1234 BY-LAW No. 1234 To Designate Through H s The Elgin County Council enacts That Bridge street in the Village of Port Stanley at the intersection of County Road Number 20 be designated as athDough highway. That Joseþh Street in the Village of Port stanley at the interseotion of East street, County Road Number 24 be designated as a through highway. Read a third time and þassed at County Council Chambers St. Thomas 14th of June 1935. ( / ~ (~.~ . ... Clerk Warden Thls wlll acknowledge receip't; of your letter of July 28th addressed to the Minister of' Highways and enclosing copies of By-law No. 1234 of. the COilllty of Elgin designating two County roads in the Village of Port Stanley as through highways. - -~~-'~~'--' lnasmuch as Port Stanley is an incorporated village, we are of the opinion that a by-law of this nature should be passed by the !v!uniclpal Councll rather than the Count'y Councj>l and would suggest that you take steps to have the Vj>llage Council re-enact thls by'-law. In the meantime, Departmental approval of the County by'-law ls being wi thheld. >.~--'" . Re istrar K. W. MclDly,Esq., County Clerk, St. Thomas, Ontario. IF YOU CHANGE YOUR ADDRESS NOTIFY THE DEPARTMENT IMMEDIATELY Dear Sir TOHONTO, August 14th, 1935. ~ CJH:ES ONTARIO MOTOR VEHICLES BRANCH DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS 'MOTORISTS DRIVE CAREFULLY WITH CONSIDERATION FOR THE CONVENIENCE AS WELL AS THE SAFETY OF OTHERS MARK REPLY FOR ATTENTION OF