2,718,1502,790,576 7.26 % 03/02/20137:51 PM 200 M:\Engineering Reports\Ambulance COUNTY OF ELGIN Ambulance Proposed Budget 2013 BAmount as(Out of)/ Net Project Cumulative edInto Net Funding Current Year Current Year ContractDescription (Revenue) Cost Budget Project Budget Reserve NameoReserveRequestRevenueCost Capital Projects 28001302ERV60,00060,00060,000-60,00060,000 - 28001301Ambulance240,000240,000 Reserves Ambulance Vehicles & Equi240,000240,000240,000 p - Total Capital Projects- 300,000 300,000 300,000 - 300,000 - 300,000 201 M:\Engineering Reports\AmbulanceAmbulanceProject Budget29/01/2013 1:00 PM COUNTY OF ELGIN Emergency Measures Proposed Budget 2012Total 2013% CHANGE FORECAST/ Zero Based Zero Base ACTUALBudgetBudget ACCOUNTDescriptionBUDGET 4370210Other Revenue(3,750)(630)(2,000)-46.67% Total Revenue(3,750)(630)(2,000)-46.67% 5300210Wages16,66214,74316,9371.65% Total Salary16,66214,74316,937 5400210Benefits2,7402,7633,05511.48% Total Benefit2,7402,7633,05511.48% 5500210Travel504 - 149-70.54% 5505210Travel - Other - - 1490.00% 5510210Development996415800-19.68% 5630210Office Supplies252 - 200-20.62% 5650210Advertising500 - 1,000100.05% 5850210Purchased Services5,0002,7717,50050.00% 5860210Supplies1,0022,290500-50.10% 5870210Furniture & Fixtures - - 0.00% - 5920210Repairs & Maintenance2,0001,5771,800-10.00% 6090210Miscellaneous504 - 300-40.48% Total Operations10,7587,05312,39715.24% Other - 1,6530.00% - TOTAL OPERATING COST26,41015.07% 25,582 30,389 12/02/20132:54 PM 202 M:\Engineering Reports\Emergency Measures COUNTY OF ELGIN Economic Development Proposed Budget 2012Total 2013% CHANGE FORECAST/ Zero Based Zero Base ACCOUNTDescriptionBUDGETACTUALBudgetBudget 4215280Federal Funding - Projec - - 0.00% - 4300280Grants - (0) - 0.00% 4360280Project Revenue(30,066)(28,574)(42,000)39.69% 4370280Other Revenue - Logo It (18) - - 0.00% e Total Revenue(30,066)(28,591)(42,000)39.69% 5300280Wages280,953257,222293,9654.63% 5316280Vaction Pay - - 0.00% - 5330280Vacation Hrs - 19,245 - 0.00% 5370280Sick/Bereav - 3,883 - 0.00% Total Salary280,953280,351293,965 5400280Benefits46,36353,68353,03414.39% 5406280Project Benefits 2 - - 0.00% - 5490280Benefits - Manulife24,62717,87723,389-5.03% Total Benefit70,99071,56076,4237.65% 5500280Travel5,0005,9195,0000.00% 5505280Travel - Other11,0008,92710,000-9.09% 5510280Development4,6004,5704,6000.00% 5610280Memberships66,45067,02242,450-36.12% 5620280Subscriptions200305150-25.01% 5630280Office Supplies2,8003,3072,200-21.43% 5650280Advertising/Promotion99,00099,716101,0002.02% 5660280Printing12,0006,5017,000-41.67% 5680280Telephone/Fax2,8002,6632,600-7.14% 5720280Postage/Courier20016200-0.02% 5850280Purchased Services67,12865,34342,800-36.24% 5910280Special Projects/Events31,00033,48536,00016.13% 5930280Vehicle Maint/Costs - - 0.00% - 5960280Misc Project Costs168,521154,591273,60062.35% 6090280Miscellaneous2,5003,7752,5000.00% 8000280Amortization9,7149,7149,7140.00% Total Operations482,913465,853539,81411.78% Other - (6,363)0.00% - TOTAL OPERATING COST804,790782,808868,2027.88% 03/02/20136:01 PM 203 M:\Economic Dev and Tourism\Economic Development COUNTY OF ELGIN Economic Development Proposed Budget 2013 Based on Cumulative (A)ctual Amount Net Current Net Project Project or (F)ixed (Out of)/ Into Funding Year Current ContractDescription (Revenue) Cost Budget Budget Reserve NameAmountReserve Request RevenueYear Cost Operating Projects 26851008Tourism Member Signs (7,545)-- (22,000)-9,600 26851306Food Awareness(5,000)29,00024,00024,000-24,000(5,000)29,000 26851307Community Investment Plan10,00010,00010,000-10,000 -10,000 26851308Enterprise Satellite Offices210,000210,000210,000-210,000 210,000- 26851309Greenbelt Funding(15,000)15,000- (15,000)-15,000 - - Total Operations Pr(20,000)236,455 244,000- (42,000) 273,600 264,000 244,000 204 M:\Economic Dev and Tourism\Economic DevelopmentEconomic DevelopmentProject Budget03/02/2013 6:01 PM COUNTY OF ELGIN Tourism Proposed Budget 2012Total 2013% CHANGE FORECAST/ Zero Based Zero Base ACTUALBudgetBudget ACCOUNTDescriptionBUDGET 4205285Provincial Funding - Proj (2,785)(2,785) (2,785) 0.00% (5,726)(5,725) (4,294) -25.00% 4215285Federal Funding - Projec 4300285Grants--0.00% - (120,612)(109,647) (23,056) -78.97% 4310285City of St. Thomas - Tou 4340285Fees - Partnerships--0.00% - 4360285Project Revenue(37,700)(37,092)(37,700)0.00% 4380285Revenue Memberships(10,000)(14,200)(12,000)20.00% Total Revenue(165,857)(180,415)(79,835)-51.87% 5300285Wages80,02574,02284,6285.75% 5306285Project Wages (new)21,79823,62518,170-16.64% 5310285Vacation Pay--0.00% - 5315285Project Wages--0.00% - 5316285Project Vacation Pay-945-0.00% 5330285Vacation Hrs 5,360--0.00% 5370285Sick/Bereav-964-0.00% Total Salary101,823104,917102,798 5400285Benefits13,62315,77115,65814.94% 5406285Project Benefits (new)2,0802,1122,080-0.02% 5415285Project Benefits--0.00% - 5460285Lieu--0.00% - 5490285Manulife6,4025,5366,9398.40% Total Benefit22,10623,41924,67711.63% 5500285Travel2,8002,8904,80071.43% 5505285Travel - Other1,5001491,5000.00% 5510285Development3,0003,0452,250-25.00% 5610285Memberships3,6002,1412,850-20.83% 5620285Subscriptons100-1000.00% 5630285Office Supplies1,300810650-50.00% 5640285Printing/Communications 3422,500 3,000 20.00% 5650285Advertising/Promotion70,610 73,825 49,213 -30.30% 5660285Printing- 117 - 0.00% 5680285Telephone/Fax2,950 2,042 2,000 -32.20% 5720285Postage/Courier500 1,102 700 40.00% 5850285Purchased Services13,700 16,984 8,200 -40.15% 5910285Special Projects & Event 8,7349,000 5,500 -38.89% 5930285Vehicle Repairs/Maint/F -- 2,950 0.00% u 5960285Project Costs76,840 72,037 81,130 5.58% 6090285Miscellaneous3,000 2,851 1,000 -66.67% 1800285Amortization--0.00% - Total Operations191,400187,070165,843-13.35% 0.00% Other- - - TOTAL OPERATING COST149,47142.83% 134,991 213,483 205 03/02/20136:08 PM M:\Economic Dev and Tourism\Tourism COUNTY OF ELGIN Tourism Proposed Budget 12202122252729304561 2013 a Amount Cumulative s(Out of)/ Current Net Project Project eIntoNet Funding Year Current ContractDescription (Revenue) Cost BudgetBudgetReserve NamedReserve Request Revenue Year Cost Operating Projects -- - - - - 26851301Elgin Tour Guide(20,700)39,64018,94018,940-18,940(20,700)39,640 26851302Savour Elgin(10,000)22,79012,79012,790-12,790(10,000)22,790 26851303Art Trail(7,000)18,70011,70011,700-11,700(7,000)18,700 26851304Students - Tourism(7,079)20,25013,17113,171-13,171(7,079)20,250 Total Operations Pro(44,779)56,601 56,601- (44,779)101,380 101,380 56,601 Capital Projects 26851305Tourism Van8,5008,5008,500-8,500-8,500 Total Capital Projec- 8,5008,500 8,500- 8,500- 8,500 (44,779)65,101 65,101- (44,779)109,880 109,880 65,101 206 M:\Economic Dev and Tourism\TourismTourismProject Budget03/02/2013 6:08 PM COUNTY OF ELGIN Planning Proposed Budget 2012Total 2013% CHANGE FORECAST/ Zero Based Zero Base ACTUALBudgetBudget ACCOUNTDescriptionBUDGET 5300290Wages104,99869,37782,277-21.64% Total Salary104,99869,37782,277 5400290Benefits5,0744,8125,5739.83% 5490290Benefits - Manulife--0.00% - Total Benefit5,0744,8125,5739.83% 5500290Travel2,0008462,0000.00% 5505290Travel - Other-76-0.00% 5510290Development2,000-2,0000.00% 5610290Memberships--7000.00% 5630290Office Supplies4,9961492,996-40.03% 5870290Furniture & Fixtures--0.00% - 5960290Project Costs48,93837,016--100.00% 6090290Miscellaneous1,000(122)1,0000.00% Total Operations58,93437,9658,696-85.24% Other-0.00% - - TOTAL OPERATING COST169,00796,546-42.87% 112,155 12/02/20132:56 PM 207 M:\Economic Dev and Tourism\Planning COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 13-04 "BEING A BY-LAW TO PROVIDE FOR THE ADOPTION OF THE 2013 BUDGET OF THE CORPORATION OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN AND TO ESTABLISH THE 2013 TAX RATIOS, AND TO ESTABLISH THE 2013 TAX RATES FOR THE COUNTY CONSTITUENT MUNICIPALITIES” WHEREAS Section 289 of the Municipal Act, 2001, S.O. 2001, c.25, provides that the Council of each upper-tier municipality shall in each year prepare and adopt estimates of all sums required during the year for the purposes of the upper-tier municipality; and WHEREAS Section 308(5) of the Municipal Act, 2001, S.O. 2001, c.25, provides that the Council of an upper-tier municipality shall in each year establish the tax ratios for that year for the upper-tier municipality and its lower-tier municipalities; and WHEREAS Section 308(7) of the Municipal Act, 2001, S.O. 2001, c.25, provides that the Council of each upper-tier municipality establish for each property class, a single tax ratio for the upper-tier municipality and its lower-tier municipalities; and, WHEREAS Section 308(15-18) of the Municipal Act, 2001, S.O. 2001, c.25, provides that the Council of each upper-tier municipality may opt to have certain optional property classes apply within the County. NOW THEREFORE the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: 1. THAT the 2013 tax ratios for the County of Elgin set out on Schedule “A”, attached hereto and forming part of this by-law, be approved and adopted by Council. 2. THAT the 2013 budget of the County of Elgin set out on Schedule “B”, attached hereto and forming part of this by-law, which incorporates estimates for revenue and for expenditures be approved and adopted by Council. 3. THAT the 2013 tax rates for the assessment in each property class set out in Schedule “C”, attached hereto and forming part of this by-law, be approved and adopted by Council. 4. THAT the large industrial class be chosen as an optional property class. TH READ A FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 12 DAY OF FEBRUARY 2013. Mark G. McDonald, Cameron McWilliam, Chief Administrative Officer. Warden. 208 Attachment I COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law 13-04 A SCHEDULE Ratios PROPERTY CLASS 20132012 RESIDENTIAL/FARM1.00001.0000 MULTI-RESIDENTIAL2.34582.3458 FARMLAND AWAITING DEVELOPMENT - RESIDENTIAL0.50000.5000 COMMERCIAL OCCUPIED1.63761.6376 COMMERCIAL VACANT LAND1.14631.1463 INDUSTRIAL OCCUPIED2.22512.2251 INDUSTRIAL VACANT LAND1.44631.4463 LARGE INDUSTRIAL OCCUPIED2.83182.8318 LARGE INDUSTRIAL VACANT 1.84071.8407 PIPELINES1.14461.1446 FARM0.25000.2500 MANAGED FORESTS0.25000.2500 209 Attachment I Column 1Column 2Column 3Column 4Column 5Column 6Column 7Column 8Column 9 Schedule B: u Crrent Operating 2013 Operating Budget Budget Current Operating Budget Prior Operating RevenueExpenseNet Budget FORECAST/ RevenueExpenseNet Budget (Over)/ Under Percent By-Law 13-04 (Revenue)/ExpenseACTUAL(Revenue)/ Prior Year Impact on ExpenseLevy CORPORATE ACTIVITIES 1) Taxes (26,554,548) 1,465,006 (25,089,542) (25,899,852) 26,501,553 773,169 (25,728,384) 638,842 -2.5% 2) Interest Charges & Income (1,451,167) 1,370,087 (81,080) (890,410) 81,080 - (81,080) (0)0.0% 3) Social Services - St. Thomas - 3,168,000 3,168,000 3,124,440 3,051,000 3,051,000 117,000 -0.5% 4) Health Unit (246,517) 1,176,273 929,756 929,759 938,360 938,360 (8,604)0.0% 5) Grants - 66,248 66,248 561,762 - 811,865 811,865 (745,617)3.0% 6) Rental Income (510,265) 213,203 (297,062) (297,062) 188,263 109,922 (78,341) (218,722)0.9% 7) Property Assessment (35,652) 755,061 719,409 719,409 719,640 719,640 (231)0.0% 8) Ontario Municipal Partnership Fund (66,093) (1,821,807) (1,887,900) (1,887,900) 1,770,900 - (1,770,900) (117,000)0.5% 9) Project Costs - 739,399 739,399 327,407 825,000 755,070 (69,930) 809,329 -3.2% 10) Corporate (28,864,242) 8,596,476 (21,732,772) (23,312,449) 29,366,796 7,159,025 (22,207,771) 474,998 -1.9% Departmental 11) Warden and Council - 352,737 352,737 296,768 3,036 360,235 357,199 (4,461)0.0% 12) Administrative Services (33,840) 489,732 455,892 443,182 32,640 507,550 474,910 (19,018)0.1% 13) Financial Services 576,343 560,420 15,922 -0.1% -576,343543,371-560,420 14) Human Resources 499,125- 454,810 30,000 510,711 480,711 18,414 -0.1% 15) Administrative Building (365,634) 824,064 458,430376,571379,095 860,859 481,764 (23,334)0.1% 16) Corporate Expenditures (1,000) 590,784 589,784 502,259 1,000 575,784 574,784 15,000 -0.1% 17) Eng'r & Land Div. (1,758,392)11,599,1609,840,76710,078,6571,768,77711,981,60710,212,830(372,062)1.5% 18) Homes (17,051,733) 21,541,684 4,489,951 3,911,366 17,401,828 22,018,258 4,616,430 (126,479)0.5% 19) Museum & Archives (35,304) 414,965 379,661 386,260 59,304 452,527 393,223 (13,562)0.1% 20) Library Services (252,678) 2,655,272 2,402,594 2,410,003 219,127 2,689,428 2,470,301 (67,707)0.3% 21) Information Technology (5,000) 717,257 712,257 684,293 - 830,094 830,094 (117,837)0.5% 22) Provincial Offences (1,507,791) 1,440,801 (66,990)(72,325)1,535,791 1,462,147 (73,643) 6,654 0.0% 23) Collections (474,998) 453,735 (22,940)(21,263) 474,998 453,735 (21,264) 0 0.0% 24) Ambul. & Emergency Meas. (6,004,196) 8,564,679 2,560,483 2,816,158 6,079,941 8,828,480 2,748,539 (188,055)0.7% 25) Econ.Dev'l, Tourism & Plan. (195,923) 1,319,191 1,123,268 1,029,954 121,835 1,300,067 1,178,232 (54,964)0.2% 26) Departmental (27,686,488) 51,540,401 24,353,038 23,838,389 28,107,372 53,391,901 25,284,528 (931,490)3.7% (56,550,730) 60,136,877 2,620,266 525,940 57,474,168 60,550,926 3,076,757 (456,491) 27) Elgin County Levy Increase (1,516,230)1,516,230 6.0% Net Income 60,550,92658,990,398 1,560,528 1,059,738 26,619,39125,103,161 Memo: Levy 210 M:\Financial Services\SummaryOperating Budget 12/02/2013 1:51 PM Attachment I COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law 13-04 SCHEDULE C PROPERTY CLASS20122013 % Change% Change TAX RATESTAX RATESTAX RATESssessment A RESIDENTIAL0.572081%0.591005%3.31%2.9% MULTI-RESIDENTIAL1.341988%1.386380%3.31%1.9% FARMLAND AWAITING DEVELOPMENT - RESIDENTIAL0.286041%0.295503%3.31%15.4% COMMERCIAL OCCUPIED0.936840%0.967830%3.31%-4.8% COMMERCIAL VACANT LAND0.655776%0.677469%3.31%-7.5% INDUSTRIAL OCCUPIED1.272937%1.315045%3.31%-5.2% INDUSTRIAL VACANT LAND0.827401%0.854771%3.31%-8.3% LARGE INDUSTRIAL OCCUPIED1.620019%1.673608%3.31%-8.4% LARGE INDUSTRIAL VACANT 1.053029%1.087863%3.31%-19.2% PIPELINES0.654804%0.676464%3.31%-3.7% FARM 0.143020%0.147751%3.31%14.1% MANAGED FORESTS0.143020%0.147751%3.31%14.1% Definition: "Tax rate" means the tax rate to be levied against property expressed as a percentage, to six decimal places, of the assessment of the property. 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 CLOSED MEETING AGENDA February 12, 2013 Staff Reports: 1) Director of Human Resources – Municipal Act, Section 240.2 (d) labour relations or employee negotiations – Labour Relations Matters – Collective Agreement Approval – Service Employees International Union (SEIU). Correspondence: 1)Municipal Act, Section 240.2 (b) personal matters about an identifiable individual, including municipal or local board employees – Confidential Nomination Request. 341