1233 /_-~ Warden 4' Clerk 7 County Council Ohambers, Munioi Aldborough Dunwioh Southwold Yarmouth Malahide Bayham south Dorchester Aylmer st. SCHEDULE Total 20,381 22,265 28,0'13 29,225 18,925 13,341 11,855 8,n7 Thomas, 14th June, Munioi Dutton Port stanley Springfield Vienna Rodney West Lorne 1935 $16'1.030 Total 2,819 5,185 1,016 665 2,31'1 2,246 2. That the sum of One :Hundred and Sixty-seven Thousand and Thirty Dollars be raised and levied in the several munio- ipalities of the County, according to the following Schedule and that the amounts as entered therein be paid to the Oounty Treasurer as by law re~uired 1. That a rate of 5t milles on the Dollar be levied on all rateable property in the several municipalities in the Oounty of Elgin, as above set forth, for the year 1935, to raise the following amounts ÇL the THEREFORE the Council County of Elgin enaots of the Munioipal Corporation Munici Aldborough Dunwich Southwold Yarmouth Malahide Bayham South Dorchester Aylmer Dutton Port Stanley Springfield Vienna Rodney West Lorne 3,'105,658 4.048,205 5,104,2'16 5,313,553 3,440,9'16 2,425,'135 2,155,584 1,585,082 512,653 942,889 184,874 121,044 421,450 408,366 $30,3'10.345 of Tot~l Equalized Value $ AND W:HEREAS the assessment of property ascertained and e~ualized is as follows: of the County as AND WliEREAS the rates are re~uired to be apportioned on the basis of the assessment of property as e~ualized, AND WHEREAS by the Assessment Aot, this Council is re~uired to direct what portion of the sum to be levied for County purposes shall be levied in ~ach municipality in the County MfEREAS an estimate has been made showing that the sum One Hundred and Sixty-seven Thousand and Thirty Dollars is re~uired to be raised in the several munioipalities for the lawful purposes of the Oounty during the year 1935, of Durin the Year 1935 To Raise Amounts BY-LAW NO. for Count 1233 Rates